Evening Program 

Kalwa (India)

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1970-01-01 Talk English Marathi Hindi DP Opt HD, 33′

[Unclear] आपने इन्हे पहचाना नही, मैने तो पहचान लिया. आप तशरीफ़ रखिए.आशीष, इनकी वाइफ को बुला लो. [Translation : You didn’t recognize him, I did. Please have a seat. Ashish, call his wife.]

[Unclear/ Shri Mataji asks to give saree in Marathi language].  उसमे वाइब्रटेड पानी दे देना. आप पहनिएगा ज़रूर. आशीर्वाद. बहुत बड़िया बच्चे हैं. वाह वाह वाह क्या कहने. [Translation: Give vibrated water in it. Please do wear it. They are very nice children. Wow wow wow what to say.]

Please be seated.

It was really such a unique day and such a performance. Words really are not sufficient to describe our joy but as you are seeing today about anand vihari I saw all of you becoming ananda viharis absolutely. Now we have before us such a great artist. His name is, you know Ustad Amjad Ali Khan Sahab  but have you seen the word  ali there? Perhaps you do not know that we worship Ali and Fatima Bi in a puja. There’s a regular puja for them because to us they are Brahamadeva itself and that’s why you will find among these Shia people who have got such a talent of expression. In the Quran, I am sorry to say that Mohammed Sahib was tortured so much and also later on as you know Hassan and Hussein were killed in Karbella. They had no time to talk about the universal nature. But such a great book is this Quran. We have written now some sort of a commentary on that and it’s obvious that he was the incarnation of the primordial master though he was so humble he was so much worried that he should not be called as divine because people will again start doing all kinds of ritualism. But now you can see specially on tabla. Left side of a musalman is always very strong. मानी हुई बात है. [Translation: It is a well known fact] . This is  the blessing of that great incarnation of Ali. Brahamadeva  incarated only twice. One was Ali who was not understood even by the followers, Mohammad Sahab. It’s always so. But we know who he is and we worship him.  हमारे यहाँ रेग्युलर पूजा होती है उनकी. एक पूजा में से उनकी एक पूजा है. [Translation : We regularly have His pooja here. It is one of the poojas done.] and by taking his name we have cured many diabetic patients. But before that we have to be connected with that divine power. 

Now I see two great saints sitting next to Amjad Ali Sahab. They are really saints, born realised. You can see that. Otherwise at this young age they cannot be so deft. They cannot be you see. Such understanding, rapport and deftness from last life. Might be they might have been with Tansen or someone  I don’t know but really they are prodigies. And such prodigies are now born to great artists is also the blessing of the Divine I think. You choose your parents no doubt. But they should be born to such great artist itself, it shows their own choice, and they are saints. I am happy they have come to Maharashtra because you know Maharashtrians are absolutely drowned into music. 

We had saints and saints and musician  saints, all kinds of things but we had no saints yet who had playing sarod. So such beautiful things you see nowadays happening in this world that these great people are taking birth in the families of great artists because they know the value of this art. Of this great classical music art. You also now realise. I know because now you are realised souls and you understand it and you don’t like cheap type music. But see their dignity, their style and everything. Of course I always felt Amjad Ali was like my son. Always. He is Khan Sahab, he  is a big man I know but I always felt that kind of a feeling for him because he has that humility. With all that art, with all that creativity he is so humble. He is not at all conscious of his own achievements at all. I give really a great credit to him and to his two children also. You know how difficult it is for me to be your mother and your guru. It is a very difficult situation. In the same way a father being your guru is very difficult, especially for such a music which requires complete तपश्चर्या [Hindi word meaning “the practice of penance”], complete dedication and complete respect of your guru. When he is your father it’s very difficult. I don’t know how things are being managed by these children and how they have imbibed these things and such respect for their father. Because they see what art he has. I feel a great vision is before Me of this great music and through music you have seen the chaitanya, the vibrations are carried everywhere. So how far can you think of the dimensions in which all this beautiful divine music will spread. I invite also Ustad Amjad Ali Khan Sahab  to my house in Cabella. 

I am not such a rich person. I won’t be able to really give you support you the way I would like to support all the artists. By all the audience, I always say they have got the blessings of the Saraswati but you must look after their Laksmi side. But I am not so well off I should say. Whatever is possible I would try to look after specially..

Ustad Amjad Ali Khan: [Unclear/we need your blessings, your love].

Shri Mataji :  आइए तो सही. देखिए आपका घर है बच्चों को भी ले आइए. [Please do come. It’s your own home. Get children also. ] With what meditative mood he was singing, just think and he put you into meditation. Of course yaman raga  is a very simple, beautiful raga. The way he played and his children. I must say this I’ve never heard such yaman raga [Hindi] before. Never heard. I must confess. I am the oldest woman here. I have heard all kinds of people all my life but never such good yaman raga I have heard. It’s such a you see trigun  [Hindi for “The three dimensions.”]because it was not jugalbandi [Hindi for duet] but three persons trigunamika was playing. With such poise, such dignity, such beauty. You all have enjoyed. I don’t know how to thank Amjad Ali Sahab  for coming himself and bringing his children to give us this joy. Also the raga darbari [unclear]   which you all appreciate very much and enjoy. But I think you really got lost with him completely. It was very meditative, very, very meditative and I think all your thoughts had stopped completely. You had reached a state of nirvichara. I also was in another world of music. Then the khamaj and the bhajan which was the favourite song of Mahatma Gandhi. Unfortunately Mahatma Gandhi never knew how to play any sarod nor he knew how to sing. 

You know I have been with him as a child for years together. But such an interesting person he was that he could immediately make out if somebody was making any mistakes in the tala or in the swaras. Surprisingly he never knew Indian music but he had that spirit within him. Immediately he used to say this is wrong and he respected music very much. Very much he respected music and in his music he – you know that very well that his भजानवली [Hindi word “list of hymns”]  was selected by me quite a lot, especially the first prayer service. He used to ask though he was a realised soul he used people who were of very mundane type, very ordinary materialistic people for the freedom of this country. I don’t know he was like some sort of a पारस पत्थर [ Hindi word similar to “The Philosopher’s Stone”] as they say who just touches something becomes gold. He was that kind of a leader who gave us such a great idea of सर्वधर्म स्मानत्व [Hindi for “all religions equal”] . But more than that is in Sahaja Yoga.

We do not feel that all dharma’s are equal but we worship all of them. इबादत करते हैं सबके.[We worship all]  All of them because they were all great people born on the tree of life as beautiful flowers. Now you pluck them and the dead flowers will fight. But they worked only for divinity and spirituality and nothing else. How could they work for anything else? But we have as human beings always tried to make a mess of everything. But Sahaja Yoga – all the Sahaja Yogis worship them and this is the difference. Just feeling the same way about say Hindu, Muslims and all that is different from to worship Mohammed Sahib as well as Shri Rama or Shri Krishna. It’s much deeper because we know they are all one. They said the same thing. They never wanted to create problems like this and in the music you find you forget all your differences, your so-called bands, your countries, nations. Now you won’t believe there are 55 nations sitting before you. Fifty five nations. We have Muslims from Iran, from Algeria, from Tunisia. Also there are so many of them who are now absolutely achieved a state of Sufi. We respect and worship all the great saints. In India also we had a very big movement I should say of the great saints . As निज़ामुद्दीन ख़ान साहब You know that निज़ामुद्दीनwas  another realised soul Chishti  where they sing] in the qawallis [Urdu word meaning carols]. They  never – how could Mohammad Sahab say that you should not have music how is it possible? How can it be? It’s absolutely wrong, impossible there’s not much of a difference between वैष्णवजन [Hindi “Vaishnavajana”] and the sufis. They are just the same. How could he say such a thing and how could Christ say that you can have wine? All this is some sort of a manipulation I think. Is impossible. Music is divine. Of course cheap type music would be very different. But without music how are you going to worship God? How are you going to feel Him? Only at the time of meditation you can be silent. But this music that you have heard today has shown you how we were all tied in one sutra [Hindi “सूत्र” ], into one beautiful feeling of one-ness.

So many countries are here. They have never learnt any classical music. They don’t know any ragas. They don’t know any talas. Nothing. But the way they appreciate you’ll be surprised, it’s only because now they have become the spirit. रूह बन गयी. They are रूह now. और रूहानी ज़िंदगी में संगीत का बड़ा कार्य है इसीलिए मैं इसको बहुत ज़्यादा जितना भी हो सकता है उतना चाहती हूँ की उसे प्रोत्साहन हूँ उसको प्रमोट करूँ उसको आग्गे बड़ाऊ जितना मुझसे बन पड़ता है. क्योंकि दूसरा बड़ा भारी काम मुझे करना है की अनेक लोगों को उस परमात्मा की शक्ति से एकाकारिता दें. लेकिन ये भी एक संगीत मध्यम बन गया और जब अमज़द अली जैसे लोग हैं और सफ़ाद हुसैन जैसे ताल्बध्ध लोग हैं तो कुछ मुश्किल नही होगा. 

[Translation: And music has a great role in spiritual life, that’s why I want to support it as much as possible, encourage it, promote it, promote it as much as I can. Because I have to do another big heavy work  that to give unity to many people with the power of that God. But this also became a musical medium and when there are people like Amjad Ali and rhythmic people like Safad Hussain then nothing will be difficult.]

मैं तो हर बार देखती हूँ की ये नये नये मुखड़े पता नही कहाँ से ले आते हैं हर बार कभी इन्होने रिपीट नही किये. जीतने बार भी सुनिये नये ही मुखड़े बजा लेते हैं पता नही कैसे. सब चीज़ें इतनी सुंदर हैं इतनी दैवीय और इतनी आनंद दाई हैं की उनका वर्णन तो नही किया जा सकता लेकिन हमारे सहजयोग में हर योगी के हृदय में आप सब artist के लिए नितांत श्रद्धा और आपको सब बहुत प्रेम और आदर से देखते हैं. इसकी ये वजह नही की मेरे ही कारण है इसकी ये भी वजह है की जानते हैं की इनके गाने से हमारी जो अंदर शक्तियाँ है वो दैविक हो जाती हैं.

[Translation:I see every time that I don’t know from where they get these new chorus, they have never repeated them every time. Everything is so beautiful, so divine and so blissful that it cannot be described, but in our Sahaja Yoga, every yogi has a lot of reverence for all of you artists and looks at you all with great love and respect. The reason for this is not because it is because of me, it is also because we know that by singing his songs, our inner powers become divine.]

इन लोग का नूर ही बदल गया मैं तो कहती हू इनके genetics बदल गए सबके और ये चीज़ में जो भी हुआ है जो भी घटित हुआ है जो भी चीज़ बन पड़ी है उसमे आप कलाकारो का बड़ा भारी हाथ है. इसलिए मैं आपको बहुत धन्यवाद देती हू इसके लिए.

[Translation:The light [Aura/divine light] of these people has changed, I can say that their genetics have changed and you artists have a big hand in whatever has happened, whatever has happened. That’s why I thank you very much for this.]

Want to say something? [unclear] ये कहीं से टोपियाँ लेके आए हैं आपको खुश करने के लिए. [They have got caps from somewhere to please you.]

You are not supposed to wear topis in front of such great artists. उतारलीजिए. [Please remove] [Unclear]

Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji it’s very difficult to use words after music and it’s very difficult to use words after you have spoken. We heard many performances of great musicians but as soon as these great artists came in we felt that we would be in your दरबार at home with someone who would play with the strings of our heart and that’s what happened. We were I don’t know where Shri Mataji. Certainly in joy. We were feeling the closeness. We were proud of him as if we were his children or his family. 

Sahaja Yogi: This is strange to have such a feeling for someone one has never met. We all see so very much and enjoy the joyful and buoyant performance of the tabla player who was sending notes of merriness and joy and we were very impressed by the children of the great artist. Shri Mataji, on behalf of all the Sahajis of all the world I would like also to thank Rajesha  who has provided us the opportunity to see you so pleased Shri Mataji, because this is what we have enjoyed. In so many words, thank you very much for an exceptional evening. Thank you.

Shri Mataji : Something small from you all [Unclear].     ये इन लोगों ने कुछ आपके लिए इंतज़ामात किए हुए हैं. इसको मान लीजिए थोड़ी सी चीज़ सब को मिलकरके जो कुछ हो पाया. अभी दस दिन हर रोज़ रात को एक एक आर्टिस्ट आते रहे. तो हमारे बात को आप टालिएगा नहीं. आपको आना होगा कबेला और वहाँ पर एक बहुत ऊपर में ऐसी जगह बनी है कि वहाँ बैठ करके आप बस गाते ही रहिए या बजाते ही रहिए. बहुत सुंदर जगह. एकदम शांत नीरव जगह. आप तो आ चुके हैं, आपने ऊपर की जगह देखी है हमारी? इतमीनान से आइए और रहिए आपकी माँ का घर है आराम से बच्चों को भी ले आइए.

[Translation: These people have made some arrangements for you. Consider it a small thing, whatever was possible by working together. Now for ten days, every night let one artist come. Please do come. You have to come to Kabela and there is such a place at the very top that you just keep on singing or playing while sitting there. Very beautiful place. Very quiet place. You have come, have you seen our place above? Come and stay in peace, it is your mother’s house, get your children ]

Amjad Ali Khan : [Unclear]

Shri Mataji : हाँ ज़रूर इनके लिए तो हमने खास चीज़ कही है की ये हमारी सारी ज़रूर पहनेंगी. अच्छा?  इनमें तो इतना फ़रक अगया है बाप रे. बहुत खुश. [Yes. Please. We have asked her for a special thing, please do wear this saree. You have changed so much. Very pleased.]

Amjad Ali Khan’s Wife: माताजी आपका इज़ाज़त हो तो मैं, I would like to say a few words. On behalf of Mataji when Pragya Srivastav rang us up she wrote a formal letter and since I deal with Khan Sahab’s correspondence I just said in a normal way I started writing since Mataji said about Lakshmi and Saraswati. I have to mention this to you. I wrote that Lakshmi part of it. Then she wrote saying Mataji is going to be here and this is a संस्था [Hindi: sanstha]. I said you asked me that’s why I wrote. I didn’t say you have to do anything for us. We just need your blessings and I humbly requested to Pragya ji and told her I’ll be very happy. We both will be really honoured and blessed if Mataji bless the children. So this is the first time we plan to bring mainly because of You Mataji 

Shri Mataji : May God Bless

Amjad Ali Khan’s Wife:  the children and fourteen years ago when I was with Khan Sahab. Marrying a handsome man and marrying an artist who is loved by all was a very difficult job for me to face the world and I did not know marrying a musician where I ended up. And I was very disturbed when I went to Mataji and I literally started crying. She took me to a room and sat with Her. She blessed me. Ever since then I don’t think I have ever looked back with Her blessings.

Amjad Ali Khan: And she has cooled down since then. 

Amjad Ali Khan’s Wife: Art and culture I think without the love of people, the listeners and of course the blessings of people like Mataji and God it cannot be music. So I think with all Your blessings and all your blessings Mataji may it flourish more and more.

Shri Mataji: May God bless you. May God bless you. [Unclear] इन लोगों ने इंतज़ाम किया है आपके लिए मेरा कोई इंतज़ाम नहीं है.[Unclear]  इसको बड़ाते जाइएएगा. इस पानी को बड़ाते जाईएगा. तीन डॉक्टर ओं को देल्ही में MD मिली है सहज योग मे. बिमरिया ठीक कर दी. Dr Rai आए हुए हैं यहाँ पर. इन्होने अभी किताब लिखी हुई है. यहाँ पर बैठे हैं. कभी कभी शराब जैसी टेस्ट आजाती है. कोई हर्ज़ नहीं.

[Translation: Please take this vibrated water. Keep increasing it. 3 Doctors have got MD in Sahaja Yoga. They have treated diseases. Dr Rai is here. He has written a book. He is sitting here. It tastes like wine sometimes (Referring to the vibrated water) Doesn’t matter.]

Shri Mataji: This is what happened when Christ vibrated the water it tasted like grape juice. But they said it was wine. But this is the word used in Hebrew – wine for a grape juice. How can you make wine in one minute instantaneously? It has to ferment. It has to rot. It has to become absolutely rotten, otherwise it’s not wine. So this is such a misunderstanding. That’s why Mohammed Sahab had to say it again and again. इसको माना कर दिया. उस व्क़त नहीं थी तो नानक साहब ने कहाँ मत पियो. कोई अच्छी चीज़ें थोड़ी हैं. [Nanak Sahab also said the same. It is not a good thing]

Amjad Ali Khan : Mataji, मोहम्मद साहब को अज़ान सुनने का बड़ा शौक था. [Mohammad Sahib was very fond of listening to Azan.]

Shri Mataji:  किसका? [of what?]

Amjad Ali Khan :अज़ान जो देते हैं. [ Azan.]]

Shri Mataji:  हाँ. [Yes]

Amjad Ali Khan :ऐसे सुर में अज़ान देते थे. [He used to give Azaan in such a tone.]

Shri Mataji:  उन्होने जितना आपका नमाज़ है, वो नमाज़ क्या चीज़ है मालूम है आपको? कुण्डलिनी का जागरण. हमारे यहाँ तो मंत्र है अल्लाह हो अकबर. उसके बगैर गला नहीं ठीक होगा. आप ये बात समझ लीजिए की कहाँ मोहम्मद साहब हैं और कहाँ सब लोग हैं और कैसे इनकी रिश्तेदारी है और हम लोग बेकार ही में परेशान हो रहे हैं. अब ये लोग बैठ ही गए ना उसपे. समझने की चीज़ है. और आप लोग पहले समझ सकते हो क्योंकि आप लोग आर्टिस्ट हो. You must explain to them. आप लोग किसी दिन जा करके. आप दिल्ली में रहते हैं ना?

[Translation: Do you know what Namaz  is? Awakening of Kundalini. Our mantra here is Allah Ho Akbar. Throat will not heal without it. You should understand where Mohammad Sahab is and where all the people are and how are they related and we are unnecessarily getting worried. Now these people have sat on it, haven’t they? It is something to be understood. And you guys can understand first because you guys are artists. You must explain to them. You guys go someday. You live in Delhi don’t you? ]

 हाँ, Dr साहब आप कभी जा करके समझाइये क्या चीज़ है. इसको इतनी गहराई से आप जान जाइएएगा और असलियत में की ये tangible है. आप महसूस कर सकते हैं. अब उन्होने कहा ना “वैष्णव जन तो तेने कहिये “. अब ये सब वैष्णव हैं क्योंकि central path से ये सब उठे हुए हैं. वैष्णव हैं ये सब. और “जो पीर पराई जाने रे” अब पीर पराई ये लोग दिमाग़ से नही जानते, उंगलियों के इशारे पे.

[Translation: Yes, Dr sir, you go sometime and explain what it is. You will know it so deeply and in reality that it is tangible. you can feel. Now he said, “Vaishnav jan to tene kahiye”. Now all these are Vaishnavas because they all have risen from the central path. All of them are Vaishnavas. And “Jo pir parai jaane re” Now these people don’t know about “ peer parayi” not by their mind, on the their fingers.]

 सारा diagnosis उंगलियों पे होता है.इसके लिए doctor के पास जाने की ज़रूरत नही. कुछ नही उंगलियों पे बता सकते हैं किसका क्या चक्र पकड़ा है. किसका नहीं पकड़ा है. कौन realized soul है कौन नही. ठगा नही सकते क्योंकि वहाँ पहुच गये हैं जहाँ absolute truth है अब इनको कोई ठगा नहीं सकता. 

[Translation: All the diagnosis is done on the fingers. There is no need to go to the doctor for this. Everything can be told on the fingers which chakra has been caught. Whose has not been caught. Who is a realized soul and who is not. Can’t cheat because they have reached the place where there is absolute truth, now no one can cheat them.]

और इस दशा में चाहती हूँ की अपने देश के मुसलमान आजाएँ. एक तो मुझे कभी कभी रोना आता है देखके बहुत ग़रीबी  में बहुत परेशानी में इतने सालों से हैन.उन्हे किसी तरह से वो स्थान मिला ही नही जो मिलना चाहिए था. कितने सारे आर्टिस्ट हैं जिनको मैं जानती हूँ जो बहुत परेशान हैं. 

[Translation: And in this situation, I want the Muslims of our country to come. Firstly, I feel like crying sometimes seeing that they have been in a lot of trouble in poverty for so many years. Somehow they did not get the place which they should have got. There are so many artists whom I know who are very upset.]

उसकी वजह ये ही है की हर समय अलग अलग हड़ताते गये हड़ताते गये. तुम कोई दूसरे, तुम कोई दूसरे. इसीलये इतनी परेशानियाँ और ग़रीबी इस कदर है की मैं तो देख नही सकती.इतने बड़े बड़े आर्टिस्ट हैं इतने बड़े बड़े आर्टिस्ट हैं और बिल्कुल ग़रीब. जब समझ आएगी तब आएगी समझ. की हम सब एक हैं कIहे के लिए झगड़ा कIहे के लिए. तो आप सहज को समझ लिजिये.

[Translation: The reason for this is that all the time they kept on saying you are separate. You someone else, you someone else. That’s why there are so many problems and poverty is so much that I can’t see. There are so many big artists, so many big artists and very poor. When there is understanding then there will be understanding. That we all are one for what to fight for. So you understand Sahaj.]

सहज को समझते ही सब मज़ा आएगा क्योंकि वही मोहम्मद साहब ने भी यही  कहा कि आपको वली होना है. ये तो सब वली बैठे हैं आपके सामने. और आप भी वाली हो गए अब. आपके भी हो हाथ में ठंडक अराही है. देखिए बच्चो से पूचिये. हाथ हमारी और करो बेटा. देखो ऐसे दोनो हाथ करो. दोनो हाथ ऐसे.

[Translation: Everything will be fun as soon as you understand Sahaj, because the same Mohammad Saheb also said that you have to be a “Wali”. All of them are sitting in front of you. And you have also become one now. You also have coolness in your hands. See, ask the children. Do your hands like this, son. Look, do both hands like this. Both hands like this.]

हमारी और. ऐसे हाथ करिए. दोनो दोनो हाथ. आरही है ठंडक? आराही है ना. ये तो पार ही पैदा हुए हैं. आप देखिए आपके भी अराही  है. आपके  तो आ ही रहे थे पहले भी. आपके आरही हैं बेटा? इनके तो खूब ज़ोरों में. और यहाँ पर भी सर से से भी निकल रहा है. ठंडक सिर से निकल रहा है. यही है इसे ही कहते हैं. यही रूह है. इसिको चैतन्य कहते हैं. कोई रूह कहे चाहे चैत्न्य है तो वही चीज़. 

[Translation: Towards me. Keep hands like this. Both hands. Is it getting cold? Isn’t it?  They are born reslized. You see, you also are feeling it. For you it was coming earlier also. They are very strong. And here also it is coming out of the head. Coldness is coming out of the head. That’s what it’s called. This is the “Rooh”. This is called “Chaitanya”.Whether you call it “Rooh” or  “Chaitanya”, it is the same thing.]

So now he is in our family. 

आपको हर देश में रिश्तेदार मिलेंगे. हर देश में, जहाँ भी आप पहुच जाइए. [Translation: You will find relatives in every country. In every country, wherever you reach.]

Amjad Ali Khan : माताजी गुलज़ार साहब भी आपकी फॅमिली में हो गए हैं. गुलज़ार साहब भी आए हुए हैं. [Translation: Mataji Gulzar saheb has also become in your family. Gulzar sahib has also come.]

Shri Mataji: गुलज़ार साहब मुझे भूल गए. मैं आपसे मिल चुकी हूँ आपको याद है क्या? पूछिए. नही होगा. मैं शास्त्री जी के साथ आई थी. आपके conference हुई थी ना youth उसकी मीना कुमारी जी थीं, दिलीप कुमार थे. सब लोग आप भी उसमे तशरीफ़ लाए थे. ये तो कमाल के आर्टिस्ट हैं ये गुलज़ार साहब. क्या लिखते हैं. मैने यही पूछा ये वही गुलज़ार साहब हैं. 

[Translation: Gulzar saheb forgot me. I have met you, do you remember? I had come with Shastriji. You had a youth conference, Meena Kumari ji was there, Dilip Kumar was there. Everyone, you also came there. Gulzar sahab is an amazing artist. He writes so well? This is what I asked, is this the same Gulzar sahib?]

मैं मिल चुकी हूँ आपसे पेह्लेऽअप मुझे शायद भूल गए होंगे. मैं भूलती नही किसी को मिलने के बाद एक बार. आप भी इसमे समाइए. आप बहुत इसके लिए. इसके लायक हैं बहुत. गुलज़ार साहब में बहुत कला है बहुत कला है. इसको पाते ही देखिए चमक जाएँगे. खुश रहिए. बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद. आप लोग वापस जाइएएगा मुंबई? 

[Translation: I have met you before, you might have forgotten me. I do not forget after meeting someone once. You are very worthy of it. There is a lot of art in Gulzar sahab, there is a lot of art. See, you will shine as soon as you get it. Stay happy. Thank you very much. Will you guys go back to Mumbai?]

Amjad Ali Khan : जी हाँ. [Yes]

Shri Mataji: कब जा रहे हैं वापस ? खाना वाना खाया की नही? [Unclear] मैं भी खाना नही खाती जब तक किसी का प्रोग्राम होता है. [Unclear] 

[Translation: When are you going back? Did you eat or not? I also do not eat food until someone has a program.]