Evening Program before Adi Shakti Puja Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Evening Program before Adi Shakti Puja 1993 [6:40]You see, there are small children here, so I was thinking the children should go after their program, before the danse to Daglio. And some ladies should go with them because they will be fast asleep. Some ladies can join them. And the rest of us can stay here for the danse. Because they were saying it will be very late for the children to go. All right.Whenever you feel that children should go, you can go to Daglio. But best is you can wait in there, in Palazzo Doria, you can wait there. If children are troublesome or anything, you can take the children to this house of mine, wait there until everybody assembles, then you can take your children away. All right? But I think they will be all right.May God bless you. [3:25:28]Shri Mataji: … And not so much of Bharatanatyam, it’s true? [Hindi]But in that one, it had the jalat of Odissi, Because, you see, Gita Govind is mostly done by Odissi people. And they don’t have steps like them, [unsure] too much movement of the body. I was wondering about it, doesn’t matter. So, the Odissi danse is another style but this Bharatanatyam danse also, I think you saw it when you were in Madras last time, when we saw that Ramayana. That was the same. And the Kuchipudi is another one, which you know that our children are learning now in Dharamshala which is also a very Read More …