Diwali Puja Sintra (Portugal)

Diwali Puja. Lisbon (Portugal), 10 November 1996 Today, we are going to worship the Maha Lakshmi which I think is very much worshipped in this country where they worship Her as Maria and also there’s a swayambu of Maria, you must have seen. And also there was an apparition of Her. First I never believed that it could be, but then after feeling the vibrations, now I know it was true, that She did appear here in an apparition. She appeared before Me, also, you must have seen, in a photograph. This is the principle by which you have risen to this state. The central path of your ascent is created by Maha Lakshmi power for the Kundalini to rise. In the temple of Maha Lakshmi in Kholapur they always sing the song of “Ude, Ude, Ambe.” So I asked the people there, “Why do you sing Ambe’s song in Maha Lakshmi’s temple?” So they said that, “We don’t know why we do it, but is it wrong?” I said, “No, because only in the Maha Lakshmi channel Kundalini can rise and Kundalini is the Umba.” That’s how, you see, they understood and they were really amazed that I explained it very well ’cause from ancient times this song has been sung there and they never knew why this song is sung. Coming to the point of Maha Lakshmi, we have to understand what does it do, what it’s help is that this Maha Lakshmi channel or the Maha Lakshmi’s Read More …