Public Program Los Angeles (United States)

1999-0701 Public Program Los Angeles USA. I bow to all the seekers of truth.  When we are seeking the truth we must know what we have to seek, what we have to have. There are all kinds of shops around where they talk of giving you the truth. But first of all, we must know what you have to achieve, what you have to get if you are seeking the truth. Many great Saints, Sufis, Poets have mentioned about it that you have to seek your Spirit you have to become spiritual. But nobody has been able to achieve that maybe the circumstances are not like that. Now when we talk of truth we have to know that the truth is very simple to understand. First, we must know the instrument of truth. That is you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, these feelings, these thoughts but you are the pure Spirit, you are the pure Spirit and that has to happen to you that you become the Spirit. As our heritage has been very sadly we are carrying out many qualities, instincts of the animal stage. And that’s why we find in people having jealousy and operation, aggression all kinds of horrible things. Also, the worst part is that man can think and in his awareness in his thinking he can also justify through his nationality to whatever he is doing. So it’s a blind end. Once you start justifying to whatever you are doing, it’s a Read More …