Adi Shakti Puja: The Fruit of Knowledge Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Shri Adi Shakti Kundalini Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 6 June 1993. Today we are all going to worship Me – first time. It has always been the puja of an aspect of Me or a part of Me. Now, one has to know very clearly what is Adi Shakti.As we say, it is the pure desire of God Almighty, of Sadashiva. But what is the pure desire of God Almighty? If you see your own desires, come out of what? Not out of the Divine love but out of carnal love, out of material love, out of power love. Behind all these desires there is love.If you do not love something you will not desire it. So, these mundane types of love that you have, for which we spend so much of our time uselessly, actually they do not give you satisfaction, because that is not true love that you have. Just infatuation for the time being, and then you just get fed up with it, and from there you jump to another thing, to another thing, to another thing. So, Adi Shakti is the embodiment of God’s Divine Love, is God’s pure love, and in his love what did He desire? He desired that He should create human beings, who would be very obedient, would be sublime, would be like angels. And that was His idea: to create Adam and Eve. So, angels have no freedom, angels are made like that. They are fixed, they don’t know why they Read More …