Talk to Sahaja Yogis Hong Kong (China)

Advice to yogis. Hong Kong, 18 December 2001. I am so happy to hear all of you singing those… songs which are sung all over the world. Now you have become part and parcel of that whole. We have Sahaja Yogis everywhere. In America I was surprised to find that 300 Sahaja Yogis were saved in this crisis. That they had not a single Sahaja Yogi was lost. It is remarkable that how some of them were late, some of them ran down and some of them started running in the other direction. All of them are Sahaja Yogis. So many people have died in America, but none of them were Sahaja Yogis. It is remarkable how you are looked after and saved by the Divine.…that you should come all the way here, all of you, especially the Chinese. I feel that we can do a lot. They already have a tradition of Tao. I don’t know how many of you read Tao. Have you read Tao? Anyone? Actually he is – Tao is a Sahaja Yogi and he describes his mental conditions and all of the problems they have in such a beautiful manner that if you read it you will feel that you…very well described all this.Somehow or other Taoism was not practised and it has just become…books of controversy for all the scholars, that’s all. But now I think they are reviving. I was told that…Tao religion has been accepted now in China and they are practising Read More …