Videos Archived on Google Drive

“select nvp.postid2url(amruta_id) am_link, protocol, concat(‘’,fileid) gd_link,
concat(‘’,fileid,’/view’) gd_view_link,
if(protocol=1, concat(‘! ‘, (date_format(yt.yyyymmdd, ‘%Y-%m%d’)), ‘ ‘ , title), concat((date_format(yt.yyyymmdd, ‘%Y-%m%d’)), ‘ ‘ , title )) as title from amruta5_amruta.wp_posts left join on amruta_id=amruta5_amruta.wp_posts.ID left join nvp.hd on nvp.hd.ytid=yt.ytid where gd_arch=1 and old=0 and yt.ytid is not null and fileid is not null and fileid!=1 order by yt.yyyymmdd, yt.title ; “);

echo ‘
