If you can cure yourself, you can also cure others Építők székháza, Budapest (Hungary)

1995-08-04 Public Program, Hungary [beginning missing – tape overwrite] [recording starts at 7.24] All this living work is done by this all-pervading divine power, but we have never felt it before. When this kundalini rises and pierces through the fontanelle bone area then you can feel this power, as cool breeze of Holy Ghost. For the first time, you feel it and you are amazed how we never had this experience before. Once it happens, then you are amazed at yourself because you become really very compassionate and very dynamic. You can see your problems clearly and when you can see them, you can solve them much better. Then you realise what is divine discretion. Not only that you know yourself, but you also know others on their centres. Because you develop a new awareness; a new dimension in this human awareness which we call as collective consciousness, where you can feel others on your fingertips. These centres tell you what’s wrong with others also. If you can cure yourself, you can also cure others. In India, three doctors got their M.D. when they cured people with Sahaja Yoga. Many incurable diseases can be cured by you yourself, with your own power. But we have to believe in ourselves, we have to have self-confidence. If this instrument [mic] was not connected to the mains, it has no identity, it has no meaning. In the same way, if you are not connected to this all-pervading power, we have no identity. So, Read More …