Shri Kalki by Yogi Mahajan (A sequel to the Tenth Incarnation book I)


Volume II

A sequel to the Tenth Incarnation book I

Ode to Shri Kalki

In the higher reaches of the Sahasrara, Adorns the abode of Shri Kalki.

In its secret chambers lies a treasure universes cannot hold.

Its gardens grow grapes and melons sweeter than honey.

Seekers from the three worlds vie to glimpse her gracious splendour. The lucky ones who cross its threshold, Return crowned as kings of the world.

With a prayer on my lips I softly knock at her Holy abode.

“Who comes,” she asked.

“Your lost child,” I replied.

“Ask and I shall give,” she graciously blessed.

I replied, “I have nothing to ask for what does the world own that is not your gift.”

“Then why are you here.”

“To anoint your Lotus Feet, O Mother!” Suddenly the door swung open.

A gust of cool wind quenched my thirsting soul.

The fragrance of Musk, Jasmine, Henna and Sandalwood soothed my burning senses.

Celestial music of Heavenly nymphs intoxicated me.

Adorned by all the atoms of the Universe,

Her loving face dazzled more brilliantly than a thousand Suns.

Pearls dropped from her enchanting smile.

I was lost in the ecstasy of eternity.

When I found my senses,

I remembered her and forgot myself.

 Yogi Mahajan

Narrator’s note

In the early eighties Shri Mataji unfolded the advent of Shri Kalki in a book, ‘Creation, The Eternal Play’. However she withheld its publication as she wanted her newborn babes to establish their realization first. No doubt the seeds were sown upon realization but some sprouted later than others, and she waited for them to mature before she could give birth to the collective body of Shri Kalki.

It is beyond words to describe the infinite love and patience with which she nurtured the seeds. Moreover every mother has to bear the birth pangs, but that part she never revealed!

Little by little the cells assumed their position in the collective

Body and their movement was recorded in the earlier book ‘The Tenth Incarnation’. The ninetees saw a paradigm shift of consciousness from individual problems to collective problems, from individual benevolence to collective benevolence, from vashishti (individual consciousness) to samshti (collective consciousness). This enlightened consciousness sponteously grew into the formidable body of Shri Kalki. But it was a body without a face! Shri Mataji described Shri Kalki as having no face. “The redeemer of the Jewish religion also has no face.”

But with the eyes of devotion it was not so difficult to recognize its face. Many a times Shri Mataji suddenly revealed its face, and then in a flash it would be gone! Those who caught it, saw through her maya and were redeemed while others fell back in her maya. But once they called her ‘Mother’ she did not give them up on them. That was her promise. She moved heaven on earth to save them. That part of creation was her eternal play!

The following pages unfold a short act of her eternal play. In the many roles I was cast, I followed her advice, and endeavored to witness them, but the more I tried, the more I got involved in it.

She reminded it was a state that came spontaneously. I humbly prayed to remain part of her eternal play and in her loving bandhan; to be cast in whatever role she pleased, and more importantly to enjoy it. Then it dawned; not mine will but Thy will be done, and the joy started flowing! Whereby she could enjoy her creation through the eyes of her children.

The third Volume ‘The Last Judgement’ is a sequel to Shri Kalki and unfolds events from 2002 till 23rd Feb.2011, when she fulfilled her earthly mission and assumed her virata Form.

Yogi Mahajan


Chapter 1

The dawn of Kruta Yuga ushered with the blessing of Shri Ganesha Puja at the Mukund Temple, on 1 st January. Shri Mataji revealed Param chaitanya had become absolutely effective, and very efficient, but gently cautioned, it would also punish, if one did any thing adharmic. 

Later in the evening, she suddenly started coughing. The cough increased each time a certain person came in her presence. Later it was discovered that he had bronchitis and she was sucking it out. In her compassion she allowed her body to absorb his negativity, “I can not stop absorbing your pain because the power of my love runs before me! When I see anyone suffering my body absorbs his pain”.

Her compassion showered upon every seeker who crossed her threshold. No one returned empty handed. Around-the- clock kitchen provided for the daily stream of seekers. Before retiring she inquired what had been offered to them. If she was not pleased she would personally go shopping for special sweets.

Her compassion extended far beyond her threshold to the far reaches of the poor and downtrodden. She personaly supervised the preparation of jaggery and sesame sweets on Sankranti Puja for distribution to the poor farmers. She vibrated water for increasing the yield of their crops. With her blessings they harvested a bumper crop. She observed that plants and animals responded to vibrations more effectively than human beings because they functioned in complete obedience to universal consciousness whereas human beings had split from it. Consequently, though human beings achieved absolute freedom, in the bargain they lost interconnectedness with the universal consciousness.

However, with the blessing of kundalini awakening it became possible for them to connect with universal consciousness. As they were plugged to it, they got wired to all its parts. For instance, when a patient from South Africa phoned her, she put her attention on him, and he got cured. It was a new dimension that she described as the fourth dimension. It was a dimension beyond science. She called it meta- science.

At Maha Shivratri Puja, Delhi on 9 th February she opened the fourth dimension. During the puja she uplifted her children to a new horizon of universal consciousness. The following week, Maha Shivaratri Puja was also performed in Cinciano, Italy. Shri Mataji revealed that this universal consciousness was not the knowledge of chakras, vibrations or Kundalini, but the knowledge of God Almighty. “Once you touched God then that was the true knowledge. The knowledge was not mental. It would come from your experience of joy and cover your brain so that you would not deny it”.

As she lifted the mind haze from her children, they were startled by the glimpse of reality; it turned out to be quite the opposite of their mental perception!

But the glimpse of reality was short lived and soon they fell back into the illusion of another mental perception, more particularly, an Italian one!

Shri Mataji contemplated shifting her residence from London to Italy. The Italian yogis suggested a castle near Milan owned by an Italian art dealer. They were mesmerized by his fairy tale Castle and forgot to check his vibrations. However, his vibrations did not escape Shri Mataji. He demanded the full amount in advance but she saw his game and refused to make any payments before the registration. He tried to persuade her but she firmly held her ground. During the negotiations it transpired that he had stolen many precious art works during the 2nd World War and had hidden them in Churches. Moreover, he had swallowed the advance of several unsuspecting buyers of the Castle and never registered their sale.

The right side of the Italian yogis sparked, and their anger got better of them. They asked, “Mother, How can you love a crook?” Shri Mataji cooled their right side, “You need not go his way and have anything to do with him. But if you are pure love, then he can change. If he does not, then don’t bother!”

She returned to Delhi for Holi on the 28 th.  Amidst the fun and frolic she advised her children to keep their attention in the heart for it to become enlightened at the Agnya. “When you restrain your chitta it does not mean that you use force, but by watching your attention in the light of the spirit it becomes enlightened.”

In the playful mood of Shri Krishna, she narrated amusing anecdotes to trick the mind out of its sticky conditionings, “The mind is a joker. The secret of overcoming its stickiness is to keep your attention relaxed, joyful and also laugh at yourself.”

A special preparation, ‘Thandai’ made of Rose water, saffron and herbs was offered to her. She vibrated it and sprinkled some on a bouquet of wilted Roses. To every one’s astonishment the Roses revived!

The yogis were drenched in joy and danced around her, oblivious of time.

She beamed, “When I see your pure feelings for each other, it gives me the greatest joy.”

The pure feeling engulfed their Mother on her Birthday, and she smiled, “Human beings can be uplifted through the vibrations of love and nothing else.”

The pure feeling expanded into an ocean of love that overflowed to the new seekers with such a heart by which the whole world came know that they were ‘prem yogis.’

Love for love’s sake and without any purpose was itself so fulfilling!

Her birthday was also celebrated in Mumbai on the 21 st March. Her children from Bengal wanted to celebrate her Birthday but she could only reach there on the 25 th.  It was Ram Naumi and she graciously blessed them with a puja.

She lauded Shri Rama’s quality of an ideal ruler. He was a benevolent king as described by Socrates. But the kind of work she was doing, not even he, Shri Krishna or Christ did. It was left for her to give en masse realization. “Shri Rama held public opinion above everything else. If a politician understood this then he would leave selfishness. He thinks that by ruling his fellow being, he would achieve joy. When he has power he surrenders his own spirit to retain his power. He wants others to obey him and bow down to him than to their spirit. Then he uses political status to make money and make money to achieve political power. Because of this perplex state socially our country has been degraded.”

She went on to reflect, “If the politicians become realized souls, we will have benevolent leaders who will understand the politics of the collective. They will see what’s wrong where and what has to be corrected.”

She advised the Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi to introduce Ram Rajya in the country. She urged him to protect the dignity of women. They were not getting the same wages as men. A woman’s stri- dhan (ornaments received by a woman from her parents or husband) is her only security and should be exempt from wealth tax. Battered women should be given protection. Women who are stranded for job or money should receive government aid. Half the property of the husband should go to the wife after divorce.

Rajiv Gandhi had great respect for her and promised to follow her advice but unfortunately he was assassinated on 25th May.

After the puja, she began working out the problem of corruption through the kundalini of a well-known politician present at the puja. She fell very sick and vomited the whole night cleansing his nabhi. In the morning he confessed all the bribes he had taken and begged her forgiveness. In her compassion she forgave him. With her grace he rose to become a very important cabinet minister. He did not forget his promise and successfully eradicated corruption from his department.


Chapter 2

The joy of Shri Mataji’s Birthday celebrations enhanced with the passage of time! The Singapore collective got an opportunity to celebrate it in the transit lounge where she rested en route to Australia. While cutting the birthday cake she humorously remarked, “My birthday has been celebrated in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkatta, and now Singapore also. If the Australians also celebrate it, I’ll grow old very fast!”

She arrived in Perth on the 27 March and the same th evening worked on 300 seekers till midnight!

The next day, Shri Mahavira Puja was held at the site of the new Ashram outside of the town, overlooking a lake. She revealed, “He controls, works out and cleanses our left side. When any of the chakras on the left side are attacked, then psychosomatic diseases occur.”

The East coast had been suffering from a drought since the past four months. The moment Shri Mataji arrived in Sydney it started raining. The rain obedientely relented on 31 st morning just before Easter Puja.

Her horoscope was read out at Easter Puja. A famous Indian astrologer had cast it and he compared it to the horoscope of Lord Buddha, Lord Jesus Christ, Lord Krishna, Mohammed Sahib, Guru Nanak and Shri Adi Shankracharya. It corresponded accurately to the events of her life and Sahaja Yoga. A 19-year cycle that begun in Feb 1994 marked the global spread of Sahaja Yoga and the manifesting of the power of Kalki in the entire world.

In the Puja talk Shri Mataji affirmed that the Param Chaitanya had been activated, “That’s how we got all the miracle photographs because these miracles were worked out by the All Pervading Power. Anybody could have the outside things, there was nothing great about it, but the inner life was the only way we could purify our self and this resurrection could take place in the same manner Christ had talked about.”

Thereafter, she proceeded to break the crown of a three feet high Easter Egg, to symbolically destroy the ego of the world.

The scout camp leader was deeply touched by the love he saw among the yogis. He congratulated her and presented the scout medal he had been awarded for his outstanding services.

At Bhavasagar Puja, Brisbane, she empowered Australia’s Guru Principle. Thereafter, she bestowed it with the principle of innocence at Gauri Puja held in Auckland on the 8 th April. She explained that Shri Gauri was the mother of Shri Ganesha, in the same way as Kundalini was Shri Gauri, “Our Kundalini completes our desires and the meaning of our life. She takes us to a point where we start seeing the whole universe as one. She gives us collective consciousness.”

She reminded that in Sahaja Yoga there was no ticket to heaven. It had to be worked out with full understanding as to what the Kundalini was and how she worked.

The next day after the program she worked for three hours on the seekers. The last seeker said, “Looking at your patience I developed my own patience”

She smiled, “love gives you patience.”

Her love engendered the patience of Melbourne, with Shri Virata Puja on 10 th April. She revealed that the Virata was the primordial Father who acted for the collectivity in the brain. “Those who have come to the Sahasrara have to understand that collectivity is the basis of our ascent. If collectivity is not established in Sahaja Yoga then it will die out. I’m more pleased if you understand collectivity and try to please each other. Such a person pleases me the most.”

The vibrations of the puja cleared the negativity and brought 400 seekers at her Lotus Feet. She spotted a seeker aping to be a primitive. He wanted to become primitive again. She explained, “It is not possible because we all have modern brains. By changing all these external things just to get an identity, you cannot become primitive.”

Shortly thereafter, she arrived in Canberra. While she was talking with the collective in the Ashram suddenly a small child began to cough. “You should know I cannot bear to see a child suffer.”

She took him in her lap and hugged him. Then she asked for eucalyptus oil and began rubbing it along his spine till his coughing cured.

The Canberra program was held at the prestigious National Press Club. She spoke very frankly that night. At one stage some ‘born-again’ Christians started protesting that Christ was the only one, and how they had already experienced the Holy Ghost. The tension in the hall mounted and then the Mother of Christ rose in all her majesty, exposing the workings of the Church, and the harm Christianity had done to her son. The profound truth stunned their ego and they became speechless. In the pin drop silence, the kundalini of the seekers bowed before her Supreme Authority

On the 14 th she cleansed the Mooladhara chakra of the newborn babes at Shri Ganesha Puja. She revealed that most of the problems and strange behavior in the West were due to the possessions in the Mooladhara charka. To imbibe innocence she advised to keep the eyes at three feet level, so as to see only children, flowers, grass, the Mother Earth and everything beautiful. There was nothing beautiful above that, or else to look above peoples’ heads.

On the 15 th ,  ,1500 seekers welcomed her at the State Theatre, Sydney. She worked on them till mid-night and returned the next day to again work on them till 2 am.

On the 18 th the Lord Mayor of Newcastle warmly welcomed her at the Newcastle Town Hall. He praised her work for unifying humanity. She replied that she had created angels in Sahaja Yoga who never argued. He was surprised because in his council they only argued!

She explained, “There are no arguments in Sahaja Yoga because everyone stands on the absolute; if all stand on the absolute, how can there be any arguments? There can only be agreement and acceptance.”

The seekers of Newcastle did not waste time thinking, and took to the Absolute!

Before her departure for Hawaii she lovingly advised the collective how to nurture the newborn babes by concentrating on their inner growth through meditation, and thereby increasing their strength.

At the Hawaii program, She found that the kundalini of the seekers was one burdened by their left side. She vibrated some water and asked them to sprinkle it.

On the 23 rd April she arrived in Los Angeles. It was the first public program after 1983. In the 8 years since, the Param chaitanya had worked hard and brought 300 seekers. She was very happy that Vishwa Nirmala Dharma was registered as a religion in California.

On the 26 th she departed for the New York program. The program was held in the ground of Flushing Meadow Park, home of The 1960 World Fair. About 450 seekers got their realization. It was followed by a program in the UN.

She spent a relaxed day shopping at Jackson Heights, a large Indian neighborhood in Queens. The owner of the shop she had visited earlier humbly greeted her. After her last visit he had put her photograph in his shop and since then his business had prospered.

Shri Mataji felt the time was ripe for opening the Hamsa charka of America. On April 28 th She blessed New York with Hamsa Chakra Swamini Puja . “The Hamsa gives us discretion.

In our discretion we should realize that our Guru is our Mother. She is Mahamaya and Adi Shakti. She is very kind and mild. Therefore there has to be self discipline on the Hamsa Chakra so that we can be conscious of what is right and wrong.”

Reassured that America had turned corners, she departed for Italy.

Chapter 3

On a beautiful May morning, Shri Mataji set sail for the volcanic island of Ischia, near Naples for Sahasrara puja.

The Puja took place on the 5 th, in a sports stadium that resembled the petals of the Sahasrara. Shri Mataji revealed, “At the Sahasrara, Mahamaya comes and it is not easy to recognize her because she lives just like human beings. The Sahasrara was the only way which was going to work out Sahaja yoga in modern times if we realize that the heart plays the most important role in Sahasrara.”

In a beautiful analogy, she described how the sea responded to the moon. Implying it’s mobility to respond. By the same token the waves of feeling were created in the heart by the experience of spirituality within.

Even as she spoke, her children felt her divine presence in their Sahasrara, and they became an inseparable part of her cosmic Being – Kalki.

At the Naples program a seeker asked, “Is it going to be the end of the world?”

She smiled, “No, because Sahaja yoga has started!!!”

Meanwhile an ominous report came from the Dharamsala School that on the 17 th a group of French journalists entered the school impersonating as relations of a French child, Johan. Johan’s mother Josette was ignorant of their visit. It turned out to be a ploy by EDFI (a secret Catholic organization) to malign Sahaja Yoga. They published slanderous reports in French newspapers defaming the school, and misled the public to believe Sahaja Yoga was a cult. As a result of their widespread adverse publicity many yogis lost their jobs, and they stopped renting halls to Sahaja Yoga.

The school sued the journalists and the Court issued warrants on grounds of false impersonation and trespass.

The plot unfolded that Johan’s grandfather was against Sahaja Yoga and had prohibited his daughter Josette from sending her 7-year-old son to the School. But she did not pay heed and against his wishes sent her son to the School. In retaliation, her father joined hands with EDFI and filed a case against Sahaja Yoga. Finally, the French courts decreed that it was a dispute between the grandparents of the child and the parents, and it had nothing to do with the reputation of the school, its founder or Sahaja yoga.

Shri Mataji was saddened by the turn of events. She had sacrificed everything for the emancipation of mankind and opened the school in Dharamsala with her own money for the Sahaja upbringing of her children. She advised Johan to return home.

In July She visited Milan to look for a residential house. One morning an English Yogi from the group of the first seven yogis, rang the bell of Havier’s flat to return the photograph of Shri Mataji. He complained that Sahaja Yoga had become too crowded for him, there were too many people around Shri Mataji, and he missed the earier exclusive relationship with her.

Shri Mataji explained she was not exclusive but inclusive. The drop had to become the ocean, and unless he became collective, he could not ascend in Sahaja Yoga. With a tear in her eyes she said, “Christ had said, ‘the first shall be the last.”

Next day, at the Genoa program the Mayor of Cabella got his realization and invited Shri Mataji to Cabella. He showed her a 15 th Century castle built by the Duke of Genoa.

The Castle was perched on a hilltop too steep for her car to climb. She happily walked up, admiring the spectacular view of the rolling green hills. The castle appeared to be on its last leg. Though the ceilings were beautifully painted, the roof seemed ready to take off at the first storm. The wooden floors creaked, and the yogis discouraged her from buying it, “Mother, it is such a farfetched place, who will come here, there are Mafia around!”

While the yogis were making fun of it, she suddenly turned around, “Don’t laugh, I’m drenched in vibrations. See the vibrations, see its potential. To feel the potential you have to feel the vibrations of the place.”

As they checked the vibrations their hands began to sing. The castle was at one-fourth the price of the previous Castle offered by the art dealer. Moreover, it had twice the accommodation.

They pulled their ears and begged her forgiveness.

She smiled, “You have to meditate to improve your vision. It should not be a vision, which reflects your particular ideas about particular things, but it should be clearcut. You just become meditative and this meditative temperament emits vibrations and creates a path for you.”

The castle was jointly owned by the Repitti families. Guru puja was the following week and Shri Mataji wanted to settle down before that. But the Repittis were away on vacation. The Mayor was reluctant to contact them saying that the Italians did not like to be disturbed on vacation.

Shri Mataji gave a bandhan, and he endeavored to reach Mrs Repitti. After a typical Italian conversation with the flying of hands in all directions he finally persuaded her for the usage of one floor pending the registration.

When Shri Mataji returned from the Florence program, the beautiful abode of the Guru welcomed her. However, her attention was not on the comforts of the castle but the comforts of her children. Her immediate concern was the food arrangement for the forthcoming Guru Puja scheduled on the 28th. The Italians proposed hiring a caterer as the number of yogis had crossed 500. But the divine Mother’s heart was not burdened by numbers, she wanted to bless the nabhis of her children, and undertook to cook herself. Without a second thought, she left for Milan purchased the cooking utensils and the groceries.

An open kitchen was set up in the front courtyard of the Castle. She mixed the ingredients herself and directed a team of yuvas to tend the log fires. The fragrance of her cooking was a call to the children. More than double the number arrived for the puja than was expected.  She happily blessed their nabhis, and the food turned out to be more than enough. Such cool vibration flowed from the food that it seemed the puja had already started.

The vibrations, the fresh mountain air, the sparkling rivulet, transported the castle into the heavenly abode of the Guru. The spartan tents pitched on the river sands were just what were needed for a Guru Puja. Her children felt secure in the embrace of the Mother Earth and slept snugly in the comfort of their Spirit.

In the evening, the villagers flocked to the music program. The Mayor warmly welcomed Shri Mataji and said she had come to restore the former glory of Cabella. At the end of the program he said the yogis were angels because they could sit so peacefully for a six-hour program whereas the people in his congregation could not sit for more than a few minutes!

The owner of the local hotel saw her image on his coffee machine. Another villager cited an ancient prophecy that foretold the coming of Mother Mary to Cabella. He was overwhelmed by tears of joy and offered his land adjoining the Castle so that her car could negotiate the turn more easily. He had earlier turned down a handsome offer by the Prince Doria for the same land.

The evening ended with a hilarious satire that Shri Mataji had written about the French journalist who had visited the Dharamshala School in the guise of a cultural researcher!


Chapter 4

Following the programs in Amsterdam, Shri Buddha Puja was held in the picturesque town of Denize, Belgium, on the 4th August. Referring to the hard penances that Buddha underwent before he got his enlightenment, Shri Mataji said, “Whether to put you all through that long process or to give you realization was a question before me. Because in these days of confusion there cannot be much time to put you through all which Buddha had gone. And he was one individual; I had to put all of you.”

Thereafter, she left for programs in Vienna. On the 7 th upon her arrival in Budapest, she was heartened to see her children from Western Europe working so hard to establish Sahaja yoga in Eastern Europe, “The one who gave us self knowledge is our own Kundalini. Kundalini awakening means collectivity. Unless and until you want pure collectivity in your being, Kundalini won’t rise.

Their pure desire brought 600 seekers at her Lotus Feet.

On the 9 th she opened the hearts of seekers in Frankfurt. She answered their questions with many amusing accounts but also reminded them that she was an expert in answering questions, and anyway it was all mental acrobatics. They got the message and took to the actualization!

The weekend of Shri Kundalini Puja commenced with an appropriate play ‘The Little Prince’ in which the human ego was exposed by making fun of it. It was just the message Shri Mataji had given to the seekers- make fun of the ego! The fun spread to the larger stage where the children began dancing in jubilation.

They asked, “What is the better state to absorb vibrations, to dance or to be still in meditation?”

She smiled, “The point is just to get lost- lost in the ocean of joy!”

On the 11 th Shri Kundalini Puja was held in the ancient village of Weilburg.  Shri Mataji revealed that each one had his own separate kundalini, “But in her functions, in her methods, she is just the same in every one.”

Programs followed in Warsaw, Berlin and Prague. At the Prague program only 700 people turned up compared to 3000 the previous year. But hardly any had stayed from the previous year whereas most stayed after the program.

On the evening of the second program some Catholics began protesting holding the Bible in their hands. She answered, “Christ said I will send you the Holy Ghost. If I am the

Holy Ghost, how will you recognize me as a Christian?”

She paused, “I am the Holy Ghost.”

The hall was swept by tremendous vibrations.

Folding her hands and bowing her head, she proclaimed, “I am telling you what Christ could not tell, because in three and a half years he was killed. These were the same people who were reading the Bible and saying this is not our saviour and they killed him… I am giving you realization, this time don’t miss it!”

Then a miracle occurred. An old lady with a walking stick, who could barely walk said, “Mother, I believe in you, I believe what you say, I believe who you are!”

After this recognition, she threw off her stick and started running towards the stage. The audience applauded with great gusto.

Returning from the program, she reflected, “See, she just recognized me. That’s all and everything is done!”

Nature recognized her more easily than human beings. The exuberance of her vibrations turned the sky to a pinkish hue. She pointed towards it, “There is no moon shining, where does all this light come from?”

Radim humbly bowed, “It is you! It is Param chaitanya. Thank you, Dear Mother.”

The Goddess was pleased and blessed Shri Ganesha Puja.  Although only 100 yogis were present, they absorbed her vibrations and she felt very light.

Shri Mataji arrived in Moscow on the 19 th August, the day of the coup against Gorbechev. A state of emergency was declared. All the transport and roads were closed. Nonetheless, every single Sahaja yogi turned up at the airport to welcome their Saviour. While Moscow trembled in fear, her children felt secure in the glow of their Mother’s love.

She enquired, “Are you not disturbed?”

They answered, “What is the need to be disturbed, we are in the kingdom of God. We don’t belong to this country.”

Their faith brought tears in her, “Your faith will save Russia.”

Moscow did not sleep that night. Nor did Shri Mataji! She battled against the negativity attacking Russia, and woke up very tired, had some breakfast and went back to sleep. Late in the afternoon she woke up looking very fresh and triumphant. Gorbechev had been saved!

Because of the curfew all programs had been cancelled. Once again, the Param Chaitanya conjured the fourth dimension – Sahaja Yoga program was the only event allowed in Moscow that evening. Despite the curfew, 4000 seekers turned up. Her love empowered their center heart and dispelled their fear.

They took the first step and she swept them a hundred steps onward. In the course of an evening she transformed their bleak mood from depression to elation. They came to the program crest fallen but left with sparkling eyes and beaming faces!!

To beat the dead line imposed by the martial law, Dr. Bohdan panicked to get Shri Mataji safely home. As he sped down Leningradskaya Street the Mosevitch had a flat tire. At the same instant about sixty T82 big battle tanks moved towards the car. He thought this was it and prayed to Shri Mataji to please save Russia as he was saving the flat tyre!

Shri Mataji’s serene attention rested on the tanks. The tanks were under the putsch army commanders against Gorbachev. But Shri Mataji’s Divine attention neutralized the intent of the army commanders and they turned around to save Gorbachev instead!


Chapter 5

On the 1 st September, Shri Mataji returned to Cabella for Shri Krishna Puja. She praised Shri Krishna’s qualities, “He creates drama, acts in it but is also its spectator. He is in a mood that is smiling, knowing everything but is not sarcastic, but very loving and affectionate.”

How else could one describe Shri Mataji – smiling, laughing, full of humor, knowing everything but so softly making corrections, and yet bearing the brunt of the collective negativity without revealing her pain. Step by step, she patiently prodded her faltering children on. Tenderly, she nurtured her new born babes. Little by little, she enabled them to become aware of the complications of their heart, mind and body. Gently, nudging the direction and then leaving the choice to them to mend their fences. Shortly thereafter, there was a mending of the fences at the Castle.

The Castle was listed as a heritage property with the government Authority of Belle Art. The roof was leaking badly and needed urgent repairs. Shri Mataji proposed hiring a contractor but her children insisted on undertaking the task.  She relented on the condition that they accepted a generous stipend. Apart from supervising the repairs, she began supervising their charkas. The physical proximity to her eclipsed their awareness of the maryadas and they breached the fences.

The breach of fences did not escape her attention but she found it difficult to speak about the protocol towards her.  It was a very delicate thing for her to tell them how to behave.

Her madhuria brought home the message in Shri Ganesha Puja talk, “He is the source of life and the giver of chaitanya…if he was put among all the bad apples, they would get all right because he is the life giving force.”

The power of Shri Ganesha sorted out the basket of bad apples and the fences were mended.

Her children expressed their deep gratitude in gifts symbolizing the innocence of Shri Ganesha. Porcelain statues representing the bond of mother and child were offered collectively. She greatly praised the sculptor’s feeling for children, “When ever I see these figurines, I will be reminded of all my children all over the world.”

Later at the Castle, she explained, “The Param Chaitanya only works when you surrender the problem to me. It responds to your devotion and not your intellect. When you witness its working you are filled with awe, and you become humble. But those who take liberties have to be responsible for their fall.”

On the 21 st she led her children into a deep meditation on the pethas of all the charkas in the Sahasrara. Though the outward fences were mended the inner ones needed attention, and she worked on them again the following day, “Look at my photo and then put me in your heart. What matters is not how long you meditate, but how deep you go.”

They made a great effort to mend their inner fences. On the 2nd October, she advised that they should meditate without effort, “The reason for this is that when you put effort, you work through your Agnya – so those who are in bhakti, they just have to become silent and effortless. So the kundalini passes through Agnya and clears out through Sahasrara.”

They took to bhakti. As their bhakti deepened, it became effortless. Though she was ensconced in their kundalini, but to keep her in their awareness, it was necessary to work out all the complications of their mind, heart and body. They began the day with a prayer, “Shri Mataji You are Shri Adi Shakti, we surrender all the complications of our mind, heart and body at Your Lotus feet.”

They prayed from their hearts, and little by little the complications of their mind, heart and body spontaneously dissolved. Their work became worship and in no time the huge task of roof repairing was miraculously accomplished!

Their bhakti prepared them to receive the blessings of Navaratri Puja on 13 October. In the puja talk she assured th them she was bound by her love – she could not escape it. She was bound to manifest it, work it out, and give protection to all her children. Furthermore, she had to assume her Mahamaya form to be very close to them, to talk to them, to have support, to tell them everything about yoga, to make them absolutely aware of themselves.

The Devi was pleased with their devotion and granted them a boon. They prayed for her to write a book that would inspire the global emancipation of humanity.

She smiled, “I have given over a thousand lectures which could be compiled into books.”

They pleaded, and the loving mother was bound by their love, but with a smile from the corner of her eyes, she added, “Provided you allow me time from the hectic programs!”

 The following morning she woke up at five, wrote for a few hours. The yogis put a voice recorder by her bedside and in no time it was full.

A brother who was helping with the transcription argued, “But Mother Plato said like this and Rousseau said like that.”

Shri Mataji replied, “Let them say whatever they want to. I say what I know. Why should I refer to them, I do not have to go the libraries and read what Rousseau or Plato said…I have seen many people whose mind is nothing but the book of others, words of others, quotations of others. They are nowhere; you cannot find them. They are lost. Whatever I have witnessed in my life, I should write it clearly without thinking what others have to say.”

Then, she read out a few excerpts from her book. His Sahasrara opened and he heard her from it. He logged onto the universal database from where he could download whatever information he desired. But her precious pearls of wisdom had quenched his thirst and there was no room left for his mental quest. He pulled his ears and humbly prostrated before her.

The next day he brought his collection of her photographs to select for the bookcover. He suggested a photo taken by an older yogini in the early years of Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji pointed it had no vibrations because the older lady, who had taken the photograph, was negative. She explained the vibrations of the person who took the photograph reflected in it, and therefore it was important to check the vibrations before using her photograph anywhere.

Then he pulled out another photograph. Shri Mataji was surprised that it had become all so dark, “Who has used it?”

He replied that he had lent it to relation who was a follower of a false guru.

She observed, “See how dark it has become because my attention has receded from it. There are no vibrations. You better put it in the river. It is not for decoration but to be respected. As much as possible, respect the photograph with the understanding, ‘It’s Mother with me’.”

On the 10 th November, pointing to the Diwali lights she reflected that the life of her children was for giving the light of joy to others. “A little you have to bear.” Then, with a twinkle in her eyes she added, “I have given you the powers to bear!”


Chapter 6

In early December, Shri Mataji provided her children with a special train housing 500 yogis. During the day they attended the Chennai programs and at night returned to the train.

Shri Mataji kindly arranged a Kuchipudi performance for the India Tour by The Karnataks Dance Academy depicting the coronation of Shri Rama. She was pleased by their dedication, devotion, skill and artistry, and blessed them with a generous donation. The cast posed for a photograph at her Lotus feet in the costumes of the Ramayana deities. Once again her children were lost in its maya, and at Shri Ganesha Puja on the 6 th she dispelled the myth, “You have experienced the Divinity of the Deities within your subtle system but these performers had given expressions to them on the outside.”

At the Chennai program, the intellectuals were lost in the myth of the right side. She indulged their myths till their thirst for questions was quenched. Little by little their Agnyas settled and they enjoyed the gift she had come to give.

A greater gift was in store for Bangalore on the 9 th – Mahakali Puja.  In the Puja talk she revealed, “Now if you say, I believe in Shri Mataji; so what… Shri Mataji should be in your life, should be in your expression, in your behavior, in your treatment to others, in understanding each other and loving each other.”

She blessed Hyderabad with Shri Lakshmi Puja on the 11 th She cautioned, “What we achieved in joy is the highest. At the same time we have to remember that the collective subconscious is there and that may just jump sometimes and come back.”

Shri Mahalakshmi poured her love and her children bubbled with joy. The puja brought 300 seekers to the evening program.

The train finally reached Pune on the 14 th Shri Mataji invited the Tour for lunch at Pratisthan. She welcomed each one with motherly concern, enquired after his comfort, “How was the train, was the food alright, I am sorry I was not there…I hope no one was sick.”

In the evening, her children accompanied her to a dance drama performance by Kirti Shiladar depicting the marriage of Rukmini and Shri Krishna. She enjoyed the performance and blessed the artists with gifts. “The Natya Sangeet classical style of art is dying; it is my dream to revive it. The thousand petals of your Sahasrara gives you countless capabilities. From there people have made all the great discoveries and gained all the knowledge about science. Such people who have reached the Sahaja avastha are the greatest creaters of art and music. Whatever they create is of eternal nature. You should support their work, even if you have to pay a little more.”

Little did they realize there were more blessings in store! Shri Mataji insisted for her 500 children to have dinner at Pratisthan. After dinner, she spoke at length on art, dance and drama, “Marathi drama is very sensitive. We still have some very great playwrights in Maharashtra. There are so many talented yogis, why not start a theatre group to give people the eternal values. After realization the creativity within you just flowers, you can create music, poetry, literature, but above all you have to create Sahaja Yogis. That is the main creation you have to achieve. You have to inspire them and bless them with the joy of the spirit…We have already started an academy for classical Indian music; soon we will introduce Indian dancing. We have found a teacher for miniature art too. It is so soothing and makes you thoughtless.”

A Hindi film was on the television, “There is too much obscenity in films… when I was on the Censor Board it was not so much! They show all the romance before marriage and after marriage it gets over!”

It was the most exhilarating day of their lives. In the early hours of the morning they made their way back to the Shere camp. It was a beautiful hillock, full of vibrations, and from their hearts they thanked Shri Mataji for yet another blessing.

On the 15 th, she blessed Shere with Shri Ganesha Puja. She revealed, “Wisdom is also in forgiving… because one thing is built in Sahaja Yoga, those who tried to trouble you, they will be in trouble also. Try not to get after people, not to pester someone, not to be very strict, not to pursue the matter.”

The children fervently prayed for Shri Ganesha’s power of wisdom. At the evening program, Shri Mataji spoke to the seekers heart to heart in their mother tongue, Marathi. Their kundalinis rose instantly.

The next day the play of the Param Chaitanya provided the children a rare opportunity to participate in the shooting of a television documentary on the life of Shri Mataji. They were assigned the role of seekers posing questions to her on Sahaja Yoga. Thereafter, they returned to the reality of being her innocent little children whom she indulged with their favorite dishes. She praised the specialty of the sweets and coaxed them to have more.

After lunch, she blessed them with kurtas. She asked the yoginis to choose their favorite colored sarees. It was a birthday celebration in paradise! Shinning in their new clothes they boarded the buses to Kolhapur.

Kolhapur was the place of Shri Mahalakshmi and Shri Mahalakshmi puja was held on the 21 st. Shri Mataji revealed how seeking came from the Mahalakshmi Tattwa after the point where the Lakshmi principle was satisfied. The children’s nabhis cooled and they experienced a great sense of inner contentment, and that led into a state of a deep, deep silence.

Shri Mataji stayed the night with her children in the camp to arrange the marriages. They were so excited at having her amidst them that while she rested, there began a long discussing on Sahaja Yoga.

She woke up complaining that their chatter did not allow her to sleep. She gave an analogy of a lion, “When there is a lion in the forest, all the animals become silent in awe. You know how powerful my vibrations become when I sleep, you should have taken this opportunity to meditate and get into the state of samadhi. Samadhi does not mean going into unconsciousness but the unconscious becomes conscious. But for that first the silence must be established within and without…I heard you discussing Sahaja Yoga and I just don’t know what is there to discuss! You know everything. You know how kundalini rises, how to give realization, how the chakras are cleared out; what is there to discuss about it? Discussions are over now! At the most you can talk about your experiences.”

They begged forgiveness and meditated. Little by little, they touched the silence within. In the depth of the silence they felt her presence more strongly. There was a slight constriction at some chakras but following her advice not to worry about the catches and sensations, they held fast to her presence. As she became firmly entrenched in their inner silence, they felt her presence permeating the universe; she was present in the fresh morning due, the sweet fragrance of flowers, the odes of the nightingale, the cool breeze that gently caressed nature and the innocent smile of the newborns.

As they bowed at her Lotus Feet, a thousand hearts entwined to welcome her at Ganapatipule. The kundalinies of her children singularized into one collective being, which she empowered to form the manifestation of Shri Kalki. Each hand became her thousand hands. Just as it was not possible for her to love one hand more than the other, similarly it was not possible for her to love one of her children more than the other. They were cells in her body, and she knew each one and his needs innately.

The love that washed the tiredness from her Lotus Feet poured out as Divine music that enchanted nights of magic! Her  children from Dharamsala Sahaja School presented spectacular Kuchipudi dances and classical ragas. She was pleased to see her vision of Sahaja School come true. 

According to the Indian calendar Christmas Eve fell on the auspicious day of Angaarki Chaturthi. Every chaturthi is celebrated as the birthday of Shri Ganesha, which falls every fourth day of the month. But if the Chaturthi fell on Tuesday, which is the day of Shri Ganesha, then it was very special. The Param Chaitanya worked out this divine coincidence. Her Divine presence, radiant with the constellation of stars, blessed the collective on the most auspicious day of Christmas puja.

Shri Mataji revealed that the Param Chaitanya did all the work and when the yogis connected with it they would know exactly what to do. This was just the Christmas gift their futuristic right-side needed. She soothed their hectic right-side of its busy plans with the silence of the ocean. When they opened their eyes, they couldn’t tell whether their heart expanded into the ocean of her love or the ocean expanded into their heart!

Shri Kubera churned the treasures of the ocean and the

Mother joyfully drew the gifts for her children. For ten hours till 6.30 in the morning, time stood still in awe to watch the downpour of her love. She would have gladly emptied Shri Kuber’s treasure but by then each one of the eight thousand nabhis were more than fulfilled!

Not just that, a very poor yogini came to seek her help for the wedding of her daughter. She was so moved by her suffering; she gave her gold necklace and undertook all the marriage expenses. 

On the 26th morning the first rays of the morning sun ushered the new dawn of Satya Yuga.  The joyous beat of drums woke the matched couples for the haldi ceremony. They flocked to the seashore where vibrated vermillion was smeared on them. The sparkling eyes of the couples filled her with immense joy and they encirlcled their mother and danced. Her dream of one world had come true!

The sweetness of ambrosia lingered in their tongues as they kissed good-bye to the sacred shores of Ganapatipule and departed for Alibagh.

On the 29 th, Shri Lakshmi puja was held on the sea coast of Alibaugh. There was a lot to learn from the sea, “It keeps to its depth… In the same way, whatever depth you have got in Sahaja yoga, you should keep to that.”

On New Year’s Eve, Shri Ganesha Puja was held at the Ganesha Temple, Kalwe. Her parting message was to take care of the new people with a lot of love, “Do not to argue with the seekers but just give them realization and allow them to feel the vibrations, then things would work out spontaneously.”


Chapter 7

The Sahaja School had shifted from Dharamsala to Konkan Bhavan, Navi Mumbai for the winter. Shri Mataji celebrated the New Year with her new born babes. It was a family reunion; the babes tugged behind her saree and would not leave her till she gave them a big hug. Lovingly, she lent an ear to their complaints and comforted them with coveted presents. She encouraged them to achieve academic excellence, “You are the light of my eyes. You have to spread the light.”

They promised.

She unfolded her unique vision of Sahaja education to the teachers, “The children are the greatest artistic thing God has produced and we have to find the right technique to adorn their potential. We have to develop their self-respect and awareness in a sweet way. You should not beat them but correct them through attending to their chakras. Their sternum bone still is releasing the antibodies, and it is important to give them all the securities they need and the love they want. Teach them to be respectful. But don’t spoil them, they should not be allowed to have their way. As you develop their self esteem; they will know how to stay in balance.”

Her vision of the model world was crystal clear but it got deflected in the lens of their intellect. The task of cleansing their lenses of its mental layer took a while. They put up several arguments but she did not compromise her vision.

At dinner she was displeased with the coarse rice served to the children. The principal justified that it was more economical. She reminded him, “They are my children and how could you forget that the Mother always gives the best to her children. If you are short of funds, I will pay but you should not economise at their cost!”

She gave instructions for the treatment of their chakras and personal hygiene. “In particular, sports should be collective and non-competitive. If a prize is given to an outstanding child it should nevertheless be given to all the children in the class. The singling of one’s achievement tends to develop the ego whereas collective appreciation nurtures the spirit.”

Her infinite patience cleared their lenses and not long before the small school perched in the remote Himalaya hillock became the model for the upbringing of children. She was the primordial artist and created a model human being, a model family, a model society, a model country and a model world.

On 3 rd February, Maha Saraswati puja was held in Kolkatta. Though Shri Mataji was pleased with the devotion of her children, she was rather disappointed at their slow progress because of their lethargic Swadishthan. While the part that gave them an artistic temperament was developed, the rest had become neglected and lethargic. They had a very strong desire but lacked the power of action. To activate them, she converged the powers of Maha Lakshmi and Maha Saraswati during the puja.

It worked like magic and the power of her converged Shaktis woke up Kolkatta, and a sea of seekers flocked to the program at Netaji Indoor Stadium. Their artistic temperament allowed them to recognize the Divine Artist and they reveled in her creation.

On her way back to the hotel, her attention was drawn to a barefoot old man drawing two ladies in a hand rickshaw. He struggled hard against the climb and almost lost his balance. She stopped the car and asked the yogis to help his rickshaw up the climb. The sweat from his brow welled as tears in her eyes. She dipped in her purse and gave him a few thousand rupees to buy an auto. A month later the government announced a scheme for rickshaw pullers to get loans for auto rickshaws!

The incident exposed the woes of public transportation in

Kolkatta. She suggested to the Chief Minister, Jyoti Basu, “Why not have a metro.”

He revered her as Ma and replied, “Ma, I cannot even dream of it, we have no funds.”

She looked up at the sky and nodded.

A few years later the Param Chaitanya blessed Kolkatta with the first state of art metro in India!


Chapter 8

In Mid- February Shri Mataji blessed Perth. Prior to her visit, it had been facing scorching heat. No sooner than her arrival, it started pouring. The incessant rain gave rise to an apprehension that seekers might not turn up.

Shri Mataji smiled, “It is a testing ground, if they are seekers they will come, otherwise what is the point of having a large quantity with no seeking!” Rain or shine, they came!

At the Shri Ganesha Puja she praised their gravity, “A person who has everything, doesn’t get disturbed, doesn’t get tempted, self-contended doesn’t ask for anything, doesn’t take revenge. Forgives, because he has no way to get out of his gravity – he is just bound there.”

After the puja, the yogis came up with their personal problems. She mentioned there was no need for them to come to her for she noticed every one, knew their situation, problems, and what should be done.

Shri Mahalakshmi puja was held in Brisbane on the 20 th February. Shri Mataji revealed that Shri Mahalakshmi Principle could be established by putting attention on her kundalini, “A simple one you can do is just to be on my kundalini…By that your ego will definitely dissolve because then you will know Mother is doing everything. ‘I am doing nothing so why should I be proud of it?’ Also, the conditioning will dissolve because my kundalini is absolutely pure. It is not attached to anyone. It’s not even attached to Sahaja Yoga; the job it has got to do is to nourish everything. If it can nourish; well and good! If it does not nourish, well and good!”

It was brought to her attention that some yogis had gone against the Mahalakshmi Principle by behaving like gurus, and interpreted her sayings in their own way to impress others.

She cautioned there was no need for anybody to interpret her, and those who tried to interpret her should realize their brains were not of that caliber; there must be something wrong with them. Moreover, people who lectured about Sahaja Yoga should be careful not to become egoistical or say things she never said. She clarified that the person who gave realization was not a Guru, and there should not be any awe or obligation towards him.

On the 23 rd She blessed New Zealand with Shri Mahasaraswati puja. She felt the Mahasaraswati principle of artists had to be awakened to enhance their creativity in a balanced way. She had awakened the creativity of many great musicians like Prof. Debu Chaudhary, his son Pratik, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan and the great santoor maestro, Pandit Bhajan Sapori.

In the puja talk she revealed, “In Sahaja Yoga the main thing is love, compassion and Divine Grace which creates all kinds of constructive things.”

A yogi brother had left Sahaja Yoga because he could not take criticism. She comforted him, saying that whatever he did for Sahaja Yoga, he should do as a prayer, a rapport and oneness with God. Thereafter, he felt such a relationship and understanding; he no more reacted to criticism.

At Shri Shiva puja in New Castle on the 1st March, she encouraged her children to widen their vision and pray for a wider world, “Because if you have the power and if you can operate the Divine power, then why not we work it out ourselves?… Just start expanding your heart, your mind and your attention.”

The puja widened their heart that it encompassed the whole universe!

The large heart of North America lit the lamps of Taiwan.

The Param Chaitanya too worked ahead to usher a large tide of Chinese seekers. Shri Mataji was pleased to find them so ripe for realization!

The large Australian heart brought another 350 seekers ashore Bangkok. Shri Mataji praised them for spreading Sahaja Yoga to East Asia and mentioned how much she enjoyed the generosity among her children, especially when they gave without any expectations!


Chapter 9

Shri Mataji’s Birthday felicitation was held in Delhi. The love of her children touched her so deeply that she did not feel her age because it was so energy giving for her to see so many of her children enjoying their life!

The followers of a great Sufi saint from Kashmir, prayed for the eradication of terrorism from the valley, “Our Sufi saint ‘Nand Rishi’ had also spoken about the kundalini and the Shakti. He had bonded the Hindus and Muslims with his message of love but today where the peace is? Kashmir has become a mad place where they are all fighting and fighting in the name of Islam.”

Shri Mataji said, “It’s not Islam. You cannot kill in the name of Islam. Nobody has the right to kill anybody unless and until he is attacked. Islam means surrender. When you surrender you become one with Divine, and all the destructive habits drop out. Mohammad Sahib came to unite the people and not divide. For the resurrection of the human beings is the ‘kiyama’ in which it is said your hands will speak, you should feel the vibrations on your fingertips. Those who are really Muslims are those who are surrendered, their hands must speak; they must have vibrations in their hands. We have to create this new and beautiful world, and are not going to allow it to be destroyed by the stupidity of a few people.”

She was saddened how the message of Mohammad Sahib was being misinterpreted to divide human beings. His followers took to the letter of Islam and left its spirit behind.

She promised to send some yogis to Kashmir and invited them to the puja in the evening. During the puja her attention went to the Kashmir problem, “As we are growing in Sahaja Yoga it is important that we mature and become like a large tree to benefit others.”

The Sahaja tree spread its branches to Delhi, Gaziabad and Haryana. On the 25 th  en route to the Gaziabad program she was held up in a traffic jam and arrived rather late. Despite the long delay, no one left. She was very pleased, “Because they have recognized me from their hearts, Sahaja Yoga would spread very fast there.” And it did!

At the Yamuna Nagar program, yogis from Punjab drew her attention for the problem of terrorism in the name of Khalistan.

She said, “Guru Nanak always talked of the Spirit. He said ‘know thyself’ (apa chine). Only this is the teaching of Guru Nanaka, this is what is called ‘Sikh’ (learning). But what people are doing?  Without looking within and experiencing the innate energy, how could they follow the Sikh religion? Until one is realized one cannot understand this. Khalistan is out of question; it is not in my brain. Guru Nanaka always talked of Sahaja Yoga. Now Sikhs have started coming to Sahaja Yoga. When you read the newspaper you should collectively desire that the Punjab problem should be solved and it will be solved. The problem will be solved by the power of your pure desire.”

They followed her advice and started praying to her ardently. Little by little, the situation improved and the problem resolved.


Chapter 10

On 19 th April Shri Mataji blessed Rome with Easter Puja. After a long winter she brought back the sun shine to Italy. As the Easter egg was offered, she said, “It is suggestive so that these eggs could become birds. Similarly we have to burst through our conditionings and come out as beautiful Lotuses!”

Her radiance opened the beautiful Lotuses of Rome, Naples, Perugia and Florence. She revealed the secret of enjoying their birth, “Do not to be afraid of the ego but witness it.”

She returned to Cabella for Sahasrara Puja. In the puja talk on the 10 th May, she recounted how her traveling had been like a marathon race. She had worked very hard because she had the will to bring this world to that state of enjoyment, happiness and Divinity.

On the way back to the castle she reflected, “I have so much to give but you have to be open to accept.”

It was a wake up call! It dawned upon her children that they had lost sight of the greatest blessing upon them. The Sun had spread its rays upon them but their attention was lost in petty things like family, money, jobs etc. She had incarnated for their ascent and sacrificed everything for them. At her age she traveled more than anyone all over the world without thinking of her comfort or health. But they had taken her for granted.

They humbly begged her forgiveness and prayed to reduce her traveling. Her children from all the countries offered to come to Cabella for the Pujas and take turns in hosting them. Each one represented his country, and through his kundalini she blessed his country.  Through his kundalini she worked out the problems of his country. As the problem of one country was worked out, the Param Chaitanya worked out similar problems across the world. Thus a puja, held in one place resonated her blessings across the world through the Param Chaitanya. Time and place were no barriers for the Param Chaitanya!

Shri Mataji finally consented to holding all the pujas in Cabella. However, Shri Buddha Puja had already been scheduled for the 31 at Shudy Camps. At the puja she revealed st that Shri Buddha was the destroyer and the controller of the ego. He controlled the right side just by laughing, that’s why he was shown as being fat and laughing!

During the puja she attended to the problems of each individual’s chakras and exposed their roots. The roots spread beyond the individual chakra and cut across the collective left side. Her attention was catalytical, and it penetrated the collective left-side to cleanse the individual’s chakra. Behind her catalytical attention was her infinite power of compassion. It was the most powerful force in the world and no negativity could withstand it. It uplifted human consciousness from its micro orbit to God consciousness.


Chapter 11

On 21 st June, Shri Kundalini Puja was held in Cabella. Shri Mataji felt that after awakening of the kundalini, it was important to nurture her. She revealed that the kundalini could be nurtured if her children developed within themselves pure love and compassion. “Our basis is love, compassion and tenderness…Kundalini is the river of pure love, she has only one pure desire – to love everyone equally… when you say it is difficult then it means you are not trying Sahaja Yoga.”

The puja enhanced their awareness to a new dimension that gave birth to an infinite compassion for the benevolence of others.

The next day Shri Mataji accompanied her family for a picnic in the direction of Daglio. As the road winded along a stream, it reminded her of the vibration of the Ganges and she named it ‘Little Ganga.’ She immensely enjoyed the serene landscape. Suddenly, she felt tremendous vibrations coming from an opening in the woods. A mountain trail branched off the main road. She instructed the yogis to follow it. It was a steep climb and the track was narrow, but with her attention the car made it all the way to the top.

A dilapidated goat farm was perched on the hill top but the view was breathtaking! Butterflies played freely among myriads of wild flowers, surrounded by lush green virgin forests. She was drenched in vibrations and remarked it was a paradise more beautiful than Kashmir!

She approached the owner of the farm for buying it. He was honoured and said his soul would rest in peace if he was blessed to sell it to the Holy Mother.

On a cheerful July morning, the sun beamed gaily at her window. She blessed him and he eagerly galloped forward in his golden chariot. She composed some lyrics and called for her harmonium. As she set them to a raga, ethereal music started flowing from her bedroom. The kundalinis of her children thirsted at her door. She graciously let them in and quenched their thirst with the sweetest ambrosia.

She had just finished composing a prayer for Guru Puja, ‘Binati Suniye’ and explained its essence, “The Gurus are very strict but I cannot be like them. I am your mother and love you from my heart. I do not want to hurt your feelings in anyway but you could make my task easier through the humility of your love. This prayer asks for the Guru Pada which is the state of a guru. It is not a status but an innate state. Status is external whereas the state of Guru has to be evolved within. You should pray to imbibe the qualities of the guru – love, humility, sweetness, forgiveness and above all, the tenderness of a mother.”

In the Guru Puja talk she revealed the quintessence of each quality. She herself was the personification of all those qualities. She had so much to give to her children, and they opened their hearts to receive.


Chapter 12

On the 4 th July Shri Vishnumaya Puja was held in Belgium. In the Puja talk Shri Mataji revealed that guilt arose when the brain and the heart lost their connection. The puja strengthened the connection and brought her children in balance.

On 21 st she arrived for programs in Bucharest. The Romanians put up a unique exhibition of Sahaja Yoga depicting human evolution in the light of Realized souls like Lao Tse, William Blake and others. The expanse of their vision brought 5000 true seekers. They would not leave her side even in the market place. They gathered outside the store where she was buying presents for the yogis and asked, “Are You the Holy Ghost.”

She smiled, “Put out your hands and ask yourself if I am the Holy Ghost.”

The cool breeze affirmed she was the Holy Ghost. They humbly knelt to her.

Another 8000 got realization in Sofia! But when she arrived in Paris, the situation was not so promising. The French children were apprehensive about a reprisal from EDFI, (an anti-cult outfit of the Catholic Church), and tried to dissuade her from going to the program. She took a bold stand and said to quell the fear of her children, she felt even more compelled to take them on!

She openly denounced EDFI at the program. She asked those who did not want their realization to leave. There was pin drop silence. Not one among the reprisal group in the audience stirred! But that was not all. She came out so strongly against them that the vibrations struck them like a thunderbolt, and lifted the veil of falsehood from their eyes! They were stunned by the power of truth, and heard every word with rapt attention. Without any doubt in their mind, they left the hall with their Sahasrara singing!

It was a lesson of a life time for the French children – not to forget who she was, and not to be afraid to use the power of vibrations.

They prayed for her forgiveness. She answered their prayers with Shri Mahakali Shakti Puja on the 25 th  at St Denis. She reminded she had made them in her image and blessed them with all her powers, and hence there was nothing to fear.

In the morning she left for Vienna. She worked on the new people till one in the morning. It was the daily routine: she worked so hard day and night, all the year round – a task impossible for any mortal to achieve. Her children took turns in attending the new people but for her it was a non-stop marathon from country to another. As though she read their thoughts, she laughed, “Yours is a relay race, whereas mine is a marathon one!”

She found the Austrian chakras had become constricted. To nurture their chakras she decided to sail with them to Budapest. She engaged their attention with amusing anecdotes, while her attention worked on their chakras. They arrived in Budapest bristling with vibrations. 1500 seekers got their realization!

The marathon continued to Prague where another 2500 got realization. During the cruise of Prague her eyes sparked with a child like wonderment at the old architecture and said it was the most beautiful city she had seen!

The next day she missed the flight to Poland, as the yogis had misread the timing.  The Polish children waiting to receive their beloved Mother at the Warsaw airport were unaware of the flight change. All along, her attention was on them, and they were were bathed in cool vibrations. Upon arrival by the later flight, she felt terrible for having kept them waiting so long. They assured her they were lost in paradise. She was pleased with their devotion and blessed Poland, “Sahaja Yoga would spread very fast in Poland because your hearts are so open!” Their hearts opened thousands of Lotuses.

The following day Shri Mataji departed for Moscow. President Yeltsin sent his secretary to invite her but as her schedule was already overstretched, she could not accept his invitation. However, in a letter to him, she conveyed her concern about the problem of morality and fundamentalism in Russia. On the economic front she counselled that the import of foreign goods should be restricted as it impeded the development of the local industry.

She politely declined his offer of state hospitality and preferred the rustic simplicity of her dacha in the outskirts of Moscow. Returning to it was a homecoming. Like the purchase of the Castle had brought prosperity to Cabella, the Dacha too had brought the blessings of Shri Mahalakshmi! From a period of acute shortages, suddenly there was abundance. The civic facilities improved, the roads were mettled, street lightening was installed. Each home she built was a swayambhu and its vibrations blessed not only her children but also the cities and countries!  Where ever she stayed the Mahalakshmi principle bestowed prosperity.

The villagers brought thank offerings of fruits, vegetables and flowers from their gardens. She praised the large size of their Chrysanthemums, and blessed them with sweets specially brought from India

The following day she addressed a Medical conference in Moscow. In the evening she boarded a chartered flight to Togaliatti. There was an overwhelming response at the Togaliatti program; over 15000 seekers got realization. During the question hour session one person asked if it would be good for the world to learn Esperanto, the universal language. She responded that love was the only universal language.

One lady could not walk, the doctors recommended amputation of her leg. Shri Mataji worked on her and she began to walk.

Before her departure the children gathered around their Mother on the shores of River Volga and sang bhajans. Her compassion lifted them beyond the Sahasrara. Dr Valentina was in tears of joy, “Mother, it is like Ganpatipule.”

She smiled, “No, it is much more… I feel so fulfilled.”

On behalf of the City Council the Mayor of Togliati honoured her and offered a land for an Ashram.

The miracle of Mother Russia was again witnessed in Kiev where another 15.000 got their realization.

She blessed St Petersburg with Shri Mahalakshmi Puja. She asked the Russian children to raise their hands and repeat three times an invocation to Shri Mahalakshmi for her blessings. After repeating the third time, their nabhis cooled. As they heard her say, “The principle of Mahalakshmi has manifested in you,” a sense of contentment encompassed them as never before.

Thereafter, she bestowed the blessing of Shri Mahalakshmi upon the newly weds.

She left for Helsinki in the morning. She worked on a boy who came to the program on crutches. After 10 minutes she asked him to walk but he hesitated. She blessed him and he started walking normally.


Chapter 13

On 16 th August the sweet play of Shri Krishna commenced with the American preparing for the puja in Dallgio and the Italians in Cabella!

In the morning, Shri Mataji received the Americans who were hosting the Puja. They had meticulously prepared a long list of questions for her. She glanced at the list and then presented them with plaques of Pushkin, Gorky and Tolstoy she had brought from Russia. Then the conversation drifted to some missing taps she had bought in India. The Italians had searched every nook and corner of the castle but could not find them. She closed her eyes for a split second and then told them to look in the box containing silver items in the attic. In the typical Italian mannerism they threw up their hands and protested, “Impossible!”

Suddenly there was a crash. A Venetian porcelain vase from the top shelf fell. There was no cause for it to fall. The Italians realized it was a sign from the Param chaitanya.  They begged her forgiveness and went to look in the attic.

Sure enough, beneath the puja silver lay buried the treasure of Indian taps! The Italians were baffled, they did not know whether to cry or laugh!

Once again, the Americans tried to draw her attention back to their long list of questions. With a twinkle in her eyes she engaged their attention to the amusing pranks of Shri Krishna’s childhood. They were transported to the banks of River Yamuna and forgot their questions. In the mirth of Shri Krishna’s leela they became thoughtless. Between Shri Krishna’s tricks and the Americans, she answered long distance calls, dictated letters, issued instruction where the taps were to be fixed, attended to her husband’s lunch and playfully reminded the Americans the puja was in Cabella and not Dagllio. Behind her play there seemed a purpose; she was lifting their attention beyond their agnya where they could experience thoughtless. In that state all their questions could be answered by their own kundalini.

The playful mood continued at the evening music program where the player of the Divine flute transported them to Vaikuntha. Finally their cup of questions emptied and they were lost in Krishna-anand!

The puja continued for 10 hours. After the puja she shifted to the edge of the stage to view more closely her children’s performance. A Synthesizer was offered as a collective gift. As she struck each note, it charged vibrations at different chakras. She held the strings of the collective’s kundalni in her fingers. When she struck her fifth finger, the notes swayed the collective into the dandia Ras. The Americans wondered where they were, was it the banks of River Yamuna or was it perhaps Vaikuntha. Having tasted the wine of love, they lost the appetite for questions!  


Chapter 14

On the 23 rd August Shri Mataji arrived in Geneva. While she was speaking to the Swiss collectivity in the ashram, little children played around her chair and quietly helped themselves to popcorn and chanas from her plate. Amused by their innocence, she smiled, “Better to give them chanas instead of chocolates!”

The gravity of their innocence brought 600 seekers to the Geneva University program. She was pleased the vibrations had improved since her last visit.

Cabella had become unusually hot for August, and even the little Ganga had dried. But after Shri Mataji’s arrival it started pouring so heavily that the music program before Shri Ganesha Puja had to be delayed. The children prayed to their Mother and minutes before the music program the rain relented.

She enjoyed the sweet innocence of little Austrian children showing the creation of Shri Ganesha., “It is remarkable how our children have understood Sahaja Yoga!”

Innocence touched her the most. She would overlook the gravest mistake if committed in innocence.

On Saturday evening Mrs. Rajam and her daughter uplifted the collective’s spirits with a violin concert. Midway, a storm flooded the tent. To prevent the tent from blowing away, the yogis held on to the poles. But the tempest rose and the poles started to slip. The yogis became desperate and started singing praises of Shri Mataji. Within minutes the tempest subsided.

Shri Mataji smiled, “Shri Ganesha was testing your devotion. The storm stopped when you started singing the praise of your mother, just to prove that the songs have such power – they are mantras.”

The little Ganga was in spate. Worried villagers were concerned that the flood may have swept the yogis away, and brought the police to the rescue. They looked in disbelief to find them joyously singing and dancing!

The rain cleansed the children’s chakras before the puja. In the puja talk she revealed innocence was the first step towards establishing the ‘Guru Pada.’ During the puja each one felt like an innocent babe, secure in the love of his holy mother. 


Chapter 15

On  the 7 th September Shri Mataji blessed the seekers of New York. Slides of the miracle photographs shown at the program electrified them and they took to the greatest miracle of Modern Times. The UN employees were not far behind to seek the miracle.

The mayor of Cincinnati too recognized the miracle and proclaimed the day of her program as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day.

On the 11 th Toronto witnessed the miracle of a thousand seekers getting realization. Shri Mataji worked on them till midnight. She remarked it would have taken only a quarter of the time to raise their kundalini if only they could forgive, and the ego problem of thinking, “Why should I forgive.”

The next day she flew to Vancouver and spent a restful evening with her children. At the Shri Hamsa Chakra puja on the 13th, she awakened their hamsa and they got the discretion to know what was wrong and what was not auspicious.

The vibrations of the puja blessed the seekers of Seattle with the discretion to sense her auspicious presence and expressed their deep respect and gratitude for her gift of realization.

The following morning she flew to Los Angles. She bestowed the discretion upon the Iranians to understand that the Prophet had talked about Sahaja Yoga. She regretted her inability to visit Iran because of fundamentalism, but assured them it was being worked out through the Iranians who had got their realization way back in 1971!

At the program the following evening, she spelt out what was going wrong in America and urged the seekers to save themselves by taking to sahaja yoga. The gathering of 400 got the message loud and clear and took to their realization.

On the 19 th Shri Vishnumaya puja was held in Shawnee Inn, Pennsylvania. The banks of River Delaware reminded her of the River Yamuna. She revealed it was the special time of Krita Yuga (between Kali Yuga and Satya Yuga) where one had to pay for whatever mistakes one had committed. But after realization the genes were completely changed and one did not feel guilty anymore. Hence, Sahaja Yogis did not have to suffer for their past mistakes, and thus many catastrophes menacing America had been averted.


Chapter 16

Navratri Puja was held in Cabella on the 27 th September. Shri Mataji revealed the Goddess had incarnated nine times, and the tenth time she gave realization. She humorously remarked, “In the 10 th incarnation the plane was the vahana of the Goddess.”

Little did one realize how serious her humour was! A few days later she was on her vahana from Madrid to Bagota to fulfill the ancient Colombian legend.

According to legend, a God called Vishnu had come to Colombia on a Condor. Consequently, Colombia adopted the Condor as its national symbol.

Coincidently the Colombian children presented a play depicting the very legend. They were indeed connected! During the Navratri Puja she felt their connection with the Holy Ghost very strongly and attributed it to their ancient heritage that sourced from the Adi kundalini – the Adi Shakti. She could see the kundalini and the Kumbha clearly etched in their ancient statues.

En route to Medellin, she blessed Ibague; a town in the centre of Colombia. The airport staff, pilots, police and a band of singers welcomed her. Though she was there only for half an hour to give her love but it was enough to fill them with a lifetime of its memory!

In his welcome address, a journalist in Medellin stated, “We are expecting you because we need your blessing and counsel. Please enlighten our town and bestow upon us your protection. What message would you like to give to the country?”

She smiled, “Tell the people of South America that 500 years after the coming of Christopher Columbus, I have come for the spiritual liberation of the continent!”

Her message liberated the seekers of Medellin and Bogota! Though their centre heart had been weakened by the constant fear of crime and violence, her love empowered it again.

Then a miracle occurred; A Colombian yogi was working in a banana plantation near Cartagena when the terrorists attacked. They killed the workers but when they entered his cabin they found him in meditation and fled!

En route to Buenos Aires, she blessed Lima. She worked till one in the morning on the seekers in Buenos Aires. Despite her marathon travel her face wore a radiant smile. On Sunday she blessed Argentina with Shri Ganesha Puja. When she rose, her feet left an imprint of the map of South America on the copper footplate!

With a twinkle in her eyes  she smiled, “It’s your blessing!”

On the 14 th October she blessed Brasilia with Mahakali puja. For 3 nights she did not sleep as she was battling the negative forces. Finally on the third day she dispelled the spell of black magic.

The Vice-President of the Chamber of Representative honoured her in the Brazilian Parliament House. The President of the Senate said it was a great honour for Brazil to welcome such a great spiritual leader from India. He humbly prayed for her blessings. Due to the political situation he was under a lot of stress. Shri Mataji worked on him and in a quarter of an hour he was transformed. She smiled, “Now you are protected, nothing can harm you anymore.”

At the Rio program one lady could not walk because of an accident and was unable to forgive the person who had caused the accident. Shri Mataji urged her to forgive from her heart. As she repeated ‘I forgive everyone’, to the amazement of the audience she started walking!

Over hundred million Brazilians watched her T.V. interview.

On 25 th October Shri Mataji blessed the Lakshmi Tattwa of the Eastern Block at Diwali Puja in Timisoara, a Romanian town on the Hungarian border. Her motherly love flowed in presents to her children from Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Russia and Ukraine, and revealed, “To establish the Lakshmi Tattwa two doors should be open all the time, one for giving everything and one for receiving. Only then can the Divine work!”


Chapter 17

A tidal wave of seekers swept Northern India at the Delhi programs end November. Those who missed the programs took realization from the posters on the streets. They respectfully framed them and put them on their altars.

The marathon was unending and her children humbly prayed for her to take some rest. She answered their prayers, and India Tour made its way with her blessings through Haryana, Dehradun, Haridwar Rajasthan and Gujarat.

Communal riots broke out in Northern India over the issue of Shri Rama Temple in Ayodhya. During the reign of Babar a mosque had been built on the site of Shri Rama’s Temple. The Hindus claimed that the temple existed prior to the mosque, and hence, Shri Rama’s birthplace could not be shifted elsewhere whereas, a mosque could be shifted to a nearby site offered by them.

Shri Mataji saw the vibrations and confirmed that the Shri Rama Temple stood at his birthplace, “You can feel it on your hands he was born there. Whether it is a masjid or anything, Shri Rama was born there. All of you know where Shri Rama is within you and know how to worship him. Once that is the true knowledge then what is there to quarrel about? Everybody will feel the same way. What will you quarrel for? What is the use fighting for falsehood? It’s like fighting the darkness. Why not have light and see for yourself? But do you think where Shri Ram Temple is built could solve the problem of the country? It is not the end or the aim, but it is one of the means to be blessed by showing respect to Shri Rama.”

The India Tour was caught in the eye of the storm, and with Shri Mataji’s bandhan they safely reached Ganpatipule. They saw how the presence of a single Sahaja yogi in one city saved its population. They thanked her for being miraculously saved and reported how their presence brought peace in the riot torn regions they visited.

Shri Mataji was pleased and affirmed at Christmas Puja “A real Sahaja Yogi stands in the back from where he can enjoy because he knows I am everywhere.”

It was just what the children needed to hear! Physical proximity to Shri Mataji had become an obsession. As the numbers swelled so did the crowds thronging for her darshans. As they jostled to get closer to her, it also unleashed a lot of aggressive energy that caused fractures in the collectivity. During the puja though the backbenchers could not see her, they felt the vibrations more strongly than the one’s in the front. It was the Param Chaitanya way of showing she was where the heart was, and it was not necessary to have her personal darshans.

Next day, at the music program the front rows were left vacant and everyone happily receded to the back. Shri Mataji was pleased and asked the backbenchers to come forward. Little by little, the distributing of presents started. She gave presents to the last ones first and the first one’s the last. It was Christ’s prophecy, “The first shall be the last…”

Suddenly an excited yogi jumped on to the stage. The volunteers dragged him away. Shri Mataji reprimanded them, “There is no need to be so strict. Perhaps he had some problem and wanted my attention. I do not mind if any one wants to sit on the stage. If at all he had to be removed, it could have been done with compassion. No doubt a certain amount of self-discipline is necessary in a large gathering of ten thousand people but it should come out of compassion. I do not like any military style discipline imposed anywhere in Sahaja Yoga.”

After a hectic year of travel, Ganpatipule was a family union for the beloved Mother. She indulged her children with the choicest of dishes and looked after the minutest detail for their comforts. She filled each moment with her love. Renowned artists were invited to enhance their joy.  Night after night she sat up to find the ideal grooms for her 87 marriageable daughters. She wanted to give everything to them and keep nothing for herself.  She did not want anything in return. If at all there was anything they could give her, it was to love each other. What hurt her most was when they quarrelled.

In her parting message at Shri Mahalakshmi puja, Kalwe, she urged, “It would give me the greatest joy, the greatest achievement and fulfillment of my life when you love each other and every Sahaja yogi. Then your Mahalakshmi principle would be burning all the time.” ”


Chapter 18

After a 9-hour drive, Shri Mataji arrived in Pune from  Ganpatipule. En route she did not eat anything but there was not the slightest sign of fatigue on her face. She received flowers from the Pune children and then retired to her bedroom. She watched a T.V. bulletins showing the famine stricken parts of Maharashtra and her heart wrenched in pain. The dinner tray returned to the kitchen untouched. She could not sleep at night. Early in the morning she ordered a truck of grains and vibrated them for the famine stricken victims.

She developed vibrated seeds on her farm with the assistance of a seed expert from New Zealand. He wanted to use chemical fertilizers to increase the yield but she did not favour the idea. A week long argument followed. He came up with all kinds of facts and figures to support his point. Eventually, it was agreed to experiment on two plots. Chemical fertilizers would be used in the first plot and the second one would only use organic manure with vibrated water. When the crops were harvested the yield of the second plot with vibrated water was double than that of the first one!

She explained that the chemicals were very hot and had made the vibration of the first plot too hot. Excessive heat hampered the organic process of nature whereas vibrations enhanced it.

The point registered and the expert prayed to the Mother Earth to forgive him for polluting her.

Shri Mataji sprinkled vibrated water on the first plot to cool its vibrations. Then she asked him to check the vibrations. They were indeed cool!

The episode changed his perception of Mother Earth – he became aware of her chakras and vibrations. She had the most powerful kundalini and he could draw vibrations from her. No wonder Mother Earth was worshipped in ancient civilizations like India, Incas, Hopi Indians and the aborigines of Australia and New Zealand. . The expanse of the new awareness was enthralling; he perceived her as a living force, and vowed to safeguard her protocol!

With folded hands he thanked Shri Mataji for her bounties, “We owe our survival to the Mother Earth and yet we indiscriminately exploit her. She is our Mother and we are a part of Mother Nature. Please save her!”

Shri Mataji said, “If the farmers were taught how to vibrate the seeds and irrigate the soil with vibrated water, India’s food problem could be solved.

He took her permission to approach the Ministry of Agriculture and Members of Parliament. He began drawing plans and his rational mind quipped, “We must have a proper organization, Shri Mataji, you do not even have a secretary!”

Shri Mataji smiled, “You are all my secretaries. You are the light of my eyes. You are the pillars of my Temple. Your kundalini is self-organizing. I don’t need any other organization.”

He argued that some people were making money at the cost of Sahaja Yoga, and it was necessary to keep at least an accountant.

She said, “Sahaja Yogis are my accountants! If you try to play tricks with Sahaja Yoga, immediately you are pushed out; in your awareness, in your Nabhi chakra. You may make thousand rupees here, but you will lose ten thousand rupees!”

Sahaja Yoga grew without any organization. It had spread globally through the sweet play of her love. Single- handed, she built up Sahaja Yoga, without any organization. He could not envision the tremendous work of global transformation that had taken place. The collective contribution, if at all, was only putting up posters for her programs. That too, was such a joyous experience – singing bhajans and giving realization to passer byes before her poster!

Shri Mataji started Sahaja Yoga in each country with the awakening of its kundalini. Next, she opened the chakras and balanced them. When the collective’s Sahasraras opened, she blessed them with collective consciousness. Little by little, the collective singularized into one body, and she propelled her power of Kalki. Individually, each seeker could ascend only upto a point; beyond that Shri Kalki took over.

As the full Moon activated the tide, similarly Shri Mataji’s presence activated the power of Shri Kalki. As the collective body of Sahaja yogis bonded with her, Shri Kalki responded to their slightest desire, and gravitated everything for their benevolence – the right thing at the right moment and, even the right hall for her program.  Ritumbara PrAgnya took over their welfare – just the amount needed for hall rentals invariably emerged from the most unexpected sources!

Moreover, Shri Kalki protected her children at every step. If their attention wavered and missed the connection, it posted signs to put them back on the right track!  Though Shri Kalki had no face, yet it was imbued with self-organisation and there was no need for any other management. Her mission was not about the success of an organization, but the penetration of Shri Adi Shakti’s love. The so-called human management and deliberations only hampered its flow.

The all-pervading power of Shri Adi Shakti’s love drenched the collective body of Shri Kalki with unconditional love. It was love for love’s sake. In fact, her children were often at a loss how to please her. She had no expectations and was easily pleased at the slightest gesture – “Ah, what beautiful flowers! What a lovely cup of tea! The cake reminds me of my mother’s recipe. Who made the pasta? Who did this beautifully embroidery on the linen?”

Not a single offering of love escaped her appreciation. She was gratified by the minutest thing her children did for her. Her heart responded to the call of every heart spontaneously and that power of her love organized everything. That power of love turned the wheels of time and took Sahaja Yoga forward. How else did Sahaja Yoga spread globally in such a short time!

But the management of the myopic human brain inadvertently spoilt her show! Shri Mataji selected a beautiful hilltop at Shere, outside Pune for the puja. Immediately the organizers imagined all the possible problems – how difficult it would be to manage transport so far out etc. So in their wisdom they arranged the puja in the heart of the city. Just as Shri Mataji started her puja speech, the electricity broke down and nobody could hear her!

She deliberately chose places in nature for pujas because of the vibrations. In the crowded cities the vibrations were so heavy that to clear them was like lifting a mountain. It put immense pressure on her Kundalini. Whereas, nature assisted her in soothing the collective’s agnya, absorbing its vibrations, and cleansing its chakras.

She rarely issued instructions but subtly posted signs. But the sign could not be deciphered without the connection of the kundalini with her. The connection empowered their kundalini with the discretion to read the sign.

The only way to singularize with Shri Kalki was through the kundalini. Furthermore, by following one’s kundalini one could avert the trap of logic contrived by the agnya. It was necessary to calm one’s busy agnya to singularize with Shri kalki. Thus Shri Mataji was not in favour of any red tape or pyramid like structures in Sahaja Yoga that would put pressures on the agnyas. If she found any stickler for rules, she deliberately broke them, “Sahaja Yoga is self-organizing and self-balancing. All of you are cells in my body, but if any cell troubles me, my whole body reacts.”

She revealed when the yogis connected with their kundalinis, they functioned in harmony with her collective Being of Shri Kalki, and nothing could trouble her. No negativity could ever enter her body. Negativity could only penetrate through her children who stayed apart from the collective. Each yogi was a cell in her body. If the cells became malignant, naturally the body would suffer. Conversely, if the cells were in harmony, they spontaneously singularized in her Being of Shri kalki.

“But there could be a difference of opinion,” protested the organizer.

She pointed, “As there is no duality in collective consciousness, there is no question of difference of opinion. Differences arise from the ego. Through your kundalini you become collectively conscious and know the absolute truth. In the light of absolute truth, there is no duality.”

At MahaShivaratri Puja, Mumbai, she elucidated the singularity.

“If you are the light and you are the lamp, then where is the duality? If you are the Moon and you are the Moonlight, then where is the duality? If you are the Sun and you are the Sunlight, then where is the duality?”


Chapter 19

Shri Mataji lovingly landscaped the garden of Sahaja Yoga. Flowerbeds of schools and hospitals were laid. On 11 th March she assigned committees to tend each flowerbed. An agriculture committee was formed to increase the yield of the crops with the help of vibrations. A committee was assigned for marriages. She revealed that the devotion from the left side landscaped the creativity in the right. Hence, theatre and drama committees should be engaged to promote the eternal values of Sahaja Yoga. An audio video committee was set up to look after the production, preservation and distribution of tapes and another one for the publications of books.

A finance committee was to look into funding of Sahaja projects. To uphold the Mahalakshmi Principle she guided, “Whatever donations are collected for a project, should be spent exclusively on it and not diverted elsewhere.”

Although she did not believe in regimentation or strict discipline, she expressed how Sahaja yogis should behave and maintain decorum. She said there was always an attack from the media and a committee should address them.

She wanted the collective’s attention to transcend their narrow vision and address world problems. World solutions would emerge from collective consciousness if their attention went to them. At a press conference on 19 at Delhi’s Meridien th Hotel, she urged the media, “It would be such a great thing – ‘a punya’ if you used your power for the right things.”

Shri Mataji’s 70 birthday was celebrated at Nizamuddin th Scout grounds, Delhi. Close to the camp was the tomb of the great Sufi saint Nizamuddin Auliya. She said, “He was a realized soul and it would be auspicious to offer a chaddar (shawl) on his Mazar.”

On the 20 th morning as the yogis entered his Mazar to make the offering, they were transfixed by a musical outpouring. A group of Sufi musicians were immersed in a quawwali which alluded to the mysterious paradox of love, and referred to it as a tempestuous river, into which those who entered must drown, but at the same time, paradoxically, only those who drowned got across.”

The Sufi consciousness inspired the yogis to take the leap and drown. Where they were, they did not know, till a hand pulled them up, “Its getting late for the birthday felicitation.” It was time to get across to the shore!

Before departing they invited the Pir of the Mazar for the felicitation program. As they crossed the courtyard, suddenly, a whiff of cool vibration drew them to an adjacent Dargah of the great Sufi poet Amir Khusro. He was a realized soul and the chief musician in the court of the Delhi Sultans (1253-1325 A.D.) He metaphorically expressed the soul’s longing for God in passionate poetry to the beloved which gave birth to a new style of music called quawwali (a dialogue with God).  His tryst with the love of God arose out of the special bond he shared with his preceptor Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya, a bond that transcended all other relationships. He himself sought to be buried close to his mentor and was imortalized by his quawwalis

At noon the Pir (Peer or Pir is a title for a Sufi spiritual guide) accompanied by his disciples arrived in their resplendent ceremonial costumes. He made a respectful offering of a chaddar (shawl) to honour Shri Mataji. She praised his depth and subtle recognition of her. Thereafter, their heartrending quawwalis opened the doors of paradise!

After the program the Pir respectfully escorted Shri Mataji to the tomb of Nizamuddin Auliya. Though women were not allowed inside the mosque, he proclaimed, Nay, She is none other than Fatima Bi! No sooner than Shri Mataji offered the shawl to protect his grave, the vibrations cascaded so tremendously that the collective Sahasraras started singing. It was as though the Auliya had woken up from his deep slumber to receive her blessings.

Inevitably, Shri Mataji’s presence always exposed the lurking negativity. It was discovered that the management of the shrine had not maintained accounts of the offerings for more than 700 years. The money was going into the pockets of certain individuals who claimed to be the saint’s descendants and setup madrasas for indoctrinating children. The Delhi Wakf Board, the legal owner of the land filed a lawsuit in the Delhi High Court for the offerings to be used for charitable purposes and for proper accounts to be maintained. A few months later the Court decreed in its favour. 

A similar exposure occurred at Saptashrungi in 1982, where the priests were busy filling their coffers. No sooner than Shri Mataji visited the shrine, the government took over its management!

A pair of magnificent elephants welcomed Shri Gajlakshmi for her Birthday puja. She graciously bestowed the bounties of Shri gaj Lakshmi and declared it was the last day of Kali Yuga and the advent of Satya Yuga, where truth would reign supreme. The vibrations rose to a crescendo and the ceiling of the pandal started billowing. Yet not a leaf stirred outside!

At the program the following day, she cooled the right side of the seekers by quenching their thirst for questions. During the evening music program it started raining very heavily and the pandal started leaking. No sooner than the attention of the Mother fell on her children drenched, she gave a bandhan and the rain respectfully obeyed.

It had been a hectic week and she had no time to rest. Her children prayed for her to take a few days of rest. She eventually consented to a day’s rest. But the next evening the call of  Nirmal Sangeet Sarita, Birju Maharaj, Ajit Kadkade and Pratik Chaudhuri kept her up till 3 in the morning.

On the auspicious day of Gudi Padwa, as the leaders offered flowers at Her Lotus Feet, she gently advised them to be free of arrogance. “You are only a communication link, like I have to put a letter in an envelope and post it.”

On the 25 th she inaugurated the Sahaja Temple in Noida. She was very pleased with the devotion of the Noida Yogis and blessed them with gifts.

In the evening she addressed a medical conference at the Meridien Hotel. During the question hour, a right sided doctor challenged Sahaja Yoga’s claim of healing without medicines. A Sahaja doctor tried to explain him and a heated argument ensued. Shri Mataji saw the Agnya of the doctor was blocked and intervened. Little by little she diverted his attention by narrating a humourous episode about how her husband got anxious when he had to catch a plane and how it was inevitably late! The right side of the doctor melted and he begun to laugh.

She then returned back to the subject and concluded that her mission was not to cure people but to give them self-

realization. “Just by giving self-realization a patient is not cured, he has to follow Sahaja meditation to establish his kundalini in the Sahasrara.”

The right sided doctor nodded in agreement and anxiously requested for self Realization.

He felt the cool breeze and the next day brought all his patients to her. She encouraged him to attend to their problems with the power she had bestowed upon him, “So what will happen, the burden that is now on me will be shared by you and by that you will grow and prosper.”

The grand finale of the birthday ended in a musical extravaganza. Each artist created concentric ripples of joy in the ocean of love! 


Chapter 20

Easter Puja was held near Rome on 11 th April. Shri Mataji revealed, “We were most fortunate to have got our realization and resurrection but now we must have faith in our resurrection. The resurrection in Sahaja Yoga is that your faith is solid.”

The children realized if their faith was solid their problems would resolve spontaneously.

It was not necessary to bring their problems to her because she was always within them.

Shri Mataji arrived in Athens on the 25 th. She recounted her earlier visit with Sir C.P., 15 years ago. She had told him that the day was not far when Sahaja Yoga would prosper very much in Athens and now that day had dawned!

At the Pallas Athena Puja, she felt the vibrations had returned to Greece through Sahaja yogis. She revealed Delphi was the nabhi of the universe. She recalled having spotted a small Temple of a little Shri Ganesha in her previous visit to the Temple of Delphi.

In a press interview with a famous journalist, she said that Sahaja Yoga was what the Greeks already knew and that their heritage had been revived again. Over 5,00,000 watched the interview and a sea of seekers swarmed to the programs. Their reverence to the Mother Goddess enabled them to recognize Shri Mataji.

The 23 rd Sahasrara day puja was celebrated with joyous musical programs and plays in Cabella on the 9 th May. Shri Mataji described the opening of the Sahasrara as the culmination point of the work of all incarnations, seers, saints and prophets. All of them predicted about the blossom time she had envisaged.

As the children heard her say, “With the transparency of Sahasrara you can see your heart, mind and see what is wrong with you clearly,” cool vibrations poured down their spines. They subsumed in her Sahasrara and felt her Grace melting the classifications in their chakras.  With their mind and intellect it was possible to think, argue, plan and analyze but they could not even brush aside a speck of dust from their charkas. Only her Grace could do this living work. The more they surrendered to her the more they could absorb her Grace.

Moreover, when they absorbed her vibrations, the joy did not fade away after the Puja; it stayed for months after. And when it flickered, the light of the kundalini rekindled it!

Shri Mataji returned to Cabella for Shri Adi Shakti Puja on 6th June.  She suggested that instead of giving her expensive presents of gold and silver, she would like to bless the handicrafts of each country. It would bless the artisans and also encourage the dying handicrafts. Following her suggestions the stage for Shri Adi Shakti Puja was decorated very artistically with ethnic handicrafts.

In the puja talk Shri Mataji revealed the subtle nature of Shri Adi Shakti’s love, “In my heart I feel your love echoing the beauty of sparkle with this Divine love. I cannot explain to you the experience – what it creates. The first thing it creates, that tears come into my eyes because it’s the compassion which is Sandra Karuna… The relationship between you and me is of course very intimate – that you should be in my body. But if you are not meditating, then I have no relationship with you … you are no more there for me… you may be Sahaja Yogis.”

Tears of love filled the ocean of Sandra Karuna! The cool breeze lifted its vapors and showered it upon the human race.


Chapter 21

In the summer of ’93 the clouds of cool breeze showered the Sandra Karuna upon Istanbul. The Turkish Tulips recited an ode of Jalalludin Rumi to express their love for their Mother;

There is a candle in your heart, ready to be kindled. There is a void in your soul, ready to be filled, You feel it, don’t you? They did!

Shri Mataji responded, “I have come to light that candle in your heart and to connect the void in your soul. Sahaja yoga is for giving joy, and that’s what Rumi has spoken about. I thank the Sufis of Turkey for paving the way for Sahaja Yoga, and that is how Sahaja Yoga will spread very fast in Turkey.”

The Sufis flocked to her along with their head called ‘Baba’. He recognized her, “This lady is Fatima Bi. Nay, she is more than that.”

On the 4 th of July, the sweet fragrance of the Turkish Tulips spread to Cabella. On the occasion of Guru puja they prayed that it was the dharma of the disciples to give offerings to the Guru, and not for the Guru to give gifts to the disciples. But she smiled, “I am your Mother first!”

What pleased her most was when her children saw goodness and greatness in others. She took care at ever step, built ashrams, made arrangements for their comforts during pujas, even cooked for them and also blessed them with presents. She gave them complete freedom and never asked for anything in return. Her children endeavored to please her by spreading the gift of her love.

Not long before, she left for Paris.  She felt the left- side of France had made the French rather lethargic and insecure. As a result they had tried to shut themselves from the outside world. And in the vacuum many sinister movements stepped in. They had stifled the power of pure desire of Shri Mahakali. On the 11 th July the French children prayed to Shri Mahakali to fill the vacuum with the pure desire.

Shri Mataji revealed, “Shri Mahakali’s power puts the ego right by creating illusions – ‘bhranti’. If she did not create the illusion, people would become so egoistical that the world would be finished.”

With her blessings the power of pure desire brought the true seekers to the program. Among them came a prominent Shia cleric, Ayatollah Rauhani. He was one of the four Ayatollahs recognized by the Iranian Shia community. He  presented her a letter openly denouncing Muslim fundamentalism. She read the letter out aloud to a jubilant audience.  For the first time in France, a highly placed Muslim authority publicly attacked Muslim fundamentalism, and spoke in favour of Sahaja Yoga. It opened the path for the Muslim seekers all over the world to Sahaja Yoga.

At Shri Mataji’s behest, he and his followers gave up the habit of wearing black clothes in mourning for Fatima’s sons, and put on white clothes to celebrate the resurrection time. She was immensely pleased, “Look at Paris! After so much time they have come!”

And they continued to come in Amsterdam, Brussels, Antwerp, Hamburg, Berlin and Prague. The power of pure desire swept the Czech seekers. They went so deep they couldn’t tear away from the hall even after Shri Mataji left.

On the 26 th Ganesha puja was held in Berlin. Shri Mataji reminded if the children Ganesha principle was not all right then the whole movement would collapse. She did not reveal all the subtle things from the beginning as they could not bear them, but as they grew, she taught them gradually. She pointed; whatever they could verify by their vibrations should now become their knowledge. It was important not what they knew but what state they had attained.  


Chapter 22

The European tour ended and the Russian Tour commenced! On the 28 th July, the Param Chaitanya showed many miracles in the sky to the Kiev yogis to herald the coming of their Saviour. A packed stadium welcomed the Saviour with a thunderous applause. Shri Mataji was deeply touched by their love and solved the problems in the way of their ascent. “There are other problems within us which are mental and these are coming out of our over worries and also too much thinking – we get into stress and strain. And many people are trying to do things, which they should not do, and they get into lots of mental problems. People become schizophrenic or they become lunatic. All kinds of mental problems are there which can be solved through kundalini awakening.”

Those who had been taking medicines for 25 years narrated that after they got their realization they never touched any medicines.

On board a chartered flight to St Petersburg she described the Soviet problem as being agnya centric. The authoritative Soviet style had swelled the collective agnya. It sucked even the otherwise meek yogis like their Sahaja leader. Shri Mataji kept talking about him for several hours and was beginning to get rather cross. Though she never got angry, she seemed to assume a kind of severe mood that the Russian children could not understand. They made several attempts to divert her attention but for some unknown reason she did not want to change the subject.

When she arrived in St Petersburg, the Russian leader fell at her feet. He suddenly appeared like a 7-year innocent child. It was amazing how his ego balloon had burst! Then it evinced Shri Mataji had employed a trick to burst his balloon by putting her attention on him. To clear his agnya she kept talking about him. By deliberately sounding severe she cleansed his negativity. When she spoke about somebody her attention went to that person and cleansed him.

Later the Russian leader confessed, “When I got to the airport my right side was jumping and I could not stop shouting at everyone. As the plane was several hours late we sat out side under a tree and sang bhajans. Gradually, I felt my right side started to cool and I relaxed. After an hour I heard the announcement, the flight had landed. Suddenly I felt my agnya   go backward and forward and the words of Leo Tolstoy dawned upon me, ‘So that the life might have sense, its goal should cross the limits of human mind.’

I felt very guilty for shouting at my brothers and humbly begged   Shri Mataji’s forgiveness. Then my kundalini spiraled and opened my agnya. Just then, I saw Shri Mataji walking towards me.”

Tears of joy streamed down his cheeks and cooled the collective right- side. Through him Shri Mataji cleansed the collective’s agnya. 

It served as a lesson to the Russian children that whenever Shri Mataji talked about someone, they should not try to divert her attention or defend that person. Her assumed anger worked at many subtle levels – from throwing out negativity to averting major disasters!

At the public programs held in St Petersburg’s gigantic stadium, the seekers drank deeply each word and followed her subtlest nuance. This was it – the truth they had been waiting for and no more they would allow anything to stand in its way. They treasured every pearl of wisdom. Their saviour had come and they rejoiced, “The past is over, now we are in the kingdom of God and we have to enjoy it.”

The Adi Shakti was pleased with their straightforward understanding of Sahaja yoga, “They did not feel guilty. They never talked of the past, they were not concerned about the future, and they were above their woes. They were now realized souls and they felt their problems were solved.”

In her television broadcast on the 1 st August, she thanked Gorbachev for changing the country’s national policy that made it possible for her to visit Russia, “It was divine intervention!”

She was surprised how Russians matured so fast, “Whereas the western seekers took a long time because they tried to rationalize everything but the Russians jumped into it. Perhaps they were not so materialistic and their attention settled easily.”

They were ready for her!

On the 2 nd , the Russian children escorted Shri Mataji on a chartered flight to Togliatti. Her children from the far reaches of Siberia, Vladivostok, Georgia, Ukraine, Minsk and beyond the Prairies gathered to anoint their Saviour.

Shri Mataji and Sir C.P. stayed in a log hut at a camping site by the Volga River. They felt at home in its coziness and relished the fresh crisp air of the Volga.

On the 3 rd of August Devi puja was held on the shored of the Volga. The river rose to wash her lotus feet. Pointing to a huge island shaped like an elephant’s head in the middle of the river, Shri Mataji described it as a Swayambhu of Shri Ganesha.

The next day a truckload of presents arrived at the puja site. She had handpicked rings, necklaces, bracelets, bangles and brooches in every city of her European tour for children. There were shirts, wallets, sunglasses, pens and swiss knives for the yogis. Even after the distribution of 2000 presents, 4 boxes were left!  Such was her abundance.

Over 15000 seekers gathered in the open-air sports stadium and despite the rain not a soul stirred. From under an umbrella she spoke briefly, asked them to open their hands towards her and blessed them. As she watched the folk dances

she spotted a talented yogini perform an Indian classical dance, and bestowed a scholarship upon her to learn classical dancing in India. When she was ready to leave the rain obediently stopped. The Param Chaitanya showered Grace upon the city.It was an unforgettable moment!

On board the Moscow flight she gave realization to the Aeroflot crew. On landing in Moscow, the Russian pilot saluted her over the intercom, ‘Jai Shri Mataji’.

On the 6 th she addressed a mammoth program at an indoor stadium. The seekers of Moscow were very simple, and she was concerned they might get deluded by people who were trying to mesmerize them. She counselled, “Unless the transformation comes through, you cannot get over your weakness. Your problem cannot be solved.”

Their simplicity enabled them to feel the cool breeze during her talk itself. They sang and danced to the devotional songs of the Noida musicians.

Since the signing of the protocol with the Ministry of Health, several doctors had started practicing Sahaja Yoga. They requested her to address a medical conference on the 7 th. She explained Sahaja Yoga was a Meta science because the method of science that starts research as a hypothesis was not employed by it. In Sahaja Yoga there was no need to do research on anything because the Divine had already researched it. She revealed simple solutions to complicated problems. They were amazed at her perfect diagnoses and requested her to open a medical academy. She informed that Sahaja centres all over Russia were already providing this service free and they could go there.

Next morning, the head of the Medical conference, Professor Illian bid her a tearful farewell with a huge bouquet of red roses on behalf of the Russian Ministry of Health. He brought a letter from the Ministry requesting her to be its advisor. The Russian doctors had the pure intelligence to realize that she held the key to the future of medical science, and it was a treasure they did not want to lose. She was deeply moved by their roses of love and not long before its fragrance drew her back to Russia.  

Chapter 23

After Shri Mataji took residence in Italy, Sahaja Yoga spread like a tidal wave. But it also caused floods where the banks were weak. One brother left Sahaja Yoga because the other didn’t allow him to meet Shri Mataji. The other brother thought it was good riddance of bad rubbish. Shri Mataji withdrew into deep silence and felt great compassion for her lost child. She explained her misguided child would be lost if he was abandoned and every effort should be made to save him. Finally, the disgruntled brother succeeded in bringing him back. Shri Mataji was very happy and chided, it was a case of hurt ego and there was no need to make an issue of it.

She was the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever be the mistake; no sooner than a child begged forgiveness, she readily forgave. If still, the child refused to see the light, then she enacted a drama to expose the illusion eclipsing his attention. At Shri Krishna Puja, 15 th August, she revealed that she never punished anybody and there was no need to confess or dwell upon the wrongs one had done. As a realized soul, one ought to know that one was in the kingdom of God and enjoy it!

As long as a child ensconced her in his heart, she moved heaven on earth to save him. She empowered his kundalini to throw out the negativity. However, she cautioned, should he become adharmic, he could not be saved.

In close by city rivalry arose between the collective and a yogi who claimed his writ should prevail over them because he was closer to Shri Mataji. She reminded him, “It is not how much time you spend with me but how intense you are with me. A Sahaja Yogi may never have met me but he could be closest to me through the intensity of his love.”

On the 5 September, over a 1000 Romanians welcomed th Shri Mataji at Bucharest. She showered presents on all of them.

With the passing of each hour she looked more refreshed. The happiest moments of her life were when she gave to her children.

A positive press carried her photograph with a caption, “Put your hand towards Shri Mataji’s picture and you will feel the cool breeze.” After receiving the cool breeze the seekers queued till midnight to seek her blessings. She was radiant, “Look at the devotion of Romanians!”

On the birthday of Virgin Mary Shri Mataji arrived in Sophia. On the auspicious occasion Shri Mataji blessed Bulgaria with Shri Mahalakshmi puja. She revealed that Sahaja Yoga was the greatest event in the history of spirituality, and the yogis had to change the world.

The Romanians thanked her for allowing them to participate in such a historic moment of spirituality. On the 10 th she left for Budapest. She had to cancel her visit to Vienna but asked for the program to be held in her absence. 1400 seekers got their realization from her photo. When the Austrians phoned to thank her, she laughed, “Sometimes my attention works out better. May be the Divine does not want me to travel so much!”

On her return to Cabella She learnt that a devastating earthquake had struck Maharashtra on the night of Shri Ganesha’s immersion. In Latur district all the houses were razed to the ground except the Sahaja Yoga centre. The earthquake took 50,000 lives but her Grace saved all her children. She was very concerned and sent relief to the earthquake victims. It seemed that the victims had been drinking during the immersion of Shri Ganesha. They played vulgar songs and obscene dances. She attributed the earthquake to the wrath of Shri Ganesha.

It distilled in the children’s consciousness that their body was his temple and nothing should be allowed to defile it! To appease his anger, Shri Ganesha Puja was held on the 19 th. The children fervently begged her forgiveness for all the wrongs against his protocol. Finally her power of forgiveness prevailed over him.  

Chapter 24

End September Shri Mataji blessed the UN School for children in New York. Thereafter she began to lift the mountain of ego from Manhattan’s agnya. At the program Shri Virata’s shakti poured out to cross their agnya. Her face glowed as she smiled triumphantly, “It is done!”

The Vice-President of the Islamic Circle of North America and Canada sought her blessings. She also blessed the Mayor of Yonkers. Thereafter she gave a T.V. interview on Asia Net.

At the Toronto program, the Chief Agada from Nigeria marched up the isle and addressed her, “My sister migrated to Canada 4 years ago and got involved with your organization, and they have helped her a lot. She loves you Mother. Please accept my humble offering of 200 dollars.” She politely declined.

The weather in Vancouver had been dry for several days before her visit. In the afternoon there was a sudden thunder and lightning followed by rain and hail. At the program a partially blind teacher came at her Lotus Feet. She asked him to say, “You are the teacher of all teachers.” His eyesight restored.

Last of all came a man who had become penniless practicing Buddhism. She asked him to affirm, “You are Maitreya (future Buddha)”.

He got his realization.

On the 10 th October Shri Mataji blessed Los Angeles with Shri Virata and Viratangana puja. She revealed Viratangana was the Shakti of the Virata, and the power of the collective and worldwide consciousness. It was located in the upper part of the forehead, at the hairline, in the centre. It was both a part of the Vishuddhi and one of the Ekadasha Rudras. Furthermore, Sahaja Yoga was meant not only for the ascent of the yogis but also for the ascent of the whole world. It was through the Virata Shakti that Sahaja Yoga would spread worldwide.

She blessed the four aboriginal leaders from Gabrielino / Shoshone and Tongua Nations, indigenous to the Los Angeles area. She said they were very close to God and should unify all the tribes with the power of their spirituality only then would they successfully overcome the problem of the Government taking over their land. 

Chapter 25

In mid- October Shri Mataji returned to Cabella for Navaratri puja. For 9 days before the puja the children made a concerted effort to cleanse their chakras. The Mother lovingly prodded her children on to understand their values, why they were on this earth, what was their purpose, and what they had to achieve for their ascent, “The percentage of seekers maybe very small but they are very precious to the Divine, just as a little gold is more valuable than a mound of steel.”

On the 24 th October the children praised the various incarnations of the Goddess – Jagadamba, Durga, Chandika, Mahishasura Mardini. She was pleased and sucked their conditionings and attachments to materialism hampering their ascent.

One of the yogis took her photograph on the stage. Surprisingly, it showed a completely different sequence than was in the backdrop of the stage when he took the photograph. He was rather confused and asked Shri Mataji. She gave a knowing nod. On the 12 th November, Diwali Puja was held in Russia. Lo and Behold! There was an identical backdrop on the stage as the sequence that had appeared in the Navratri puja photograph held on the 24

With a twinkle in her eye she smiled, “What we think is a miracle is really a play of the all-pervading power of God’s love to convince us!”

Thereafter, the Param Chaitanya unfolded a sequence of miracles. When Shri Mataji arrived in Moscow the outside temperature was -20 degrees. After her arrival it rose to -4 degrees. On the 12 th November, the day of Diwali puja, it rose to 10 degrees and the days grew warmer and warmer.

At the Diwali puja Shri Mataji enriched the Russian nabhi with Shri Lakshmi Principle, “In the nabhi resides the Lakshmi, and you have reached the state where she is the reality within you, she is not a symbol anymore… The Lakshmi principle is that you enjoy doing for others. In collective consciousness you want to do for others.”

She kindled the lamps of their soul and the whole night they danced in ecstasy. The next morning their joy enhanced with the Petrovskaya Academy of Science and Arts St Petersburg bestowing the honorary membership of the Academy upon Shri Mataji. Only 10 such awards had been given by the Academy earlier, and the last one had been awarded to Albert Einstein. Prof. Y.A.Voronov stated that Shri Mataji’s work was far more important and far-reaching than any scientific discovery made so far because science had yet to reach the level achieved by Sahaja Yoga.

Photograph of Prof.Veron of presenting the award

At the press conference in Moscow on the 13 th November, the media paid glowing tributes to her achievements. She was overwhelmed, “They recognized me because of their pure intelligence.”   

However, before her departure some teething problems of her infants came to her attention. There were complaints of

separatist groups who were trying to divide the collective. She pointed there was no need to bring any complaints to her as she had an innate sense of knowing by which she could spot even a flying bird. “When I see a person I go inside of myself, then I see that person in a very different perspective and understanding. Your kundalini records everything. By putting my attention on your kundalini I know your problem.”

Soon her motherly love cemented the splits and soothed the angularities. There were some slow coaches but she was the embodiment of motherly love, and gently prodded them back into the family fold.


Chapter 26

In end- November floral archways welcomed Shri Mataji to Delhi, Faridabad, Gurgoan and Noida. At the Noida program on 2 December she cured a 12-year-old deaf and nd mute girl. The girl whispered her first word ‘Ma’ and fell in her arms.

The Param Chaitanya performed several miracles that evening. As Shri Mataji held a candle before her eyes and gave vibrations to a blind lady, her vision returned.

At Shri Ganesha puja on the 5 th December, she revealed, “Though the Param Chaitanya is all pervading, it can be active only if it takes a form within us. Shri Ganesha cannot be attained by doing his puja, singing his praises or by lectures; we have to awaken him within us.”

In a sweet analogy she described how the ‘vatsalya ras’ (the spontaneous flow of love and protection for a child) attracted grownups towards children. The children were bathed in their beloved Mother’s ‘vatsalya rasa’. It fulfilled their utmost desire, and there was nothing else left to desire.

On the 8 th , her chariot descended at the epic battlefield of Dharma – Kurukshetra, where the battle of Mahabharata was fought, and Shri Krishna gave the discourse of Bhagwad Gita to Arjuna. However at the time of her 10 th incarnation, the battlefield of Mahabharata had shifted to the human brain. Adharma had spread in the human mind like cancer, and she was faced by a far more formidable task than Shri Krishna to weed it. It was simpler to strike an enemy on the battlefield but impossible to strike the enemy hiding in the labyrinth of the mind – Jealousy, greed, anger, aggressiveness, lust and possessiveness. Moreover false gurus had jammed the kundalinis of the seekers. It was an impossible situation beyond the capacity of any incarnation. Only SHE the Adi Shakti could do it!

Foremost, the Adi Shakti had to incarnate to awaken their kundalinies. Furthermore, she had to bear the birth pangs and nurture the newborns to establish their kundalinies. Not just that, she had to protect them form both the negativity within and without. More oever, she had to comfort, council and redeem them. And all this she achieved all alone!

In the wee hours before dawn, she sat in deep contemplation in the lawn of the Hatni Kund guest house; another Mahabharata had been won but there were many more raging. It had been a long struggle and there was no end in sight. But her compassion was such she was determined to carry on the struggle till the last breath. There was no other way to save her children. As the first ray of the Sun kissed her Lotus Feet she turned to the sky decisively, “Shri Krishna transformed only one person, Arjuna, whereas I have come to transform all humanity!”

Her resolve excited the Param Chaitanya and it cascaded Grace. The vibration appeared like luminous inverted commas and followed her car to Chandigarh.

At the Chandigarh program on the 9 th, she revealed the city was named after the Goddess Chandi who had already laid the seeds of Sahaja Yoga, and now it was for her children to spread it.

Next day the town of Yamuna Nagar wore a festive look to welcome her. A great Sufi singer got his realization and she invited him to give a concert at the Sahaja Camp. Northern India was in the grip of a cold wave, the concert was in the open and the children tried to dissuade her from coming out at night. But nothing could keep her away from her children and she arrived with a carload of woolen shawls to sheild her children. The children sang and danced in the glow of their Mother’s love. Snug in the warmth of her love she transported them to her enchanting abode of many splendors!

The River Yamuna could not restrain echoing the sweet melodies of Shri Krishna’s flute. During Shri Krishna puja, she recounted his enchanting childhood. ‘The all-pervading power just wanted to love and out of kindness it manifested some kind of miracles like the miracle photographs to convince her children of her love.’

On the sunny morning of the 12 th, she departed for Dehradun. As she passed the foothills of the Himalayas, she was drenched by the vibrations of the Himalayas. She reflected, “I have worked so many years in the villages of Maharashtra and they got their realization because of their Bhakti. However, they did not sustain it because in their innocence the false gurus easily be fooled them.”

Directly after the program, she boarded the night train to Delhi. The Param Chaitanya manifested another coincidence. The Chief Election Commissioner of India, Mr T.N.Seshan was traveling in the adjoining compartment. He fell at her feet and worshipped her with verses from Shri Adi Shankaracharya.

He said, “Mother I am so worried about the plight of India, I cannot sleep. Every morning I wake up at 4 am and worry what will become of my country.”

She comforted him, “I am very proud of such a great son as you. Now you do not have to worry, I have activated the power of Kalki. But you can help me in the task by fighting corruption. Corruption in the government has eroded the sense of morality. They think they can pay for God. God men have set up shops, and people are flocking to buy God.”

He volunteered to give up his job to serve her mission. She dissuaded him and said her style was different; she wanted everyone to keep to his or her job and family commitment while doing Sahaja work.

In the middle of the night the train made an unscheduled stop at Haridwar railway station. Shri Mataji was fast sleep. Suddenly she was woken by a chorus of jai jaikaras. From the window she saw thousands of yogis on the platform with flowers. Their love drew her to the platform to receive their flowers. She regretted her inability to visit Haridwar and said that their devotion was so deep that she was bound by it, and so the Param Chaitanya found a way to facilite her darshans in such a spontaneous manner! 


Chapter 27

On the 18 th December Shri Mataji blessed Chhindwara with Ganesha Puja. The return to her birthplace was overwhelming. She was only four when her father shifted to Nagpur but surprisingly she remembered everything vividly as though she had left just yesterday.

“My father had built the house 80 years ago. His friends used to come from Nagpur so he had built guest rooms for them. At that time he was the only one who understood my mission. He told me to find out a way to give en masse realization. I was really not thinking to open the Sahasrara but I was literally forced into it and it worked out!”

The house had passed several hands since her father sold it. With folded hands the children prayed that the house should be returned to her. Unfortunately, the current owner took advantage of their sentiment and doubled the price. As Shri Mataji gave a bandhan, the Param Chaitanya showered gentle petals of Grace. It was a sign from heaven for the house to be returned; it was the Will of God.

The next day Shri Mataji returned to Nagpur for Baba Mama’s son’s wedding. She graciously assumed the role of the hospitable elder sister and took care of all the arrangements, supervised the ceremonies, warmly embraced the bride’s family and served sweets to the guests. She was so unassuming that her relations had no idea of the colossal task she had achieved. To them she remained their adored ‘Neeru

Tai’ or ‘Aka’.

Her nephew and nieces sought her blessings for their new born. She caressed them tenderly and raised their kundalinies. Before departing for Pune she bestowed lavish gifts upon them and the servants, and took their promise to visit Pratishthan.

After a day’s rest at Pratishthan she left for Ganapatipule. She wanted to bake cakes for Christmas but there were no ovens available in Ganapatipule. She devised an ingenious method of baking them without ovens. Following her mother’s recipe for pound cakes, she mixed all the ingredients in equal measure in heart shape molds and then turned the moulds upside down over a tin platter. Thereafter, she fanned coal ambers on top of the tins. Just as Christmas carols concluded, the fragrance of freshly baked cakes mesmerized 500 yogis!

In the puja talk she impressed upon her children that though at the time of Christ people were ignorant, yet he spoke about the truth. It opened their hearts once again to the doubting Toms they had written off! The collective diffidence ceased upon the realization that it was Shri Mataji who gave realization – they were merely the instruments. As they stopped being judgmental, their agnyas cooled.

She had incarnated for her children, she lived for them and took every breath for them. During the puja their love washed away all the fatigue from her marathon global travels.

On the 28 th,she blessed 85 newly weds.

New Year celebrations were followed at the Mukund Temple with Shri Ganesha Puja. Her children anxiously gathered to wish her at the stroke of midnight. She dispelled the myth that the New Year commenced at mid-night and revealed that it actually started at sunrise!

How else could it be!


Chapter 28

Shri Mataji’s kind attention was preoccupied with several Agricultural projects. She encouraged the yogis working on the Tissue Culture Project, Bangalore to use vibrations. In the beginning they were rather diffident but as she cleared their agnyas they realized she was the source of pure knowledge.

She reminded that though she had blessed them with the knowledge; it was meant for the collective benevolence of humanity. Moreover, she cautioned success would bring a lot of money but they should beware of its temptation.

With experience they learnt that Nirmala Vidya began flowing only after they surrendered to her. No sooner than their success bloated their ego, the flow snapped. As they introspected they realized that their ego had led them to believe that their knowledge emerged from their intellect. Hence, they prayed to Shri Mataji for protecting them against their ego. She smiled, “As one seed has all the 1000 trees it is going to produce, in the same way you are capable of giving realization to thousands primulas. But what is needed is faith.”

Their faith brought many seekers to the program.

On 17 th January she left for Chennai. She was concerned with the mounting unemployment in the South and envisaged providing vocational training to school drop- outs as plumbers, electricians, carpenters and technicians.

At the program, she once again gave the seekers an opportunity to ask questions.

“What is the reason for man’s existence?”

Answer: To be an instrument of God and enjoy his blessings.

A waft of cool breeze swept the audience. There were a lot of patients and she invited them to her residence for treatment.

Long before the crack of dawn a long queue of patients lined outside her house. She showed Murthy the various combinations and permutations to clear their chakras. Between treating patients, attending long distance phone calls, and issuing instructions, she narrated amusing anecdotes to relax the patients and served them refreshments. Within a short time Murthy was exhausted, whereas she continued to work on them for six hours without a break. She smiled, “It is love; it gives you lots of energy.”

Murthy saw the point that he was fatigued because he got lost in the doership. Putting his attention on her, he plunged back in the battlefield. As evening drew closer Mrs Murthy tried to draw Shri Mataji’s attention to lunch. She said she had not bathed yet. She finally skipped lunch as time was running out for the inauguration of the Ramayana Epic at Kalakshetra.

On the 21 st Shri Mataji blessed Hyderabad with Raj Rajeshwari Puja. She was pleased with the growth of Sahaja Yoga but reminded the Hyderabad children to introspect on how deep they had grown; Sahaja Yoga was not about numbers but quality, merely the increase of numbers would not help if they did not love others from their hearts.

On the 27 th at a program held at New English High School, Pune, she spoke in chaste Marathi of the great spiritual Heritage of Maharashtra, and inspired the seekers to achieve that height.

After the realization a false guru declared, “If I had the powers of Shri Mataji, I would have been the king of the world.”

Shri Mataji was not amused, “If you have desires you cannot have powers also.”

The audience burst in a thundering ovation!

She was pleased with the spread of Sahaja Yoga in Pune

and invited the children to Pratishthan for a quawwali dinner.

In mid- February she addressed the annual congregation of YPO, (an International association of multinational businessmen) in Goa. She revealed the blessing of Shri Lakshmi did not arise from money and wealth, but from the ascent of the spirit. She urged the Presidents of multinationals to become fatherly figures, and look after the welfare of their employees with compassion and generosity.

Little by little, she began narrating amusing anecdotes to relax them. Finally, their corporate right side came down, and they were bathed in cool vibrations. Like little children they asked innocent questions. One lady complained her husband had a compulsive habit of lecturing others.

She smiled, “Put a beetle nut in his mouth then he won’t speak so much.”

With a serious expression, she asked, “What should be the size of the beetle nut.”

The audience split in peals of laughter.

On the 24 th she addressed a mammoth gathering at Mumbai’s Shivaji Park. She expressed her grave concern about the way the people of Maharashtra who were blessed by such a great spiritual heritage were taking to the ills of the West. Over 30,000 seekers got their realization. She was pleased and invited them to the quawwali program.

On the 4 th March she invited the yogis from all over India for the marriage of her eldest granddaughter Aradhana in Mumbai. She particularly asked them not to bring presents. After great persuasion she agreed to accept a collective present. The yogis proposed to hold a reception for the newlyweds but she declined.

Her children dedicated floral offering for Shivratri in Pune on the 10 th. She revealed Shivratri was not held to celebrate the birth of Lord Shiva. He did not have any birth date, as he was eternal. However, Shivratri marked his anniversary.

On the 14 th March, she returned to Delhi for Shri Shivratri Puja. The hectic week long marriage engagements had tired her and she had temperature. The collective prayed for the postponement of Shivratri puja but she brushed aside their concern, “It is nothing serious, and I will be alright. It is just a play.”

No sooner than the names in praise of Lord Shiva were intoned, her temperature returned to normal. The power of her children’s love released her vibrations. Her body was like the barometer of their subtle system. Her health prospered when they loved each other but suffered if there was strife. It was not about how much they did or donated for Sahaja Yoga but how much they loved others.


Chapter 29

On 19 th March, Shri Mataji arrived in Kolkatta for her 71 st Birthday. The Chief Minister, Jyoti Basu was to receive her at the airport but got delayed as he had stopped to make an offering at the Kali temple.

Shri Mataji was surprised how a communist worshipped God.

He said, “What! Am I going to forget Mother because I am a communist? In that case, I better give up communism because the Holy Mother is everything to me.”

The Birthday celebrations commenced with the presentation of a ballet depicting an episode from the Ramayana, ‘Jatya Moksha.’  Shri Mataji drew a parallel between the condor Jatya, who fought Ravana to rescue Sita, and the big fight of Sahaja yogis to rescue righteousness from adharma, “Though righteousness got injured many a times but it continued to fight. The condor’s body was injured but that did not bother him. As he drew his last breath Shri Rama gave him Moksha. In the same way when you struggle for your seeking you ultimately get your realization.”

She praised the Kalakshetra artists, “Sahaja Yoga is an art because it is the expression of the heart.”

The Chief of the Indian Army Staff Gen. B.C. Joshi flew from Delhi to felicitate her at the Felicitation program. She spoke very lovingly and said, “I am not doing anything, it is your kundalini that is working it out. But one thing is – She knows Me. That’s all.”

At the felicitation lunch, she mentioned to the army chief, “There is too much drinking in the army.”

He protested, “But it is necessary to boost the soldiers on the war front.”

Shri Mataji; “Shivaji’s army also fought many great battles but there was no drinking. They were men of great moral character. They were inspired by their spirit and not liquor. Liquor weakens the spirit. ”

Then she narrated the story of Shivaji’s General, Tanaji who gave his life to save the honour of a Martha princess held in captivity at the Kondana Fort by the Muslim invaders. She pointed, “The ills of the Indian Army are a legacy of the British Raj. The British legacy is completely alien to the Bharati ethos. We need to do away with it and establish our own innate values as exemplified by Shivaji Maharaj. When they get their

realization, their kundalini will inspire them.”

He was drenched in vibrations and promised to set a personal example by giving up drinking.  

Gradually the conversation drifted to the security of the country. She warned the Indian coast line was not sufficiently guarded and was being infiltrated. He was spellbound how she knew! Only recently he had received confidential reports of huge cache of arms being smuggled across the coast.

(Unfortunately, Gen Joshi passed away before he could take any action. On 28th November 2008 terrorists infiltrated from Mumbai’s coast at the Gateway of India, killing over 200 people and causing massive destruction to Taj and Oberoi Hotels)

At the Birthday Puja held on the 21st evening she reflected, “When you celebrate my birthday, I even forget how many years I have lived on this earth, because as I told you, it does not leave any mark of time, of date, of years in that beautiful state…My own growth has been like this, that every time I go to a place, I find very nice people coming in and some of the horrible ones from the old lot disappearing. It’s something like when the tree grows, the leaves go on falling and new leaves start coming.”

At the program held at Netaji Indoor Stadium, the devotion of the seekers to the Mother warmed her heart. She pointed their respect for motherhood had given them a loving nature that enabled them to recognize her. She assured them their sentiment for the mother would soon restore their state to its former glory of ‘Sonar Bengal’. Later in the evening Kolkatta Doordarshan broadcasted her program.

At the Grand finale, the Sufi Quawwals, Baba Zahir composed heart-rending couplets for the occasion and she blushed like a shy maiden, “I hope now that the Sufis have started coming to Sahaja Yoga, all the Muslims would also come as I am very worried about them.”

Before Her departure for Perth she expressed her gratitude to the Kolkatta collective for the tender care and love with which they looked after all the guests.


Chapter 30

Easter puja was held in Sydney on the 3 rd April. After a long spell of incessant rain, a jubilant Sun welcomed Shri Mataji. She resurrected her children for a purpose and the purpose was to transform this world into a beautiful place.

At the Sydney Town Hall program, the Deputy Lord Mayor thanked her for her tireless effort for the emancipation of humanity. She pointed the age of truth was at hand and the seekers should not only take their self-realization but also establish themselves as spiritual beings.

Some yogis had formed an artist’s co-operative. She said there was no need to form such groups within Sahaja yoga. She reminded them they were Sahaja yogis first, and should not get lost in art, music or whatever else they were doing.

On the auspicious occasion of her wedding anniversary she forgave all those who had troubled her. Once people called her mother, she just forgave.

At Shri Mahamaya puja in New Zealand on the 10 th, Shri Mataji revealed she had to assume Mahamaya to come close to her children, without them having any fear or awe. To do so she had to behave and react exactly like human beings. She had taken them inside herself but they could not see how – this was Mahamaya.

Her children did not feel her pain when she absorbed their negativity. They did not know how she cured them, “That was the secret part of it… Anything you do, any small thing, it hurts me. It has to, but I don’t think about myself; I always think about you. So it’s an indication to me that something has gone wrong somewhere.”

On the 12 th she blessed Wamara, (her property outside Brisbane). She impressed upon her children to take to nature, as it was very good for enjoying their inner being. She reminded, even though the Param Chaitanya was active, they had to nourish it. No doubt, there was a great potential for everything but if they did not canalize it, it would not work.

Just as she was about to leave for Tokyo, there was a phone call from a newborn to thank her. He was speeding on a motorbike when suddenly from both the sides two trucks collided against him. He was miraculously lifted up like a shuttlecock and thrown on the other side. His bike was completely smashed but he did not suffer a single scratch.

The public response in Tokyo was beyond expectations! She was surprised that in such a right- sided country so many got their realization.

On the 19 th she departed for Taiwan. She viewed the miracle photographs and unraveled the various formations of vibrations. The first one, taken in Ganapatipule, showed Madonna standing before her like a light. The second one was taken in Brisbane of a Rainbow where Madonna appeared holding a child in the clouds. Next, she turned to the picture where the Sun appeared in the place of her face and remarked, “Kalki was described as having no face. The redeemer in the Jewish religion also has no face.”

As she spoke, everyone went into deep silence.

Before her departure for Hong Kong she revealed, “The future Buddha has been described as Matreya – as three Mothers in one. The mantra is, ‘Shri Mataji, You are Matreya.’ Our body is like a computer. It will answer even if people do not have their self-realization.”

Thereafter, she blessed Kaulalampur and Thailand. On the 29th she departed for Delhi.


Chapter 31

Sahasrara puja celebrations commenced in Cabella on the 4 th of May. The Austrians presented a kladeiscope of folk dances, plays, quawwalies and duets. In the wee hours of the morning, the vibrations reached a crescendo and her children danced in ecstasy around their Beloved Mother.

Shri Mataji’s joy knew no bounds, “All the incarnations spoke about the future but I did not talk about it. The future or the past does not exist. They are a myth and have no meaning. Now we have only the eternal present.”

The significance of the eternal present was not lost upon her children. After many lifetimes they were blessed with her incarnation and the golden moment could be lost in a fraction of a second if they failed to recognize her. They withdraw their attention from mental fiction and enshrined her in the temple of their hearts.

Shri Mataji was pleased with their growth and said others had to grow through them.

They were cells in the expanse of her Sahasrara. The puja deepened their recognition, and the Param Chaitanya brought the dual blessings of Mother’s Day!

Although the expanse of the joy in the Sahasrara was infinite, the expanse of the puja tent was shrinking. Shri Mataji wanted to provide a larger space for her children’s comfort. A villager offered the site of his crushing plant across the river. The children were taken by its ideal location on the banks of the river, and proclaimed it to be the Promised Land. They kept pressing for it but for some reason the Param Chaitanya kept stalling it. Just before Shri Adi Shakti puja there was such a heavy downpour that their promised land was completely submerged by the swollen river. Once again they realized they were led by their rational and missed the signs posted by Shri Mataji!

She comforted them, “It is for your benevolence that Param Chaitanya protected you. When anything comes to my attention, the Param Chaitanya acts on the reflex. I do nothing at all, I only witness.”

At Shri Adi Shakti Puja it became clear that when she witnessed something, it activated the Param Chaitanya; “Because the power of Shri Adi Shakti manifested as Param Chaitanya… It is the power that loves you and has complete control over nature. When your kundalini rises, it touches the Param Chaitanya and becomes empowered by it. Then you get the vision of the whole expanse.”

She expressed her deep concern for her children, “I am never satisfied that I have done my job and I can sleep tonight without thinking about anything – concerned about this, about that and it flows because it is genuine. I am never concerned about myself – never!”

Even as she spoke, her concern brought tears in the eyes of the children and they thanked her again and again for her infinite compassion.

The following week the expanse of her infinite compassion blessed Turkey, Switzerland, France, Germany and Austria. On the 13 th she blessed France with Shri Vishnu Puja to establish its dharma. She emphasized dharma could not be established without giving realization, “There was no need to talk about do’s and don’ts. Whatever is told or written down becomes a lip service. That is why all the religions who preached about the same thing went on different lines.”

She returned to Cabella for Guru puja. As the children prayed to their Guru fervently, she said she knew how much each one loved her but that love must also spread to others. “We should know about their needs and what to do for them.”

The expanse of her motherly love encompassed each child, “A  guru does not dominate others but humbly cares for them.”

The following week, the expanse of her compassion poured upon Belgium and Holland.


Chapter 32

Shri Krishna Puja was held in Cabella on 28 th August. The children from the Americas presented skits to enhance the mirth of Shri Krishna.

In a mirthful mood, Shri Mataji asked her children to communicate with the madhuri (sweetness) of Shri Krishna. As they took the mantras with madhuri, their Vishuddhis opened. The world appeared as a stage where each one had to play his role. Initially, the madhuri part was missing from that stage but little by little, the breath of the Holy Spirit brought it back!

The following week the madhuri blessed Warsaw. At the Passport control the lady checking Shri Mataji’s passport blissed out with a waft of sweet fragrance coming from her photo.

A 16-year-old boy composed a madhuri song in Hindi that brought tears to her eyes. Although he did not know Hindi, he had searched for the words from a Hindi dictionary in the library. She asked him to spread the madhuri to the seekers at the evening program.

The waft of madhuri reached Moscow. Shri Mataji was overwhelmed by the sweet fragrance of her Russian children, “You are the flowers of my garden.”

She asked for all the flowers to be sent to her Dacha. There were not enough vases so she planted those with longer stems in the garden. Day-by-day they received vibrations from her fleeting glance, and they grew larger and larger. Nature was more sensitive to her presence than humans, and sucked her vibrations spontaneously. Human beings had free will to choose and this kept the vibrations from crossing their Agnyas.

At Shri Ganesha Puja celebrations, the children presented

a play to show the various aspects of Shri Ganesha. Shri Mataji was surprised how they knew so much about him in such a short time. She was very happy so many realized souls were being born in Russia.

At the Puja held on 11 th September she revealed that innocence was the source of love and love gave joy. Innocence was very powerful and dissolved the ego.

After the puja she blessed all the children with hand made toys and encouraged the parents to buy toys made of natural materials.

On the 14 th the Petrosvskaya Academy of Arts invited her to address the International Scientific Conference – Medicine, Self-Cognition and Morality. The conference registered its deep gratitude for her invaluable guidance and proposed her name for the Nobel Peace Prize. It further resolved to establish a research centre under her guidance for physical and moral improvement of human beings.

At a reception hosted by the City Council of Togliatti in honour of Shri Mataji, the Mayor attributed the dramatic decline in crime rate of the city to Sahaja Yoga. He said the economy had improved after her blessings the previous year. Furthermore, the Council resolved to introduce Sahaja Yoga in their schools.

7000 got their realization in Moscow and another 5000 in St Petersburg. She was pleased and suggested that yogis from other countries should visit Russia to see how the blessings of collectivity worked out everything – how with a little, they had achieved a lot.

The Russians emigrants in America followed the example and ventured to arrange a program in the high crime city of Chicago. Shri Mataji felt Chicago’s weak heart and said it was due to insecurity and fear. The program was held at the Hotel Intercontinental. A Russian yogi presented her a hand carved chair. She became speechless with his love.

She spoke about the importance of love and impressed upon her children never to use force. “Only love and compassion are to be used no matter how the person behaved.”

At the Toronto program on the 25 th program, she revealed the relationship between science, body mind and the spirit. Next day, another 800 got their realization in Vancouver. The marathon continued to Los Angles. She stayed at the new Ashram in Palos Verdes. She led the bhajans on the harmonium and explained their meaning. As she bathed her children in the ocean of her love they were lost in paradise.

The Iranian Yogis had arranged a program in Cerritos but very few seekers turned up. They were crestfallen. She uplifted their spirits saying she would have come even for one person!

Their spirits soared at the sight of 800 seekers at the town program the following day. She revealed how to overcome the problems of Los Angles’ Swadishthan. Directly from the program she left for the airport to take the late night flight to New York.   

On the 1 st October the collective announced the advent of Shri Mataji at a rally in Central Park. She beckoned her lost children to return to their mother.

And they did.

She blessed them with Shri Yogeshwara puja at Camp Vacamas. She pointed that though the blessings of Shri Krishna had brought a new dimension of collectivity within, but the American conditionings were holding them back, and they had to overcome them.

The music offering of the American children delighted her and she encouraged them to reach the seekers through their music.

The vibrations of the puja brought the seekers of Queens at the Geeta Temple. Thereafter, she gave a 3-hour interview to an Indian reporter on the wrong going in America; how it affected the rest of the world, and how Sahaja Yoga was the solution.

Next day, the children bid a tearful farewell to their beloved Mother as she departed for Milan. The airport staff stopped them from moving towards the gate but their love changed their mind. Then they said she couldn’t take flowers on board the plane but her children’s love steeped in the flowers changed their mind. Next, they said the yogis couldn’t wait there to watch her plane take off. Once again the collective’s devotion changed their mind!!!

Chapter 33

Navaratri Puja was held in Cabella on the 9 th October. Incessant rain, thunder and lightening flooded the music program before the puja. Water seeped in the hanger, causing panic. However, the serene expression on Shri Mataji’s face was a reminder that all the elements were in her hands. No sooner than the children humbly prayed from their hearts, the rain ceased. The dark threatening clouds let off a drizzle expressing their pure desire to wash her Her Lotus Feet.

Before the puja the clouds returned to welcome the Goddess and after strewing her path with petals, they respectfully bowed out. The other elements were not far behind, and suddenly, the temperature dropped to freezing point. But the moment Shri Mataji started speaking, the temperature rose, and she took off her shawl. Her talk revealed how the elements responded to the power of prayers.

On the 11 th the traditional Basque music welcomed her to Barcelona, and she enjoyed the sea air of its mountains. The children were discouraged by the slow growth of Sahaja yoga despite all their effort. She reflected, “Sahaja Yoga is growing slowly in Spain but deep roots take time. Believe me, one day these roots will sprout into big trees in Spain.”

The roots had already sprouted into big trees in Brazil. Their branches spread and provided shelter to the travelers of truth. On the 14 th the Brazilian children gave a rousing welcome to their beloved Mother. The lapse of 2 years had made their hearts grow fonder. In the exuberance of the family reunion, the exhaustion of the long journey was forgotten and the Holy Mother spent a joyful evening distributing gifts to her excited children. 

For the first time government agencies sponsored her visit

to Brazil. She was immensely pleased with the program where over 1200 seekers cheered to Vishwa Vandita.  In Sao Paulo, Vishwa Vandita was repeated in Portuguese.

On the 17 th October the Mayor of Brasilia presented her with the keys of the city at the stairs of the aircraft.

She was deeply touched, “Thank you very much; I will put them into my heart.”

As he escorted her for the press conference, he mentioned it was very dry in his part of the country. She reassured him it would rain soon. Sure enough, while she was shopping the following day it started pouring. It continued to pour on the day of the program and the mayor got worried. He was amazed that despite the rain 2000 eager seekers expectantly awaited their Holy Mother. His joy knew no bounds when they cheered to ‘Brasilia Desha’ an adaptation of ‘Maharashtra Desha’.

The children prayed for a Sahaja School. Shri Mataji nodded and the Param Chaitanya obediently responded; a yogini donated the land and The Minister of Education offered his support.

In Buenos Aires, she addressed an audience of 1500 for over an hour. Many a times she corrected the translator. He was surprised how she knew the translation was not accurate. She revealed that the energy started at the Nabhi level and became an abstract thought at the heart level. Finally, it became words and language at the Vishuddhi level. By putting her attention on the first or second level she knew what he was saying.

She was very pleased with the devotion of her children and cooked a princely feast for them.

On 24 th October she stopped in Bogota for a day and gave realization to 1500 seekers.

In early November the government of Tunisia invited her for a seminar. She was pleased with the quality of the seekers and said they had a great potential for Sahaja Yoga.

On 6 th November, Diwali Puja was held in Istanbul. Her heart leaped when saw how the small Turkish collectivity had achieved so much with so little, and during the puja talk commented, “I don’t know what to say, all the ripples of joy are overwhelming me.”

The ripples of joy spread across the Bosporus to Greece. She was surprised to find the Greeks had forgotten their heritage so easily. It was the navel of the universe. After the death of Socrates the distortion of the Greek Gods took place. They humanized their Gods. It was the Greek tragedy.

At the programs she worked extensively on the collective Agnya and advised, “Love should flow from your Agnya.”


Chapter 34

In end- November a sea of seekers swarmed the programs in Delhi, Faridabad, Noida and Gaziabad. Their right- side was burning, and she decided to cool it first so it did not come in the way of people enjoying thoughtless awareness.

She had suggested to her husband to write a book on the life of India’s former Prime Minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri who was a realized soul and a model Sahaja Yogi. Despite being the greatest Indian Prime Minister, he was so humble. He was the ideal model for inspiring humility in politics. After several years of research and hard work, Sir C.P. completed the book. Shri Mataji graciously inaugurated the book at the Nizamudin Scouts Grounds on the 3 December. She expressed her deep rd gratitude to her husband for fulfilling her desire, “The book has a special value by which I feel many will see their faces in the mirror and they might be able to correct themselves. And maybe on the political field may we find sensible and better people.”

A copy of the book was sent to the members of Parliament so that they might understand there was life, which was much higher, and more valuable than money and power.

Upon reading the book several politicians sought exclusive darshans of Shri Mataji. Initially she was wary of them, “While Businessmen seek my blessings for recovering the losses they have suffered; now politicians want my blessings for winning elections. After they win elections they want my blessings for becoming ministers. When they become ministers they want to become Prime Minister. But they are not interested in becoming the Spirit. I stopped giving private darshans and said they should come to the programs where they could get their realization. Then let their kundalini bring the blessing of Shri Raj Lakshmi.”

And it did! A prominent politician who got his realization at the program subsequently rose to be the deputy Prime Minister of India. He promptly implemented her suggestions for the welfare of women and children. 

It inspired some yogis to fight corruption and they launched a political party called Satya Marg. She warned, “Groupism comes from politics.” They did not heed her warnings and soon the ambitious yogis started forming groups. To bring down their egos, the Param chaitanya intervened and they lost the elections. They realized they had missed the connection and dissolved the party. They humbly prayed to Shri Mataji for the blessings of Raj Lakshmi for the eradication of corruption. On 4 th December, Shri Mataji showered the blessings of Shri Raj Lakshmi.

After the puja an IAS officer was inspired to fight corruption. His wife approached Shri Mataji to dissuade him from joining politics as they lacked the funds to support his political career. With a twinkle in her eyes Shri Mataji told her to leave everything to Shri Raj Lakshmi. Not only did he win a seat in the parliament but he also rose to be the Finance Minister of the country!

On the 6 th Mehr Chand Mahajan D.A.V. College for Women invited Shri Mataji to Chandigargh. The students anxiously received their realization and spread Sahaja Yoga in the student community. The following morning at the Yamuna Nagar program, a blind girl rushed to the stage loudly saying, Jai Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji worked on her back Agnya and gradually the girl opened her eyes. She saw Shri Mataji’s bangles, next her bindi, then her sari and said, “Shri Mataji is God.”

The public was electrified and their cheers of ‘Jai Shri Mataji’ drenched them in the cool breeze.

She was pleased and blessed them with a Puja. She sweetly guided the newborns, “Meditation is not a mental process. You have to practice going into thoughtless awareness for your spiritual growth. While looking at nature go into thoughtless awareness. Nature does not have to worry as it is under the complete control of the Divine.”

Mindful of her precious advice, the children harmonized their inner self with nature. As they drank in the singing greenery of the Himalayan foothills, it rested their Agnya, and they arrived at the Dehradun program bristling with vibrations.

On the 10 th she gave realization to a thousand seekers in Jaipur. She blessed Shri Adi Shakti Puja the following day. She mentioned Shri Adi Shaki had incarnated in Rajasthan as Sati Devi.  

In the tradition of her ancestors, she was adorned in a traditional Rajasthani saree. She revealed her relationship with Rajasthan was very old because her ancestors hailed from the ancient Sisodia dynasty of Chittorgargh.

On the 23 rd Shri Mataji arrived in Ganpatipule.  A corrupt official was hindering the construction of the campsite, as he wanted money. Adhering to their dharmas the yogis refused and prayed to Shri Mataji. Just before her arrival the corrupt official was suspended, and the construction was completed in the nick of time.

At the last minute there was a problem of accommodation as over a thousand yogis unexpectedly turned up. Shri Mataji pointed they had come for the comfort of their spirit and not for the comfort of the body. What gave comfort to the spirit was the love among her children. As she comforted their spirit, the space expanded for all her children!

At Shri Jesus puja on the 27 th she further elucidated that Christ was born in very poor conditions just to show that spirituality can live in any circumstances and under any problems, “In everything there is one thing – love… It should be a real and innate expression of every Sahaja yogi in every field of life.”

The lesson was not lost on the children, and with the announcement of the marriages ‘the real and the innate’ began flowing spontaneously. Each one shared the little they had with those who did not have. And the little went a long way! The yogis collectively bought sarees and jewelry for the brides who could not afford them. When Shri Mataji saw the love among her children her joy knew no bounds, “My dream of one world has come true!”


Chapter 35

At Sankranti Puja Shri Mataji blessed sesame and sugar sweets to balance the heat of the liver with the coolness of sugar. Her health was suffering because of the hot right-side of the Pune collective. She reminded, “We have had five pujas but yogis don’t absorb vibrations and I get troubled. You have to prepare yourself for pujas. When you come to pujas you have to have a very steady mind to enable you to go deep.”

A yuva asked if negativity was there from the beginning of creation.

“No. Negativity started when human beings shifted from the centre to the left or the right. Negativity is the byproduct of the movment to the left or the right. Negativity enjoys itself. A person should remain firm in positivity then negativity cannot touch him. Negativity can also come in animals. All the viruses are nothing but dead negative animals.”

Question : Shri Mataji doesn’t the dedication to you dissolve the ego?

Answer : “It should but it doesn’t. Even thinking or feeling that you are very dedicated to me is an ego. So the ego has to be worked out by introspection but surrender to me helps the most. Man has created for himself his own growth outside the Divine plan. The last and the subtlest thing left is the ego. Even some of the rishies suffered from it.”

Question : Can we do business among Sahaja yogis?

Answer : “Profit can be made outside Sahaja Yoga. Do not use Sahaja Yoga for business or making money. Be careful with money.”

Shri Mataji had spent her childhood in Chhindwara, in the state of Madhya Pradesh. One day when she accompanied her father on a tiger hunt in the jungles of Jagdalpur, she saw the misery of the tribals, and her heart wrenched in pain. She fell sick and her father tried to comfort her. Her pain would not subside till her father sent a carload of food and clothes for them. She vowed to help them when she grew up.

She did not forget her promise. On the auspicious Sankranti day, she started a welfare project to help them. Initially she thought of giving them money but her brother dissuaded her saying they would blow it on country liquor.

She found that though they were skillful their designs were restricted. Generations after generation, they repeated the same design. Hence the customers were tired with their monotony and their sales dwindled. She drew fresh designs, and advanced them money for the raw materials to execute them. No sooner than the Divine artist begun the work of creation, the vibrations started penetrating the material side of it. The movement of her love began percolating vibrations into matter. The vibrations envisaged such wondrous patterns, she was amazed at the panorama, “Small, small things can make life so beautiful, that is how vibrations enter matter to bring joy. When so many realized artists will start creating, the complete panorama will change!”

She thought of an ingenuous plan for marketing their potteries, and established outlets abroad. It triggered a tremendous demand from Europe, America and Australia. She had not envisaged such a demand, and deputed her brother Baba Mamma to manage the production. The earnings of the tribals grew 3 fold, and the profits of the business were ploughed back for their welfare.

Amidst organizing the project, her brother Bala Sahib suffered a stroke. She postponed her Australian tour and nursed him day and night. Under her tender care he recovered and in February she departed for Sydney.

When she arrived in Sydney on the 12 th, Australia was in a grip of a severe drought. The children prayed for rain. She looked at the sky meaningfully and the next day it started raining. Thereafter the rain never left the course of her Australian tour!

At the Melbourne program she envisioned the New Age where the inner revolution of the Spirit was propelled by the kundalini. She lamented how human beings had always missed the point behind the great religions, and the incarnations that initiated them.

The seekers of Sydney did not miss the point and flocked to the Sydney State Theatre.  Yogis had to vacate their seats for the overflow of seekers. She reminded them, she had been answering their questions for many years, and while it satisfied the intellect, it did not help in achieving spiritual liberation. They got the point and humbly ensconced her in their hearts.

The collectivity projected the theme of her message at Shivaratri seminar on the 24th. They staged a play on Lord Shiva showing how human beings had continually missed the point. Shri Mataji was deeply touched, “Though it reminded me of the past, I do not think of the past or what had happened.”

She returned to the theme in the Puja talk, “Sahaja Yoga has come on this earth to save humanity from all kinds of problems. Spread Sahaja Yoga with love and compassion, not with bombastic words or aggressiveness.”

Her compassion wanted to save the world, and it had to be a collective task. There was no other way!

The ripples of her compassion spread to Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia and Bangkok. The Thai King Rama IX had recently suffered a cardiac arrest. She gave him vibrations though his photograph. The next day the Bangkok post reported His Majesty’s condition had considerably improved, and he was discharged shortly.

She raised the collective awareness on how to address new people, “Now you should know that we are believers in the power of love. We need to make the new seekers feel very loved, very peaceful and very secure in our company.”

She impressed upon them to show her videos at the meetings, “Then seeing if they have any questions, and very silently answering them, they should go into meditation… to talk at this point will spoil them and spoil us.”

She advised the Taiwan children to introspect, “Introspection is not a mental activity. When we are in a state of thoughtless awareness, automatically we are in introspection. We become the witness for ourselves.”

The elements grew so excited on her arrival in Tokyo on 1 st March, the rain suddenly turned into snow, which was unusual for the season.

She gave realization to 1000 in Hong Kong and another 500 in Kuala Lumpur before departing for Delhi.


Chapter 36

On the 18 th March, the vibrant colours of Holi welcomed Shri Mataji to Delhi. She revealed the significance of Holi, “People celebrate Holi on the outside. The real Holi is to be burnt within first… When you burn the inner negativity, you become pure gold. Then you can give joy to others.”

As her children burnt their inner negativity, they could feel more strongly the connectivity with the golden Goddess within. They treasured her pearls of wisdom, “If you keep it to your self, you can never be happy.”

On the 20 th Shri Mataji’s Birthday felicitation was held at the Nizamudin Scouts Grounds. The Chief Election Commissioner T.N. Seshan intoned verses from the Lalita Sahasranama. She responded, “72 years have passed. I don’t feel my age because I don’t think about it. If there is anything my love wants to do is to give realization to every one in the world wherever they are.”

The Turkish children offered her flowers at the Birthday puja and reported that an English boy had launched a tirade against Sahaja Yoga in the media. She comforted them, “The Param Chaitanya takes care of everything. It is extremely alert and very efficient. You are in the kingdom of God where you are absolutely secure.”

When they returned to Turkey the English boy confessed before millions of television viewers that whatever he had said was false! Moreover, he declared that Sahaja Yoga was an ancient philosophy and not a cult. He apologized for all the problems he had caused.

At the Delhi program, the Director of India’s national channel, ‘Doordarshan’, got his realization. He invited Shri Mataji for a prime time interview but she was reluctant to go to the studios. Finally, the interview was arranged at her residence. Just before the interview one rather right- sided yogi offered her flowers, suddenly, her right foot went into contortions. The television crew was spellbound. Little by little the children drew out the vibrations from her right foot and the contortion calmed. They questioned her, ‘why her body absorbed the negativity from others.’ She asked them to open their hands towards her and experience the vibrations for themselves.

It was the Param Chaitanya’ way of bringing them around – no sooner than they received their self-realization, they became the channels of communicating the vibrations to the viewers. Thus, thousands of viewers got their realization from her through the television screen. 

On the 31st, she left for Gudi Padwa in Mumbai. A long queue awaited outside her flat for her darshans. She sat in the balcony for a long time musing at the sea, “People only want my darshans or pujas. What is the use of my darshans, it is better to have their own darshans. Without meditation, darshans or pujas cannot help. Even very good yogis fall because they do not meditate.”

In her compassion she blessed them with her darshans at Ram Navami. She gave guidelines to the centres – “Only my tapes should be played in the centres. Only what was in the tapes was authentic. No one should give treatments, lectures or try to project himself at the centres. There is nothing special about leaders. They were appointed simply to communicate my messages. You need not worry about false gurus; I am taking care of them. People will come to Sahaja Yoga after seeing you.”

On the 10th April a mega program was held at the Netaji Indoor Stadium, Kolkatta. She was pleased with the spread of Sahaja Yoga in Bengal, “Nothing else was needed other than the full heart of Sahaja Yogis. But there should be no calculation in it.”

She was pleased and on the 14th blessed them with Easter Puja. She impressed them to resurrect in the manner of Christ,

Not after dying, but now, when you are alive!” 


Chapter 37

On 25 th April, Shri Mataji arrived in Cabella for Sahasrara Puja. Prior to her arrival it had snowed heavily and the ground was too hard to pitch the Puja tent. Just as her flight landed, the sky cleared and the sun beamed to welcome the Divine Mother.

Reports reached from Austria that once again EDFI had plotted with disgruntled grandparents to malign Dharamsala School, Shri Mataji and Sahaja Yoga. They demanded custody of their 13-year-old grandson alleging that his mother was neglecting her duties by sending him to the Dharamsala School. Under orders from the Austrian Supreme Court, the Austrian ambassador inspected the school, and gave a positive report. Thereafter, the boy was examined by the local authorities and found to be ‘unusually mature’. The court found that the minor, because of the education at the Indian School was considerably ahead of his class. Finally, the Court decreed that the mother did not neglect her duties, and had every right to send her son to the Dharamsala School. Accordingly custody was not to be given to the grandparents. The accusations by the grandparents, that Sahaja Yoga was a sect were held null and void.

But EDFI relentlessly pursued its crusade against Sahaja Yoga in Switzerland. The Swiss Court appointed psychiatrists to ascertain whether the Swiss children sent to the Dharamsala School were normal. The Psychiatrists expressed complete satisfaction with their mental level and praised their balanced personalities. Thereafter the Judge interviewed each child at length, and was pleasantly surprised with its brilliance, broad thinking, general knowledge and compassion. Again in Belgium EDFI tried its game but the courts held the case in favour of Sahaja yoga.

These cases aroused a lot of public enquiry, and several journalists sought to interview Shri Mataji. She was saddened; “The way people get after you when you talk of truth! … It is also a very hazardous task to fight those who are just always wooing to cruelty, to untruth, to aggressiveness. These are self-destructive elements. But in this chaos, in these problems, people will find the truth.”

In an interview she stressed the need for a global religion, “One religion where you can be one with the Divine.”

The journalist responded, “We don’t want one global religion.”

She pointed, “You don’t want to accept because you want

to fight!”

On the 6 th May the 25 th Anniversary of the opening of the Sahasrara was celebrated in Cabella. Yogis from all the countries symbolically offered their flags with a prayer for Shri Mataji to open the Sahasrara of the whole world.

The All-pervading power of love of Shri Adi Shakti permeated the heart of her children and bonded them into one collective heart – Kalki! The light of Shri Kalki permeated their pure desire to work out and to do what was righteous, good, constructive and helpful for the world.

Shri Mataji was at a loss of words to express her feelings at this unique development in their pure desire.

At the Puja, she reflected on the past 25 years where some people had been extremely unkind to her. Many organizations, so called religions, particularly the French media had been after her, “I am really amazed how these 25 years have passed with all kinds of stupid problems and nice things, such a mixture – but all these things have never disturbed me… On the whole it was like sitting in a very big ship. We can say we all are elevated into the realm of Divine love, and that is what one has to enjoy. If one person has that compassion and pure love then that person can emit it to others. The rapport of this compassion is extremely beautiful. It cannot be described in words.”

Her words unfolded the thousand petals of the Sahasrara, “Never think you are greater than others. Never think you are special than others. Somebody might have hurt you somewhere- doesn’t matter. Somebody might have scolded you – doesn’t matter. What is your capacity -it is to love another person. Be affectionate and kind.”

Her children solemnly promised. Her compassion empowered them and they felt confident to do it. It was not at all difficult as they thought. 

A yogi from Cameroon offered her a bouquet of red Roses thanking her for saving his brother who was dying of cancer. He had recovered just by taking vibrations from her photograph. She was pleased and enquired how many yogis were there in Cameroon. He replied there were 200 Roses in the bouquet, one from each of her children. She gave him 200 little silver Ganeshas to bless each one of them.

Shortly thereafter, she left for programs in Milan. She was hailed as the ‘Grande Madre’. She was pleased with the quality of the Italian heart and praised its reflection in their art. However, a tricky situation arose; the collective was divided due to rivalry between two organizers. Each one wanted his writ to prevail as he was closer to Shri Mataji. She explained, “You cannot weigh your love, you cannot qualify or quantify it.”

But they missed the point and eventually Param Chaitanya had to intervene. Suddenly, one of them fell very sick. The other one felt great compassion for him and nursed him day and night. The sick one was so overwhelmed that their differences turned into everlasting brotherhood. Shri Mataji blessed them, “If you open your heart, it is like opening your Sahasrara.”

She returned to Cabella via Genoa. After the program the children requested her to bless a pizzeria overlooking the sea. She spoke of her vision of the Theatre of Eternal Values, “It must be professional, to the highest artistic standards.” She praised Moliere – She herself had written and directed a prize-winning play during her student days, “Raat pagal ho gayi” (the night has gone crazy).

On the 4 th June, at Shri Adi Shakti Puja, she revealed the difference between the Kundalini and Shri Adi Shakti. Shri Adi Shakti was the total power of God whereas Kundalini was only that part which was reflected in human beings. “The reflection goes on improving through Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is for your benevolence. The ascent is the aim of your life, and to perfect it is your job.”

A Yogi from Benin prayed to her to bless his country where over 4000 yogis eagerly awaited her darshans. She was very surprised that even though she had never visited Benin how so many seeds had sprouted. Later in the month at the Royal Albert Hall, she reflected. “Many seeds get sprouted but the ones who remain on earth become trees, whereas those who drop on the rocks get wasted.”

She was pleased and revealed that through compassion the seeds had sprouted in England. 


Chapter 38

On  the 15 th July, Shri Mataji returned to Cabella for Guru Puja. Elaborate preparations were underway to adorn the Mother of all the Gurus. In the awe of the guru the children had become rather serious. Shri Mataji picked up their tense vibrations and began narrating amusing anecdotes to relax it. She explained her vibrations were better absorbed when they were relaxed, “A guru is also a mother and has to express like a mother who is kind, gentle and forgiving.

The children prayed to imbibe her motherly qualities. She disclosed her secret recipe, “I’m not conscious I’m giving you love, compassion or anything. I’m not conscious even that I’m giving you anything. I’m not even conscious as to how I created such a lot of beautiful people. I’m not conscious – it just happens. Just like the tree is here, it is not conscious as to what it is. Why and what it looks like. It’s just there. In the same way if it happens to you, you become such a source of joy for everyone.”

Her children were like seeds sown in Mother Earth, and when the seeds sprouted, her love nurtured the tender saplings. But her children were not conscious of how the tender sapling grew into a tree. When the fruits were ripe they simply enjoyed them. The whole process was so spontaneous! There were no formal teachings, texts, rituals, and prayer or meditation schedules.

Nor were her children conscious that they were cells in her body. Though each cell was always in her attention, yet it enjoyed complete freedom. However, she posted signs for its guidance. And if it missed the sign, she allowed it to take the wrong turn, and then pulled it back to the right track. But if it persisted on the wrong track, she enacted a play to make it conscious of its wrong choice. The play allowed the erring cell to witness its polarity, and realize it was not the doer but that the Param Chaitanya did everything.

If there was a method employed, it was simply the nurturing of her children’s kundalini with her love. Thereafter, the kundalini staged her own manifestation. She raised their awareness to a state where where they could know the self. With the self as the witness it was easy to observe the shortcomings and correct them.

With infinite patience she endured the mistakes of her children as part of their maturing process. She enacted the Mahamaya to expose the lurking ego. But if they heeded the twinkle in her eyes, the comedy of errors could well be nipped in the bud!

The buds had come to blossom in the garden of Bulgaria. Bulgarian Ecologists were engaged in extensive research of the blossom time. On the 25 th July, a Bulgarian organization, Eco forum invited Shri Mataji to throw light on the ecological problems of the planet and the survival of the human race.

The Minister of Health questioned why the International Forums had not so far succeeded in solving the ecological problems. She smiled, “The reason behind is that people involved had artificial ideas and were not collective. People did not realize that deeply inside they were collective. This collectivity might be expressed as a common action of spirituality. The solution of the ecological problem is the ecologists must become the spirit.”

The representatives of Eco forum and the Minister enquired how to become the spirit. She took them to the inner realm of their inner ecology and they enjoyed its ambrosia.

The following day she spoke at the famous Centre of Hygiene on ‘Yoga Medicine and Ecology’. Eco forum honored her with the Golden Medal for Peace for her tremendously successful contribution to the spiritual evolution of human beings. She donated $ 2000 to support their research.

On the 28 th she arrived in Istanbul. On a cruise of the Bosphorus, she marveled at the beautiful sites of Istanbul. At the program she answered their question with a lot of humor and it led to an intimate rapport between the children and their Mother. Endeared by the glow of her love they thirsted for more! The Romanian yogis quenched their thirst with qawwalies. She praised, “The Gandharvas have taken birth in Romania.”

On the 31 st The Department of Psychology and Paranormal Phenomenon invited her to address a Medical conference at the Ecological University of Bucharest. The President of the University conferred upon her a Diploma in Cognitive Sciences.

Later in the night she reflected, “I don’t know what made them give me the highest award. For what I do not know, but they said you are even higher than science. They said, Mother this is Cognitive Science and like that everywhere they gave me awards. I never knew what Cognitive Science is but this is the knowledge that is beyond the mind. It is absolute knowledge.”

On the 4 August the Romanian qawwali singers opened th the hearts of the Hungarian seekers. Though their ears could not understand the words, their hearts leapt with joy! Shri Mataji encouraged the Hungarian children to follow the path of their heart, “Don’t tell them you have an ego, but rather, say you are right sided.”

In the intimacy of the heart, they offered her a crown and she blessed them with presents.

On the 20 th August she returned to Cabella in the playful mood of Shri Krishna. The American children drew her attention to the problem of immorality and homosexuality besieging their country. She comforted them that the Param Chaitanya was working out their country’s problems, “There is going to be a global transformation. I can see it so clearly now. In every country I see this and it works… I never thought I will see in my lifetime but it has really reached the highest point of its development. You are all transformed; this was predicted long time back in India.”

Bhrigu Muni had predicted in Nadi Granth, 2000 years ago. Another sage, Bhujander, edited it with Marathi commentary about 300 years ago. It stated that in 1970 a new transformation in human consciousness would commence. After the death of a Yogi in 1922 a great Maha Yogi will be an incarnation of the Holy Ghost and will embody all the divine powers of God. By the Grace of the unprecedented method introduced by the Maha Yogi, the seekers will be able to achieve the joy of Moksha in their own lifetime spontaneously and they will be able to see the rising of the kundalini. There will be no need to give up the body by living Samadhi… The realized soul through this yoga will not have to worry about food, clothing or shelter. Disease and mental sickness will be completely destroyed and such people will not need the institutions known as hospitals anymore. They will have a power to develop a subtle body and other powers…

The great sage Bhrigu was a visionary. His vision enabled the seekers of modern times to recognize the incarnation of Shri Adi Shakti. Every one of his predictions had come true in the life and times of Shri Mataji.


Chapter 39

End August, Shri Mataji left for South America. The long flight to Rio shortened with a self-realization program on board! The crew took off their shoes and sat in the aisle to enjoy the cool breeze. By the time the flight landed in Rio the temperature rose from 22 to 33 Celsius degrees. Tears of joy streamed down the custom officer’s cheeks. Shri Mataji gave her a loving hug, “This is what happens when you meet your mother!”

A bouquet of 1600 pure hearts welcomed her at the program. She was delighted and blessed each one of them. The children had prepared a play titled, ‘The Seeking Girl’. Though it was late she did not want to disappoint them.

The following day the Mayor of Brasilia welcomed her at the airport, and prayed for her blessings upon the city. Many high-ranking government officials sought her advice on the country’s problems of debt, corruption, economy, agriculture and justice. In no other country had she met such highly placed officials who spoke so openly about spirituality. She impressed upon them, first dharma had to be stabilized within the individual to create a very strong and honest political system. To the President of the Supreme Court, she emphasized the importance for the judges to get their realization because they needed to exercise a lot of discrimination in their work.

Thereafter, she spent a relaxed day shopping Brazilian handicrafts. The children brought lunch to the store and she shared it with all the store staff. In little gestures of love she embraced strangers and took them in her family. In a sense nobody was a stranger to her, she looked upon the human race as her children.

The elements were also a part of her family. The following night when she arrived in Buenos Aires, the temperature was 12 degrees but when she came out of the airport, it rose to a comfortable 20 degrees.

The program was scheduled for the evening in a very beautiful theatre El Avenida, but the seekers started queuing from noon. Those who came earlier got inside and more than 200 were left outside. The situation went out of hand as they started pushing and shouting. The children prayed to their beloved Mother. Suddenly one of the theatre employees

sparked, “But there is a lot of place for people to stand.”

Everybody got in! They were her lost children and when she saw them, she found it hard to control her tears.

Back in the hotel, a famous journalist interviewed her for more than an hour. It was like a second public program.

She talked at length with her children and gave presents to all the shaktis. She wanted to go to Colombia but her visit had to be cancelled because of all the trouble there. She put her attention on the guerrilla problem and assured the Colombian children that they were always in her protection.

Before her departure, her children from all the South American countries poured their gratitude in bhajans and thanked their Mother for coming such a long way for them. She said she was compelled by the call of their love, and they too must heed to the call of her newborn babes who she was leaving behind in their tender care.


Chapter 40

Shri Mataji returned to Cabella in early September for Shri Ganesha Puja. Incessant rain cleansed the vibrations from the airport to the Castle. The Castle looked out of a fairy tale all covered with ice balls. It was impossible for such a drastic change of weather. She attributed it to the cleansing work of Shri Ganesha, “He is within you and any kind of problem that you have will be solved easily. If you take to your innocence, and that will create coincidence as they call it but it’s not coincidence, it’s the vibrations that you will be amazed how the things are solved.”

It was not a coincidence – the incessant rain, the snowballs and the sudden sunshine at the puja! It distilled her children’s vision to see more clearly the power of Shri Ganesha behind the many coincidences in life – like the sudden meeting of friends, the unexpected shaping of events, and the miraculous happening of the right thing at the right moment. Such events occurred to reveal the blessing of Divine Grace, and Shri Mataji called it the fourth dimension.

The fourth dimension was beyond the realm of the conscious mind because it cut across cause and effect. In Hinduism such auspicious moments were referred as  ‘muharat’. They consulted the constellation of stars to arrive at the time for celebrating important events like marriages or the inauguration of new ventures. As such the muharat was a deliberation and not a divine coincidence. A Divine coincidence is a spontaneous blessing unfurled by the Param Chaitanya. In a ‘muharat’ the connection with the All Pervading Power was missing and hence the Param Chaitanya did not intervene to shower the Divine Grace.

Not long before the Param Chaitanya unraveled how a Divine coincidence conjured. After Shri Ganesha puja Shri Mataji was planning a trip to China but an invitation was necessary for the issue of the visa. Out of the blue, an official invitation arrived from Beijing to address the Fourth World Women’s Conference on the 13 th. Though it was at short notice, Shri Mataji accepted. The Italian children flew into a tizzy to arrange her tickets and traveling arrangements in such a short time. The Param Chaitanya intervened, and all the logistics materialized within the time capsule spontaneously.

A chartered plane flew her from Switzerland to Frankfurt to take the onward flight to Beijing. She arrived in Beijing at 8.30 and the conference was at ten O’clock. Two Chinese students received her and politely suggested to go directly to the conference. She arrived minutes before the inauguration, and without her face showing the slightest sign of fatigue.

No sooner than she entered the hall, her radiance permeated the conference!

She begun her speech by thanking the Divine coincidence, “Before this, somehow I could not start my work but the Divine coincidence had given a chance to me by this conference to talk to Chinese people about the great treasure of spirituality. This is not a coincidence. It was inevitable and has been brought about by the All Pervading Power. In your life also you will notice a lot of coincidences but you will not know how to connect them to something that is Divine unless and until you get connected to the Divine Power.”

Her love opened their hearts and the delegates eagerly sought her blessings. As she touched them, they got their realization. A UNICEF delegate from Philippines felt so wonderful by her touch that she was in tears of joy.

In the evening she addressed a program in her hotel. The seekers had traveled long distances from other provinces. She praised Lao Tse and drew a parallel between the Yangtze River and the Kundalini. She cautioned one should not be tempted by the surroundings while coursing through the river.

Even as she spoke, their kundalinies ignited. She was surprised at their sensitivity and said they were innately great spiritual people. She attributed their innocence to the blessings of Shri Ganesha. “They would take to Sahaja Yoga very rapidly but the initial introduction was very important.”

Surprisingly, ancient Chinese believed in a Child God.

She pondered over the best way to spread Sahaja Yoga in China. She suggested a Medical Conference should be arranged with a proposal to the Ministry of Health to assist the official recognition of Sahaja yoga. It had proved successful in introducing Sahaja Yoga in the Soviet Union.

(On 3 rd September 1996 People’s Republic of China and International Sahaja Yoga Research and Health Centre, Navi Mumbai signed a Protocol of intent. It was signed by the Director General, Department of Foreign Affairs, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine to cooperate in the field of research into the health care program of Sahaja Yoga for the benefit of humanity.)

The two Chinese students did not leave her side. While escorting her for shopping one of them said, “Tomorrow, Mother, I won’t be able to come as I’m getting married.”

Shri Mataji said, “Why don’t you go today and make preparations.”

He replied, “I enjoy your company so much. I’ll also bring my bride for your blessings.”

The handicraft floor was on the third floor and they lifted the wheelchair with their hands. Shri Mataji protested that there was no need to go there. They said, “No, we want you to see! We want you to come.”

She asked, “Why?”

They said, “It would be nice for all of them.”

She was overwhelmed, “Tears came into my eyes. Such love, such kindness! I didn’t do anything for them I didn’t give them any money, nothing. My goodness! Till the end they were so much attentive to me. And they carried my wheelchair up three stories with their hands! ”

On the Handicrafts floor, she blessed the salesmen with self-realization. She found the Chinese very wise and humble, “If you praise them they disagree and say there is so much still to be done. They know their weakness.”

Just before her departure at the airport a Chinese doctor humbly bowed down to her. She told him to ask, “Are you Matreya?” – He felt the cool breeze.

As she proceeded towards the immigration check, the National Chinese T.V. sought her comments on the conference. She expressed her deep gratitude, “I have left my heart behind in China.”

Once again the Divine coincidence enabled her to bless the Chinese hearts via the national channel.


Chapter 41

After a 3- day whirlwind tour of China, Shri Mataji arrived in Moscow. At 70, she traveled for three days from Milan to Beijing. From Beijing airport she went directly to a three- hour conference, next received all the yogis in her room, and then in the evening addressed a two hour program – all in one day! Not just that; a nine- hour flight to Moscow the following day!  On each occasion her demeanor sparkled with more and more vitality. The power of love couldn’t be more visible!

She greatly praised the Chinese, “They have morality in them. The Beijing conference was so well arranged by the student volunteers who were paid nothing… They are very patriotic and one has to learn from them.”

At Devi Puja on the 17 th September, she urged the Russians to imbibe the Patriotic spirit of the Chinese. It was the only solution to their country’s problems. The situation of the Russian economy was alarming. Not only had Western goods replaced the indigenous ones but they had also replaced their values.

She impressed upon the seekers to make a new resolution to save Russia, “You have to be patriotic. You have to sacrifice and you have to understand not to waste your money on these Western nonsensical things. And Divine help will come to you.” The Russian spirit soared!

Many thousands of seekers came from Siberia. Most of them were victims of the Chernobyl explosion, and fortunately had recovered through Sahaja yoga. They waited silently in the parking lot for a fleeting glimpse of her. They were anxious to propagate Sahaja Yoga in such a concrete way that nobody could doubt it. They humbly asked, “Mother, are we all right?

Have we taken our ascent rightly?”

She was overwhelmed by the purity of their heart, “It is only possible in Russia, not even in India! I respect you very much. I don’t know of what mettle you are made!”

The ethnic groups were not far behind to give thanks offerings for the inner peace Sahaja Yoga had bestowed upon them. Furthermore, collective consciousness had served to combat the conflict between the small ethnic groups because Sahaja Yoga gave them the solutions.

A famous Russian scientist had developed an instrument to measure power. When he endeavored to measure her power he found it to be beyond the capacity of his instrument. When he tried to measure the vibrations from her photograph, the same phenomenon occurred. He realized her power was infinite and knelt before her, “Mother you are the incarnation of God in these modern times.”

He sought permission to put her photograph on the satellite. Through the satellite he planned to project it on the planet earth through an electromagnetic force. “Wherever in the global region it would be projected, it would solve their problems. It would improve crop yield, transform people, change the flora- fauna and solve the ecological problems.”

Thereafter he carried out another experiment and dipped the instrument in vibrated water. The water started bubbling. He concluded, “It proves vibrations can transform the elements. If this power has created everything, so it can work on everything. I will inject vibrated water in the clouds to cause vibrated rain.”

Shri Mataji was amazed at his pure intelligence and confidence in the power of vibrations. She invited him to Cabella.

In the evening she left for St Petersburg. On boarding the night train, Dr.Valentina cautioned it was very cold in St Petersburg. She said, “You just pay attention, the Sun will be at your service… now you have become one with the Divine

Power, all the nature will be at your service.”

Sure enough, a beaming Sun greeted her in the morning.

On 19 th September Shri Mataji was the keynote speaker at the International Conference on ‘Moral Health Peace’. On behalf of the Petrosvskaya Academy of Arts, the Metropolitan Loann set the pitch with a quote from Shri Mataji, “Now human development depends to a great extent on the way Russia will choose to go.”

Ayotullah Mehdi Rouhani spoke for the Islamic world and addressed Shri Mataji as the Mahadi, the 12 th Imam. He condemned extremism and said Islam greets all religions because they come from one source.

The Government Department of Spirituality offered collaboration with Sahaja Yoga.

Shri Mataji responded lovingly, “Actually I don’t need anything from you. I am sufficient in myself. I also don’t need Sahaja Yoga. But why am I running everywhere? Because this love, this compassion within me makes me do all this. Because people are blind they can’t see. I don’t need to have any more churches, mosques or synagogues. But in the heart of the human beings is the spirit. In the heart we have to create peace.”

Peace settled in the hearts of the thousand delegates from 108 countries. They unanimously passed a resolution proposing her name for the Nobel Peace Prize. The Central Charity Christian Orthodox Fund officially supported her cause. The delegation of scientists from Novosibirsk set up a research team under an Indian Yogi, Dr Khan to study the effects of vibrations on the human brain.

On the 22 nd Shri Mataji arrived in Togliatti. To the amusement of Shri Mataji, a yogi from Togliatti asked an American, “How many yogis are there in America.

He answered, “56 “.

The Yogi said, “You have 56000, we have only 21000.”

The Mafia Don, who got his realization, sought Shri Mataji’s blessings,

“Mother, I have committed many crimes, could I be forgiven?”

Shri Mataji : You are forgiven! That is the thing of the past; today I am talking to you in the present. What is important is the present – now you have become a Sahaja Yogi, it is such a credit to your spiritual growth the way you have achieved it.

Don : Now I have that peace, I have the joy and I want to share it with others. I could never share my money with others, I used to grab money from others.

Shri Mataji : I don’t want to have any confessions. Finished! Now you have become a Sahaja Yogi, what will you do?

Don : I will send onions to India.


“Because there is a shortage of onions in India.”

Shri Mataji : You don’t worry, there is no such problem.

Don : Please bless me for the municipal elections.

Shri Mataji : Go ahead, you will be elected, and if you are not elected, does not matter.

Shri Mataji quoted his example to the collective, “Look at this man, how genuine he has become, how humane! The same fellow who was a big Mafia Don has become such a great and and honorable person! How could this Mafia Don get so much transformed? No lecture was given to him, nor was he made to understand something. This is a happening and it was to happen in Kaliyuga, because in Kaliyuga people will be transformed. After transformation one becomes so beautiful and pure. You don’t have to go out of the way to change people or make any sacrifice. When you get self-realization, your attention gets enlightened, and you spontaneously start dropping your destructive habits, destructive thoughts and destructive activities. Such a person works for the benevolence of the whole world. If human beings are transformed, all the problems will be solved.”

The next day she left for Kiev. The collective presented her an album of Pre- Christian Aboriginal Art showing the chakras and the Primordial Mother. Way back in 3000 B.C. they called her ‘Aditi’. Shri Mataji said, “Shri Rama had two sons, Luv came here and Kush went to China. After that Machhindra Nath revealed the knowledge of the Kundalini in Russia and Ukraine. That is why their kundalini is so sensitive to my vibrations.”

At the program she was overwhelmed by the love of the seekers, “I go to all the countries; among all of them you are special. I don’t know, when I will leave you, I feel somebody is wrenching my heart.”


Chapter 42

On the auspicious occasion of Navaratri Shri Mataji blessed the collective desire for her book, ‘Meta Modern Era.’

The Puja celebrations commenced with a ballet on Devi Mahatamaya staged by a troupe from Kolkatta. The ballet depicted how the Mother Goddess incarnated as Durga to destroy the demons that obstructed the path of evolution. The Goddess appeared fully armed with all her weapons, ready to strike the demon Mahishasura. She appeared in a terrible mood, full of fury, and yet her eyes were filled with compassion. It was difficult to comprehend the paradox – how could she be exceedingly compassionate and yet exceedingly wrathful at the same moment.

With a twinkle in her eyes, Shri Mataji unraveled the paradox; “The wrath sourced from her compassion to save her children. For instance I had to act sometimes that I was angry for something because it was needed.”

The ballet ended with the victory of the Goddess over the demon. In her benevolence she showered a thousand blessing upon her devotees. Surprisingly, she even forgave the demon! Shri Mataji explained that the demon was blessed to die at the hands of the Goddess who granted him salvation by destroying his demonic ego that had turned his mind against his spirit.

Thus out of compassion the Goddess incarnated in each Yuga to remove the veil of illusion that blocked human evolution. It was prophesized that in Kali Yuga, Shri Adi Shakti would manifest the power of the Tenth Incarnation of Shri Kalki. She would bestow a simple method for the en masse transformation of humanity. She would humanize herself completely to better understand the human ego. Thereafter, she would spread her divine play, maya to overcome it.

The message of the ballet was not lost on her children – Shri Adi Shakti created all things. All things were her forms. To think oneself to be apart from her was maya or illusion. The purpose of life was to unveil the maya by realizing the unity with her – to see the self in all beings and all beings in her.

Just as the wrath of the Goddess vanquished the demon, her children prayed for Shri Mataji to assume her wrath to destroy their negativity.

With a twinkle in her eyes she smiled, “I have no problem with it, but unless you establish your witness state first, you will fall right back!”

When she arrived in New York, the yogis were lost in the illusion of leadership. At the Devi Shakti Puja at Camp Vacamas, on the 9 th October, she dispelled the illusion; “I am just befooling you by saying you are a leader. It is just a myth… If I call you the leader you must know that Mother is trying to test you, and others who are trying this power game of leaders.”

Next, the test shifted to the gateway of illusions – Hollywood.

A seeker lost in the illusion of a being a Krishenite questioned, “I heard you are a great saint but you have all the comforts of life, so how are you a saint?”

She responded, “How are you a saint?”

He boasted, “I have given up my family, house, car etc.”

Shri Mataji smiled, “One more thing you have given up – your brains!”

“How do you say that?”

“Very simple, I have given up nothing because I hold nothing. What is there to give up when you are not holding anything? Why are you boasting about giving up – what you have given up is just stones.”

He fell at her feet. The curtain lifted from the city of illusions.

When she arrived in Delhi, there was another curtain to lift. Lost in the illusion of guru syndrome, the senior yogis had started pontifying.

She mused, “They start dominating others and doing all kinds of things but when they get the experience of Divine power, they will settle down. Then they see there are so many coincidences and miracles. Then they start understanding there is some power which is taking them to the right path.”

Yet another illusion waited to be dispelled in Mumbai. As the numbers in Delhi and Mumbai had swelled by leaps and bounds, so had the rivalry. A tussle arose between the two cities for hosting the Diwali Puja. To dispell the illusion, the Param Chaitanya conjured a drama.

The French collective were to host the Diwali Puja. As it was the 25 Anniversary of the opening of the Sahasrara, they th requested Shri Mataji’s permission to visit Nargol where she had opened the Sahasrara. Suddenly her eyes widened, and she said, “Why not have the puja there!”

She reminded the rivaling cities that they were cells in her body, and a puja held in one part blessed the whole body.

Thus the puja was held neither in Delhi nor Mumbai, but in Nargol!

Time was short and the French tried to find the owner of the Bungalow in Nargol where Shri Mataji had stayed on 5 May th 1970. The Param Chaitanya guided them to the owner’s flat in Mumbai. The owner was delighted Shri Mataji would bless her Bungalow. Shri Mataji arrived with Sir C.P. on the evening of the 29th and she recounted every detail of the place. The opening of the Sahasrara was etched in her memory, and she narrated it so vividly as though she had opened it only yesterday.

(In 2009 the government authorities re-named the place as ‘Nirmala Van’ and temple of Shri Mataji has been made beneath the Nirmala Tree where She opened the Sahasrara on 5th May 1970.)

As the Puja progressed her face started becoming younger and younger. She suddenly appeared like a shy maiden of eighteen. It was an unbelievable phenomenon. Just as her children registered the celestial phenomenon, she endorsed, “The way Param Chaitanya works is amazing. Many have had many miraculous experiences, because the Param Chaitanya is now filled with blessings…everything is there but now a lot of speed has come into its movements.”

When the phenomenon was reported to her, she smiled, “As is your devotion so are you blessed. Many are blessed to see my different rupas (forms). You see I am Maha Maya!”

To commemorate the historic Puja, the French brought silver coins for the collective. No sooner than the distribution of the coins began, the children were lured by the glitter of silver, and they jostled and pushed for the silver causing a stampede.

Shri Mataji was not amused, “The puja has become just a mechanical ritual.

Even after realization you have so many temptations. I have worked very hard. I have really worked very hard. This body, this mind, all my health, everything I have done for saving you but yet your surrender is still lacking!”

They pulled their ears and begged her forgiveness. She was an ocean of forgiveness but even that ocean had to swell to overcome all such temptations once and for all by meditating from the heart and not the mind!


Chapter 43

On the 3 rd December, Delhi wore a festive look to welcome Shri Adi Shakti. Her posters appeared at every lamppost and drew 25000 seekers to the program. No sooner than she stepped on the stage the vibrations began to cascade. The larger the crowd the more powerfully her Shakti flowed. The mercury level of the collective right-side plunged and the frown from Delhi’s hectic agnya gave way to a Mona Lisa smile!

Shri Adi Shakti was pleased and blessed Delhi with Shri Satya Shakti Puja. She pointed, “The one who says, ‘I don’t need anything, all my desires are finished.’ Then Param

Chaitanya thinks I will fulfill your desires. Then his desire is your desire. Then it will take you to such things that you will be surprised, ‘we never thought how it happened.’ All problems and worries of the world will go away. You become the giver.”

Mostly during the pujas her children asked for something or the other. For a change, they asked what they could give. In asking for something there was always a sense of separation but when they desired to give, they merged into her being. To care for someone more than one self-peeled the mind layer eclipsing their spirit. As the reflection of the Param Chaitanya became more perfect, they could see more clearly her blessings at every step, and thus enjoy their spirit smiling back at them.

The river of infinite love flowed through the banks of Dehradun.  A procession invited the seekers to dip into the ocean of joy. And they plunged into it!

A close doctor friend persuaded Shri Mataji for a program in Lucknow. She had stayed with him while building her house in Lucknow. Initially she was apprehensive of the Muslim

Fundamentalists but then she relented. Surprisingly many Muslims got their realization. She suggested the formation of an International Forum on Islam and Sahaja Yoga so they could better understand that she was doing the work of Mohammad Saheb.

The next day she blessed the Holy city of Varanasi. Though the holiest of the cities, it had become the last bastion of false gurus. The task of cleansing the city was colossal. She absorbed so much negativity that it collected in her left knee, and would not let her walk. As the knee started swelling it caused excruciating pain. She refused to take antibiotics and asked for an Ayurvedic doctor. Fortunately the Param Chaitanya had spontaneously brought the city’s most renowned Ayurvedic doctor Puranchandji Malvya to attend a patient in the neighborhood.

He examined her pulse and declared there was no ailment as such. The children were perplexed, “Then why the swelling and the excruciating pain?”

With folded hands he prayed to Shri Mataji;

“O Devi! No power on earth can cure you.

You are Shakti, You cannot have any ailment,

But you take the ailments of others upon yourself.

Pray, release their ailment and cure your self.”

His prayer worked like a miracle. Within minutes the vibrations released from her knee and disappeared into the earth. The swelling subsided and the pain was gone.

She said there was too much work for her and her children could reduce her burden by absorbing her vibrations. Their surrender was central to the process of absorbing her vibrations. It could deepen with more faith.

At the program they focused on deepening their surrender. She stood for two hours without any knee problem. It was a sign. She confirmed it by blessing them to sing ‘Shankar Bhole’. With the praise of Lord Shiva, the vibrations started flowing and the Goddess triumphantly restored the vibrations of Lord Shiva’s abode.


Chapter 44

On 20 th December Shri Mataji addressed a massive rally at Shivaji Park, Mumbai. The television channels broadcasted live her Marathi speech inspiring the seekers to follow   their great spiritual heritage.

With their beloved Mother in their heart and prayers on their lips, her children paid homage to Ganapatipule. While the ocean bathed their physical body, the Adi Shakti bathed their spirit.

On Christmas Eve, she led the carol singing in Marathi and her celestial voice transported her children in the kingdom of Heaven to celebrate the birth of Christ, the Savior. The Holy Mother fondly remembered her crucified son. To please him she asked her children to shed their conditioning and meditate, “If you don’t meditate I also suffer.”

It was a wakeup call. Her children thought she only absorbed their negativity when they were in close proximity to her, but they were cells in her cosmic body, and she had to bear their pain. Their negativity impeded her health whereas their love strengthened it. She had done so much for them and they promised not to cause her further suffering.

As she showered her blessings on 80 newly weds, the children experienced her all pervading power of Divine love more strongly, and it became absolutely certain that her promise of a new world of peace, joy and spirituality was close at hand.

Before her departure, she presented everyone with cast iron busts of the great Maratha emperor Shivaji. “By looking at his life we must understand what is dharma, what were his ideals, and what all he did for his ideals. In such a short time he did such a great work.”

En route to Mumbai, she arranged a glimpse of his amazing life in an open air performance. The yogis were seated on a tiered wooden structure about three stories high. Amidst the scene of real horses charging across the stage, suddenly there was a loud crashing sound and the yogis were gently carried down to the ground, not realizing that the wooden structure had collapsed. Miraculously, no one was injured. Considering the height and the weight of over 500 yogis, it could have been a major disaster. Even though she was not physically present, her presence was felt in the hand of Shri Kalki who gently carried them to the ground.


Chapter 45

Sankranti puja was always held on the 14 th January. This was the only fixed day in the Shalivan calendar that heralded the New Year. The calendar originated from Chandele Muni who was the founder of the Shalivana dynasty, and the ancestor of Shri Mataji.

On 12 th January, the planet Uranus entered into the zodiac sign of Aquarius. At the Sankranti puja held in Pune Shri Mataji revealed that Uranus coincided with the kundalini and accordingly Sahaja Yoga would spread far and wide. But the negativity was close at heel. An increasing number of seekers were besieged by all kinds of negativities that manifested in psychogenic problems. During the Puja she poured out such powerful vibrations that dispelled the lurking negativity.

The vibrations of the puja brought 25000 seekers to the Pune program and they started feeling the cool breeze from the moment she stepped on the dias.

On the 19 th she revealed at the Rotary Club how to overcome the negativity with the help of Sahaja Yoga. The Rotary President who had been cured of his heart ailment observed, “She cannot bear the suffering of her children and absorbs their pain. From morning to night, she cures hundreds of patients. We are very worried about the pressure on her health.”

Shri Mataji smiled, “To cure patients is very simple. If a tree is sick and you try to cure the leaves, then it will not work. It is my BhAgnya (fate). I have accepted it. I have taken all the suffering on myself. All the incarnations had to accept their bhAgnya and suffer. But then they gave up. I have not given up. By purusarth (spiritual effort) one can face it, witness it and not react. The sequences in life do not change but through Sahaja Yoga, the consequence changes. If you cleanse yourself then my body will be free from disorders and troubles. I have taken you in my body, so I have taken on myself your disease.”

To reduce the pressure on her, the children prayed for a Sahaja treatment centre. The Param Chaitanya had already envisaged it. A few years ago Shri Mataji had purchased a plot of land in Konkan Bhavan, Navi Mumbai from her savings. Thereafter, she built a school for the Western children. In 1991 the school shifted to Dharamsala and the building was lying vacant. She renovated the building for the Sahaja Yoga Research and Health Centre. The dormitories were converted into comfortable rooms for patients and the courtyard was turned into a beautiful garden. She handpicked the furnishings with the warmth of her love.

Directly from the Thane program, she inaugurated it on the 19th February. Dr U.C.Rai kindly volunteered to look after it along with a team of doctors well versed in Sahaja treatments. Though the treatment was free, room rent was to be charged for the upkeep of the hospital.

Dr Rai prayed for her guidance on the intricacies of the mind-brain ailments. “What are the different permutations and combinations of the psycho and the somatic?”

She said, “The totality of a human being is treated through this kundalini because when she rises, she passes through like a thread into the pethas of these chakras and makes you one with this Divine power which later on makes all your chakras perfectly alright.”

She clarified a patient could not be cured by self- realization alone; it was necessary to meditate daily and follow the Sahaja curative techniques.

On the 23 rd she addressed a mammoth gathering of seekers at Shivaji Park.

The International Forum of Businessmen (YPO) invited her to address their International conference at the Oberoi Hotel, Mumbai. The children tried to dissuade her saying it was a club of frivolous millionaires who did not have any seeking. They even citied the Bible, ‘The rich cannot enter the kingdom of God.’

She said, “I do not agree because some very rich people have come to Sahaja Yoga and have become richer and richer, not only from outside but from inside. As you enjoy your own virtues, your own generosity… you jump into the ocean of joy!”

Sure enough, they jumped into her Ocean of joy. They followed her to the hotel suite thirsting for more. Between packing for her Australian Tour and answering their questions, she quenched their thirst with the ambrosia of her love.


Chapter 46

Shri Mataji arrived in Sydney on the 29 th February. Tears of joy welled in her eyes at the sight of her children. The elements participated in her joy in a heavy down pour.

In a radio interview the journalist asked, “As Sahaja Yogis what should we desire?”

She answered, “Moksha and liberation.”

Her message widened the Sushumna of her children for the forthcoming Mahashivratri Puja. At the Mahashivaratri Puja held at Bundilla Camp on the 3 March, she revealed, “I am rd Maha Maya. It is difficult for you to know each and everything about me. I am quite an elusive person and whatever I do or achieve, it is just for you to see and understand – after all it is Adi Shakti, She can do all these things.”

She had the power to transform the world and the children could accelerate the process if they developed more faith in her. The city’s largest auditorium, The Sydney Darling Harbour Convention Centre proved too small to contain the transformed world of 3000 seekers. But there was more than enough room in her heart to contain them. And they were overjoyed to be contained in her beautiful new world.

She lovingly impressed upon the children not to lose their temper, and not to get angry at her newborns. “Be kind to them, also try to talk less and do more. Raise their kundalini but don’t touch them; that is not necessary.” 

On the 5 th she arrived in Taipei. She was staying on the 16 th floor of the Sheraton when an earthquake shook the hotel. The Sheraton started swinging like a pendulum. She gave a bandhan and the shaking stopped. The earthquake was 4.5 on the Richter scale. She assured her children not to worry, small to medium size earthquakes released the earth’s tensions regularly, and thus averted a major one.

At the program, she revealed that the mind was a myth. It was created by conditionings and ego. It was nothing but bubbles of thoughts. She was pleased with the quality of the seekers. On the way back to the hotel she joyfully watched the colorful display of Chinese festival lanterns.

Before her departure for Hong Kong she instructed the collective how to contain her newborn babies, “Be extremely kind and patient with them. But you should know yourself what chakras are catching among yourselves. We should talk in Sahaja language, so that they don’t feel embarrassed or hurt, because you know so much about Sahaja Yoga.”

On her arrival in Hong Kong the weather suddenly turned cold to cool the right side of the Chinese. Her eyes filled with tears of compassion at the rebirth of another 1000 babies in her beautiful new world. She asked them to raise both their hands and ask, “Is this the power of love of God?”

Waves of cool vibrations cascaded the hall. She absorbed a lot of negativity and the children sat all night to take out the vibrations before she could sleep.

Next day, over breakfast she remiscised her predictions, which had subsequently come to pass. 20 years ago, she had predicted about the protein cells that trigger cancer. Again during her first visit to America in 1972, she had warned them about diseases like AIDS if they did not take care of their Mooladhara chakra. She affirmed all her predictions would be proven within 25 years. She mentioned the predictions of Nostradamus were very vague and not correct. Whereas the predictions of William Blake were correct.

A yogini described the great benefits she had felt after realization and wondered why they were suddenly diminishing. Shri Mataji explained in order to maintain the level of well being within she needed to put her attention onto others by spreading Sahaja Yoga.

Before departing for Kualalumpur, she spent a joyful evening with her children leading the bhajans on the harmonium. She blessed them with beautiful cloisonné chopsticks and the tiny tots with handmade toys.

She spoke very lovingly to 2000 thirsting babies at the Kuala Lumpur program, “Human life is very precious and its full meaning should be achieved. The gift of self realization should not be wasted.”

In the morning she went shopping for the India Tour. The shop owner wanted to know more about Sahaja Yoga and persistently requested her to bless his cafeteria. She consented, “You are asking with such love, so how can we say no.”

The cafeteria turned into a spontaneous realization program.

In the evening she met the reporters from the Sun and the Star newspapers. One reporter asked, “Shri Mataji, how do you feel when your followers treat you like God?”

She responded, she did not ask anyone to address her in that way. Whatever they called her, they had found out of their own accord and thus could not be challenged. Moreover, the powers of the Goddess had been described in many ancient writings, and when they found she had these powers, they started to call Her Goddess.

Her motherly love melted his ego and he became like a child. Though he wanted to ask more questions, he became thoughtless.

She impressed upon the children to put their attention on their country’s problems and give collective bandhans.

On the 14 th she arrived in Bangkok. From the airport she proceeded directly to a meeting with the President of the Thai Parliament. He enquired if she had come to visit the Thai Temples.

She said, “I am not here to visit Temples but to build Temples in the heart of human beings.”

At the program, Dr. Satin, a Deputy in the Parliament stated, “The Mother has come to search for her children, to give them special knowledge and to help the people of Thailand.”

In a relaxed evening with her children, she imparted the secret of how to build her Temple, “If somebody starts arguing, just give up. Don’t argue because you have to go beyond your mental level…you cannot tell them, ‘don’t do this, don’t do that’. Only with the light of the spirit they can be all right. Therefore, the main thing is that you give them realization and let them feel confident so that they will know that they can also become like you. They are already suffering and we should use all our compassion for them.” 

Chapter 47

Shri Mataji’s Birthday celebrations commenced on the 19th March at the Delhi Scouts Camp. She pondered over the mind illusions the seekers had to overcome to find the truth. The Yuva Shakti highlighted the illusion in a satire illustrating how the seekers escaped the trap of false gurus to reach Sahaja Yoga.

She returned to the subject in her Puja talk, “You are celebrating my Birthday. Now I am supposed to be quite old though I don’t think like that, because I don’t think. One has to go beyond the mind.”

The puja uplifted the children beyond the mind. They transcended the mire of past and future, time and space. But the present was not empty; it bubbled with joy!

Bubbling, little children dressed as Deities drew a cart offering the Birthday cake. They had expressed an intense desire to kiss and hug Shri Mataji, but the aunties had instructed them not to do so. Well, when their turn came, they were so fast that before the aunties knew, they had accomplished their pure desire and preceded, each one, to give Shri Mataji a kiss and a hug. The audience laughed and applauded, as did Shri Mataji. Innocence can do so many things! It seemed everyone’s heart felt desire had been fulfilled by the children!

She showered her love upon them and they were intoxicated – singing, dancing and laughing! It seemed all too soon that the puja was over. Her children longed to stay forever, happily gazing at their beloved Mother.

In her compassion she fulfilled their longing at Gudi Padwa. She encouraged them to have complete faith within and in the working of Sahaja Yoga, “What works is your enlightened faith and complete trust should be there. Look at me; singlehanded I have spread Sahaja Yoga. If you have any doubts just ask me. God is not there but at least I am there to talk to you. Hence, Sahaja Yoga should now be free from doubts.”

Delhi’s Business community also longed for her blessings and on the 5 th April she transformed their seeking from the  illusion of money to seeking the real thing.

A leading businessman who succeed in breaking through the illusion attributed it to the power of her presence, “I experienced thoughtless awareness in your presence, it seems very clear that Sahaja Yoga is more than just meditation.”

She smiled, “When you come to the collectivity your experience will deepen further.”

On the 9 she addressed a Medical Conference at Lady th Harding Medical College. She explained Sahaja Yoga was the synthesis of the whole thing where one went to the inner basics of how one falls sick.

The following week programs were held in Kolkatta. Her love permeated the heart and hearth of her children. They welcomed the seekers home and showered upon them their Mother’s love. She was very pleased to see the love among the Yogis, and said this was a special blessing of the Devi upon Bengal.

At Easter Puja held on the 14 th she impressed upon the children to spread the message of resurrection, without it the situation of the country would not improve.

The next day she left for Nepal. Tantrics had besieged the left side of Nepal. She warned if the collective did not weed them out, they would finish the country. Unlike the previous year’s farewell, this year an ominous expression eclipsed her radiant smile. The lines of worry on her forehead left the Nepalese wondering… (In 2007 monarchy was abolished in Nepal following a Maoists to uprising)

Chapter 48

On 2 nd May, Italy honoured Shri Mataji with the ‘1996 La Plejade Award’. The patrons of the Award included the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the European

Parliament Office, the Planning Institute for quality of Life, Unipaz, the Cosmos International and the Arts Events Association.

The Judges of the 10 th edition of the International Award stated, “In a world where one can feel the urgent need to find new solution to problems of individuals and of humanity at large, searching for something that can allow one to go deep into the awareness of existence itself, Shri Mataji, founder of Sahaja yoga is proposing new directions on the path of human evolution through meetings and initiatives, and helping the foundation of a balanced and serene society where peace can be actualized, starting in the deep self of each individual.”

A Polish lady sent a letter stating her mother had cancer and if Shri Mataji was God she must cure her. Shri Mataji remarked, “She is so worried, even if she is challenging me, it’s alright. Whether she calls me God or not makes no difference. Whatever I am, I am. She is a human being and her mother is sick, that is the only source of her life, then I understand why she is so upset.”

Just before Sahasrara Puja the Polish lady sent a big bouquet of Roses thanking Shri Mataji for curing her mother.

Shri Mataji smiled, “If so may Sahasraras could be opened out then why not the Sahasrara of this world!”

The children sincerely prayed for the opening of the Sahasrara of the whole world. She blessed their pure desire and during the puja the thousand petals of the Sahasrara of the world unfolded.

The children thanked their Holy Mother with 108 ‘Thank You’s.

And above all they thanked her for accepting them as her children.

After the Puja an Austrian yogi, Dr. Hamid requested her to vibrate some seeds. He wanted to donate vibrated seeds to Bosnia to clear the vibrations and also sow Divine love into the devastated land.

He proceeded to Bosnia with the banner on his truck, ‘Love knows no borders.’

Many farmers approached him but he was in a predicament whether to give them the seeds as they might sell them. He remembered Shri Mataji’s advice, “If you find yourself in a position where confusion arises then just go into the Sahasrara and meditate for a while and the answer will come to you.”

As he was meditating a stranger approached him, “Hey why are you sleeping?” He explained his predicament and the stranger led him to the U.N. World Food organization.

The manager at the office desk gleefully clapped his hands, “You must have been sent by God! Yesterday we had to send all our farmers away because we ran out of seeds.”

Dr. Hamid smiled, “That’s true, I am sent from God!”

Late in the afternoon of Mother’s day, Shri Mataji remarked, “I have already done my job, but it is only through all of you people that Sahaja Yoga should spread. I do not have any desire but you should have. I do not have any desires, but if I had any, it is this, that Sahaja Yoga should spread to everyone.”

Chapter 49

Shri Adi Shakti Puja was held in Cabella on the 9 th June.

The host countries, Holland, Belgium, Spain and Finland staged a play about the adharmic laws of Holland that allowed the sale of drugs upto 5 grams. Shri Mataji was touched by her children’s desire to support Dharma, and their concern for the wrong doings of their countries. Their concern brought the problems to the Divine attention and thus the Param Chaitanya could work out the problems of modern times. If it was not for Shri Adi Shakti who had taken an incarnation, it could not have been done because it had to be someone who could encompass all the angularities of the human race. It had to be such an incarnation that could absolutely see human beings as a whole.

Her attention returned to the drug problem after dinner, “You do not need money for de-addiction, you just give them realization. Overnight they will give up drugs. Such a power your spirit has, only it has to be brought into your attention.”

The Dutch complained that at times even though the vibrations were cool, yet things didn’t work out.

She answered their question in the puja talk, “We saw the vibrations, and still it happened. It makes no difference. Doesn’t matter! You acted upon vibrations – that’s all! You just have to see the play, it is not your headache…it is the beautiful play of the Adi Shakti. If you witness – you get dissolved in the Divine Power.”

With their attention on their kundalini, they worshipped Shri Adi Shakti. The entire length of their Sushumna was drenched by her love. Everything else paled into insignificance – the only thing that mattered was to enjoy the movment of her love in whichever way it manifested. Whether it blessed their pure desire or not ceased to be the issue.

The Genoa program inspired two articles in the newspaper – ‘Enchanting India lives with Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’ and ‘The Great Mother who guides to Peace.’ The seekers of Genoa opened their hearts and requested her to live in their beautiful city. The cool vibrations were trying to show the movement of her love. Before long, she bought a villa in Genoa!

Shortly thereafter, the movement of her love blessed the seekers at Royal Albert Hall. Citing the incidence of the violence that followed the recent football match between England and Germany, she said people’s attention became so involved they started fighting. In reality it mattered little who won or lost! Similarly attachments eclipsed the attention from witnessing the movement of the All Pervading Power of love.

After a program, a lady from the audience fell into her arms. She turned out to be her old friend from college. They studied together in the Medical College in Ludhiana. Shri Mataji warmly invited her to Cabella for Guru Puja.

On the 5 July she left for programs in Hungary, Bulgaria, th Romania and Czechoslovakia.

She had to take the flight from Prague to Moscow. Somehow Wolfgang misread the departure time and when he realized his mistake, the flight was to leave in half an hour. She was still in the hotel and by the time she reached the airport the flight had already boarded. The ground hostess was very rude and shouted at her. Wolfgang was in tears. Suddenly the sky that was absolutely clear a minute ago was over cast with dark threatening clouds. It started pouring. The flight was cancelled. Shri Mataji remarked the love of her children was so powerful that one drop of it could move all the elements.

She returned to Cabella for Guru Puja on the 28 th. The hearts of her children bled with gratitude at her words, “If in my lifetime I see so many of you transformed, looking so beautiful, looking so nice, creating such a good atmosphere, it is more than satisfaction for me. Sometimes I think there is nothing to be done now – finished!”

“My only vision is that I should see all the Sahaja Yogis drenched in the power of love. Enjoying each other’s love, enjoying each other’s relationship and improving relations… I know there are problems but if you cannot solve the problems, what is the use of your becoming masters!”

It dawned upon the children that the state of guru sourced from compassion and not from their intellect. Endowed with awareness their conscious mind could see more clearly her subtle power that conjured all the living work. It was a force far superior to their intellect, and impelled the flow of compassion. Hence, the power of compassion could be harnessed to overcome their conditioning, likes and dislikes. Conversely, it could also be harnessed to overcome the heart of a person who was disliked. Thus his transformation might appear as a miracle to the naked eye, but was in fact the living work of the power of compassion. With the rationale it was possible to convince others, give lectures, analyze, organize, find faults, create wealth or gadgets, but they could not transform another human being. Not a single heart had been transformed with the rational, whereas her compassion had transformed thousands!

And the power of transformation sourced not in the explanation of Sahaja Yoga, but in the compassion of her heart. She had spread Sahaja Yoga not with lectures or organization but with the power of her compassion.

It evinced, the spirit only knew the language of love and hence, could be stirred by love and not the intellect. Without the power of compassion the intellect could not transform the human race. No wonder despite the powerful message of the great masters they could not transform human beings. 


Chapter 50

Shri Krishna Puja Seminar commenced on the 1 st September in Cabella. The Americans presented a documentary on Shri Mataji’s life, titled ‘The Vision’. It started with her childhood photographs, followed by India’s freedom struggle led by Mahatma Gandhi and ended with the opening of the Sahasrara. Shri Mataji was very pleased, “This is the right kind of documentary.”

On the morning of the puja dark grey clouds loomed over the sky. The Americans were worried another storm was brewing. With a twinkle in her eyes, she remarked, “Indra likes to spoil Krishna’s sports! But this time he is not permitted to do so!”

Sure enough, just before the puja the clouds disbursed.

During the puja talk her playful smile changed to intense motherly concern, “When you worship Shri Krishna, you must awaken within yourself that consciousness that now Shri Krishna is within all of you…because he is collective. By your speech, by your songs, by all that you use to communicate with others – must carry the message of peace, truth, love, compassion and above all Sahaja Yoga.”

She held the Sudarshan Chakra in one hand and a flute in the other. The Americans offered her home made butter and she blessed them with Conches –  to proclaim the truth!

She was pleased so many of her children came from South America and in her compassion blessed them with Shri Ganesha Puja the following week.

Shri Ganesha Puja celebrations commenced with a music program. The joy of listening to the musicians at her Lotus Feet transported her children to Vaikuntha. It did not matter if the music was rhythmic or not because the flute was hollow and the notes flowed from her.

When she arrived for the puja in the afternoon not a leaf stirred. No sooner than the bhajans commenced, a tremendous breeze started blowing from the collective towards her. It was so strong she had to hold somebody’s hand. She described it as the manifestation of the Divine force.

In the puja talk she revealed, “If you don’t give vibrations to other, if you don’t transform other people, if you don’t cure other people, if you don’t teach them how to have pure love, what’s the use of cleansing, coming to puja?”

The flutes began playing the tune of her love.

The call of the flute led Shri Mataji to Toronto on the 8 th September. The Canadian Prime Minister, Jean Chretien was also drawn by the flute and sent her a welcome message. The children were eager to launch a massive advertising campaign for the programs but lacked the funds. The Param Chaitanya showed them how to use the power of their kundalini. The small collective succeeded in posting 10,000 posters and 4000 fliers.

Their call of the flute worked wonders and Toronto’s beautiful Convocation Hall brought a thousand buds. As Shri Adi Shakti opened the buds their beautiful fragrance spread. The hall was booked only till 11 pm and the management turned off the lights. But she continued to open the buds past midnight in candlelight. She said she had to save all the buds and could not leave them midway.

Their fragrance spread to Vancouver and she immensely enjoyed the vibrant colors of the fall, “I never worry about where I am going. I just enjoy.”

Her joy was for giving joy to her children. Two yoginis who worked in a local department store danced gleefully when without a warning she stepped into their store. Much as they had desired to greet her at the airport they were unable to get away. She smiled, “It was your love that drew me here.”

To the seekers she said, “You are seeking your evolution… not only are you seeking it for yourself but for everyone who wants to have it. God has not forgotten us, we have forgotten him… My message is that enjoy yourself.”

Just before her departure for Los Angles the children humbly begged her forgiveness for any acts of omissions they may have inadvertently committed. She smiled, “No, no, I am sad to be leaving you behind.”

On the 25 th she blessed the site purchased for the L.A. Ashram.

She returned to New York and spoke directly to their hearts. She was pleased the seekers at the program had matured and blessed them with Shri Krishna Puja. She cloaked Camp Vacamas in her leela and each one felt she was smiling individually at him, “We have to learn from Shri Krishna’ life is collectivity… But unless and until it is done from your heart, it is not going to work out.” 

The names of Shri Krishna evoked from the hearts of her children resounded in Vaikuntha. Shri Americashwari was pleased and showered a thousand blessings.

In mid- October Shri Mataji addressed a conference on Peace and Love in Egypt.

She was surprised to see the Israeli yogis welcome her at the airport and asked, “Why have you come?”

 “Mother, it’s our job to make friends with the yogis from Egypt.”

She was pleased, “It is so joy giving to see your love acting on others. Small, small things and very big things all work out with love. Making friendship without any ulterior motive, without any gain is one of the signs of your ekakarita (collectiveness).

They were deeply moved and requested her to come to Israel.

She said, “I very much want to come there once this bombing business stops!”

Thousands flocked to her program in Cairo. She enquired, “How did you come to know about my program?”

They answered, “There was a small advertisement we saw, it was so obvious from your face, Mother!”

Shortly thereafter, she returned to Cabella for Navaratri Puja on the 20 th. She sat till the early hours of dawn enjoying the music program. And after a short rest, she returned for the puja.

In the puja talk she drew a distinction between consciousness and awareness, “I am aware I am Adi Shakti but when you say ‘Jai Shri Mataji’, I also say ‘Jai Shri Mataji’. I forget that I am the one you are talking about…I don’t think I am very special. But if you ask me, then I will say, ‘Alright, I am Adi Shakti’…I have achieved nothing, I have been like this and I will be like this. Whether I fight the devils or sit before you makes no difference.”

Her modesty was a humbling experience and brought a lump in the children’s Vishuddhi.  From the mire she had uplifted them to the kingdom of Heaven, and yet never felt she did anything! On the other hand when they did a small thing for Sahaja Yoga it gave them such a sense of achievement! They prayed for the blessing of the witness state where they could cease to identify with being the doer.

At Diwali Puja, on the 10 th November, she showed them the way. As the Diwali lamps glowed in her warmth, she observed the lights were not aware they were giving light and likewise her children could light other lamps without being the doer.

The Puja was held in Centra, in the outskirts of Lisbon where the apparition of Virgin Mary took place. She mentioned it was a very special place for Shri Mahalakshmi Puja as Centra referred to the Central Channel of Shri Mahalakshmi power. “In Nagpur the orange is called Cantra because Nagpur is in the centre. Centre is where everything configurates. It is derived from the Latin word ‘kendra’. In Sanskrit ‘kandrit’ means to concentrate. Dhyan means attention. When you use your attention to concentrate, it means you put your attention there and then push it out. First you concentrate, then you emit from there. The center is where everything comes and is then distributed. Our centers (charkas) are filled with energy (parasympathetic), which is then distributed to the whole body. For instance, when you concentrate you use your agnya, you then move to the left or the right. But then as a pendulum it moves to the left.”

As the roses were offered, she put them on her Agnya and they sucked her vibrations. The pressure from the children’s Agnyas miraculously vanished and her words seeped in, “If you think you are very high in Sahaja Yoga, it is not so. If you start thinking what you are, then you are lost. It cannot be that some Sahaja Yogis will rise above others.”

And those who thought they were left behind heard her say, “All those who had not received any gifts should come onto the stage.”

No one returned empty handed from her threshold! The lines of destiny were written on the hands but this day she rewrote them to turn paupers into princes! Such was her infinite compassion, such was her mercy and such was the power of her love!  


Chapter 51

On the occasion of the 700 th Anniversary of Saint Gyaneshwara, Shri Mataji addressed the World Philosophers Meet at M.I.T. College, Pune on the 25 th November.

Claus Nobel, the grand nephew of Alfred Nobel paid her a glowing tribute, “Your illuminating message of spontaneous self realization brings genuine hope to a highly distressed and confused humanity. Sahaja Yoga as discovered by you, heralds the genesis of a new Golden Age epoch for mankind. This epoch in human history will constitute a much needed giant leap forward in the evolution of species Homo Sapiens.”

He offered to start a center at the Columbia University and enquired how much would she charge.

She smiled, “Nothing! Americans can’t understand me because I am not asking for money. How to penetrate that will of theirs?”

He protested, “Mother, in a consumerism society like our’s nothing is valued unless there is a price tag. What is the harm in putting a small tag as token fee?”

She replied, “How can you pay for God?

Americans have to grow out of their self-interest only then they can enjoy Sahaja Yoga.

Only when we give can we enjoy ourselves.

A miser does not enjoy his wealth.

Gold does not know itself.

A beautiful woman cannot enjoy her beauty; She can see her reflection in a mirror.

Self-realization has to be reflected in the universe for us to enjoy our own reflection.

Sahaja Yoga is the reflector of Braham Chaitanya.

with Claus Nobel

Through it the Braham Chaitanya becomes aware of its consciousness and enjoys its beauty.

Thus there is much greater joy in giving than in receiving.”

He humbly bowed at her Lotus Feet, “Let Thy will be done.”

She invited him for Dinner at Pratishthan and showed him the earthen dam she had built to harvest rain water. It was her dream that every village in India should have safe drinking water. To provide safe drinking water his friend, Mr.Mortenson who was a Professor at Columbia University and an adviser to the King of Morocco on water management offered his services.

After dinner, Claus Nobel invited her for a World Peace Summit in New York along with the American Native Indian Chiefs. She explained that she had blessed them during her various vists to America but they only sought her blessings for regaining their land from the government as reserve sanctuaries. They had no interest in their ascent.

The conversation drifted to the meaning of a realized soul and he asked, “What is the description of a realized soul according to Saint Gyaneshwar?”

Shri Mataji : You can only understand his description after Sahaja Yoga. He wrote about the kundalini but his followers called Varkaris had no interest in their ascent. They take two cymbals and go to Pandharpur. It takes them one month to reach there. Women carry Tulsi in heavy earthen pots on their heads and take a procession of his planquin to Alandi. They have created a cult and forfeited his purpose. They missed the point of his Pasayadan. As the Moon does not run after the moonlight and the Sun does not run after the sunlight in the same way a realized soul does not bother about his own glory. He gets completely contained within himself.

For a better understanding of the essence of Saint Gyaneshwar she presented him a copy of Meta Modern Era.

Before taking her leave, he requested her for a boon that his wife, whom he loved more than his life, should not leave the world without him.

She comforted, “No couple departs from the world together. One has to go before the other but the happy memories of the departed soul live on.”

He thanked her profusely and took with him her promise to visit America.

The following week he called from New York to thank her for enlightening him- he had read and re- read her book, and said it was the Bible of modern times!

On 5 th December She addressed the largest ever gathering in Delhi’s historic Ramleela Grounds. It was a moment of a lifetime as 50,000 pair of hands affirmed the cool breeze. Shri Mataji was pleased and the following day she blessed Delhi with Shri Raj Lakshmi puja.

It was followed by a program in Lucknow where many Muslims took to Sahaja Yoga. Next day she left for Varanasi. On the 20 she addressed a mammoth gathering at Shivaji Park, th Mumbai. She said the best religion was the one that came from the heart and dwelt in it. Thousands of Kundalinies rose to form a pink cloud in the sky.

She was pleased with the seekers and blessed them with Shri Kartikeya Puja. After the puja a couple wanted to offer her money as their son had recently been cured at the Sahaja Yoga Health Centre. She politely declined saying she did not accept money for spiritual work. Although she did not accept any donations personally, they could be made to the various Sahaja charities. Her only worry was the Charities should keep proper accounts and not waste the donations on ostentatious expenditure. India was a poor country and every penny counted.   

Meanwhile trouble brewed in Ganpatipule. An ex- yogi had enticed a group of yogis away from the collective. They started brewing a storm on the peaceful shores of Ganpatipule. However, no sooner than her attention went there, the storm subsided, and they begged her forgiveness. To save her lost children she readily forgave but found the ex-yogi had mesmerized them. Her compassion knew no bounds and very lovingly she explained it was not in their interest to attend the seminar, they had to work out his mesmerism first. Unfortunately, they took offence and begun to disrupt the seminar.

She was saddened by the turn of events, “They must not have been meditating, otherwise how could they get into it? They asked for forgiveness. They can be forgiven but it doesn’t mean that they will be all right. They have spoilt themselves and must keep away until they are cleansed… The purity gets covered by the mind. The mind covers the brain. That is how they got diverted… I have told you exactly what to do and how to do. We don’t believe in forming any new groups. It comes from politics.”

At the Christmas Puja she reflected, “I have lived because of you, because I wanted to see that you people mature…The idea of authority would never bring forth my efforts. Those who are negative will always try to trouble us.”

Between the lines there was a warning of the impeding trouble. In the early hours of the 27 th morning, the negative group set the puja pendal on fire. As the fire spread, menacing flames leapt high in the sky and advanced towards the camp. There were no fire brigades and the children fervently prayed to Shri Mataji to save the camp. In the nick of time Shri Kalki changed the course of the wind in the opposite direction, and thus prevented the fire from devouring the camp.

The fire also showed something else – how respectful it was to the presence of Shri Mataji’s photograph. Though it ravaged the stage, it did not touch her throne in the center of the stage, on which her photograph was placed. However, it did not show the same respect to the sound equipment stored behind the throne, and completely devoured it.

More tellingly, Shri Mataji’s power of Shri Kalki averted the disaster. She described Shri Kalki as the manifesting of her power in the One collective being of her children. Hence, disasters were averted and her children were protected when they merged into her cosmic body through collective consciousness. The power of Shri Kalki did not wrest from the number of yogis that gathered but from the depth of their connection with Shri Mataji – how deeply they ensconced her in their heart. More recently, a yogi was travelling to attend the seminar in Ganpatipule when his bus fell down the ravine. All the passengers were saved because of the presence of Shri Mataji in his heart.

Impossible as it may seem but Shri Kalki is the catalyst for global transformation. As though like magic it achieves the impossible! The pendal which had initially taken a week to construct was rebuilt minutes before Shri Mataji’s arrival for the evening program. She was surprised at the miraculous speed at which it was rebuilt!

Shri Kalki came to the rescue of her children when their beloved Mother was enshrined in their hearts.

Her children began bemoaning the misdeed of the miscreants but Shri Mataji forgave them, “I don’t want to have any headache of not forgiving. If you don’t forgive somebody you get a headache. I forgive all the yogis all the time. There have been some horrible nasty fellows. I don’t want to be angry with them because Ganesha will just finish them, because they have called me Mother and I respected them. Of course they have been very troublesome.”

She left everything to the Param Chaitanya, and did not want to punish anyone. She forgave and forgave, but when someone hurt her, the Param Chaitanya played tricks with him. But she did not want the Param Chaitanya to hurt anyone and intervened to beseech its forgiveness.

With every breath she bestowed blessings upon her children including those who had hurt her. Her example was not lost on her children, and they forgave the miscreants who had burnt the pendal. They also prayed to her to save them. Their prayer evoked her blessings. The blessing endowed the kundalini of the wrongdoers and empowered it to transform them.  That was the moment she was waiting for!

With fervent earnestness they repented.

Before long, the marriage festivities brought back their joy. They offered Rose petals at her Lotus feet, and with folded hands thanked her for allowing them back into her kingdom of heaven and permeating it with so much love, joy and kindness.


Chapter 52

Upon Shri Mataji’s return from Kalwe Puja, a renowned astrologer of Pune prayed for the restoration of his vision in his left eye. She gave vibration to his eye and restored his vision. Tears of gratitude streamed down his cheeks, and he begged permission to cast her horoscope.

As he begun reading into the 9 houses of the horoscope he prayed, “Shri Mataji, you have accomplished your mission and now you should withdraw from public life to take rest.”

Shri Mataji replied, “I have no desire. I am only on this earth for the love of my children and till my last breath I will do everything to protect them.”

He returned to the horoscope, “Between 2003 and 2005 the whole creation would be on the brink of collapse because of the attack by the negative forces. According to your horoscope, you would muster all your power to fight it. In the decisive battle you would no doubt succeed in saving the world, but it would take its toll on your physical body.  By your Divine shakti you could revive it, but it will lose its power of movement.”

With a twinkle in her eyes Shri Mataji asked him to read the 9th house.

He put his finger on it and with a perplexed look pointed, “It shows resurrection! In the manner that Christ had resurrected, you too would resurrect. Within 3 years your body would emerge even more powerful than before. The kundalini of the seekers would rise spontaneously in your auspicious presence. There would be such power in your eyes that even a fleeting glance would destroy the lurking negativity, and cure the sick. Whoever would come in your august presence would receive the greatest blessing of their lifetime. You would recede into a long period of silence, but your children will receive your guidance in their Sahasraras.”

He then prostrated before her and humbly offered a Sanskrit prayer in praise to the Goddess which described her as ‘Kataksha, kataksha nireekshana’ (even her fleeting glance blesses a devotee, every glance makes the thing react.)

Shri Mataji modestly replied, “I do nothing at all! When you see something you react. The difference is that when I look at something I do not react. When I look at you, your kundalini reacts and rises. You don’t have to react. The dynamo is inside you, let it work out.”

But the children’s attention was elsewhere! On her arrival in Delhi for Shivratri Puja, they found a beautiful hillock in the Himalayas and they proposed to retire there in peace. They wanted to raise funds by allotting individual plots to yogis with the intent that their children should inherit it.

She cautioned, “What if your children do not take to Sahaja Yoga. Leaders also can shift more times than the river Ganges can shift its course. It is not the rules and regulations that are going to keep you happy and joint together, but it is pure collective consciousness, and it is love. You know how to live collectively; you enjoy collective life, so why do you want to have separate houses? We should curb down all such feelings of separateness. We are not going to disappear into some exclusive places, that is just for meditation – you can go there, but not for escaping the world.”

During Shivratri celebrations the ragas of Bhimsen Joshi set their agnya free of their mental deliberations.

At the Puja Shri Mataji revealed that the Divine Force worked through Sahaja Yoga to neutralize the psychosomatic problems caused by their mental deliberations, “If there are many Sahaja Yogis who are practicing Sahaja Yoga in the real sense of the word, then I think we can do a lot for the betterment of humanity, and that’s why we have got realization. It’s not only for yourself, it’s not only for your family, it’s not only for your city or country but for the whole world Sahaja Yoga is going to work out.” The Divine Force could be seen to work effectively through the Lucknow collectivity. To spread awareness among the Muslim population they sought Shri Mataji’s blessings for an International   Muslim Conference in the light of Sahaja Yoga. The renowned Sufi saint of Turkey, Hussain Taup chaired the conference under the banner, ‘Advent of Qayamah through Enlightenment. Sahaja Yogis from the Muslim countries revealed that Shri Mataji was the Mehdi they awaited.

On the 19 th March, Raga Bhageshwari set the joyous mood for Shri Mataji’s birthday celebration. Night after night Shri Mataji stayed up with her children till early hours of dawn, nurturing them with her love through the riveting music of renowned musicians.

Claus Nobel’s message aptly expressed the collective felicitation mood;

“In the Northern hemisphere of our Earth, March 21 st represents the Vernal Equinox. This date signifies springtime, birth, renewal, and the time in our calendar when the life giving forces of light conquers the one of coldness and darkness. Among the 365 days of the year, your altruistic and compassionate soul decided to launch its mission for ‘Peace on Earth’, on the very day that stands for love, life and light. An allimportant day, which I clearly recognize as the threshold-day for the much awaited genesis of righteous and dignified human evolution.”

Shri Mataji responded lovingly, “You are still only small children and like small children you must have a clean heart to accept, to absorb the beauty of peace that is within you, and also the beauty of purity. Without purity you cannot enjoy.”

As the children began to offer country presents she sweetly mentioned, “When you give me something I only take it to make you feel happy. I don’t need anything. There is no place in my house to keep anything. You give it out of so much love, I am tired of fighting with you people, of saying don’t give me sarees, I don’t need jewelry – I don’t need anything, I am doing it for your joy.”

To keep the heart of her children she graciously accepted their flowers.

What could her children give her, who was the giver of everything. What did they own that was not her’s?

On Easter Sunday she praised the efforts of the Lucknow collective to resurrect the Muslims, “And that’s how the power of Sahaja Yoga should be used to resurrect people!”

On the 6 th April Indian Medical Association opened its heart to non-traditional healing. Shri Mataji enlightened them on the role of a hectic swadishthan in causing right-side problems. Though it was outside the scope of Medical science, the doctors accepted her hypothesis, and took to Sahaja Yoga.

At a distinguished gathering of diplomats, politicians and dignitaries at the Claridges Hotel, the Unity International Foundation conferred upon her the prestigious Unity Award for International understanding. Governor B Satyanarayan Reddy disclosed that normally the award was reserved only for the head of state but an exception was made for Shri Mataji because in practical terms she had worked more than any head of state or United Nation for World Peace.

Shri Mataji modestly responded, “Without unity we cannot exist. The reason is that this world is one, we are all part and parcel of this world, but we are not connected because we are not awakened, and this can only happen when self-realization occurs in an individual. If we want world peace and unity of mankind then Sahaja Yoga is the only solution. Many of you would want to know why sahaja Yoga is the only solution. The reason is that it takes you to collective consciousness.”

On Monday April 7 th Shri Mataji and Sir C.P. graciously invited the Sahaja family for their golden wedding Anniversary at the Taj Palace Hotel. She warmly welcomed her children and they basked in the sunshine of her lavish hospitality. Delhi’s renowned pianist Brian Vilas etched the flavor of her legendry hospitality in the collective memory.


Chapter 53

The 27 th Sahasrara Puja was offered to the Goddess of a thousand petals on the 4 th May at Cabella. The celebrations commenced with the devotion of an orchestra formed by her children. The Goddess was pleased with their offerings, “The orchestra was like a rosary with all the gems of Sahaja Yoga.”

In the puja talk she revealed how a new consciousness developed when it is filled with joy, “Bubbling with love; you go on expressing your love, whether you talk or you don’t talk, whether you say something about it or not, whether you are smiling or not; this joy is in your heart.”

The collective’s Sahasrara bubbled with joy and commenced the task of opening the world’s Sahasrara.

She was pleased the children had absorbed her vibrations and decided to take her grandchildren for a picnic to Dalgio. They fell in love with its pristine beauty, “Nanni, what a wonderful place for children’s camp!”

Shri Mataji surveyed the property in detail and drew a plan for renovating it. No sooner than it was ready, 100 children took comfort in her soothing nature!

They expressed their gratitude in a song at Shri Adi Shakti Puja, ‘The Mouse of Shri Ganesha’. She was touched by the sweetness of their innocence.

In the morning the country representatives assembled at the castle to invite her. No sooner than they assembled in the audience hall, Shri Mataji was besieged by shooting pangs of pain in the nabhi, followed by bouts of diarrhea. The children were very worried but did not know what to do! They took refuge in the little Ganga to cleanse their chakras and decided to cancel the puja.

No sooner than they announced their decision, a call from the castle informed that Shri Mataji was on her way. The children panicked to make arrangements for her welcome. But outward appearances were the last thing on her mind; her attention was gripped with something more urgent – the grave concern for her children. Though there was no trace of the pangs of pain she had suffered earlier in the day but her eyes were moist with a burning compassion to save her children. 

That burning compassion poured out in the puja talk, “As a mother I don’t mind anything as long as you all get well and purified…I also love you. Whether you are bad or good; it is not the point -but to be kind to me. If you could try to be really good Sahaja Yogis – not the show-off’s, not business like, not only thinking type, not argumentative, not criticizing others. If you just try to meditate 10 to 15 minutes – I tell you, my health will be first class… This is everyday crucification for me; I don’t know what to say.”

Her burning compassion opened her children’s eyes; they never knew she had taken so much upon herself. With tears in their eyes, they begged her forgiveness for the suffering caused by their negligence. They vowed to meditate and never again to impose their negativity upon her.


Chapter 54

At Shri Krishna Puja held at Camp Vacamas on 6 th June, her children fulfilled their promise. With their kundalinies dancing the American children welcomed their beloved Mother with Bharat Natyam, bhajans in Spanish, Russian and Marathi.

Their devotion touched her deeply and she bestowed a blessing that their creativity would bring forth the spiritual aspect of American life, “They have taken by their own urge to search the reality, a new type of style, a new type of singing, in which there is a different tune I feel is coming up, suggesting that there’s something higher we have to achieve. The idea of enjoyment is changed… That’s a different thing than music is, because music can be anything, but to hear the sense of music that not only entertains, but elevates you, takes you to higher realms of your existence. That, is music!”

On Sunday morning she drew her children in the sweet playfulness of Shri Krishna. Whereas, the preparations had been made for Shri MahaKali puja, she began speaking on Shri Krishna because she wanted to establish his principle of madhuriya first. In her madhuriya, she did not hesitate to unravel the ills of America. “Param Chaitanya, when it takes over, it is love – absolute love.  Which thinks, understands, coordinates, co-operates, works and is extremely sensitive. I am sometimes so surprised the way it works without fail, without any mistakes… so when we say they are established Sahaja Yogis then what we mean is this, that they are completely one, under complete control of Param Chaitanya.”

Shri Krishna had tried all the tricks to take the seekers beyond the mind, and connect them with the Param chaitanya but he only succeeded with one Arjuna and for that too he had to reveal his Virata form first. Unless the seekers connected with Shri Adi Shakti, they could not reach the shore. Only her infinite motherly love could take the seekers ashore. And no trick was needed to connect with her; if they loved her like a child loves his mother, she was compelled by the call of their love.

But the compelling power of love juxtaposed placed her physical body. Her love absorbed each one in her body, and if any one was in disharmony or behaved in an off hand manner, it caused her pain. Her body took upon itself all the suffering. She bore its burden alone, without ever complaining about it.

More tellingly, the Param Chaitanya chose the Cathedral of St John the Divine to proclaim the Holy Ghost. The vibrations of the New York program brought a sea of seekers to the Los Angeles. Her love compelled their kundalinis to take refuge in the Holy Ghost.

On the 17 th June, the love of the Berkeley children poured out in a welcome poem:

O Queen of the Universe

O Devi Adi Shakti.

We were blessed to be Seekers many, many Yugas ago.

We are blessed with this life today,

Having you amongst us.

May Lord Garuda,

In all His splendor

Carry You swiftly, O Supreme Guru,

To the Holy Land of Berkeley.

The land that has trees,

That will bow at Your very glance

The land that has flowers,

That will bloom at Your very Smile.

The Land that awaits You With the Nirmal Desire,

To receive Your Divine Bliss and Grace!

O Devi Mahakali,

O Jewel of the Universe.

O Mother, Our Savior,

Please ear our call.

Form the Gate that is golden

To Redwoods so tall,

We await Your arrival

With Joy

And love for all.

She was compelled by their love and said how much she loved them.

She Looked out of the window of the Claymount Hotel and marveled at her own creation of love. The shores of the yonder Bay yearned to kiss her Lotus Feet and its unique flowers offered their sweet fragrance.

Markus Nobel (Claus Nobel’s son) introduced Shri Mataji to the seekers at the Wheelers Auditorium, University of Berkeley. “What if instead of thousands of generations biological charminism required for biological evolution, the evolution of human consciousness could take place over the course of a life time or over the course of an afternoon.”

Shri Mataji’s eyes were filled with tears and she spoke very tenderly. The atmosphere was so charged with her motherly love that their kundalinis spontaneously rose with joy. It was no coincidence that the freedom of their spirit coincided with the celebration of Juneteenth, the day on which African American slaves were actually set free.

The Mayor of Berkley declared it Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Day and drew her attention to the teenage problems. She advised, “You must seek out the purpose of our life and take full notice of every detail and beauty that surrounds you”.

To a question about dreams, she answered “I don’t dream,

my attention actually works. I allow my attention to go where ever it wants and work there.”

Before her departure for Vancouver, she encouraged the children to find a way to the hearts of the seekers so that they would listen. They needed to learn the value and importance of respect and obedience.

Shortly after her arrival in Vancouver, she set out to search for an Ashram and establish the Ganesha Principal of Canada. While shopping in China Town she pointed to a building “This is the one!”

Then she took cogence of its proximity to the Bear Creek Park and the local train to the city. Moreover, it was ideally suited as the children would be able to live there in peace without being bothered by neighbors.

After a short rest she addressed a hall full of 700 seekers. Many had come a long way to receive their realization. Years of her enduring effort had born fruit!

Next day she left for the program in Toronto. The resonance of Vancouver program was visible, the seekers were much more aware of Shri Mataji´s presence on their

Kundalini´s. Shri Mataji was pleased with their receptivity and said for seeking her protection it was very important for them to live together and enjoy each other. When they loved each other their attention did not fall on petty things, “Loving everyone is so important in collectivity”.

Claus Nobel had arranged a meeting with President Waclon Havel of the Czech Republic the following week for the Forum 2000. However, as her prescheduled programs could not be postponed he conveyed her blessings for the Forum in his letter to the President, “The testament of Alfred Nobel established the Nobel Prize 100 years ago. The name Nobel has become a synonym for peace and excellence. Inspired by the legacy of my ancestor, I am likewise through United Earth, working for World betterment.

“H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has rediscovered the great yoga philosophy of Sahaja Yoga. This ancient discipline, when applied to an individual, brings about instant self realization. The “Absolute truth” gets to be known and the individual is henceforth guided by the blessings of cosmic consciousness. Shri Mataji is now working with thousands of practitioners, young and adult alike, in some 65 countries around the world. And many have experienced self realization through her downto-earth no-nonsense teachings.”

On a warm June morning as Shri Mataji sipped her morning tea, her fleeting glance was caught by a newspaper advertisement for 140 acres in Canajoharie, upstate New York. She felt tremendous vibrations, and without even seeing it, she was compelled by the power of love to buy it!


Chapter 55

Shri Mataji returned to Cabella for Guru Puja. The disciples eagerly prepared myriads of offerings to please their Guru. The Theatre of Eternal values performed a delightful play by Molere “Imaginary Invalid”. The Guru praised the efforts of her children to depict the eternal values through the play.

Shri Mataji was pleased with the sincerety of her children’s devotion and uplifted them into a new dimension, “Here it is not a question of spiritual growth; it is a question of your collectivity growing in you. That is how you become a person who is collective, who enjoys collectivity, who works with collectivity, and lives with collectivity. Such a person develops new kind of powers…”

In the end she reminded them that they were going to become Gurus but to be careful not to be conscious of it. They humbly prayed from their hearts, “Mother we are nothing, only please allow us to become a speck of love in your heart.”

The more they surrendered, the closer they yoked to her heart. Little by little, they took refuge in her, and she led them into her new dimension.

Though the expanse of the new dimension was infinite, the expanse of the Puja tent was shrinking. The children prayed to their Mother for the expansion of its dimensions. As she was going to Milan, about 3 kms ahead of Cabella, in the vicinity of Albera, she felt tremendous vibrations coming from a spot adjacent to the road and the river. She answered their prayers and blessed them with a dimension beyond their imagination! She generously purchased it from her own money, and with a twinkle from the corner of her eyes smiled, “See, it also has a windmill!”

It was a windfall, what Shri Krishna’s had described as ‘yogakshema vahamyam’ (after ananya bhakti you get yoked to me then alone will I look after your welfare). As the children yoked to their Mother’s saree, she protected them in its folds and looked after their welfare. And thus compelled by the love of her children Shri Adi Shakti wove her wondrous creation.

Come September, the hills and dales of Cabella resounded with playful laughter of Shri Krishna, in an offering of dances, songs and plays by the American children.

Shri Krishna Puja was scheduled for Saturday evening but the Romanian children were held up enroute and their Mother wanted to wait for them. Finally, after 50 hours of bus travel they arrived late at night. With motherly concern their beloved Mother comforted them saying that she would have waited for them even if the puja had to be postponed for another day. Her soothing touch worked like a magic balm and erased their tiredness. She never thought of her own comfort but foremost of her children’s. And that is how her children had to establish Shri Krishna´s dharma of love! With such Dharma she urged her children to take people in their hearts and love them, “In that love you should not show your pity but love which is Aladdayini… I don’t have to tell you that you don’t do this and you don’t do that. Whatever I say may not be acceptable but immediately your vibrations will tell you”.

The message of Shri Krishna sprouted the eternal spring of love within. Not long before, it overflowed to spread joy of ‘Aladdayini.

The joy of Aladdayini became more exuberant on Sunday, with the first time marriages hosted by the Americans in Italy. The traditional shehnai was replaced by guitar pop! The mehndhi was held on the banks of little Ganga. During Gauri Puja in the Castle Shri Mataji personally supervised the fine details of each bride’s attire, and advised them compassion and forgiveness was the key to a successful marriage.

In the evening the Queen of the Universe blessed 88 couples. The couples recited couplets to their respective spouses. Their impromptu bashful attempts enhanced the Aladdayini.

The Aladdayini mood continued till Navratri Puja. On the 5 th Night of Navratri the English collective presented a play about the spiritual pursuit of seekers and how they got side tracked. Shri Mataji pointed, “And for ego to accept that you have ego is the only way, if you know there is ego, ego will drop out”.

Next the Swiss play depicted the money laundering of the Swiss Banks. In the puja talk on 5 th October, Shri Mataji further dwelt on the problems of the left nabi, and how she suffered so much at the Grahlaxmi chakra because the Gruh Laxmi of the collective was amiss.

Though many of the children did not understand English, they absorbed the vibrations of her words like mantras. It was a communication between the Atma and Paramatma. The Goddess showered the ambrosia and her children drank it. In the end she advised that whenever there was a crisis they should go into thoughtlessness because the problem would be solved by Param Chaitanya. “If you don’t depend on Param Chaitanya, it doesn’t help, doesn’t give you any solutions. Then you go round and round and round with your brain!”

On the 2 nd November Shri Mataji awakened Portugal’s Laxmi tattwa with Diwali Puja. It  endowed peace, dignity and prosperity upon the Portuguese. The vibrations of the Puja brought 700 seekers to the program. She was pleased that they were so sensitive to her presence.

On the 4 th December a tidal wave of seekers swept Delhi. The flow multiplied at the follow- ups and Shri Mataji could not go with the India Tour as she had to nurture the new born babes. However, she assured the children that where ever they travelled her attention was on them.

On 23 rd December, her Global Sahaja Family welcomed their beloved Mother at Ganpatipule. The elements were not far behind to show their exuberance, and they covered the sky in a pink hue at Christmas Puja. The Beloved Mother was pleased and showered a thousand blessings upon her children. She further enhanced the joy of Christmas with the announcement of marriages. On the 28 th, she blessed the couples.

Each evening the doting Mother indulged her children in a celestial feast of music, but they listened to it from their ears and not their spirit. She was surprised to find their attention was very scattered, and at New Year Puja, reminded them to meditate and absorb her vibrations. A gentle correction restored the connection. As they knelt after the Aarti, a surge of vibrations flowed from her motherly love to protect them for their onward journey. The parting from her children moistened her eyes but a radiant smile eclipsed the sadness and reassured them she was always with them.


Chapter 56

On the auspicious occasion of Sankranti flowers were offered at the lotus feet of Shri Mataji. She was pleased with the spread of Sahaja Yoga around the world “Now Sahaja Yoga is spreading outwards to give sustenance and help to people who require real help. This is a new moment in Sahaja Yoga and I hope it will be successful.”

Once, many years ago in early eighties, Shri Mataji was travelling to Daulatabad for a program when her car broke down. As she got down, she saw about 100 women with children taking water from a tap. It was very hot and they were hardly wearing any outer clothes, the women were divorced, and the children were abandoned by their fathers. They had no money and barely survived by breaking stones. They had no place to stay and took shelter under thatched gunny bags. She was overwhelmed and sat on a stone weeping at their pathetic plight.

“A feeling came into me that our country which has such a rich culture, purity and where the character is taken as a very big thing by women. Despite all this, why there is so much suffering? Where the mothers are so much suffering, what will be the condition of their children, and how will they look after their children and who will give them the education?”

“But the compassion is built-in within me like this that let me somehow get a plot of land somewhere. Let me organize some sort of a place where all these people and orphans can be kept and given all the help. From this bond of misery and poverty you might get lots of lotuses coming out. But the feeling has to be collective.”

Apart from treating them with dignity she wanted to give them vocational training so that within 2 years they could stand on their own feet.

The Delhi children responded instantly and started searching for a plot. But the plots proved to be far beyond their budget. Shri Mataji asked for a map of Delhi. Vibrations started coming from Noida across the river Yamuna. Next, she asked for the map of Noida, she put her finger on a spot where she felt the vibrations. The children followed the directions of the vibrations and discovered a plot earmarked by the Greater Noida authorities for charitable purpose at one fourth the price! However it could only be allotted to a registered NGO. Hence Shri Mataji blessed the formation of an NGO under the title H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi Foundation. As the plot was large enough it brought the dual blessings of an orphanage and a hospital.

Not long before, she began drawing the plans for the orphanage, and the doting mother saw to every comfort of her children.

Later in January, Shri Mataji´s granddaughter Sonalika got married to Kunal Khatter. As she received the groom’s entourage at Meridian Hotel, her radiant smile permeated all the arrangements – embracing relatives, coaxing them with food, and supervising the marriage ceremonies.

The celebrations brought a great blessing upon the Delhi collective; Shri Mataji gifted a spacious plot of land near Gurgaon (Chawla) for the pujas.  Moreover she bought a plot at the Palam Vihar to be nearby the Chawla ashram (Nirmal Dham).

To celebrate their Mother’s 75 th Birthday, her children from all over the world enthusiastically began decorating the Nizamuddin scouts ground. They built five grand archways and designed the pendal entrance after the Hava Mahal of Jaipur. The stage was adorned with floral offerings and waterfalls that gave it the appearance of the Garden of Eden.

The most joyous celebration of 21 st century commenced with a felicitation program on the 20 th March, graced by distinguished dignitaries. They were amazed by the gathering of thousands of children from over 50 nations, and realized that her love was the gravity behind the 75 years of her life. The cabinet Minister P. Chidambaram humbly submitted, “I am too small, too insignificant to ask anything more except the blessings of Shri Mataji… I seek your blessings, I seek your love, and I seek your guidance. Please guide the people of this world.”

The collective’s heart responded in an apt couplet by Sir C.P. “We pray that you live for 1000 years, and each of those years should have 50,000 days. May you live until every one of the 5 billion humans achieved their self-realization, and until every one of them is established in Sahaja Yoga!”

Felicitation messages poured from the President, Prime Minister and Vice President of India. In a souls stirring message Claus Nobel wrote, “Most respected Holy Mother, as a torch bearer of truth, you have advanced globally the mission of bringing peace and harmony to a confused and perplexed humanity. For the sake of world betterment, you have had impact upon and transformed thousands and thousands of lives. In this incarnation of yours, you are blessed by the rarer ability to tap into the secrets of the universe. As a contemporary avatar, you are with unparalleled generosity sharing these valuable insights, and effectively demonstrating, to open minds and willing hearts alike, the importance of the individual to gain self-realization. And thus, to these fortunate people whose lives you have touched, you are showing the proclaimed way for gaining personal freedom and individual security by, and through, the ideal of absolute truth.”

The long waited moment finally arrived when the pearls of wisdom flowed from Shri Mataji: “None of the incarnations thought that their followers would form an organized religion and fight against each other. To remove that, you have to give them pure knowledge. Not the knowledge of books, but the knowledge that is pure wisdom…. Through this wisdom only I have worked. This wisdom I had from my childhood. Nobody has given it to me. It was there. This wisdom has taught me one thing, that whatsoever maybe his style, whatsoever maybe his ego or conditioning, if he can feel the love, then his spirit gets awakened, this transformation takes place.”

In the end, the yuva shakti sang Vande Mataram, a composition very dear to Shri Mataji’s heart. As a mark of respect she suddenly stood up; for an eternal moment it felt as though Bharat Mata had risen in all her glory. She joined the signing, as she used to during India’s freedom struggle to uplift the spirit of the freedom fighters. Her words poured out like mantras and stirred every strand of her children’s Kundalini. It was a moment beyond words! It was a moment of a lifetime!

It aroused their heroic spirit of patriotism, and the next day her children from 50 countries unfurled their national flags to escort the Mother of the Universe for the puja. She blessed their heroic spirit and asked them to take the flags back to their countries with the message that the time had come for resurrection.

She praised the floral decorations and the rainbow colored balloons, “They have different colors expressing your love for me…I have done nothing for you, I do not know what makes you feel so much gratitude…though what was missing in the human awareness was that the attention was not on the spirit. When it shifts on the spirit one becomes gunatit, kalaatit and dharmatit. One no longer remains the slave of anything.”

She recounted an amusing anecdote of Gagangad Maharaj who was very strict, “But in Sahaja yoga there is no disciplining done. The reason is you are realized souls. Your spirit is there and the spirit gives you the light. In that light you see yourself clearly and you can discipline yourself. I don’t have to tell you.”

During the puja she held eternity in her eyes and a thousand suns in her radiant smile. It was a sight to dream of, and not to tell! The seed sown in the womb of time sprouted.

Waves after waves of vibrations enveloped the children in the expanse of her heart.

After the puja, she sat for 3 hours to receive gifts from all the 50 countries. She spoke to each representative and enquired after the welfare of his country. They in turn sought her advice on various matters concerning their countries – starting new ashrams, expanding Sahaja Yoga, buying lands and personal problems.

And more blessings were in store during the next 5 nights of celebration! Each night unraveled a treasure from the unknown depths of the artist’s kundalini. The Goddess Saraswati held the strings, and led them to creative heights beyond their vision. Time stood still, it was a treasure the world could not hold!  The sufis from the nearby shrine of Hazrat Nizamuddin and Amir Khusroo were not far behind and came thirsting for the treasure. Passerby’s found their feet turning to take refuge in her. Soon the pendal was transformed into a public program.  Evening after evening the crowds kept pouring, and sat till dawn lost in awe of paradise. And when she departed, they kissed the earth on which she walked, and reverently saved a handful of its scared soil to protect their children from evil eye.


Chapter 57

On the 5 th April Shri Ram Navami, was celebrated with floral offerings at the lotus feet of Shri Mataji. Shri Rama, the 7 incarnation of Lord Vishnu was born at 12 th noon on the 9 th day of Chaitra month called Ram Navami. Shri Mataji was also born at 12 noon on 21 st March, 1923. According to the Shalivahana Shaka her birthday fell on the 1 st day of the Chaitra month. In Maharastra the first day of Chaitra month is known as Gudi padwa to mark the coronation of the first Shalivahana King.

Shri Mataji revealed that the most important thing about Shri Rama´s life was ‘Purusharth’ – the will to rise above all the difficulties in life and yet adhere to one’s duties. Though a yogi may get bogged down by domestic problems, yet he has to rise above them with Purusharth.

On the 17 April Shri Mataji left for Easter Puja in Istanbul. th Her ecstatic children greeted her with a thunderous applause. The Turkish press beamed her arrival on the prime televison Channel. At the music program the following evening, the Sufis expressed their devotion in dances. Shri Mataji praised their dancing and pointed how speed was necessary in action, “Not the kind of speed that comes when rushing to catch a plane, but of rhythm”.

The leaders seemed of have lost that rhythm by becoming very severe on her children. Instead of working on their resurrection, they followed the path of using her name to punish them. At Easter puja on the 19 th, Shri Mataji reminded that if Christ could be resurrected then human beings too could be resurrected. “But this greatness must not be by domination or by showing off; it must come from within. Christ within you has to rise.”

The reporter from the prime television channel was not far behind to be resurrected, and during the interview she gave realization to millions on the T.V. Screen. The electronic media had become her most efficient instrument! Even when she read newspapers, her attention went where it was needed and worked automatically for all the problems of the world.

The T.V. realizations brought waves of seekers to the Ságlikli Yasam Dernegi Hall. The Hall overflowed and more than a thousand seekers eagerly waited outside for their realization. By her Grace they were allowed to sit in the aisles. She saluted their spirits with “salam” and their kundalinies rose instantly. Where the interpreter faulted, she corrected her as though she knew the Turkish language. Their spirits took refuge in the language of love. How else could it be with tulips of Turkey!

A Beautiful garden of Tulips sprang at her lotus feet and she delighted in their sweet fragrance. There were tulips of every color imaginable. Each time she saw a new color she exclaimed in wonderment, “What a beautiful color!”

Before leaving for Cabella she blessed the Patriach of the Orthodox Church living in Istanbul.

The plaster of the Castle’s facade had fallen apart revealing the original stone work. The Italian children were enamored by its rustic appearance. Shri Mataji had sent word that the principle of Laxmi was to preserves everything and the facade should be restored with a white patina. As she was expected to arrive in Cabella on the 25 th, the Italians flew into a tizzy to finish the marnolino plaster. But then, She sent a message she was very pleased with the progress, and their rhythm restored!

However a heavy rains hampered their rhythm in completing the Castle’s facade. Shri Mataji smiled, “Don’t worry I will stop the rain.”

As she turned towards the sky, the dark clouds began to disburse, and for the first time after many days a bright sun beamed at the Sahasrara Puja.

During the two preceding music programs Shri Mataji restored the rhythm of her children. Pandit Bhajan Sapoori, Sukhwinder Singh Namdhari and a galaxy of talented musicans uplifted the collective rhythm. In the end there was only one rhythm – the rhythm of Shri Mataji´s love. The Param Chaitanya was not far behind and on 5 May coincided Mother’s day with th Sahasrara Day!

In the puja talk Shri Mataji spoke about how at a young age, the previous incarnations gave up trying to work out the problems of human beings, “But Mother’s position is different, still goes on struggling and fighting for her child. And this patience, and this love, and this forgiveness is innately built in a mother… but Sahaja Yoga is much bigger family and for that you really had to be worked out through Mother’s principle.”

She revealed how to overcome the problems of Kaliyuga with the light of the spirit. “We are the ones who are going to support, look after Satya Yug. And that’s why the Sahasrara opening is very, very important.”

The light of the spirit also worked at the material level and transformed a dilapidated Castle into a magnificent palace for the Goddess!


Chapter 58

At the Moscow program on 8 th June, the pure intelligence of the Russian seekers easily recognized Shri Mataji from her posters. They were so anxious to get their realization that they queued hours before the scheduled time for tickets. It was the largest gathering ever held in Moscow. Shri Mataji was very pleased with their humility, “They didn’t even raise their eyes.”

A famous Russian Physicist who got his realization could not believe his good luck, “Mother, I cannot imagine that I am sitting before the creator of this world, and still I am very normal. It is a big thing to realize that I am sitting before you and that you are here!”

She smiled, “It is good that you don’t feel my presence so impressive or dominating.”

He said, “Mother, I feel such love and compassion.”

She showed him her miracle photograph with the vibrations coming out of her Saharara like little hearts.

He was spellbound, “How is it that so many hearts are made here?”

She explained, “You see, when this photo was taken the Sahaja Yogi were singing the song ‘Sitting in the Heart of the Universe’; that’s how so many hearts have come up in the photo.”

He asked, “Still, does this power hear?”

She answered, “No, it’s me only. I can hear. I was hearing the song and then this power organized everything.”

With great reverence he took her hand and kissed it, “You are truely the source of all the cosmic energy!”

He wanted to publish a book on her vibrations. She invited him to Cabella for Shri Adi Shakti Puja.

The official permission to shift the hanger to Albera was long awaited. It was the earnest desire of the children to inaugurate the hanger at Shri Adi Shakti Puja. They prayed to her and she gave her blessings to commence the construction and the permission would come.

The puja was in less than a week and no contractor was prepared to undertake the task. The children were crestfallen but no sooner than they prayed to their beloved Mother, the power of Shri Kalki came to their rescue; Out of the blue the Australian collective, volunteered to accomplish the task. They had the faith, “With Shri Mataji´s blessings nothing is impossible.” Their faith forged the global Sahaja family into the collective being of Shri Kalki.

Till Thursday morning there was hardly anything in sight. On Saturday morning the doubting Toms gave up hope! But by the afternoon the roof of the hanger started appearing, and by 11 pm the last nail was hammered. Once again Shri Mataji demonstrated what was humanly not possible, could be achieved by her power of Shri Kalki! It only required all her children to collectively connect with her.

However there was still the delicate matter of protocol to invite the Adi Shakti for the music program. As it was very late the children did not want to disturb her. Meanwhile a call from the Castle informed that Shri Mataji had been giving bandhans for the completion of the hanger. The vibrations were cool; her children took courage and went to the Castle to invite her. Apologizing for the late hour, they suggested the postponement of the music program. With a twinkle in her eyes she smiled, “How can it be late when Shri Krishna was born at midnight!”

She arrived at the hanger at 11.30 laughing; “I am still half an hour early!”

She greatly praised the effort of her children, “I would have stayed the whole night for my children who had worked so hard to finish the hanger. No doubt Param Chaitanya does everything but it follows the power of your love”.

Her love brought tears of joy and her children thanked Shri Kalki for bringing them so close to their Mother’s heart. Drenched in the love of her children’s devotional offerings, the beloved Mother fondly watched their performances till 4.30 in the morning, “To entertain each other is the quality of the Divine.”

At the puja on the 21 st she recalled her recent Russian tour where a famous Physicist recognized her as the source of cosmic energy, “And that is what Adi Shakti is! She is the one who creates everything, but when human beings came they got their freedom. That is the only species which fell into the maya of thinking and of having ego in it. With this ego, maya worked on them, I should say, and they forgot about the Principle that created this universe. They took it for granted.”

In her compassion she revealed how to re-connect with the forgotten Principle, “Now the Adi Shakti herself has come. But I am very simple to look at. In my behavior I am very humble, and people take me for granted…I do not want to punish you, I don’t want to do anything, but you yourself get punished, you yourself become useless if you do not look after yourself and grow yourself.”

Through the sense of their intellect her children could not recognize the Supreme Principle behind her cloak of motherhood. They pulled their ears and begged her forgiveness for their intellect that obstructed their recognition. During the puja her power of compassion detached their intellect from their attention and yoked their kundalinies to her Supreme Being – unveiling the Cardinal Principle that created the Universe.


Chapter 59

On 5 th July, at a program held at the Royal Albert Hall, Shri Mataji revealed the role of England in the world, and urged the English to assume their responsibilities. The seekers heard her with rapt attention, and even as she spoke, their  Kundalinis rose. The flow of seekers continued at the Holland Park School program the following day. She had sown the seeds in the English soil 25 years ago, and was pleased they had sprouted.

She returned to the Italian soil for Guru Puja. Elaborate arrangements were made for welcoming the Mother of all the Gurus. The Primordial Guru graciously accepted the devotional offerings of her children till wee hours of the morning.

After a short rest, she returned on the 12 th evening for the puja. The Puja talk revealed the qualities of a guru. A vital aspect  of the guru was demonstrated by her;  she never showed her disapproval though some yogis did things which she did not like, “Such people are to be forgiven again and again, and see that they change, because I have a faith that all human beings can be beautiful flowers of fragrance.”

Another aspect demonstrated in her life was that she never pointed the shortcomings of her children but instead empowered their kundalinies to overcome them. Her implicit faith in her children brought tears in their eyes. Every drop of tear crystallized into a pearl of love offered at Her Lotus feet. The Primordial Guru was pleased and showered a thousand blessings!

On the 26 th a famous Italian journalist, Romano Battaglia interviewed her in Versilia. While he was being offered a glass of water, she vibrated it. He was surprised that the water tasted like grape juice. She smiled, “You see that’s how Christ turned water into grape juice at the wedding. It was not wine; for to make wine the grapes have to be fermented first.”

Later that evening, she gave self-realization at Marina de Pietrasanta. She praised their open and loving heart and invited them to Cabella for Shri Krishna Puja on the 16

On 15 th August, India´s Independence day was celebrated. With tears in her eyes, she recalled the historic moment when she saw the Indian flag unfurl and the British flag come down.” The tears in her eyes inspired the American children to uphold the principle of equality their founding fathers had fought for. She urged them to fight against racial discrimination, reminding them, “Shri Krishna himself was a dark person.”

The following day the flute of Anand Murdeshwar dissolved the discriminations of color, cast, race and religion, and transported the collective to the Raas Leela of Shri Krishna.

During the Puja her Raas Leela commenced with the changing of the puja sequence. She asked the Americans to distribute the commemorative cards containing the 108 names of Shri Krishna before the puja rather than afterwards. She then read Shri Krishna’s names and made corrections,

“Mormuketdhari- He has peacock feather adorning his head.”

She encouraged the children to become Sthita-PrAgnya, “Sthita-PrAgnya is one who is in the witness state…after some time you will be amazed your witness state will increase and when in the collective, all of you will have that witness state; you can do wonders without doing anything, without saying anything, without acting.”

The children prayed for the whole world to become SthitaPrAgnya and the planet earth to turn into the Vaikuntha of the Virata. After the Americans offered her a Rakhi, she held a gold disc in her index finger assuring her protection. Thereafter she sweetly held a flute to sooth the spirit of her children. She blessed a pot of fresh butter and asked for it to be distributed as prasada. No sooner than she began distributing the gifts, the children lost their Sthita-PrAgnya state. They begun chattering and make a lot of noise. Again she had to remind them that she was still there, “I have told you hundreds of time you have to become absolutely thoughtless after a puja. If that happens you have received the blessings of the puja.”

They pulled their ears and went into meditation. The correction worked like a mantra and as they regained the SthitaPrAgnya state, they could see more clearly the maya caused by

Shri Krishna’s playfulness. No doubt his playfulness relaxed their chakras for the ascent of the Kundalini, but its main objective was to unravel his Virata form.

For days after, Shri Mataji’s attention continued to rest on America. As she pondered on the problems of America they spontaneously resolved. A boy drowned in the swimming pool of the New Jersey Ashram. Just then Shri Mataji spontaneously phoned the New Jersey Ashram. No sooner than her attention went to the drowned child, he miraculously walked out of the jaws of death. When her attention went to America, it protected all her children there. She revealed that whenever something happened to anyone of her children, her attention immediately went there. “I do not have to use the telephone, I just know”.

Then she suddenly became silent as though pondering over the root of the American problem. “But if the land of diplomacy stopped being diplomatic, if the land of sweetness turned bitter, perhaps Lord Krishna  might withdraw his protection!”

She praised Abraham Lincoln, “He was a realized soul and stood for collectivity. Roosevelt was another realized soul who said “poverty anywhere is a threat to prosperity everywhere.´”

On the weekend she visited Daglio, and drew plans for renovating it, “It would be a good idea to have a pre-school around Cabella, where I can attend to their problems”.

With the approaching Ganesha Puja her attention was spontaneously drawn towards her innocent new born babes and she gave guidelines for nurturing their Ganesha Tattwa.

She called each one by its name and blessed it with a purse of silver coins. She was pleased at their beautiful growth and recommended calcium for the weaker ones. All her tiredness vanished as she cuddled and hugged them.

In the evening she greatly appreciated the film on Shri Ganesha which showed how his presence within guided the yogis on what to do and what not to do. Later in the evening, the marriage announcements excited the elements, and a storm started blowing. It developed into a strong whirl wind and blew away the tents of the yogis. Only after they prayed to Shri Mataji, did it relent. On the morning of 5 September the Sun beamed to th participate in the Puja.

She pointed that the world peace was disturbed because Shri Ganesha was not worshipped; the people in charge of governments were not in charge of themselves. “You get the Cool Breeze because of Shri Ganesha. He cools you down…makes you satisfied and a person with complete calmness. With the calmness you become all one. This

ekakarita (collectivity) is established, oneness is established.”

“You start becoming one with the people who are one with you and they believe in the same thing. Their ideas are the same, their thinking is the same, their joy is the same and they enjoy each other very much.”

She urged that whatever bad things the children saw in their countries, they should try to improve. The following evening the joyous notes of the Shehnai´s harked the auspicious occasion of the marriages. The brides bedecked in the Kavach of the Goddess garlanded the grooms. After the solemnity of the marriage ceremony, the mirth of Shri Krishna returned. Shri Mataji laughingly asked the brides to feed the husband. “She should be very naughty to give a very big one!”

As the brides and the grooms composed amusing couplets in the name of their spouses, Shri Mataji was in splits of laughter. The sound of her laughter resounded in the Kingdom of Heaven within!


Chapter 60

With Shri Mataji’s blessings, the Milanese collectivity grew by leaps and bounds. It was their earnest desire to find an Ashram in Milan before the Navratri Puja. After a month of search they found a central place going very cheap. They were very excited and showed the photograph to Shri Mataji. She felt the vibrations and shook her hands in great pain,

“Did you see the vibrations of the place?”


When they returned to the place to check the vibrations, their hands started burning. They discovered that it had previously been used as a centre of a false guru!

Shri Mataji smiled, “You should not get carried away by a place because it is cheap or convenient, but see the vibrations. When I wanted to buy the Castle in Cabella, every single yogi opposed it; ‘Mother who will come so far? It is so dilapidated etc., etc.’ But I saw the vibrations and bought it. Same with Rome Ashram – I bought it after one glance.”

Her talk helped them to see more clearly, the conflict between their intellect and the vibrations. To justify itself, the intellect led them to believe that the vibrations were good but when they actually checked the vibrations, they were not so. Shri Mataji affirmed that it was a common human error to identify wrong things as right.

For 9 nights of Navratri they worked hard to yoke the obedience of their intellect to vibration before commencing search for another Ashram. Nature aided the cleansing process. It rained daily and became a problem to dry the hanger for the music program.

The rain participated dutifully; every time the collective cheered a performance it joined the chorus. The duet was in complete unison. It was difficult to tell whether the yogis were in unison with the rain or was it in unison with them. Shri Mataji clarified that nature responded to her vibrations, and the elements were very respectful to her protocol. Mindful of her protocol, the rain obediently stopped just a she stepped down the stage to depart. But no sooner than she departed, it poured to its heart’s delight, and flooded the hanger!

The obedience of the other elements was no less! On the puja day the temperature dramatically dropped, and heaters had to be brought. But soon after Shri Mataji arrived, the temperature rose as dramatically, and she asked for the heaters to be turned off.

But the obedience of the human intellect to vibrations was still lagging.  In the puja talk She revealed how to yoke that obedience in a simile of the sun and sunlight – as there was no difference between the sun and sunlight, similarly love was the power of pure knowledge and the vibrations were the love.

“Wisdom lies in understanding in the working of Param Chaitanya – how it guides you, how it helps you, how it preserves you, how depending on Param Chaitanya you can continue to be living very happily… It does everything and how it manages, because coincidences are really organized by Param Chaitanya – God is Param Chaitanya!”

The children prayed to the Param Chaitanya to yoke their intellect to the Lotus Feet of their Divine Mother. Her simile of sun and sunlight, moon and moonlight held the key. It was only after the Arti that the key fell in place!

As winter drew closer Shri Mataji was concerned about the heating for all her children staying in the castle. She went to Milan and purchased heaters and carpets for their rooms. She emptied one of her personal rooms for the children to play indoors. Another room she emptied for a Kitchen for the convenience of the mothers with small babies.

Diwali puja was scheduled in Portugal. Though the travel tickets were purchased in advance but the hall for the Puja could not be found. As the date of the puja approached the children flew into a tizzy. Shri Mataji picked up the collective tension and once again reminded them to leave everything to Param Chaitanya.

For some reason, the Param Chaitanya did not want her to go there, and things did not work out. When the organizers could not find a hall, they surrendered their intellect. No sooner than their ego came down it resolved an ongoing ego conflict that had split the collective.

The play of the Param Chaitanya further demonstrated that when Shri Mataji expressed a desire to visit a certain place, her attention went there and solved the collective issues. It was not necessary to report the conflicts, nor was her physical presence necessary to resolve them; her attention was sufficient. Her bandhan to a patient in Portugal cured him. Likewise, her loving bandhans to a patient anywhere in the world cured him.

She revealed, “You see my attention is always around you, always dealing with you… this attention of mine is global. So if anything happens to you, any upsetting takes place, any deviation takes place, my attention is there.”

As the hall could not be found in Portugal, Shri Mataji indicated that they should look for a heated hanger nearby Cabella. The Italians searched and searched but could not find one. Only after they remembered the lesson from Param Chaitanya and surrendered their intellect to Shri Mataji, did  it intervene.

The very next day, a yogi from Novi Ligure discovered a heated indoor hanger in his neighborhood at a price even lower than their budget. But their main concern was that it was far from the castle and would be a strain on Shri Mataji. She put their concern at rest informing that the vibrations were excellent and she would be happy to come there.

The Diwali celebrations commenced on 24 th October, with a French play about Joan of Arc. Shri Mataji was pleased that the Divine qualities of Joan of Arc had been brought out so well, it reminded her of her freedom struggle in India.

In the puja talk she clarified that the worship of Shri Laxmi did not imply the worship of money; it was wrong to worship money. “The same Laxmi becomes Mahalaxmi when you understand the value of money, and when you are saturated and fed up from inside you get detached. Then a new form of Laxmi comes forward that is Mahalaxmi. That is the power that takes you higher and higher, which is the spiritual awakening.”


Chapter 61

On 14 th November Shri Mataji addressed an International Press Conference in Delhi. She blessed journalists from 25 different countries including South Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt, Zambia, Tanzania, Oman and Syria. She said they had a very important role for advancing spirituality, peace, brotherhood and inner union with the Divine.

On the 16 th the children felicitated their beloved Mother at the Nizamuddin Scouts ground.  She comforted their collective Nabhi catch and told them not to worry about their problems, “I am here to give self realization and understanding that whatever you have got you must accept as a challenge, take it up as a challenge and you will be amazed how you will be helped and how you will get the results.”

At a mega program held at Ramlila Ground on the 18 th, she urged the seekers to adhere to their spiritual heritage. The greater the gathering the more powerful was the flow of her Shakti. Even as she spoke, a gust of cool breeze blessed the sea of of seekers. As The Dharmasala School children rendered Vande Mataram, she stood up, Bharat Mata rose in all her majesty to protect the scared land of Saints. As Her eyes moisture and tears of joy streamed down the audience. 

Later in the month, she left for Ganpatipule. Her children erected a majestic Archway to welcome their beloved Mother for Christmas Puja. They significantly placed the Chariot of Shri Kalki drawn by two majestic white horses on top of the arch.

During the puja talk Shri Mataji revealed that Christ had to be worshipped by people who were mental. “But in your brains Christ is also mental. Now what to do? Those who broke the mental attitude – you have made him into mental, like a statue of stone.”

Her children prayed for her Grace to uplift them out of their mental limitation. She worked on their agnyas for seven hours and little by little, drew them into the joy of her Sahasrara. They humbly kissed the scared soil of Shri Ganesha and thanked Shri Christ for allowing them to worship the Lotus feet of the Holy Mother.

Next evening the offerings of Dharmasala School children brought back the innocence of Shri Ganesha. She was delighted to see her new born babes suddenly bloom into such beautiful flowers. Though each flower had its own hue of vibrant color, its fragrance was unmistakably Shri Mataji’s!

The ripe fruits from the Sahaja Music Academy lent depth to the fragrance. The doting Mother was amazed how they had achieved such great proficiency in just 3 months!

On the last day she blessed 75 marriages. She advised the couples on the deeper significance of Sahaja marriages, and the great task ahead of them to sustain her creation.

At the New Year’s Eve Puja at Kalwe, the sorrow of parting was sweetened as she told them how proud she was of them. Anointed with her love, Nirmal lights carried forward her message of love and peace across distant shores.


Chapter 62

On 14th February, Shri Mataji blessed Delhi with Shiva Puja. She urged her children to meditate, “Meditation should be so deep that each of your cell gets filled with joy, and joy pours out of them… correct yourself, do not try to correct others….until you know your shortcomings, how could you cleanse them… only by this cleansing you could visualize the Divine Father; the God Almighty within you.”

During the puja the compassion of Lord Shiva became tangible, “The love that gave us this love strengths to correct all our shortcomings.”

And her love energized not only her children but also the Deputy Prime Minister of India, L.K. Advani. His heart opened to the neighboring country of Pakistan, and on 20 February th along with the Prime Minister, he boarded a peace mission bus to Lahore. After signing the Lahore declaration he prayed for Shri Mataji’s bandhans. Despite her repeated bandhans to the Pakistani President, the vibrations refused to cool. He chose to remain outside the protection of her bandhan, she warned the optimistic Mr. Advani, “A drop that is outside the ocean dries up.”

Little did he realize that within 2 months of her warning, the Kargil war would break out.

It was a lesson for the children to heed the vibrations seriously, to read their indications diligently, and not be swept by popular opinion or media hype.

At the birthday felicitation program on the 19 th she encouraged them to give vibrations to world leaders and global issues. Notwithstanding that their vibrations were mostly hot; she urged to keep on giving them bandhans.

At the Birthday puja her attention rested more on what the world needed and what was to be done, “You are all enlightened with love and the light of this love spreads automatically, spontaneously, Sahaja…”

That is how the joyful state of Nirmala Prem would transform the world and establish Satya Yuga.

Upon her arrival at the Pune Airport on the 24 March, the th love of her children brought drops of Nirmala Prem in her eyes. At the program the compassion of those drops brought the lost children home. And those who did not heed her call were warned of the last judgment, and should they miss this opportunity, they would be left out.

It was a chance of a life time and they jumped into it!

At Shri Hanumana Puja on the 31 st she beckoned them to learn devotion from Shri Hanumana who was the perfect balance of bhaki and shakti. Though he controlled the right side, the heat generated by it was balanced by bhakti, “Bhakti and Shakti are one… if your bhakti is there then no one dare touch you!”

She was pleased with the bhakti of her children and invited them to Prathistan for her wedding anniversary celebrations. The Quawwali group from Hyderabad transported them to her eternal home of the Sahasrarra.

with the family


Chapter 63

On 25 th April Shri Mataji blessed Istanbul with Easter Puja. She revealed that the message of Christ was resurrection, “No one can destroy us, no one can finish us off because we have power to resurrect ourselves… but meditate with such compassion and such love that your tears can also have an effect on these people who are stupid, who are cruel, and killing each other.”

Her children promised, and their tears resurrected others with love and compassion.

Upon her arrival in Cabella, she was surprised many yogis had lost jobs due to the down turn of the European Economy. She pointed that the wrong going on’s in the EU were self-destructive, “It destroys your nation, your family life and your value system. It is just a show like a balloon which can burst any moment.”

The solution came at Sahasrara Puja, “If you humble down, then you will be amazed to see that you are absolutely in contact with this Param Chaitanya. Not only that, but you have become Param Chaitanya… then you get all the ideas, everything that are Divine, not only that, but also the help of the Divine or the solutions of the Divine!”

As the children surrendered to the Param Chaitanya, not only were their problems solved but also the global problems got solved. Nature was not far behind in solving the ecological problems. Three days prior to Shri Mataji’s visit to Toronto, the authorities were worried as the level of the lakes had sharply fallen. No sooner than she arrived, it rained incessantly and the lakes were filled!

Not only the lakes but the convocation hall of the Toronto University also filled to the brim. Shri Mataji’s expressed concern about the direction in which the American society was going. Her compassion was so strong that the vibrations started swaying the banner behind her.

She was very pleased and kindly allowed question.

To a question, who she was; she answered, “Instead of worrying yourself as to who I am, why don’t you try to understand who you are? By knowing yourself, you would know who I am.”

On 15 th June in the congeal hospitality of New York’s Indian restaurant, she addressed the problem of intellectuals, “Their brains are already filled with so many books, I don’t know how to talk to them…but now they are changing”.

Their intellect melted as they heard her say, “Everybody’s heart is full of love but people are afraid to open their hearts… Because we have not expressed our true love it is getting perverted, most of your problems come from that perversion.”

The intellectuals opened their heart and swarmed to the Town Hall thirsting for love. She quenched their thirst with ambrosia, and the pink hue of her vibrations arched New York’s horizon.

Her horizon was infinite, and envisioned a new Vaikuntha in Canajoharie. She drew its outlay; the site of the hanger, the construction of the stage, the location of the well, the direction of the roads, and to the last detail – the kitchen utensils!

The hanger was delivered just 5 days before Shri Shakti Puja, and there was no way it could be setup for the puja. The children prayed to their mother, and the power of Shri Kalki miraculously had it ready just before the Friday music program.

In the puja talk on the 20 th, she expressed her deep concern for the new born American babes. She beckoned her children to take to that concern, “Concern about everything, concern about Mother Earth, concern about your neighbors, concern about the people who are suffering all over the world… these vibrations will definitely be there to guide you, to help you, to support you, to love you.”

The puja engendered the concern in her children; the concern for the misguided, ignorant and crying humanity. Not to be judgmental, but just to open the doors of compassion and allow their attention go where ever it was needed.

At the Vancouver program it became clear that her concern sprang from her compassion, how her compassion became her concern and that concern drew her attention wherever it was needed. It was not governed by any mental choices, but like the ocean it just hugged the calling shores, and receded after quenching them.

A seeker questioned, “What is the purpose of life?”

“That’s simple – to become divine!”

Before her departure from London she blessed the Surrey Ashram, “The Param Chaitanya was so pleased that it just

wanted to fill the house with vibrations, to just let it flow.”

At the press conference in London on 8 July she th mentioned that during her 20 years of residence in England the press had never been supportive but now she was pleased to meet such positive journalist.

She revealed that this was the last judgment, “If you take to truth; well and good! But if you don’t take to truth, you are judged.”

They heeded her advice and came seeking the truth at the Royal Albert Hall program.  .   

And the truth redeemed them!


Chapter 64

Shri Mataji returned to Cabella for Guru Puja on the 1 st  August. She reminisced she had completed 10 years of her stay in Cabella, and the people of Cabella had been extremely kind to her. Even though it was such a far place, lots of people had come to Sahaja Yoga. The chief of Ivory Coast humbly prayed, “Shri Mataji please make all my countrymen Sahaja Yogis”.

Shri Mataji smiled, “Alright, you can do it yourself.”

He had divorced 3 wives and repented, “What is my life? Why I have designed it like that? But now I am full of Joy, Peace and comfort. There are 600 Sahaja Yogis in Ivory Coast and have given up Muslim religion.”

Shri Mataji, “Why did you adopt Muslim religion?”

“The French people have no morality at all, so we adopted Muslim religion.”

Shri Mataji, “All religions are equal in Sahaja Yoga.”

The Puja celebrations commenced on Friday with a heart full invocation, “Though one may have position, power or leadership, what does it all matter if one’s mind is not absorbed in Shri Mataji’s lotus feet.”

A cast of 70 yogis staged an awesome performance of Mahabharata. Shri Mataji congratulated them for their amazing creation of an intricate combination of theatre, drama and action.

The puja talk pondered on the qualities of human beings. “Firstly, is inheritance. Second is, he thinks. And thirdly, that he values love…This idea of love is something that will get him completely detached. Attention should not be bound by your attachments. Attention should be absolutely free so it works automatically.”

Her power of love freed her children’s attachments, and distilled their consciousness to see that love was truth and truth was love.

The following week Shri Mataji and Sir C.P. accompanied their grandchildren on their first ever vacation to Tuscany. During the so called vacation she did a program for 3000 people. In every shop or restaurant she visited people awaited for their self-realization! On her way back, while she was having dinner at Porto Venera people could not help gathering around her because they felt a tremendous love and joy watching her. She was surprised at their open heart which enabled them to recognize her so easily. The restaurant owner got his realization and preserved the chair and cutlery she had used for her next visit.

On the 5 th September, Shri Krishna Puja was held in Cabella. The evening before, the Americans presented an amazing movie-drama, ‘Back to the Present.’ It was followed by a delightful offering by Moroccan musicians who had been recently brought into the Sahaja family by an Austrian initiative. Shri Mataji praised their devotional Arabic music and said it was most appropriate for the puja to the Virata, who was also the Allah.

On the puja morning Shri Mataji blessed the hosting countries with a Conch to herald the power of the Virata, and a flute to spread its sweetness globally.

“The power of the Virata becomes so tremendous that it acts globally. It acts in such a manner that you sit here and anywhere it can act…At that stage you become really a universal personality, because whatever are our problems are universal. Not necessarily that they should be attached to you or connected to you.”

Her children became a part and parcel of the Virata Shakti.

They prayed for World peace, for the war in Bosnia to end, and stability in Indo-Pakistan relationship. (The following month, a coup d’état by the military placed the army chief in Power who initiated the peace process between the two countries. Subsequently the war ended in Bosnia.)

She spent a long time distributing gifts and the children sat silently basking in her love. She was pleased that they had absorbed the vibrations of the puja so deeply and was pleased to blessed them with Shri Ganesha Puja the following week.

With the obedience to Shri Ganesha, the children of the Americas prayed through the week for his quality of innocence. In her infinite compassion she cleansed their chakras and made them pure like little Ganeshas.

At Navratri Puja on the 17 th October, she affirmed, “If your heart is not pure, if you are doing Sahaja yoga to have some competition with others or with some sort of material achievements, it will not work out. You have to do it in a way that is an innocent act, that you are worshipping your mother like a little child worships and loves his Mother…that is something very simple you have to know is your childhood and that childhood has to come back in you, if you really worship the mother.”

On 7 th November, Diwali Puja was celebrated in Delphi, on a mountain about 3 and half hours from Athens. It was most auspicious that it was chosen for Diwali Puja as Shri Mataji revealed it was Vishnu’s abode, Greece was Devaloka, and described in the Puranas as Manipur Dweep – located at the exact centre Nabhi point of the world.

Prior to the puja the face of Shri Ganesha appeared in the sky, and when they turned to the Temple the yogis discovered his swamambhu nestled in a corner.

The children welcomed their beloved Mother with the traditional Greek crown made in the form of olive leaves symbolizing peace. She blessed Greece with eternal peace, “You are enlightened souls. For me that is the Diwali.”

In the puja talk she mentioned, “They are saying mother there should be some written laws, I said, ‘No’. If through your experience you can work… with vibrations you can immediately know that you are catching or you will know you are alright. Whatever decision has to be taken, you have to use your hands fully.”

After the puja the denizens of Manipur Dweep paid their homage in a heavy downpour. It was the first time in 10 years that it had rained so heavily! Shri Mataji could not leave for Athens till 11 pm. No sooner than she left, two beams of light appeared from the Temple of Apollo (Shri Ram) on the mountain top. One showed on her car and the other towards the sky. At every turn it kept lightening to show the road in the blinding rain. She remarked that the lightening would continue 108 times, and would cease only after her car reached the safety of the highway. No sooner than her car touched the highway, Shri Vishnumaya respectfully took leave.

While shopping in the morning for Greek pottery, she was pleased that Shri Athena had taught such beautiful art to the Greeks.

The program on the 9 th brought Shri Athena’s children at her Lotus Feet. It did not take them long to recognize her. At long last, they had found their Beloved Mother!


Chapter 65

Upon her return to Delhi on the 5 th December, Shri Mataji’s immediate concern was the plight of her Orissa children hit by the recent cyclone. She revealed that though the last judgement was in full force, but with her loving bandhans, the Sahaja yogis were saved. Similarly, during the terrible Turkish earthquake earlier, her children had been miraculously saved. “I have seen that all the Sahaja Yogis are fully protected and you are growing in the protection”

Her children from Orissa who had survived the cyclone offered thanksgiving at Guru Nanak’s Birthday. She comforted them and sent the Australian yogis to help them spread Sahaja Yoga in the Eastern part of India.

She revealed the message of Guru Nanak, “He talked of know thyself through achieving Sahaja Samadhi. But he did not tell how, who will raise the Kundalini? Guru Nanak gave realization to only two of his disciples…To awaken one’s energy is the lesson we have to take from Guru Nanak. We realized beings understand Sahaja yoga so deeply that now there is no need to draw any other meaning of it. Still there are people suggesting rituals. It is all useless. I never said so. Yet people are doing what I have never said. So now, when they listen to the tapes of my lecture and understand that mother has not said it, why should we do it?”

They thanked her for her blessings and sought permission to celebrate the advent of the new millennium with a musical extravaganza at Ganpatipule. However, Shri Mataji was not as eager about the idea as it was a concept of the Catholic Church to make money, “Our work is to resurrect people, and give them the truth.”

Her counsel enlightened their path at Christmas Puja.She recalled how a star had guided the three wise men to the Manger of the newborn Christ. Similarly, a star had guided her to Ganapatipule when she was returning from Ratanagiri several years ago. She fondly remembered her resurrected son, “Christ said he was the light, he did not say he was the destination. He said the Holy Ghost will come. ‘I will send you a Counsellor, a Comforter and a Redeemer…’ Today, when we remember his life, we have to follow his life. He is our model. We have to bear a lot of things. We have to be tolerant, we cannot be aggressive, we cannot be threat to the freedom of others…I know there are satanic forces… our truth will fight them.”

The puja empowered her children with Nirmala Tattawa to surmount the satanic forces.

The Nirmala Tattawa shown in the eyes of the newly wed couples, and heralded the New Millennium as the dawn of Satya Yuga.


Chapter 66

On the 26 th January, the Pune yuva Shakti gathered outside Shri Mataji’s bedroom to seek her blessings for India’s Republic Day. She invited them inside and urged, “If you have patriotism for your country, no amount of sacrifice will satisfy. You want to give everything, and you can go through everything without feeling any depression. At the same time your feeling becomes very deep.”

She gave them statues of Shivaji and inspired them with his great deeds of valour, “You must remember, you must become ideal Sahaja yogis because you have to transform the whole world. That is what your Mother expects from you. That is my only desire. Everything else is futile, of no value. Then only you enjoy being in the Kingdom of Divine. You must meditate every day that is the only way to mature in Sahaja Yoga.”

They promised and sought permission to publish a national magazine, “Yuva Dristi”.

A yuva complained of his brother who was a drug addict.

She counselled, “You have to save all those unfortunate drug addicts also.”

Another complained of T.V. addictions.

She revealed, “Your eyes pick up negativity from television actors if you concentrate on them. It is similar to trataka. When they put their eyes on your eyes, means, whatever negativity they have accumulated in their eyes, moves to your eyes. In the same way it enters your eyes through the television screen. You should have discretion what to watch and how much.”

More hands were raised to ask questions. She responded, “When you ask questions it means you are not there. If you are there, there are no questions.”

In early February, the Shankracharya of Kanchi proclaimed that Shri Mataji was Rajalaxmi. A Dubai yogi sought his permission to give realization to his mammoth gathering, but he said they were very conditioned people, unfit to receive their Kundalini awakening. Talking about Sahaja Yoga to his disciples, he said that they could experience the power of thousand suns and thousand moons at the Sahasrara. The power meant only the light of the Sun without heat, and the coolness of the moon.

They were anxious for their self-realization and begged for Shri Mataji’s darshans. The appointment was arranged for 28th February, but unfortunately Shri Mataji had to leave suddenly for Nagpur as Babamama was taken seriously ill. She went directly from the airport to the Hospital but by that time he had peacefully passed away. She did not speak to anyone and receded into a silent smadhi.

Shivratri puja was scheduled in Pune for 5 th March but with the recent family bereavement the children proposed to cancel it. But Shri Mataji said, “If you see the Kundalini you realize that there is no death. In death resides life. It is only going to be another life where he will rest for a while and return with greater enthusiasm for the emancipation of humanity.”

In the puja talk she unraveled the secret of life, “If you raise the kundalini of human beings who are even very bad and gone cases even, either they will be destroyed or they will be saved, and become good people.”

Returning to Pratishthan, she illustrated the point further with an example of the mafia chief from Tagliatti who transformed after self-realization, and began to do good work for the society, “I was amazed how the same fellow who was such a feared mafia chief became such a great honorable person! After self-realization your attention gets enlightened and you clearly see your destructive habits, destructive thoughts and destructive activities. Moreover, you have the power to correct them. You can do it not only for yourself, but for your family, for your society, for everyone. The destructive thoughts and destructive activities spontaneously drop off.”

She was keen to open a school for Indian children and bought land in Shere, 35 kms from Pune. At the foundation stone ceremony, she envisioned a curriculum to realize the optimum development of a child’s potential through the actualization of his spiritual potential. “The seeds of our future benevolent and compassionate leaders like Shivaji are to be sown in childhood. The school should nurture the innate human qualities like love, compassion, kindness, respect, courage, propriety, sensitivity, dignity, consideration and spontaneity. As the child develops a sound foundation, he would easily recognize falsehood, deceit and superficially projected values. As an outcome of self-realization, children will become moral, balanced, responsible, wise and caring.

Later in the evening she inaugurated the Kothrud Ashram.

On the 11 th she addressed the Maharastra IAS officers on stress management at the Yashwant Rao Chavan Auditorium, Mumbai. She was surprised to find that despite their high government positions, they were receptive to vibrations. She urged them to take to patriotism; then the Divinity of the Motherland would nurture them and free their right side from stress and tension.

On the 12 th a Mega program was held at Shivaji Park Mumbai. She inspired the Maharastrians to take to their glorious heritage of Dharma.


Chapter 67

At the Holi celebrations Shri Mataji praised the Australian initiative in Eastern India. “Australians came to India to help and now the Indians should go around to spread Sahaja Yoga. I have done what was possible for you to work out and it has worked. Now you have got realization and you must share it with others.”

On her 77 th Birthday she reminisced, “My experience of 77 years has been really checkered with all kinds of people, all kinds of incidents, and it is a good vision to see before your eyes that despite all that so many beautiful Lotuses have come up! They are so fragrant, so beautiful, so colorful, so attractive.”

At the felicitation program, the special envoy of the Indian Government to Kashmir sought her blessings for the Kashmir problem. He lamented, “There is bloodshed. Humanity there has assumed inhuman form. They have committed abnormal deeds. I wish to take your blessings, your love, your coolness, your affection to them. Lord Krishna had said when there is fall of Dharma, and wickedness assumes power, I reincarnate to reestablish Dharma. Shri Mataji, you have incarnated on this earth to fulfill this promise to re-establish Dharma on this earth.”

Shri Mataji blessed him from her heart, “I have asked some Sahaja Yogis to go to Kashmir and make them Sahaja Yogis. If you make them Sahaja Yogis this problem will be over…What’s wrong with your country; everything you see very clearly, and also you have power to correct it. If you are aware of your powers, and if you have mastered it, then you can do it. You can do it not only for yourself but for your family, for your society, for everyone.”

Mr.L.K.Advani, Home Minister of India profusely thanked her for her blesssings and prayed for the spreading of her Chaitanya to Kashmir.

Dr. Shobha Das, Head Department of Physiology, Lady Harding Hospital, presented two thesis, recognized and accepted by the Delhi University on the role of Sahaja Yoga in stress management.

The next day Shri Mataji blessed 33 marriages, and advised the couples not to find faults with each other but to see the good points and be forgiving, “To forgive is not to tolerate or suffer; you forgive because you are very noble, you are Sahaja Yogis.”

On the 25 th On behalf of the citizens of Delhi the Chief Minister welcomed Shri Mataji at the Ramlila Ground program with a bouquet of red roses. 50,000 seekers heard her spell bound, “Sahaja Yoga within neither condemns nor opposes any religion. Incorporation of the quintessence of all the religions in it is its specialty…But transformation of the people and kundalini awakening is the only way to achieve this goal. The biggest quality of Sahaja Yoga is the power of love…without nourishing it with collective love this plant will not grow… All it requires is a yearning for truth.”

An aggressive journalist began asking questions, “How did you know you are Divine?”

Shri Mataji simply raised his kundalini.

He asked, “What’s happening? How is this cool breeze flowing into my hands?”

She smiled, “It is also flowing out of your fontanel bone area!”

He fell at her feet and begged forgiveness.

The following week he brought flower offerings for Gudi Padwa. The children wanted to do a big puja but she advised, “Big pujas and bhajans have no significance. We should meditate and introspect…In meditation Chaitanya makes you grow, and by introspection you remove all your negativities. And you will achieve the 3 dimension. That is, you will be able to see rd the beauty and goodness of others. So in Sahaja state attention will not go to negativity. What is the use? You do not have to go and kill the negative people. That is the job of the Devi. You don’t have to do it.”

On the auspicious occasion of her wedding anniversary, Bhumi puja was offered at the NGO for destitute women and orphans in Greater Noida. She revealed that the cause of distress in India was because the Gruhlaxmi was not respected. “The essence of Dharma is love. Those who cannot love their wife’s who else they could love? So, I have decided to work hard for this organization and ameliorate the condition of such women. Poor, downtrodden and helpless women could be brought here and helped…This is my vision. You people could fulfill and relieve me of my heart ache.

At the wedding anniversary dinner, Sir C.P. congratulated her on the launch of the NGO and asked, “How do you manage to do so much?”

Shri Mataji modestly smiled, “I don’t know. The main thing behind is the love I have for others. It manages everything so beautifully!”

On the 8 th she addressed the forum of IAS officers. She recalled the time her husband was in the IAS and the great turmoil and sacrifice she went through. The civil service was the spinal cord of the country; it had to bear all the burnt, troubles and burdens to build it up. “We are special people no doubt. Without misusing the powers, who are you? Nothing! If you misuse it then it is not proper, and if you don’t use it you are powerless.”

She modestly added, “If I have done anything so far, is this, that I found a way of collective awareness. That’s the only work I have done, otherwise it was already there. Nath Panthies used to do it. It was well known thing among people, but what I have done is, I have tried to find out what are the permutations and combinations of problems in the human beings, and why should not they all get it.”

The Indian Revenue Service Forum was not far behind to seek her refuge. Her infinite compassion struck an instant chord in their hearts, “I have been a wife of a government servant, and I do know what the problems of the government servants are. The first thing that causes this anxiety in them, they are all the time worried that how are we to be sustained in the job. Whatever you may do, whatever you may try, you will find it at different steps that it is not rewarded, it is not understood, nor people give you encouragement. Actually, government

servants due to their honesty suffer a lot.”

Lo and Behold! The Comforter had come to take upon herself their burden and they took refuge at her Lotus feet.


Chapter 68

On the 19 th March, Shri Mataji arrived in Dubai. The children prayed for her vibrations to spread to Dubai and arranged a cruise. As they cruised through the backwaters of Dubai it reminded them of Ganpatipule and they promised to build another Ganapatipule on this side of the shore.

She was deeply touched by their devotion, “Everywhere obstacles come, and ups and downs are always there. But so far away from your home, the way you have become collective, in the same way you will build my dwellings because you have recognized Sahaja yoga from your hearts. You have gained all the depths of ocean. You appear to me like sparkling diamonds. To understand Sahaja Yoga you need a large heart. It has happened in all of you. By seeing your depth others will come to Sahaja Yoga. It will penetrate the environment. This is the last judgment, either you will be saved or perished.”

On the 21 st she arrived in Turkey for Easter Puja. The evening of Sufi dances preceding the puja showed how to tap the stillness within in.  Firstly, the movement towards God. Next, being with God. Thirdly, being in God. And finally Hakikat, meaning the stage of reality beyond perception, of not seeing something but rather being something- the primeval feeling of being lost in ecstasy!

Shri Mataji explained that true Sufis were the ones who were ‘saaf’ or clean. In their purity they saw nothing but Divine grace, Divine love and Divine peace.

On the 23 rd the resurrection of Christ was celebrated. Shri Mataji revealed that in the same pattern was the resurrection of Yogis where they rose to the new life of Divine love. “Purity is the message, and once you have the purity within yourself, you will love others. As I love you, you will love all.”

The Easter egg symbolized the inner transformation, and when that resurrection took place, the six enemies of lust, angry, attachment, ego, jealousy and greed were overcome.

And that’s how the Mother lovingly resurrected the Turkish Tulips.

And they spread her fragrance across Turkey!

The 30 th Sahasrara Day celebration commenced in Cabella on 5 th of May. Shri Mataji was very happy that after 30 years so many yogis had entered the arena of her Sahasrara, and enjoyed its countless blessings. “ It gives you joy, it gives you peace, it gives you capabilities, it gives you so many things that you cannot count…and from there people have gained all the knowledge about science, knowledge about all the great discoveries are from there…With that you become

humble…and you must give realization to others otherwise you won’t feel complete.”

And the 1000 petal lotus encompassed the human race.


Chapter 69

On May 12 th Shri Mataji arrived in Los Angles. Her children could not contain their love and prayed for her to take up residence in America. She smiled, “If you think that it will help Sahaja Yoga in America by my residence here, I am more than happy to do it.”

Not just that, the search for a suitable house soon commenced. They showed her pictures of beautiful homes and of all the pictures she felt vibrations from the one in Calbasas, “Calbasas means where Kali stays!”

Not long before the search for furnishing the Calbasas house begun. Over her morning cup of tea her attention was caught by the vibrations from a small advertisement in the corner of newspaper for a furniture liquidation sale. It was ‘Ritumbhara Pragnya’- just the style of furniture she had selected for Pratishthan; hand carved Mahogany, inlay marble tops and brass accents. Moreover, at seventy percent off! The owner of the warehouse was so pleased that he gave an additional ten percent off. He got his self-realization and brought his family to the public program at Wilten Theatre the following week.

He enquired the purpose behind her photograph.

She revealed, “You need something to support, that’s why people use the photograph. If you don’t need it, it’s alright, but you will find you will need it.”

He asked, “Is it not first necessary to work on the negative tendencies and then give Kundalini awakening?”

She answered, “In Sahaja Yoga there is no need to work it out. The negative forces run away with the light of the Kundalini.”

She was pleased with the efforts of her children to spread Sahaja Yoga and invited them to her great granddaughter Ananya’s birthday. Her children from Berkeley made a Birthday wish for Shri Mataji to bless Berkeley.

A ten year old child of a single mother saw Shri Mataji’s posters in Berkeley and persuaded his mother to attend the program at Julia Morgan Hall on the 5 June. The mother could th not go but the child went. When he saw her he said, “She is God.” (Her mother finally received her realization at the follow up.)

A lady from the audience who had seen her face on the website composed an inspiring poem. Shri Mataji was deeply moved by her love and said that a great force would emerge from Berkeley because so many students came from here that would change the world.

Amidst heavy rain the Vancouver program was held on the 11th at the Massey Theatre. Come thunder and rain, the seekers came. Musicians from the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra welcomed Shri Mataji with her favourite piece from Schubert. She was pleased and after the program went for a long drive to give vibrations to the city.

For the forthcoming New York program on the 16 th,she herself wrote the text, “The most amazing happening taking place in New York City”.

And it was!!!

The vibrations were so strong like in a puja. After the program a reception had been arranged where a Congressman presented her a copy of an official record of the archives of the Congress of the United States, recognizing her great personality and work.

n the 19 th she flew to Washington for a medical conference at the National Institute of Health (NIH). She pointed, “You have to accept that there is a Spirit and Sahaja Yoga can definitely cure cancer, and has cured cancer.”

The next evening another program was held at the University of Maryland but its low turnout was a contrast to the previous evening where 550 earnest seekers took their realization.

Shri Mataji observed, “You see how people are. Yesterday, because the conference was related to health, a lot of people got interested, while today as we are talking about the spirit, the hall is empty. But you should know that everything comes from the spirit, so if you have the spirit in your life, then you will have health, all the material needs will be satisfied, and you will get all the blessings. But not the other way round!”

Before departing for New York, she blessed the Lincoln Memorial. She spent a long time appreciating all the documents on Lincoln’s achievements and said that he tried so hard to apply the principle of global unity expressed by Sahaja Yoga.

As she came out of the building, she admired the landscape and walked around by the edge of the water. Someone from a nearby stall offered her the American flag. Her American children were eager to catch the magical moment of their beloved Mother holding their flag and took a photograph. The Param Chaitanya appeared even more excited and arranged that both the Lincoln Memorial and the George Washington Monument appeared in the background! Indeed, she held America in her hands!

On the 22 nd, community leaders, lawyers, doctors and publishers were introduced to an evening of Joyful Inspirations at Warwick Hotel in Manhattan. The evening saw a significant shift in the core of the new age consciousness.

After the shopping of gifts and paintings for her children, Shri Mataji left for Shri Adi Shakti Puja, Canajoharie. However despite their best efforts, her children were unable to complete accommodation for her stay by the hanger. They prayed to her and the Param Chaitanya came to their rescue; the owner of a nearby villa who was going on vacation spontaneously offered it. On her arrival she was delighted by rows of beautiful roses and spent the morning in the lovely garden of the villa, matching the couples.

In the puja talk she revealed that the quality of Shri Adishakti was to redeem people of all wrong ideas. Whatever wrong that was adopted in America had to be redeemed. The Grahalaxmi principle had to be established with emotional intelligence. “You understand that you if you really love something then you have to undergo every kind of problem. You have to tolerate a lot of nonsense…You have to show how you can, with love win over.”

The puja redeemed America of all the wrongs and blemishes covering its beautiful spirit.

The following day, a cast of ninety musicians, actors, singers, dancers and chorus from twenty-nine countries inspired the American spirit with an amazing performance of ‘Magic Flute’. Shri Mataji lauded the great zeal of the Theatre of Eternal Values and blessed them with gifts.

On the 3 rd Shri Americeshwari blessed the first Sahaja marriages in North America. The determination to redeem their country glowed in the eyes of the twenty-six married couples as they bowed before at her Lotus Feet.


Chapter 70

Upon her return to Cabella for Guru Puja, Shri Mataji discovered that some marriages had gone astray because the couples claimed that they had developed sisterly and brotherly feelings for each other. She pointed that these funny ideas had come into their brain because of their blocked Agynas. Without the light of the spirit they had lost the power of discrimination, “Marriages only fail when there is a play of the ego.”

She cleared their Agynas and they returned to the evening music program blushing like newlyweds!

Before the puja the yogis symbolically dressed as the ten Primordial Gurus offered floral tributes to the Mother of all the gurus. She encouraged her children to emulate the Primordial Gurus as they had risen above turmoil, jealousy and loose talk.

During the puja she beckoned the children to seek within, “There is nothing that you get from outside…To know God you should know yourself first; without knowing that you cannot know God.”

More than anything else, the children had to connect with their inner self before they could connect with God. Fortunately the Adi Shakti herself had incarnated to empower their Kundalinies to felicitate the connection. The powerful vibrations of the puja felt as though a 40 volt bulb had been empowered to 1000 volts! It was more than enough to clear the clutter obstructing the path of their kundalini and bridge the connection. However, without the flute of Shri Krishna how could their spirit enjoy the play of Shri Adi Shakti.

On 20 th August the flute of Shri Krishna connected them to the pristine smile of their beloved Mother.

But the connection had also to be sustained. At Shri Ganesha Puja, the beloved Mother revealed that the quality of innocence was necessary to sustain it. “Innocence is the spirit and the spirit is innocence. Its transparency is so joy giving.”

The innocence of her children was the quality that the Holy Mother cherished above everything else. Their transparency allowed her love to permeate and protect them. It enabled her will to permeate the kingdom of God on earth.

Moreover, it allowed her to sanctify the physical, mental and emotional integration of the married couples and transform them into her instruments for spreading Sahaja Yoga.

In the puja talk on 8 th October, she revealed the greatest blessing of the left side was faith ‘shraddha’. “So try to develop that faith. And faith gives you such joy and happiness; you get committed, you get involved and you don’t want to get out of it.”

Despite all the miracle photographs and miracle healing the shradha was wanting. Her children fervently prayed, “Oh

Mother please deepen our shradha.”


Chapter 71

Shri Mataji spent a restful month before Diwali Puja decorating her Calabasas home. Renowned American artists showed their works and Shri Mahasaraswati patronized them liberally.  She did not select the modern paintings for the house as she found them rather mental.

Her attention was drawn to the US presidential elections. She mused that one of the names of the Devi was ‘Bhranti’, the creator of illusion and confusion. And that she was creating the confusion in the election to bring about the desired results!

Meanwhile news came from San Francisco that a yogini had died of cancer. She was deeply moved, “I don’t want to tell you but there must be some mistake about her. Something must have gone wrong with her because normally, Sahaja Yoga meditation should help. It should work out, it has worked out with so many, even some people who were sick once came to Cabella, I was not there but they got alright.

It turned out that the demised yogini had a history of drugs. Though she had been in Sahaja Yoga for a very long time, but she hardly meditated or attend the collective meditations.

She beckoned the yogis to meditate collectively and grow deeper. It was not enough to sit before her photograph and take vibrations. Those were her vibrations but what about their’s?  It was important to introspect if the state of thoughtless awareness was maintained without the photograph; was there ascent? Was there any improvement?

It was a wake-up call! The children began meditating daily and took to introspection. Shri Mataji was pleased and showered the blessings of Shri Mahalaxmi donating the Canajoharie land to her children, “The reason I did not donate it at the beginning because in the name of social work people just want to exploit. This is the reason I waited for so many days, and though I have given some of these already like Ganapatipule, the Hospital, also Dharmasala School, but now I want to give even more.”

Her infinite generosity opened the Laxmi Principle of America. She urged her children to take to social work, “So many things are to be done, and so many things have to be worked out which I am doing relentlessly. But you should also try to solve your problems of your country.”

They absorbed the vibrations of the puja. She was pleased and invited them to the birthday celebrations of her great grandson Anant. The doting mother spread a sumptuous feast for her children and lavished beautiful gifts. Candy for the newborns and a magic show for the guests! Her face was filled with a childlike wonder as a yogi performed the magic tricks. Responsibility in a play like attitude was the secret of her Mahamaya, as she smiled at her children reminding them of the responsibility to work among the black people, “You will find such beautiful, such nice people among them. So you have to talk to them and you have to look after them.”

Between the magic show and the dancing she playfully outlined in detail her plans for working out Sahaja Yoga in America. Lest the outward sight of fun and frolic eclipsed their inner sight, she asked for it to be taped and circulated to all her children.

On the 8 th December she departed for Delhi; en route she blessed Hong Kong. As Tao was better understood by the Chinese, she approved the poster with her smiling face superimposed over an ancient Chinese painting of the Yangtze River that Lao Tse had written about. Furthermore, the four Chinese characters in calligraphy explained that Tao followed the Sahaja principle of spontaneity and enabled the Chinese seekers to spontaneously recognize her.

She felt so much love for them, and from her heart blessed them.


Chapter 72

In mid- December Shri Mataji returned to Delhi. She was very worried about the corruption that was eroding the moral fibre of the seekers, “India has become so corrupt that I can’t believe it! I was here about 35 years back, we had never heard of corruption. Now they have become so corrupt, that’s what deters Sahaja Yoga…Now this greed has gone so far that the whole country is getting ruined. We can never achieve anything because everywhere there’s greed. But if you love your country, you won’t do it. But that love is missing.”

She had suggested to her husband to write a book on eradication of corruption. She was very happy when the book was finally completed. Inaugurating the book on the 17 th December, she expressed her concern, “I feel as a mother that if you have really love for your mother- country “Desh Bhakti” – that is the solution of the whole problem. If you are a Deshbhakta you can’t become corrupt.”

On the 23 rd the global family warmly welcomed their beloved Mother in Ganpatipule. But amidst the rousing welcome she felt the vibrations were amiss. A disgruntled group who had left Sahaja Yoga had fudged a court case against her, and to settle it required her appearance in the court. She comforted her children that the problems only come to be solved with vibrations, and its experience was necessary to grow deeper in Sahaja Yoga. The important thing was the realization and the Kundalini would work out everything.

No sooner than they began to witness the play, the grey clouds lifted and opened the sky to a week- long celebrations. Sufi musicians from Delhi composed couplets unfolding her Raas leela. The Raas leela transported her children across the shores of Ganpatipule to the humble manger in Bethlehem, where she revealed the simple message of her son’s birth, “know thyself.”

The puja talk guided how to ‘know thyself’. “First is to work out the awakening of the Kundalini and then to get established in it…To remain within thyself.”

She felt her vision of global realization was perhaps too great for one life time. But then she reflected, if just the 12 disciples of Christ could spread his message globally, then how much more thousands of Sahaja Yogis could achieve!!!

At New Year Puja the children took a vow, “Now we are going to start Sahaja yoga in a new way, in a bigger way, in a more dynamic way.”

With the blessings of Shri Adi Shakti, how else would it be!!!


Chapter 73

Come Sankranti, and the Sun strengthened the Nirmala fragrance. Shri Mataji basked in her garden and allowed nature to worship her with its myriads of beautiful flowers. Since her arrival the arid hill had come alive with singing greenery. Her attention rested on a patch of the garden along the Pratishthan road and toyed with the idea of spreading the blessings of Annapurna by opening a restaurant there. She drew the plans, but as it was classified as green zone, the idea was shelved.

On the occasion of the Republic Day of India, the Yuva Shakti drew Shri Mataji’s attention to the problems besieging the country. She asked them to put their attention to the problems and their collective attention would drive them away. She urged them to exercise compassion, patience and dedication to bring people of all communities to Sahaja yoga. “Facts, evidence and speeches cannot replace love in winning over their hearts.”

Little by little, the solutions unraveled, “The press had played a vital role during India freedom struggle but now it has played in the hands of yellow journalism. We have to start our own press.”

On 23 rd February, Mahashivratri was celebrated at Pune’s gigantic sports stadium. The stadium’s tarmac enabled all the Sahaja Centres across the country to express their devotion in a unique march past of folk dances. As the Karnataka musicians played the pakhawaj, Shri Mataji was reminded of the beautiful rhythms of life created by Lord Shiva. “In everything there is a rhythm, and He is the Lord of the rhythm, who keeps the rhythm in nature.”

During the puja the rhythm of her children’s hearts touched

her, “I know you all love me very much. But you should also love each other, you should have a loving heart, and have satisfaction in loving others…It’s not that you are all the time worried about yourself but you are worried about others, what’s happening in the world. That is love. That love is spontaneous. And when it works, it works wonders…I have started 16 projects in India. Now all that is done just because I can’t contain myself.”

The Orissa yogis prayed for her protection from the deluge of floods in their state. She was deeply concerned by their plight, “It is a state very much troubled. We should find out why it is so much troubled? What is the problem there? And I tell you it is a very great country. I have visited it also. The main thing missing there is that they still have no confidence. If they develop Sahaja Yoga within themselves, no floods can come, no problems can come. Same in your country and everybody’s country.”

The Indian Council of Management Executives (ICME, Mumbai) conferred upon her the Manav Ratna Award, with a title of Matashri for her outstanding work for the emancipation of humanity and education.


Chapter 74

Shri Mataji’s 78 th Birthday was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Nirmal Dham, Delhi. Her love poured, “I would say on the 78 th Birthday I am just the same. I have not changed much because within myself I feel that I have to tell people what they are…Nothing is more important than to know what you are…On this Birthday if you really want to give me something, then give me this that you show your confidence and you work it out.”

And that was the gift her children offered from their hearts. She was pleased, “It is nice that you are celebrating my birthday with such enthusiasm and happiness. So nice to see all this, and I want you all to be my decorations. In the whole word they should see that you are my children and that you are of such great values and such great understanding. I have really worked for you in the sense that every minute, every moment of my life, I have thought of you. I wanted to work it out in such a beautiful manner that you too become really good people, ideal people, and special people with understanding. So that on this day you should feel that your Birthday is being celebrated… I wish you all a very, very happy birthday, so that you people have a new birth, and new understanding and a new personality.”

She revealed the test of the new birth, new understanding and a new personality, “I have never put any restrictions on you. Do what you like. Whatever way you want to do, you can do it. I have never been bothering you about money or anything. But this is a testing ground when you are standing. You are the student, you are the examiner, and you are the one who has to give yourself self-certificate. Understanding so many things which you have now understood.”

On the 26 th the Stadium was swept by a tidal wave of seekers. Their love overwhelmed her, “My heart moves. I am really overjoyed to see you all in such a big number. Once upon a time I used to think how the people of this city will accept Sahaja Yoga. But today, I am seeing it here that you all have accepted it and absorbed it.”

Each one of the fifty thousand seekers was touched by her heart. The ripples of their love brimmed into an ocean, and her heart leapt with joy, “The people of Delhi are awakening to such an extent! This awakening is your own treasure; it’s the drizzle of love that has rained from your pure heart.”

The love of the Mother surged to protect her newborn babes, “Now the Param Chaitanaya is active and working out everything. Wicked people will be hit again and again, and they will know their deeds are against the society.”

Her shift to her new house in Gurgaon marked the new birth, new understanding and a new personality. Her warmth glowed in every corner of her house – in the exuberance of the inlay silver doors, carved wood work, cornices, and inlay marble floors. But dearest to her heart were the tokens of love offered by her children. She enshrined them in specially built glass cabinets.


Chapter 75

Shortly after her Wedding Anniversary, Shri Mataji was scheduled to leave for Istanbul. However, as her passport was due for renewal her departure had to be postponed. No sooner than the news of postponement reached her Turkish children, they flew down to Delhi and prayed at her lotus feet, “The financial condition of Turkey has gone down very much, the economy has gone down absolutely we are ruined. Please come and save our country.”

The power of their pure desire touched Shri Mataji deeply and thereby activated Shri Kalki. The passport renewal that was to take fifteen days got miraculously renewed the very next day! The power of Shri Kalki worked so beautifully, in such a secret manner that it appeared miraculous because its working could not be seen.

Its secret working became more visible at the Swiss Hotel where Shri Mataji was staying in Istanbul. Suddenly the terrorists attacked the hotel and bullets came flying into her room. Shri Kalki protected not only all her children but also the hotel staff. Within a day of warding the negativity, the World Bank announced a 10 million dollar help to Turkey!

As her children offered a bouquets of Tulips in gratitude, she smiled from the corner of her eyes, “Now I didn’t talk to the World Bank. I have nothing to do with them… Maybe, you see, they are helping because you people are in such trouble.”

Having caught a glimpse of the secret working of Shri Kalki, at the Swiss Hotel, they did not fall back in the maya. By recognizing her, they recognized their inner self. Furthermore, the recognition drove home the truth she was the doer.  Little by little as their shradha deepened, the joy of bhakti started flowing. The bhakti gave them the wisdom to see, to know and to understand, “But so many countries are, but why have they helped us only?”

With a twinkle in her eyes she nodded, “That’s the point!”

The Easter Puja talk elucidated the point further, “When you have no Agnya you become such a big source of Divine force that it can work out anything, it can change, transform people.”

The point distilled their consciousness; after all, Shri Kalki also needed instruments for its work. But the efficacy of the instrument hinged on its connection with Shri Mataji, because Shri Kalki was nothing but the power of her Love manifest through the collective body of her children.

At Sahasrara Puja on 6 th May she revealed how to hinge the instrument. When the thousand petals of Sahasrara got enlightened, the Divine love which was the energy of Shri Adi Shakti flowed through the instrument. The more the attention on the Sahasrara; the faster it worked!

“You are like very gentle soldiers of love, and that’s what you have to spread and talk to others. Give them that joy that you have.”

Despite witnessing the miracles of Param Chaitanya, some soldiers lagged behind, and caused division in the ranks. Shri Mataji was saddened by the turn of events. Her children asked, “After getting the highest, how they fall so low?”

She pondered, “Because, they did not feel what they got. When they came, they started getting ideas about themselves and tried to organize things. Then they tried to promote themselves.”

She looked out of window at the clear blue sky and paused, “From my childhood I have worked very hard and I have gone through very difficult times. But the worst time I have when I see these people whom I have given realization; those who are self-realized people, they have no responsibility for others. They don’t have the compassion and don’t have that love, that we have to save the world; save the humanity…If you people become that, you can become dynamic. You will not have ambitions, you will not have desires, you will not have anger, you will not have greed. All these things will drop out like that.”

At Shri Adi Shakti Puja on 3 rd June, she further elucidated, “And the work of Adi Shakti has to be shown in your lives. It is compassion without any reward…You have to do it in a very humble manner, in a very beautiful manner, and you will be amazed to see how you are protected, how you are supported, and how everything works out.”

She chiseled the instruments at Guru Puja, “The technique of Sahaja Yoga is like this, it is not anger, it not repulsion, it’s not hatred. But the technique is such by which you suggest your love”

On 14 th July, she demonstrated the technique at the Royal Albert Hall. She mentioned that she was not there for entertaining; she had been working hard in England for the last 20 years but people did not realize what they were supposed to do.

She cautioned, “These are emergencies, you are living in very emergent conditions, try to understand. And I want to warn you that if you do not go deep into yourself, and find out what you are, and take to your transformation, anything is possible; all kinds of diseases happening to you, all kinds of new problems of children coming up, all kinds of national problems are there, all kinds of international problems are there – that people cannot help it. So we have to get out of this and become a solid personality of truth.”

The pure desire of the seekers surged to become solid personalities of truth. The joy of their realization was expressed in Jogawa, “Oh Mother, give me the union.”

Two days later she nurtured the newborn personalities at Holland Park School, “I am very happy to see so many of you here tonight. I cannot call you the seekers any more. You are the ones who have found the truth!”

A newborn questioned that though he was asked to forgive but he repeated it without being able to forgive.

She replied that it did not matter, and he should continue saying, “I forgive everyone.” It was a mantra and it would work.

Another asked, “Shri Mataji, please, you tell us to forgive and to go into thoughtless awareness. It sounds so easy and simple when you tell us this. However, when we try to practice this and go into meditation it becomes difficult and frustrating.”

She sweetly counselled, “Just practice watching without thinking, without reacting. In this practice, the Agnya will clear… When a thought comes, say, ‘Not this, not this,’… find out from where this thought has come.”


Chapter 76

Ah July and Shri Mataji blessed her new home in New Jersey. She was pleased that despite just a two hundred year old country, America had become very deep in it’s seeking, and had recognized Sahaja Yoga officially as a religion.

At Shri Krishna Puja, Canajoharie on 29 th, she revealed the essence of Shri Krishna’s discourse to Arjuna. “Shri Krishna teaches you to be collective, the fun of collectivity, and the enjoyment of collectivity… America is also very collective, like it will be interested in every country. It will be bothered about everyone, but in a wrong way it tries to help… Discrimination is missing.”

She blessed the children with presents and beckoned them to maintain Dharma, to create a great understanding of World problems, and to love the people coming from all the countries. To the brides and grooms she revealed the secret of a successful marriage. “It is a question of love. If you have love in your heart, you can win over anybody…This is not an ordinary marriage. Sahaja marriage means two realized souls are married to each other. Those who have achieved their spirits are married, so whatever may be the case with others, with you it should be the maximum amount of enjoyment, love, peace and blessings.”

Her tremendous work for world peace did not escape the State of New York and the Governor conferred a proclamation recognizing her tremendous humanitarian work in the last thirty years.

The Mayor of Hudson proclaimed 3 rd August as Shri Mataji Nirmala Day. She assured him her support for jail inmates, and then her talk Albany talk suddenly turned to the subject of curing drug addicts. A group of ten addicts in the audience had been practicing Sahaja meditation at a rehab. Though she had not been informed about them, they were amazed how she looked at them directly and spoke how to overcome drug addiction. They said, “She knows exactly who we are and what we are. She knows everything, doesn’t she?”

As they recognized her they recognized themselves.

The Mohawk people were not far behind in their recognition and offered her sage – an offering given only to the one who they recognized as “The Creator.”

Before the Washington program she gave an interview to a Spanish language television. Upon receiving his realization, the interviewer was so uplifted, he exclaimed, “Oh, my God, I have never felt anything like this in my whole life. This is amazing!”

The program was held at the foot of the Washington Monument nearby the Lincoln Memorial. After the Realization, Shri Mataji took questions.

Question : Why did you choose this location for your program?

Shri Mataji : Because I am a big admirer of Abraham Lincoln. Because of him, America has become so great!

Again at Shri Ganesha Puja, she cited the example of his child-like innocence. “That’s what human beings have within themselves, the power of Shri Ganesha which gives you that feeling, that capacity, that understanding that you have to protect innocent children, innocent people, and the whole world can rise against all such people who are trying to kill the innocent.”

She elucidated with the example of the recent 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centre on innocent people, and how all the countries came together to support them, “They may not be belonging to the same religion, they may not be belonging to the same country, they may not be belonging to the same cults, but at this moment who does not take the side of the innocence will be singled out and will be destroyed.”

The plight of the 9/11 victims haunted her; “My heart weeps. At what time I have come on this earth, where I have to see human beings hating each other!”

By her Grace her children in the Tower and on the streets were miraculously saved. She wiped the tears of America and comforted the American President with Lord Krishna’s council to the despondent Arjuna who had shed his arms on the battlefield, and did not want to fight; “A person in the witness state (sthitapragna) has no confusion at all, and he has a clear mind. He develops the power and the will to destroy evil doers”.

She further pointed, “Lord Jesus Christ also hit with a hunter those who were doing business in the Temple of God. Now in this Kali Yuga you are the one chosen for this act of redemption from evil. All the spiritual beings of the past and the present bless you with courage and power to destroy the cowards who have perpetuated this most heinous crime!”

She unraveled her power of Shri Kalki in the collective body of Sahaja Yogis to destroy the satanic forces that perpetuated the heinous crime. She revealed, “Kalki was described as having no face. The redeemer of the Jewish religion also has no face.”

At Navaratri Puja, Greece, she beckoned the collective body of her children to put all their mind to the destruction of these satanic forces. “This is a fight where we are all one and we are going to fight it out… After this there will be no more of cruelties to human beings, no more fights, because this is a fight between the rakshasas and ourselves. And this has to be explained also to those who are supportive of evil forces”.

She empowered the collective body, “All my efforts, understandings, powers, everything is now in your hands, and that’s what you should be prepared for. Not by just reading something or talking about it. You have to build up within yourself the power of love.”

Empowered with her power of love, valiant Nirmal lights transformed into soldiers of love and peace.

The satanic forces were vanquished and Shri Mataji returned to Los Angles triumphant. The streets of Los Angles were lit with Diwali Lights to celebrate the victory over evil.

Shri Mataji was pleased, “It’s a very-very great day today, where the evil has been suppressed…My desire was to get over it before Diwali, that has happened! It’s a miracle, how things have worked out. Now the new phase has started!”

But there was also a note of caution, “All this happens. It is a drama, as I told you, but you better study it properly and apply it to yourself, and see if you are also part-and-parcel of that drama. For that you have to rise higher; higher above your ego and you super ego, your conditioning, and from there to watch yourself; what is this? Why am I doing such and such thing? What is the main reason for my possession, I should say, or for my own misunderstandings? Why do I accept wrong things?”

It was a wake-up call for the valiant Nirmal lights, and they pledged to transform the whole world. The sun shine of her love dispelled the dark clouds of doubts, and removed all the obstacles. In the clear blue sky it became possible to see that Sahaja Yoga was entrenched in the love of God, and nothing could destroy it! The wheels of time had to turn and go forward.

At Christmas Puja, Ganpatipule she recalled she had to go to America because the satanic forces were trying to destroy the world, “What a stupid thing to think that they can destroy the creation of God like this…If you want to avoid all the trials and tribulations of the useless life they are leading, you have to salvage them.”

After the puja her attention blessed the marriage applications. The pressure of marriage applications had mounted and she reminded, “Marriage was never our idea. But then we had to allow marriages, and now it has become the main issue with everyone. Either they are not married; if they are married, they are not happy. If they are divorced; they must be married again. All sorts of things, complications for which I am not prepared. Sahaja Yoga is not for that…What is most important is that how many people you give realization!”

In her infinite compassion she protected the fragile lotuses, “If a lotus is there, it will open, but it must give fragrance. Even the lotus has the responsibility. Then what about you people?”

The Lotuses singularized in the collective heart of Shri Kalki to turn the wheels of time forward and spread her fragrance of peace and love. Nothing else could be more joyous!

Let all walk together on the path which was created with such patience, understanding and love. 

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