What is the purpose and meaning of yoga? National Palace of Culture, Sofia (Bulgaria)

1996-0707 Public Program, National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria 17.13 onwards I (Shri Mataji) bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it, we cannot describe it. It is the experience of the truth. I am very much thankful to this association of yoga which has invited me very kindly to talk on sahaja yoga. And in a place so far away from India that there is an association I was really quiet surprised. Now we have to understand that why do we do yoga. What is the purpose of yoga and what is the meaning of the yoga. The meaning of the yoga is that you have to unite with the all pervading power of the divine love. In sanskrit it is called as brahmachaitanya, in the quran it is called as Rooh/ruh. Also in the bible it is described as the cool breeze of the holy ghost. And what has to happen to us is our evolutionary breakthrough, the last breakthrough. All kinds of yoga we started in India according to different times. First of all we had three types of seeking. One created vedas. But the first stanza of vedas says that by reading all this if you do not get self knowledge, it is useless. People have been seeking the truth so they took to another , which we call as the bhakti marga. Now this Read More …