Kundalini Gauri Puja Lake Road Ashram, Melbourne (Australia)

Shri Kundalini Gauri Puja. Melbourne (Australia), 16 February 1992. Come inside, you can, all of you can come inside, there is space. Every body, do space for these people, just move. This side.Don’t sit in the sun. [Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi.] I’m sorry today I have to speak about something unpleasant to begin with, before the Puja. Later on we’ll have the Puja of the Kundalini, the Gauri. All right? The unpleasant things are – I’m sorry to say that about Melbourne- that it has been a very funny experience, in this place, Melbourne, and I really feel very sorry that I’ve brought this Elio to this country. He’s an uneducated, absolutely starving person in Portugal. And he had nothing to eat even. And I told you that I sent lots of ceramic, a truck load to them. They sold it and ate all the money. So that doesn’t matter. And then I paid for him to come here, he got here, married to a nice girl. But I think he was a bhoot from the very beginning, or I don’t know what to say. There is no sense of gratitude, no sense of self-esteem, he didn’t know what he was, and he became really, really a big bhoot, in the sense that he started playing in the hands of Satan.I didn’t know what was happening. He came down to Pratisthan and people said: “Mother, who is this rakshasa who has come?” And he came with Trish. You Read More …

Informal talk Lake Road Ashram, Melbourne (Australia)

INFORMAL TALK – 1991 04 13 – MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA Otherwise, they will not having so much authority because of this economic problem now [UNCLEAR]. As it is Ganesha’s country, I think it should start first here. This awakening among the media (?). Media (?) is the most difficult thing [UNCLEAR]. (Addressing a Yogi) You should get all the cuttings for me? In India, they don’t mind this – I mean at least at the time of the Congress [UNCLEAR]. They didn’t mind these gurus making money because they thought that it is for [UNCLEAR]. But how much [UNCLEAR]? I think you people sit inside, let them come in. Also you should sit with one leg at the way they here sit. Remy, he has now decided that we’ll have only one school that is Vashi. That’s a beautiful place and children will be there for about eight or nine months, in that school, because you see if they moved from one place to another, their attention is also spoiled. And they will go for holidays to Dharamsala, for three months. If the parents want so they can also pay for themselves and stay there, with their children. Otherwise, you see, also a Yogi said that he cannot accommodate for more than forty people and that’s you cannot put a limit to it. So we’ll be expecting about 300 students who can be easily accommodated as it is, and later on it could be about 600. It’s a large place, it’s Read More …

Virata Puja: Appreciation Should Be Practiced and Informal talk Lake Road Ashram, Melbourne (Australia)

Virata Puja. Melbourne (Australia), 10 April 1991 Because of distances and also we had no ashram in Melbourne all these days, I found that the collectivity is not yet properly woven here and so I think best thing is, today, we must worship the Viraat. Viraat is the Primordial Father you can say, or the One who is in our brain, acts for our collectivity. As the Kundalini rises ultimately She ends up by piercing through the fontanel bone area. Before entering into that She enters into the Sahasrara. Sahasrara is the area which is surrounded by one thousand nerves and in the medical terms it is called as ‘limbic area’. Now one thousand nerves are all connected to the sixteen important nerves of the Vishuddhi. That’s why they say that Shri Krishna had sixteen thousand wives, that is, He had all His powers as His wives and I have all my powers as my children. So, when we are growing in our ascent, in our dhyana, we have to go to our Sahasrara. If the Sahasrara was not opened out we could not have done this en masse realisation. How it is connected! The collectivity is so connected with the present-day Sahaja Yoga. Before that it was just up to the Agnya Chakra but when it reaches the Sahasrara it enlightens all the nerves, and all the nerves look like flames which are very silent, beautifully coloured, in all VIBGYOR colours.  The appearance of these is so soothing, so Read More …