Advice, Picnic Richmond Park, Surrey (England)

Advice at yogis. Richmond Park, Surrey (UK), 25 June 1995. In the nature one goes absolutely thoughtless. For me it is such a pleasure to meet you all here under the trees. There is a beautiful atmosphere created by these trees. How much they work hard for us – think about that. All is built-in, in them, built in to produce this chlorophyll, this greenery. All that is built in, in them. But see how collective they are. You have to learn a lot from them. Every leaf is allowed to get the sun, every leaf. How they grow, how they are organized, how they behave like this, nobody thinks even – and what is it working it out in them? They haven’t got realization, but how do they work it out in such a beautiful manner? Because they are under the complete control of the Divine – absolutely, they don’t have to worry. Even the animals are, that’s why they are called as Pashu, means they are under the complete Pash. Pash is the complete control of the Divine and Shiva is called as Pashupati, he’s the one who looks after all this. Affectionately and in a very delicate manner. All this is created for human beings. These human beings don’t understand that all this world, which is created, is for the use of human beings, not for abuse – but use. And this is one thing which has to be really felt in this atmosphere, that how they Read More …