Effects of Kali Yuga and how to overcome it Pune (India)

1996-01-17 Public Program: Effects of Kali Yuga and how to overcome it, Pune, India (Hindi) [Translation from Hindi to English] I bow to all the seekers of the truth. The way I told you before, that truth is the truth. It can not be changed. You can not describe it also. You can not know it even by saying it. you can not know the truth even by reading books. Yes, there may be an indication that what is truth. First of all, we should know this that before relying upon something you should first experience it…Without knowing it or experiencing it, if you just rely on it by just closing your eyes, then it is also waste and if you keep saying something wrong then it is also incorrect. You are looking at the situation of today, that there is tremendous KALYUGA, And in this very KALyuga, every human being is in turmoil, is in problem or discomfort…Whether it is physical, mental, or intellectual …God did not give birth to you for all these problems in this world because. Because amid all this poverty, ignorance, and wickedness, we are being trapped. Some people are good, Religious and truthful and these one are more in trouble and are more persecuted…All of these tortures together show that there is tremendous KALYUGA. You can see the corruption everywhere and those who raise their voices against them are being troubled. The society suffering from corruption is going downgrade …Now if someone says that Read More …