Interview Swiss Hotel, Istanbul (Turkey)

Interview at Swiss Hotel. Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2001. Interviewer: Today in Turkey is Turkey’s National Sovereignty and Children’s Day.  HHSM: I know. Interviewer: And national holiday. Do you have a message for Turkey on this day? HHSM: Oh my God, I was so many happy about it. See what they don’t understand that what we are doing will have an effect on our children are we creating hell for them? Interviewer: We should have not, Mother. HHSM: That’s it. We must think from the children’s point of you. What are we giving them? And today is a great day because I myself I feel that we are really exploiting our children. We don’t think about them and the way we are mad after our own [UNCLEAR], I must say. The way they are going on. But what are you going to give to a children? You have to give them peace. You have to give them joy. Are you doing that? This is only who these elderly people, they have lost their exciting who are caring everyone. You just think of your children they should have a very peaceful, beautiful, joyous country isn’t it? That should be them.   Interviewer: [UNCLEAR] Mother, yes it should. HHSM: These all journey are not going to live forever Interviewer: No this is very true, Mother. Mother, you had been awarded several prices for peace including, if I’m not wrong, the UN peace medal. HHSM: Peace? Interviewer: The peace medal. HHSM: I don’t know Read More …

Conversation on Quran Swiss Hotel, Istanbul (Turkey)

Talk at Swiss Hotel. Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2001 SHRI MATAJI: So, the religion should be inside. That’s Sufizm. “Sufi” word comes from “saf” [clean]. Yogi: Mother, Mr. Emin is teaching at the Marmara University and teaching the interpretations of Holy Quran. SHRI MATAJI: Good. Yogi: Yes. SHRI MATAJI: But, you see, Quran also is very much recent. Sufi : There is a verse in the Quran. It says that if the people were abstain of Allah’s prohibitions and namely, if they followed Allah’s orders, if they did not do so (what they did), they would experience the abundances raining down on them from the sky. That is to say, if they did not break the rules and if they run the orders of Allah. SHRI MATAJI: It’s not that way. You see. Sufi : So I am not sure, Yes if they believed, if they believed and didn’t break the rules Sufi : They would see the gates of abundance in the sky is going to open for them. SHRI MATAJI: To whom? Yogi: To the people. SHRI MATAJI: There’s no doubt about it. But what I feel about the whole thing is that that Koran was written after forty years of death of Muhammad Sahib SHRI MATAJI: and also- Sufi :Not, no, He wrote it in his lifetime SHRI MATAJI: and you cannot remember. But despite that, I find Quran is perfect. But there are many subtler things that are missing. Now, for example, Muhammad Sahib has said Read More …

Shri Mataji on Star TV Swiss Hotel, Istanbul (Turkey)

TV Interview. Istanbul (Turkey), 23 April 2001. Shri Mataji: you discover your inner energy you will also discover yourself. You will become a very good, peaceful person. Interviewer: Shri Mataji is an Indian yoga master. Millions of people deem Her holy. Among those millions are Americans, English and also Turkish. Shri Mataji, staying is Swiss Otel, came to the hotel just when it had been seized by Chechen terrorists. Just at the first minutes of the siege. Shri Mataji :Nothing happened. Two bullets hit our door. We were not worried. I new that this action would not last long because it was stupid. All night we were listening to the music and watching TV. In any case, nothing happened. Interviewer: Shri Mataji is an Indian yoga master. Millions of people deem Her holy. Among those millions are Americans, English and also Turkish. Shri Mataji, staying is Swiss Otel, came to the hotel just when it had been seized by Chechen terrorists. Just at the first minutes of the siege. Mataji explains the siege as an ordinary event without any excitement. But a little later we understand that this is Mataji’s normal state. Mataji always speaks as if She has departed from the worldly troubles and has passed to a different dimension. Maybe this is what influences those who meet Her. With this thought in mind we ask Mataji what does yoga give to the people. Shri Mataji: This is only Love, pure love.The secret is just love. Interviewer: When we Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis from Africa Swiss Hotel, Istanbul (Turkey)

Talk to Sahaja Yogis from Africa, Swiss Hotel, Istanbul, 23.04.2001 Shri Mataji : ……This should not come  to you people because you live with the nature and nature is not, nature is never corrupt. Yogi : Mais ça, ça ne doit pas arriver à vous parce que vous êtes au contact de la nature et les personnes naturelles ne sont jamais corrompues. Shri Mataji : You know, every leaf, you will be amazed, which is on the tree, every leaf , gets the sunshine. Yogi :Chaque feuille reçoit la lumière du soleil. Shri Mataji : Every leaf is different in the world, every leaf. And the way they organize it in such a manner, all of them get the Sun’s light. Yogi :Et donc, tout est tellement bien organisé que chaque feuille reçoit la lumière. Shri Mataji : But in corruption, one wants to have all, everything. Yogi :Mais dans la corruption, il y a toujours un qui veut avoir tout. Shri Mataji : To have. Yogi :Ramasser.  Shri Mataji :  And then he doesn’t know what is the joy in giving to others. Yogi :Et alors ils ne peuvent pas comprendre la joie de donner aux autres. Shri Mataji : You see, that’s how it happens with Sahaja Yoga that you become extremely generous. Yogi :Et ça, c’est ce qui nous arrive à Sahaja Yoga, on devient tres généreux. Shri Mataji : I’ll give the example of my husband or I should say of my father. Yogi :Je donne Read More …