Lakshmi Basket before Adi Shakti Puja

Palazzo Doria, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

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Lakshmi Basket before Adi Shakti Puja

Shri Mataji: What may be brought? This is from which country?

Yogi: Organizing country Shri Mataji: Colombo, Belgium, Spain,

Yogini: Norway, Sweden

Yogi: Finland and France, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: This one?

Yogi: Spain

Shri Mataji: Thank You very much. Beautiful, Beautiful!. May God Bless you!. Very nice vibrations. Very beautiful.

Yogi: Call the ladies

Shri Mataji: From What Country?

Yogini: Norway

Shri Mataji: Norway!. Oh, very good.

Yogi: Thank you!

Shri Mataji: This is from what country

Yogini and Yogi: Belgium

Shri Mataji: Belgium, nice!

Yogini: Spectacles.

Shri Mataji: Trees

Yogini: A Napkin

Shri Mataji: Beautiful.So Many things

Yogini: Lithuania

Shri Mataji: Where?

Yogi: Lithuania Shri Mataji.Lithuania. Near Russia. Baltic Countries.

Shri Mataji: Beautiful. What is this, a Shawl?

Yogi and Yogini: Table Cloth

Shri Mataji: Table Cloth, hand-made. Thank you very much!

Yogini: Lithuania

Yogi: Ukraine?

Yogi: Lithuania, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: See Rose. Is this rose from there?

Yogini: No, No (and laughs)

Yogi: From here, she has taken, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: what is this?

Yogi: Is this Cream? Spray

Another Yogi: Spray Shri Mataji. Green tea Spray. Perfume. Perfume, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: Perfume, Is it? …. Very good. Very good. Excellent!

Yogi: Which country?

Yogini: Scandinavia

Yogi: Scandinavian countries Shri Mataji. Scandinavian countries Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: Beautiful. Beautiful! This cloth is from there?

Yogini: Yes

Shri Mataji: They make like this?

Yogini: Yes, yes

Shri Mataji: Very Good! Very Good to make that cloth. We make them in India (everyone laughs). Very nice. Thank you, Thank you very much.

Yogi: Tell your country. Which country?

Yogini: Spain.

Yogi: Spain

Shri Mataji: This is for eating.

Yogi: Yes. Olive oil

Yogini: Oil, Jam.

Yogi: (repeats) Oil, Jam.

Shri Mataji: Which oil is it? Olive?

Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: And what is this?

Yogi: Peach. It’s a fruit, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: Okay. Is it, its juice?

Yogi: yes, yes Shri Mataji. Jam,

Shri Mataji: From where?

Yogi: Spain, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: what is this?

Yogi: Jam, Jam Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: Wonderful! These things are made there?

Yogi: It is from Spain. In Spain, yes.

Yogi: This is? This is also Spain

Yogi: Saffron, Almonds.

Shri Mataji: In Spain? Does Spain make Saffron? What flower does it come from?

Yogi: This is Zafran. Small flower.

Yogi: Small flower, Shri Mataji. It is a small flower.

Shri Mataji: What’s at the back?

Yogi: Lentils

Shri Mataji: Keep them at the table.

Yogini: Holland

Yogi: Holland

Shri Mataji: From which country? Holland? Wow! This is made in Holland?

Yogini: I think so, yes.

Shri Mataji: This is very good! We make Like this in India also. (Everyone Laughs) Exactly. Thank you very much!

Shri Mataji: What country is that?

Yogini: These are from different countries. From France and other countries

Shri Mataji: What is this?

Yogini: Perfume

Yogi: This is Perfume, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: What is this?

Yogini: Box

Yogi: Some biscuits. From Holland. Holland, France, mixed.

Shri Mataji: Holland, France and?

Yogi: Integration!

Yogi: This one is from?

Shri Mataji: This is “Attar”. Where is this from?

Yogi: Where is this one from?

Shri Mataji: Attar, perfume. It must be from France.

Yogi: Yes. Is it from France?

Yogi: This is from Turkey, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: Turkey?

Yogi: Integration, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: Mixed up!

Yogi: Which country?

Yogini: Ah.Norway

Yogi: Norway

Shri Mataji: Its Made there?

Yogini: This one is made from Norwegian flowers on the mountain. Norwegian mountain.

Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji Norwegian mountain flowers.

Shri Mataji: Okay. I know, it is famous there.

Yogi: Yes

Shri Mataji: They are famous. What is this? Oh, God. There is a big line.

Yogi: Jam

Shri Mataji: Thank you!. Thank you very much.

Yogi: Holland

Shri Mataji: Holland. All Hand-made

Yogini: I am sorry, I don’t know.

Shri Mataji: This is so beautiful. What is this?

Yogini: It is for the oven. To put things in the oven Shri Mataji.

Yogi: For Cooking.

Yogi: To put in the oven. Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: For the oven. They are oven proof

Yogini: Yes

Shri Mataji: Thank you! …………So Many

Yogi: Which country?

Yogini: Norway.

Yogi: Norway Shri Mataji. Sweets, Chocolates. These are chocolates Shri Mataji.

Shri Mataji: From Norway

Yogi: Cream, Small wallet,

Shri Mataji: Where are you going to keep it.

Yogi: Shri Mataji, I will keep it here.

Shri Mataji: Keep it nearby. Thank you very much

Yogini: Belgium

Yogi: Belgium

Shri Mataji: Belgium

Yogi: Crystal. It is of Crystal Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: In Belgium, they make crystal? This is beautiful.

Yogini: Biscuits etc.

Yogi: ok

Shri Mataji: Marathi…..

Shri Mataji: What country?

Yogini: France.

Shri Mataji: France. This is also France?

Yogini: Sweden

Yogi: Sweden Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: Beautiful! France, what have they sent. Perfume

Yogini: Perfume of roses

Shri Mataji:

Yogi: Yes, Yes

Shri Mataji: This is there, France. Embroidery. Beautiful. What an idea.

Yogi: Three at the time, please.

Shri Mataji: What is this?

Yogini: Finland

Shri Mataji: Finland. I have been to Finland

Yogi: Cream, lotion, soap,

Shri Mataji: Soap

Yogini: Made in Finland

Shri Mataji: This is? Beautiful.

Yogi: Hand-made Shri Mataji. Hand-made

Shri Mataji: Thank you! From where?

Yogi: which country?

Yogini: Spain

Yogi: Spain, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: This is from Spain?

Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: This is from Spain? This is Spanish. Such a Big one.

Yogi: Artificial flower

Shri Mataji: Artificial or Real. What is this?

Yogini: Hungarian Perfume.

Yogi: It is perfume Shri Mataji. Rose perfume.

Shri Mataji: Where? Spain?

Yogi: Can you tell, what is it?

Yogi: This is from Bulgaria. These are dry flowers in a cloth to keep in the toilet.

Shri Mataji: This is new. Every country has to give,

Yogi: Yes

Shri Mataji: This one?

Yogini: France

Yogi: France

Shri Mataji: France? You get it in France. I never saw these.

Yogi: For cooking

Shri Mataji: For cooking. All Hand-made. Wonderful. Yes, what is this? Very decorative. And you can put it in the kitchen and it will not look bad. We have it, what you have in India.

Shri Mataji: What is this. For what?

Yogini: tea

Shri Mataji: Tea. A utensil for tea

Yogini: Hand-Made

Yogi: Hand-Made

Shri Mataji: Oh is it. What is this?

Yogini: Dry flower

Yogi: Dry Flower Shri Mataji

Yogini: For good smell. And oil.

Yogi: From where?

Yogini: I am from Finland. This is from France

Shri Mataji: France. All this?

Yogi: All this?

Yogini: I think so. Its origin is from France.

Shri Mataji: Thank you very much

Yogini: Jai Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: From what country?

Yogini: I am from Denmark

Yogi: Denmark

Shri Mataji: Denmark? Ok

Yogini: And these things are from everybody

Shri Mataji: Good work. What is this?

Yogini: They are socks

Yogi: For your socks. Warm socks.

Shri Mataji: Ohhh! (Mother laughs) And what is this?

Yogi: Massage oil. Oil Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: For what purpose. For eating?

Yogi: No for Massage

Yogini: Massage oil

Shri Mataji: Massage Oil.hmm..

Yogi: Candle. Candle Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: Nice for Hair. Isn’t it?

Yogi: Yes

Shri Mataji: Thank you. Thank you very much. Is it over?

Yogi: Yes, Yes Mother

Yogini: Should I remove your spectacles?

Shri Mataji: leave it like that….. Too many things. Actually, even if I go to those countries, I can never purchase these things. I don’t know where u get them….Especially France. You go to the market. These things you don’t find.

C.P. Srivastava: You will find

Shri Mataji: If they come with me.

Yogis: yes, yes Shri Mataji

C.P. Srivastava: You go to the country. They will all go with you for shopping.

Shri Mataji: They don’t. will you go with me?

Yogis: Of course. Of course mother

Shri Mataji: Thank you very much, very kind of you. Thank you.

Shri Mataji: what is this

Yogi: For your Puja

Shri Mataji: from which country

Yogini: Made from Garden’s flower, Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: Which flower.

Yogini: Garden’s Rose flower

Shri Mataji: Oh! From our Garden

Shri Mataji: This is a Maharashtrian Style. Okay, let’s go…I think you people go ahead and I will come back.

Yogi: Okay, everyone.

Shri Mataji: They all look very nice in a saree

Yogini: Mother shall I give a shawl to you?

C.P. Srivastava: It would be cold.

Shri Mataji: I don’t need it.

Yogini: It’s a cold mother

Shri Mataji: If I feel cold, then I will ask for it. Is it over? You go ahead, I will join you.

Yogi: everybody, everybody should go

Shri Mataji: who is this

Yogi: Carlos

Shri Mataji: And who is this?

Yogi: Adi Shri Mataji

Shri Mataji: Avi?

Yogi: Adi.

Shri Mataji: Adi? Oh Wow, what a name. Why don’t you go there and I will join you…. Where are they from?

Yogi: Shri Mataji Switzerland

Shri Mataji: We got stuff from Switzerland also.

Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji: Dinner set

Shri Mataji: Oh, is that from Switzerland. It has a design. Where are they from?

Yogi: Austria?

Shri Mataji: ok…. [To C.P. Srivastava]. For you, the car has come. To driver – You are going to drive?

Yogini: you don’t need a shawl