Mother’s Day Picnic Galstone (Australia)

1987-05-10 Mother’s Day Picnic, Sydney, Australia [Shri Mataji:  I would like to thank all of you but thanking is coming with the rain, for a celebration of this Mother’s Day. It’s a very good idea that this Mother’s Day has been established in your country and that it coincides with My visit here. In India surprisingly we don’t have anything like Mother’s Day. Very surprising. We have all the goddesses’ days but not for mother. And we have to remember also the mother who gave us birth, and then only you can realize what it is to give a spiritual birth. And so nice to see so many children here and small little babies, all of them so much enjoying themselves in the nature and are bringing joy to all of you. There are no words that can really express the joy I feel the way Sahaja Yoga is growing in Sydney especially. I have to [unclear: achieve?] Melbourne, but I think it will go very much faster than any other country abroad than India. You can see how things are happening. It was so exciting the other day when you came after the workshop. You were so much satisfied that you have been able to save so many Australians. And you will be saving more and more and more and bringing much more joy to your country. So many things happened at such a short time. Difficult to mention all of them together. Next year you have decided to Read More …