Republic Day Pratisthan (India)

2001-0126 Republic Day Pratisthan Shree Mataji’s Republic Day Speech Pratisthan, Pune 26th January 2001 [Notes from Sahaja Yogis: Desired-media missing] A Republic Day that few of us are likely to forget in a hurry, if ever. Shri Mataji, dressed in a crisp white saree decided to have a small discussion with the Yuva Shakti members and the few senior Sahaja Yogis present in Pune. Flitting between 2001 and the strife- torn time of the freedom struggle, Shri Mataji recollected how her parents were jailed for long periods of time for being active freedom- fighters. Shri Mataji’s father spent considerable periods of time in cus- today even while local people rallied around in support of Shri Mataji’s family. Dwelling on the intense patriotism and idealism of those days for a few moments she came back to the pre- sent to remind us how devoid of national feeling this country had be- come. The people went from selfless devotion of the Deshmata to greed, indifference and rampant corruption. Deshmata occupies a position perhaps higher than that of the Mother, and Desh Bhakti forms the foundation of true Shraddha. One cannot hope to achieve union with the Divine when does not love one’s own nation. Devotion for the country will only develop from an intimate knowledge of all that is around us – the proud legacy of saints, realized souls, artists and freedom fighters; the most fragrant of flowers and the highest of mountains; the holiest of temples and the greatest exam- ples Read More …