Innately are we righteous? Canberra (Australia)

Public Program. Canberra (Australia), 8 April 1994. I think you can go down, there lots of seats still vacant. I bow to all the seekers of truth.  At the very outset I have to tell you that truth is what it is.  You cannot transform it, change it and unfortunately at this human awareness you cannot know it. Now whatever I am going to tell you today,  you need not believe blind folded,  you have already suffered a lot because of blind faith.  But if it is proved,  then as honest people you have to accept it.  Because it is for the benevolence of your being,  for the benevolence of your society,  your city,  your country and the world at large.   So one has to understand that we have not known so far the absolute truth.  If we had known the absolute truth,  there would not have been any problems whatsoever.  Because everybody would seethe same truth.  There cannot be so many types,  dogmas,  so many discussions, arguments whys and whats. If everybody sees the same point then who will fight? For example I am sitting before you,  you all see it clearly and you know it. You are not going to fight that I am here or not.  For that we need the last breakthrough of our evolution.  As human beings, still, we have freedom to think whatever we like but we haven’t got capacity to know the absolute truth.  If that is so and if there is a Read More …