What is a living energy? Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

Public Program Day 2. Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, Australia, 12 April 1991. I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday, that truth is what it is. We cannot understand it, you have to feel it. We cannot conceptualize it, and you cannot feel it also at this human awareness. We have to become a subtler being, as described in all the Scriptures, that you are to be born again and that you have to become the Spirit, to feel the existence of Truth. First thing, we have to understand, that all this is a process of a living energy. Divine is a living energy, and divinity within you also is a living energy. We do not understand sometimes what is a living energy. When we sow a seed in the ground, they sprout by themselves. When a mother conceives the child, according to the normal nature of human beings, their body has to expel everything that is foreign. But when the child is conceived, it is not only kept in the body but is nourished, looked after, developed, and at the right time it is expelled. There are so many other things which cannot be explained through medical science. But one must know that to understand what I am saying, you must have an open mind, like a scientist has. And if you find what I am saying, which is like a hypothesis, is true and gives you the experience of the truth, then as Read More …

We cannot buy the truth Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

Public Program Day 1, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, Australia, 11 April 1991. Please be seated. I think I’ll stand up and speak, would be better now. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualize it, we cannot change it, we cannot buy it, and also unfortunately at this human level we cannot know it. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure spirit. The second truth is that there is a all-pervading Power of divine love, which is very subtle and which works out all the living work. You see all these beautiful flowers here, and we take them for granted. We never even think from where have they come, how have they come, from a one little seed how ” and so many varieties, so many types ” how they have been created and how they grow, and how a flower becomes a fruit. Look at ourselves; look at our eyes. It’s one of the greatest cameras you could think of. Look at every machinery that is within us, how it is working beautifully there. But we do not think about it; we take it for granted. All this living work is done by this all-pervading Power of divine love. Now when I say that, you need not accept it blindfolded. But I would request you to have Read More …

Where are religions leading? Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

Second Public Program, Melbourne (Australia), 15 March 1985. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Everyone has been talking about truth; since long we have been hearing that we have to find out the truth, and there has been a evolutionary process even in our spiritual seeking. As you must have seen how gradually we are built up and how the divine personalities came on this earth to give us a new awareness, a new dimension, a new understanding of ourselves within. All this evolved slowly one after another, outside as well as inside; but what we see outside is something frightens people. They see a person like Khomeini, they see a person like Idi Amin, then Gadaffi – they’re quite shocked. They think these fundamentalists are there, they can’t understand how these people can carry on with that kind of a fundamental idea in their head – that they are the best and they have a right to proclaim as if Mohammed Sahib was in their pocket. But is true of every religion – they are very close, they are not sophisticated so we do not see their fanaticism, we can see this fanaticism but those who are so sophisticated, like I was born in a Protestant religion; I found they were extremely sophisticated and no escape was left for any seeker to come out of it – because only thing was to dress up nicely, go on a Sunday, attend a meeting and finished – pay for Read More …

We are living in a relative world Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

First Public Program, Melbourne (Australia), 14 March 1985. I bow to all the seekers of truth.I bow to them because they are a special category of human beings which is described by William Blake * as the men of God who will become prophets and they will have powers to make others prophets. This is what is described by many other seers in India also. All over the world people have talked about the resurrection time. Mohammed Sahib in His Koran has described that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. Like when the disciples of Christ got their blessings of Self realization from the Holy Ghost which came as a cool breeze upon Him they started using their hands because they felt the power flowing through them and they started speaking the language which was strange. That was the language of the chakras and that’s why people thought they were off their minds, they didn’t understand. But today we are in a special time which I call as the blossom time. We do not have only twelve people who are seeking, twelve hundred who are seeking, but thousands and thousands, millions and millions. This seeking has come to us from ages, we have been seekers from ages, though in the western contries the tradition of seeking has lost its meaning very much because of industralisation. It has grown like a tree which does not know about its roots. In India the climate was very gentle, I think, Read More …

Your own guru within yourself — is your Spirit Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

Public Program Day 3. Melbourne (Australia), 10 March 1983. Introduction by Dr. Warren: Again, it gives me great pleasure to introduce to you again Mataji Nirmala Devi. For those of you who have been coming regularly to the series these last two nights and tonight, I think many of you will have experienced Self-realization. For those of you who haven’t, don’t despair, because it can be worked out in everyone. Not everyone keeps that gift of Self-realization, because, very foolishly, when we touch it, we let it go, we squander it, or perhaps we don’t develop it in a way in which that seeking that lies within us would desire. But whatever it is, most of us who get this experience of Self-realization come to a point where logically they reach the conclusion that there must be something that has happened within me, which has taken me into this new dimension of awareness. In my own case, when I experienced Self-realization … it was a very remarkable experience because I gained my experience from Mataji, in Her presence, in India. But the events that led up to that were quite interesting. Because, as practicing professional in health care, looking after lots of patients, I was able to watch a lot of those patients who were going to India, going to America, going to various places of Spiritual pilgrimage all over the world. And many of them were coming back — quite curiously to me at that time — quite damaged Read More …

The sensitivity to reality Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

Second Public Program. Melbourne (Australia), 9 March 1983. I bow to all the seekers of truth. May God give you wisdom and understanding about the truth and about Himself. Doctor Warren just now brought out a point that if somebody is doing this work in a split of a second, even on the television when it was only one minute, if it works out, then there has to be somebody special. All this kind of talk is not necessary in India, because Indians are well educated in spiritual matters. They know what is the Shakti is, what is Kundalini is. They know the chakras. They are very well equipped. They have got the names of the Shakti in which it is said so. So to them it is not to be told and requested. But in the West, though such great saints have been born, such seekers are born, they have forgotten the knowledge that they had, perhaps, of the power of God. And that’s why I find the sensitivity of people is not towards understanding the reality, but more they take to artificial things. Perhaps the more we are in contact with machine, we become more akin or close to machine. We try to understand everything in a machine-like manner, but not in that sensitive way, that people had once upon a time. Even at the time of Christ, except for few Jews who didn’t like Him because they wanted to have their own money-making propositions, they crucified Him. Read More …

Tantrism is a system in which people do anti-God activity Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

First Public Program Day 1. Melbourne (Australia), 8 March 1983. Bill: Mother is one being on this earth who can actually give that Self-realization, who can actually give you that enlightenment. No sitting in little rooms doing strange positions for months on end, to purify yourself and get yourself to some higher plain, no sitting down, repeating mantras endlessly on the hope that maybe one day you will reach some other state of consciousness, or some other higher stage of development, evolution. Mataji can give you that realization this evening. The only prerequisite is the desire for it and humility within yourself to be able to ask Her for it. I’ll explain a little bit about this picture. As you’ll see there are one, two, three, four, five, six, seven different major centers marked in the diagram. They represent what we call chakras, which are energy centers within the spinal column. Now they are not things that you can carve open a spine and see within them, they are subtle energy centers, in the same way that you can’t pull a television set apart and see the picture. They’re there, they exist, they affect our behaviour, our behaviour affects them, too, just as importantly. They have been with us all the time, they are part of our absolute, inner structure, they are part of our absolute being. When a person is in the presence of a Realized soul, such as Mataji Nirmala Devi, a process can occur, whereby the Kundalini, Read More …

The innate nature of God Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

Public Programme, Second Talk. Melbourne (Australia), 6 April 1981. Dr Warren talks about many things which are beyond me to understand. I can’t help laughing why people get stuck up on them, I really don’t know, because it is so obvious that God cannot be bought, you cannot pay for God, it is absolutely obvious for any intelligent man, it should be obvious. How much did you pay to become a human being from a monkey, what did we do, did we cut our tails or anything to become the monkey? We have become by the grace of God. What can we pay for the grace of God? It is very simple, you cannot, God doesn’t understand money. It is human beings who have created money and all the things like economic woes and all the economic problems. God doesn’t understand these economics you have made. He doesn’t understand! This is all your own doing. Your own projection and complication and you are entangled into it. It is as simple as that. And when you see these people who live on other people’s money, I call it OPM, are parasites. You won’t live on other people’s money, you, any one of you. So they do not have even a simple self respect. Not only that, but these parasites are cunning. It is so obvious, so very obvious, that we like to be fooled. The more cunning the befoolers, the better we are. I went to Calcutta once for a program Read More …

Aim of Seeking Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

Public Program Aim of Seeking It is really gratifying to come to Melbourne. I came here because somebody who had come to Sydney said, “Mother, You must come to Melbourne. We need You.” When I came here for some other purpose, I felt the vibrations of Melbourne are really very good and here it is quite possible that there may be many seekers. It is really gratifying, as I said, to be here among you. It’s a fact that the time has come for thousands and thousands and thousands and millions of people who are born as seekers on this earth to get their realization. They have to know their meaning. They have to know  why the nature has made  human beings out of  amoeba. What is the purpose of their life? Unless and until you find the purpose of your life you are not going to be happy, you are not going to be satisfied. You may try anything else. You may go on ego trips, or other trips like seeking money. You may try other ways like taking drugs, alcoholism, levitation, all kinds of things. But these things have not given anyone satisfaction. You have to find out that absolute without which we are in confusion.  That absolute is within you. That’s why Sahaja Yoga is a spontaneous thing, a living thing. “Saha” means with, “ja” means born. It is born with you, as in a seed. All the maps of the seed that  is going to manifest Read More …