We are here to seek the truth Congress Centre Paasitorni, Helsinki (Finland)

Public Program, Congress Centre Paasitorni, Helsinki, Finland, 1992-0812 Please, be seated. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to remember that we are here to seek the truth. It’s not a sermon, it’s not a lecture. It’s not fundamentalism. I am happy to see that there are so many seekers in this country.Truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot transform it. You cannot read about it. You cannot conceptualise it. You have to feel it, you have to become. I was also born in a Protestant family in India. And that’s how I know much more about Christianity than anyone of you can know. And I feel we have missed the point. Because you cannot seek Christianity and also truth. Christianity is very different from Christ. It’s absolutely mental. And especially, I have attended Lutheran Church and I treated many of them, Lutheran Church. Of course, one has to understand that all the seers, our forefathers have been following Christianity. Especially in my country, Christians came with the Bible in one hand and a revolver in another, gun in hand. And the kind of aggressiveness we see, thank God, Columbus luckily went to America, otherwise I wouldn’t have been here. No Indian would have been spared. You will be amazed that in Argentina and Chile, I have been to. You can’t find a single aboriginal resident, not one! You have to go to the museum to see them. Is Read More …

You should see for yourself if it works or not Valkoinen sali, Helsinki (Finland)

1989-0817 Public Program, Valkoinen sali, Helsinki, Finland I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualize it, nor can we organize it, neither we can order it. So we have to know it. I know in Finland, I came here in 1980, I found people were big seekers, no doubt. And they are seeking the truth. But at the same time, you have to know that truth is a manifestation on your central nervous system. Like we have to feel this all-pervading power all around us. You have to feel it on your fingertips. It’s not just what one may claim about, but it actually has to happen to you. From the amoeba stage now we have come to the human stage. And there is a little breakthrough which we have to achieve in this lifetime. So how do we do it? Many people ask me, “How do we do it?” Now, how do we become human beings? Spontaneously. Within us is the power, which spontaneously acts. Because it’s a living process. It is not an artificial process, but a living process. Like this Mother Earth sprouts a seed, spontaneously. Because the Mother Earth has got the capacity, while the seed has got built-in properties. In the same way, within us is also built-in this instrument. Now, you have to have an open mind of a scientist, that you should see for yourself it Read More …