How to receive the self-knowledge? Hong Kong (China)

1996-03-09 Public Talk Hong Kong Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth! At the very outset, We have to know that truth is, We cannot change it. You cannot transform it, and You cannot purchase it. You have to feel it in your Central Nervous System, Which is called in Sanskrit as ‘Bodh’ from where the word Buddha has come. The word they have used for the saints, on the Central Nervous System [unclear]. They are used for Veda…The Ancient Vedic Scriptures. Whatever I am going to tell you today …You need not accept it [unclear].Because We have suffered a lot, all because of this blind faith. Once it proves, it’s better to accept it as honest people because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of the country, for the benevolence of the whole world…Because this knowledge is coming from India, some people really don’t like it. But the other cultures of the western cultures, have [unclear/grown so ] big without going to its roots. If the Indians can learn science, from the west, Why not the science of the divine be learnt from the Indians. And this is the special time for seeking the truth…It’s all predicted. While people are misled, by the wrong type of marketing people. This is divine knowledge, can not be marketed. It is the knowledge of divine love. So, there is the power within you, already placed in the triangular bone called the Sacrum Bone. And the Greeks also Read More …