Interview Versilia (Italy)

Interview. Versilia (Italy), August the first, 2001. Journalist: Mi spiace, ma non parlo molto  bene l’inglese. (Traduzione di Guido a Shri  Mataji: “Sorry, but I don’t speak English very well”). Shri Mataji: But I do not know Italian,  little bit. Journalist: Allora, Grande Madre, nasce il 21 marzo alle ore 12 a Chhindwara nel sud dell’India, quali sono i suoi primi ricordi della sua vita? (“You are born on the 21st of March in Chhindwara, what are the first souvenirs, the first memories of your life?”) Shri Mataji: Even my birth. My memory is very good. Journalist: Cosa si ricorda della sua nascita? (“What do you remember about your birth?”) Shri Mataji: That I was born very clean, and there was not any blood or anything on my body and I was not attached to any ombelical cord or anything, and my mother saw me and she said: “She is absolutely without any spots so she called Nishkalanka” And my father’s aunt was there and she said: “No, that’s a name of a gentleman, so you call her Nirmala, means spotless also means immaculate.” I remember all that. Journalist: Cosa ricorda della sua adolescenza passata in gran parte accanto a Gandhi? (“What do you remember about your childhood, your young age next to Gandhiji?”) Shri Mataji: See, my father had taken all the children to Mahatma Gandhi, and Mahatma Gandhi said: “You have a big team with you.” My father said: “All right, it’s all for your work.” He said Read More …