



Ganapatipule is a very important place for Sahaja Yoga (1987-1230.1)… is the place where Shri Ganesha becomes Mahaganesha, and where he is surrounded by the Father Principle, the Guru Principle… the sea… the ocean – the Indian Ocean. That is, here he becomes the Guru (1985-0000.1); In Ganapatipule, Shri Ganesha is in it’s complete matured form… then, our eyes become pure, powerful, and Divine (1985-0000.1)

Mahaganesha… is Shri Ganesha… as he exists in the brain (1986-0504); Is the mantra for back Agnya… as is also Mahabhairava (1981-0904); In the brain, we have got all those seats of the Gods… and they are the seats because they are the causal of these… so first the causal is created… and then the Deities… so the causal of Brahmadeva is Hirenyagarbha. The causal one’s are here… in our brain. At the back here… is actually Mahaganesha… just in the centre point… it is the minutest point… and around him moves Mahabhairava… and around this… is Hirenyagarbha… this is Swadisthana. Swadisthan is divided into two parts… left… and right… both are Hirenyagarbha… at the back here. Now in front… in the centre here is Kartikeya – Christ is in the centre itself, where the optic chiasma is – but here outside is Kartikeya, who is the protector of Christ… and around Kartikeya moves… Mahahanumana… and around that moves the Ekadesha Rudra. Now what is Ekadesha Rudra… let us see… one by one… Buddha… Mahavira… Christ… Mahabhairava… Mahaganesha… Kartikeya… Mahahanumana… Hirenyagarbha… Lakshmi Vishnu/Narayana… Shiva Parvati… Shiva Shakti. Why Shiva and Parvati… two are to be taken… because Shiva is the Guru… and Parvati is the Shakti (1981-0904)

Tape References

Date/Ref – Title – Qual – mins

1987-1230.1 Marriage, Kolapur – see 1987-1219 good 45

1986-0504 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan – see 1986-0504.2 not good 55

1985-0000.1 Mahaganesha Puja – see 1985-0000.1 good 10 1981-0904 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court poor 1985-0000.1 Mahaganesha Puja and other Talks – India 1986-0504.1 Sahastrara Puja talk, Alpe Motta, Milan good 85

1986-0504.2 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan/Delhi University address

– end – 26 Apr 2003