How to evolve into a better personality? Washington D.C. (United States)

Public Program. Washington DC (USA), 24 June 1999. I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all, we have to know what is the truth. People are seeking, seeking, seeking, seeking all over. But they don’t know what they are seeking and what should they get after their seeking. This seeking can lead you into many diverse directions. Some of them could be very very dangerous and absolutely misleading. And many must have or also felt that. I’m sure there are many who have found it out. But they think there is no way they can return. Seeking is very simple to understand. That you want to know yourself. All the time we say: I want this, I like this, I this, I that. But who is this I? What is it? Who is this one myself? What am I? Do I know anything about myself? It’s a very superficial knowledge we have about ourselves. Everybody has said, all the religions have said: you should know yourself. There is no difference in this one. Actually in all religions, if you’re going into the essence, there is no difference. According to time, it was a little bit stressed on one point and sometimes on another point. But the fundamental thing is that you have to know yourself. How do you know yourself is the point. People will say: do this, give up everything, give up your family, give up everything. Wear, this kind of dress cut your hair or Read More …