GMTV Interview London (England)

GMTV Interview. London (UK). [..]   strange society that we live in today, it really, really is [..]  and sometimes you just want to take a break and take five minutes to yourself. The one woman who has found the secrets I think of inner calm is Shri Mataji. She joins me now. It’s great to see You. It really is. Tell me about this technique, what’s it called and how does it work. Shri Mataji: Sahaja Yoga. Right. Journalist: How does that work? Shri Mataji: Sahaja,  Saha means with, Ja means born. Born with you is this opportunity, or eh, a kind of a blessing that you can become one with the Divine. Journalist: Right. Shri Mataji: You are born with it. Journalist: We’re seeing examples here, and it’s all ages – anybody can do this? Shri Mataji:  Of  course. Journalist: Yeah, Anyone at all. Of course. Shri Mataji: Everybody has it, all over the world. Everyone has that. Journalist: Little tiny ones, (3 of them –unclear) and she’s doing it (unclear). Shri Mataji: They are raising the power within you which is dormant in the triangular bone and by raising it they passing through six centres and when they pass through six centres, you see,  the connection is established then with the All–Pervading Power of Love. So that’s what it’s about, that’s what it’s about. And do you think people, I mean people don’t just take the time out do they, just to sit down for 5 minutes and Read More …