Marriages the day after Shri Ganesha Puja Campus, Cabella Ligure (Italy)

Marriages. Cabella (Italy), 23 September 2001. Talk to brides You are going to marry. I am going to just .. (the microphone is adjusted) .. and with full understanding. It’s very important to understand your role in Sahaja Yoga as married women. We have had very funny types of women who got married because they wanted to marry, and they saw to it that the marriage is not successful. And they have been of such a trouble to Me that I don’t understand that before marriage why don’t they see that what they have to do. You have to make a successful marriage in Sahaja Yoga. It’s not an ordinary marriage. And for that, it’s not sacrifice, but joyful understanding. You may have to withstand many troubles also. Financially maybe somebody’s not so well off. Maybe, though he’s all right, he’s not looking after you financially, he’s not giving you money or maybe he’s very dominating – it’s possible. Everything is possible. As you could be the same. So in Sahaja Yoga we have selected you to be married and we think that you will make a very, very happy marriage. Now it is more the responsibility of the woman somehow, because marriage is her responsibility and she has to make a happy marriage. If any of you now don’t want to marry a particular person, you can say no. But now if you are marrying, then please think of the way a Sahaja Yogini who is getting married. The Read More …