Arrival and Talk: Sahaja Yoga is the same as Zen Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan)

1995-0301 Arrival and Talk, Hotel Chinzanso, Tokyo In Australia we did Shiva Puja, and this is the result of that, I’m here. It was in a forest, absolutely dark forest, and there was very little light over there, they had to lit with their torches. At this time, I don’t know, I was having one of the best Puja we had. I really got completely detached, absolutely in meditation, and everybody opened their heart. They came to the airport and brought all these flowers, and everything for me, so many things for me. So many of them. There were 760 people for the Puja. It should happen to Japan also. It will. When I started in Australia there were only 2 persons. Because despite all your progress and everything, I find Japanese are very disturbed within. They are very unhappy people. So it is a very difficult situation. But they have no way out, it takes them to drug also. The way we should understand Japan is very important from Sahaja Yoga point of view. But this materialism really dries them out. They should understand the value of love. And also power of love. This programme is so that we could have had a programme tomorrow. I am telling him what was the reason we had four days there in Hong Kong. They are more oriented towards this. In Hong Kong I know we are many I must say, unless I have done a great job. There are so many Read More …