Evening Program Shri Ganesha Puja Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

You all know Tumar and his name is Dhananjay, it’s a very wonderful name, I must say very few people have this name, and his younger brother also has come, he is very good at tabla and of course Dhananjay seems to be getting inspiration from the divine and the way he played all those things were really so wonderful, he is very young in age, he started playing this day in the harmonium from the age of four years and very fond of Babamama and Babamama was very much fond of him but sometimes you know people play politics and he didn’t come for some time, I was surprised, I’m very happy he could come and he could enjoy his music and his whole system, it’s so wonderful that how many instruments he can play at the same time. Now this one was the last one, was something of a very great musician, Bade Gula Malikasahab, we have heard him but not you people because we are old and you are all young so he may not be, he’s no more now but he was a great master, great master and so much lost in his music that while singing he used to raise all his body upward and again go back and in the beginning we felt, this is too much of an exercise but the way he had mastered this Indian music was remarkable, he had had such great musicians in our country and that art sort Read More …