Devi Shakti Puja: America and Ego New York City (United States)

Devi Shakti Puja, “America and Ego”. New York (USA), 8 October 1995. I am so very happy to see so many Sahaja Yogis are here now in America. And the program we have had the other day showed us clearly that Sahaja Yoga is getting very popular and the way people got their realization in five minutes also showed that now we have touched that area of seekers who are honest and who are of a very high level in spirituality. You are the ones who are the first Sahaja Yogis we should say or the foundation of the Sahaja Yoga in America and thus we have to understand our own responsibility. As it is Vishuddhi Chakra is responsible for the whole world. But the people in Vishuddhi Chakra have to be like Ganas, they have to be very responsible, extremely, much more than any other country in the whole world. And the problem is somehow I found, I don’t know about the future, that, that sense of responsibility yet not felt among Sahaja Yogis that they are responsible for the whole world; not only for America or only for New York or only for Yonkers. Sitting down here you are responsible for the whole world. If you understand this that the main quality of Vishuddhi Chakra is responsibility, I always say, “It’s on my shoulder. I take it on my shoulder”, meaning what? That I take the responsibility, but this sense of responsibility has to come to you very Read More …