Birthday Felicitations New Delhi (India)

Talk on Birthday Felicitations. Delhi (India). 23 March 2002 This felicitation function is little embarrassing for Me because I was born as a very simple person and I have been an extremely simple person. I don’t understand money. I don’t understand hatred. I don’t understand greed. I’m so simple about it. Despite that, you people came and got your Realization. It’s your own achievement. It’s your own desires that you have achieved. I find so many children nowadays born as realized souls.So I think the time is also there, that at My life, in My life itself, this was to happen. It is everybody’s lot. I think, like Shri Rama, then came Shri Krishna, then came Jesus, then other people. It was their time. And My time it is to give you all Realization. But, I must say, you all have taken it very heartily, sweetly and are using your powers to give love to others and to transform others.The other day, I was talking about love. Now the love, as it is understood, is in your heart as this, but do you know the ocean of love is your Sahasrara. When your Sahasrara is filled with love, then the life is changed. You don’t become a very intelligent man, very dynamic personality, but you are nothing but love and this love is so self-satisfying.You are not bothered if others don’t love you or they love you. You don’t see to that part. What you see is the enjoyment from Read More …