An enlightened personality New York City (United States)

1994-10-03 Indian Public Program, New York ‘’I bow to all the seekers of truth.’’ The other day I told you, that truth is what it is, it has been, it is and it will be. We cannot change the truth, we cannot challenge it and unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot know it. Something more has to happen to us in our evolutionary process to know the truth. That’s why all the scriptures have said that you are to be born again. And in Sanskrit an enlightened soul is called as “ Dviijaha”and a bird is also called as Dviijaha, means twice-born. But when the bird comes as an egg, it grows, matures and then it becomes a bird. Now this bird has no resemblance with the egg which it was. In the same way one has to know that when you are born again then there is no resemblance between you and yourself which was in the past. You get completely transformed into a very different personality. Which is an enlightened personality. You have been already told about the subtle system we have within ourselves. This subtle system has been created throughout our evolutionary process. And now the last breakthrough has to take place. And this last breakthrough has to work out in these modern times, as we call it in Indian language ‘Kaliyuga’.and this is the worst ‘Kaliyuga’, I mean the ‘Ghor Kaliyuga’.At this time the people will get into illusions and they will be frustrated, and Read More …