Evening Program  Kalwa (India)

1970-01-01 Talk English Marathi Hindi DP Opt HD, 33′ [Unclear] आपने इन्हे पहचाना नही, मैने तो पहचान लिया. आप तशरीफ़ रखिए.आशीष, इनकी वाइफ को बुला लो. [Translation : You didn’t recognize him, I did. Please have a seat. Ashish, call his wife.] [Unclear/ Shri Mataji asks to give saree in Marathi language].  उसमे वाइब्रटेड पानी दे देना. आप पहनिएगा ज़रूर. आशीर्वाद. बहुत बड़िया बच्चे हैं. वाह वाह वाह क्या कहने. [Translation: Give vibrated water in it. Please do wear it. They are very nice children. Wow wow wow what to say.] Please be seated. It was really such a unique day and such a performance. Words really are not sufficient to describe our joy but as you are seeing today about anand vihari I saw all of you becoming ananda viharis absolutely. Now we have before us such a great artist. His name is, you know Ustad Amjad Ali Khan Sahab  but have you seen the word  ali there? Perhaps you do not know that we worship Ali and Fatima Bi in a puja. There’s a regular puja for them because to us they are Brahamadeva itself and that’s why you will find among these Shia people who have got such a talent of expression. In the Quran, I am sorry to say that Mohammed Sahib was tortured so much and also later on as you know Hassan and Hussein were killed in Karbella. They had no time to talk about the universal nature. But such a great book is Read More …

Ardha Matra Volume 2 Interview (India)

Ardha Matra Volume 2 Interview Translation from Hindi Reporter: Through Kundalini awakening we can achieve our Self-realization.  In various ancient scriptures too, it has been described. The founder of Sahaja Yoga, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has given experience of self-realization through Kundalini awakening, to hundreds of thousands of people throughout the world. Sahaja yoga is gaining popularity in more than seven countries as of today. Ardha Matra had an exclusive meeting with Shri Mataji about the Kundalini power and Sahaja yoga. We are presenting excerpts from the same interview… Reporter: In Ramayana TV serial, we watched Sage Valmiki giving knowledge of Kundalini power to princes Luv and Kush. Kindly tell us in details about this happening and Kundalini power. Shri Mataji: Kundalini power does reside within us. If Valmiki told about this, then it must be true because he was a great man.  He knew that no matter how much knowledge one attains but until unless self-realisation is achieved, one remains incomplete. Now about this power… in our country many people knew about this for ages and they were called Gurus..masters [sadguru].  These people had attained this knowledge through very hard penance. A power names as Kundalini resides in our triangular bone. And we call it Kundalini because it’s sits in the shape of three and a half coil. It is very surprising it that even Greeks knew about this. Because the triangular bone where Kundalini resides, they call it “Sacrum” (means sacred) bone. It means there is this sacred Read More …