Adi Shakti Puja: Money Orientation Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

‘Money Orientation’, Adi Shakti puja, Cabella Ligure, 4 June 1995. Today we have gathered here to do the Kundalini puja or the Adi Shakti puja. There’s a difference between the two: Adi Shakti is the total power of God, of His desire, while [Adi] Kundalini is the one that is reflected, part which is reflected, in the human beings as Kundalini. So there’s a difference between the Adi Kundalini and the Adi Shakti. Adi Shakti is the Parashakti, is the power which is beyond all the powers, which controls all the powers. And one of the powers of Adi Shakti is Kundalini. For example the Kundalini which is placed within me, in the triangular bone, is not [the] totality of me. In the same way the Kundalini, which is placed within you, is not the totality. Of course, it is the power which is there to give you your Self-realisation; is the power that redeems you, that nourishes you, that enlightens your centres. But there are two other powers, as you know, very powerful, which are working through Ida and Pingala, and the third one is Mahalakshmi which is in the centre. Now Kundalini’s main job is to give you your Self-realisation, because She is your individual Mother. Everyone has the Kundalini within himself or herself reflected; whatever maybe the quality of that person. Now as you see reflections fall on everything. Say, the reflection of the Moon falls on the stone, we don’t see any reflection. It then falls Read More …