Birthday Puja: Power of Attention Kolkata (India)

Birthday Puja. Calcutta (India), 21 March 1994. Every year we have birthdays of various people, and every year we make a vow that, “This year I will not do this or I will not do that.” This is a very good way of seeing how far we have come in life. Many people who really have achieved a very great height in their spiritual life did not need a birthday. But every day they felt it’s a birthday to start, to go ahead, to understand, to learn. Every day is a New Year for them.      In our own life we see that our surroundings change very slowly. Sometimes it is shocking; sometimes you are surprised how the surroundings are not changing. But, in a subtle way, there is a tremendous change that is happening within us and without. The whole atmosphere today is governed by human beings. I don’t know how far Paramchaitanya works it out, but it is for us to open ourselves to new dimensions in our lives. For example, if we find we still have, through our introspection, we locate that we have these old, subtle, nonsensical things still hanging around us, we don’t have to vow for it. You have to just witness it, and the destructive path it is taking you to. Immediately you will give up. You don’t have to worry as to put a vow upon yourself, because now you are “samartha” [capable], meaning now you are absolutely empowered. Whatever you think is Read More …

Interview Kolkata (India)

1994-03-21 Interview with H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Question: The first question i want to ask you is what is your concept of meditation? Shri Mataji: Meditation you cannot do, you have to be in meditation, it’s a state of meditation. Like some people say that you can sit like this prink like this and with that you will go into meditative state, you cannot, because always your mind is jumping on the crests of your thoughts, they come from the future and the past, and you cannot think of the present, you cannot come to the present, and when you are in meditation then you are in present you don’t think, it’s called as “Nirvachara Samadhi” Question: This concept which you have evolved, what is the kind of response that you have received to this? Shri Mataji: You see the world is full of, these day, full of strife and all kinds of problems, and this is the time predicted already that people will start seeking the truth and there are seekers all over the world who are trying to seek their peace with in themselves. Now the problem is that there are many other institutions, organizations and individuals who have claimed that they can give you peace and you can get this type of [UNCLEAR], see that’s the big problem. But actually within us is a power which if it is awakened it connects you to the all-pervading power of divine love, which we call as “Brahma Chaitanya”. You can call it by other Read More …