Evening Program, eve of Diwali and Talk Nargol (India)

After Concert Talk Nargol 10-28-1995 Shri Mataji (in Marathi): Today, all things have been delayed and we all know the reason why. However, in Sahaja Yoga, we do not look at the clock. And we also do not keep thinking whether some things are happening as per the planned time or not. Whatever happens “Sahaja” (with ease/without effort), only that gives true joy. Now these songs that were conducted earlier, they were in English, or I would say, in the Western style and you all like it. I found great satisfaction in that. Otherwise, there are a lot of music experts sitting here. And they will say, “Mataji, what is this that you have started here?”. However, we should listen to all forms of music. Obviously, I am not referring to just any kind of music, that is coming out these days. But all forms of music. I am very fond of Western classical music. I am also very fond of South Indian music. And of course, ours. We have to have an extensive vision. And I was very happy to see that you appreciated what the French people (Sahaja Yogis), presented to you, the songs. The lead singer among them, from Zaire, in Africa, he is a very famous singer. A very famous singer in France. And now he is in Sahaja Yoga. He teaches small children also and says all our mantras. So there is a very big revolution in the world. They worship Shri Ganesha and sing Read More …