Money Power and Land St. Petersburg (Russia)

Public Porgram, Money Power and Land, Russia, St. Petersburg, 18-07-1996 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot transform it, you cannot describe it. I’m very happy that so many of you have come here to know about the truth. I really apologise for the very small hall; it means you have to [unclear/ fix yourself somehow.] Next time, I’m sure we’ll organise in a better way.  So the truth is not known to us, but unconsciously we are seeking the truth. We want to solve the problem through our mind, but this mind is a myth. It’s created by ourselves – through our conditioning and our ego – so one has to go beyond to know the truth. Whatever I am telling you, you are not to believe in, but to experience it. The truth is you are not this mind, this body, these emotions, this ego, these conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. In all the scriptures it is described that, you should know yourself; you must have self-knowledge. People are seeking money, who are of low level of spirituality, then there are people who are seeking power – in the politics or something –and there are people who want to get hold of some lands and fighting for it. All these things are not going to give you the self-knowledge. Without getting the self-knowledge, you can Read More …

Talk on Marriage: The Basis of Society is a Family – You Have to Respect Your Women Very Much (date unknown) Moscow (Russia)

Talk on Marriage, The Basis of Society is a Family – You Have to Respect Your Women Very Much Today we have come here to attend a wedding of our brothers and sisters – Sahaja Yogis. It’s important to understand that marriage is a very important thing in Sahaja Yoga because the basis of society is a family. And our society should have very good families. That’s why we are paying so much attention to these weddings, that they should make good family. But sometimes people are very conditioned and they don’t understand what is a Sahaja wedding. They try to find faults with the partners, and within two or three months they are again out of Sahaja Yoga. In the sense that they want to have their second chance, third chance, fourth chance, then I think that My attention I am just wasting for nothing at all for such people. If they don’t like our first choice they should have their own.  Why to bother us? They should not give us any more trouble. Very surprising things I have seen about the marriages that have been going on. One of them is they’re alright for two or three months, and suddenly god knows what bhoot catches them, one of them, that they just give up on a small excuse here and there. They don’t understand that how important is for them to have a good married life. They can go up to three months, four months – then I Read More …