Evening Program

Tolyatti (Russia)

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1996-07-19 Evening Program, Tolyatti, Russia

Thank you very much …I am very happy to be with you all again …And you have gathered here in such a big group, so many of you! 

Tolyatti has been a very great success of Sahaja yoga because so many centres have been established here. 26 meditation centres have been established inside and outside also 26. This is because of your genuine interest and genuine feeling for Sahaja yoga …Because You have felt that. It’s very important to change the world, to get peace & joy. Some other places, meditation centres are been going down in number. I just don’t understand why it is happening …It should not happen. Because once you discover the bliss of the divine then people go on distributing this joy to others. That shows that you people are very sensitive to spirituality…& you are not materialistic especially blessed people I must say…I have discovered that here is the direct flight from here to Delhi by your aeroplanes and I think you can come to Delhi.

You are all welcome very much …and Indians are also grown like you…And they will be very happy to meet you all. Thank you very much!