Easter Puja: We have to establish our meditation Istanbul (Turkey)

Easter puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 25 April 1999. Today, we are all here assembled in Turkey, in Istanbul, to celebrate the resurrection of Christ and, with that also, your celebration of your resurrection.Christ’s resurrection was a great message for us. He won over the death and came out of that dead body with another body which was living body. The body was the same, but one was a dead body and another one was a body which was living. It’s not only symbolic, it actually happened within. After all, He was a divine child, He was a divine person. Actually it has happened within. It’s not just a symbolic thing that He died and He was resurrected into another person or, you can say, into a living person. For Him, what is the death? For eternal beings, there are no deaths. There’s no death for a person who’s eternal. He may, for the time being, look as if He is dead, but He can never die. Christ was like that, a very, very special incarnation, which came on this earth to be reborn out of the dead. Now we are also, when we are not yet realised souls, when we are not yet enlightened. We are also dead in the sense, our awareness is very, very… I should say, absolutely dull and dead. We can see flowers, we can see faces, we can see buildings, we can see cities, we can see all those things. All these things we see and Read More …