Public Program and Impressions, Evening Natura Artis Magistra, Amsterdam (Holland)

Public Program in Hindi, Artis, Amsterdam, 31st July 1994, Translation I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all you should know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot describe it. And the biggest thing to understand is that it cannot have any kind of reconciliation, or compromise with untruth. Truth is absolute. It cannot be different. People talk of different things, there is definitely something wrong there. So one should know first what this truth is. Truth is that you are not this mind, body, not all your thoughts or your emotions. You are the true spirit. Unless you become one with the spirit you cannot get any satisfaction. Your search may never be over. So let us desire to become the spirit. People explain numerous things to you. Do this or that. Do penances, do fasts. You have done it all in your previous birth. This birth is to achieve the truth. And to get the truth, the right time has also come. It is very beautifully described in the “Nal Damayanti Vyakhyaan” how this time had to come. Once Nal caught hold of Kali and wanted to kill him, because Kali made him part with his wife. Nal said it is good for Kali to die. It should be his end. Kali said, “Let me die, but first hear my Mahatmya (significance).” “What is your Mahatmya? You only put confusion into the minds of people.” asked Nal. He replied, “When Read More …

Afternoon, Interview with Hindustan TV station Varikstraat Ashram, Amsterdam (Holland)

Interview with Hindustan TV station, Varikstraat Ashram, Amsterdam, 31st July 1994, English Transcript (in progress) Shri Mataji: If you speak?Interviewer: If you could speak a little loudly, we have the opportunity to have this small conversation for our newspaper for the Surinam Community here in Holland, especially the Hindu Community.Shri Mataji: Very good.Interviewer: First of all, we would like to know the Sahaja Yoga. Tell something, its importance to practice this for the- especially in this society.Shri Mataji: Very much important. Because, you see, this is- all this knowledge is from Indian philosophy. It’s a very ancient knowledge. They used to have, say, Vedas, we can call them. On the right side, they were searching for knowledge outside. And the another one was the knowledge about the worship, that we can call as the pujas and archas and all that. But in the center was the system for awakening your Kundalini and to making you a real Realized soul, that we call is the one who is knowledgeable, who is the Gnostic as they said, ‘gna’. […] Translation from Hindi Q: Shri Mataji, can you give your introduction in short? Shri Mataji: Introduction is such that, I belong to the family Shalivahanas. Both my father and mother were great disciples of Gandhiji. And my father was a member of the Constituent Assembly and also the parliament. My mother was honours in mathematics. I have a brother who is a cabinet minister. But spiritually it was my parents who recognised me, Read More …