Adi Shakti Puja: Respect the Mother Earth Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Adi Shakti Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 25 May 1997. Today we are going to do the Puja of Adi Shakti. It’s a difficult subject to talk about Adi Shakti, because it’s not easy to understand that Adi Shakti is the power of Sadashiva. Sadashiva is the God Almighty. She is His breath, as they some people call it. Some say She is the desire and some say that She’s the entire power of Sadashiva, and Sadashiva cannot do anything without Her powers. This subject has been described by many people in various books in different ways. But actually we need not go to the background of the creation of Adi Shakti, for that at least you’ll need seven lectures (Shri Mataji smiles). But we’ll come to the point when Adi Shakti started working on this Mother Earth. The first thing is we must know, that She created a Kundalini in the Mother Earth itself and She created Shri Ganesha out of the Mother Earth, it’s very interesting. So, the Mother Earth becomes a very important thing for us. If we do not know how to respect the Mother Earth, we do not know how to respect ourselves. The expression of Adi Shakti within you is the Kundalini, no doubt. That is the reflection of Adi Shakti in you. But the reflection in the Mother Earth is also expressed, as you all know, in different places, different countries, different cities, as the manifestation of chakras and Adi Shakti’s creations. It was Read More …