Evening Program and Talk to Sahaja Yogis The Day after Mahashivaratri Puja Glenrock Scout Camp, Newcastle (Australia)

Day after Shivaratri Puja, Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Laguna of Glenrock, Newcastle, (Australia), March 1st, 1992 I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s puja very much. Today I wanted to talk to you about certain matters where people get quite confused. There are certain things we must understand in Sahaja Yoga. First point there is no fundamentalism in Sahaja Yoga. Nobody should use My words or say: ‘Mother said so’, nobody should. That is how all this hierarchies have been built, in the churches, everywhere. Everybody can read, everybody can find out. There is no way of controlling people by saying: ‘Mother said so’. That shows that you are trying to use My Words to tell people off. You are not in charge. If I say something in the program of Sahaja Yogis, I say it because it is heart to heart talk between My children and Myself, you see. And it should not be just sent over through your computers all over the world without consulting, without censoring it by the leader. There’s no haste in Sahaja Yoga. So that should not be done. Now this I have said, definitely. Whatever I’ve said nobody remembers, only they use My Name. Mother said so in 1970. In 1970 I never spoke in English. So all this historical utterances should not be used. We live in the present. That time maybe, the situation was such I might have said something, but today the situation is different. Maybe because Sahaja Yogis were just coming Read More …

Mahashivaratri Puja Glenrock Scout Camp, Newcastle (Australia)

Mahashivaratri Puja. Glenrock Lagoon, Newcastle (Australia), 29 February 1992. It’s very nice to see all of you here, so many of you from Australia, to worship Shiva, Sadashiva.I think this is a very important occasion. Is important, because Sadashiva, the God Almighty, who is One, is expressed on your heart as Spirit, the Shiva. We have to understand that so many people came on this earth at different times, in different countries, and they talked to different people about righteousness, that is dharma, about how to elevate yourself, and all of them have said that you have to be reborn, that is, you have to become the Spirit. They have all said the same thing because they knew, without the attention is filled with the light of the Spirit, you will not be able to understand spirituality.You have the Spirit within you, which is all the time in a witness state. Why all the religions have failed? Because they did not get their Self-Realization. They did not become the Spirit. So there’s a tremendous difference between you and all others who profess something. It looks as if they are hypocrites. They intellectualize it as you know, they explain it very well, but you can see very clearly that they haven’t absorbed spirituality. That absorption was impossible without Self-Realization. This everybody felt. Buddha went to this limit and Mahavira both, to say that, forget about God, forget about God Almighty, you just get your Self, your Self-Realization. So they are called Read More …

Have we reached the Absolute State? Newcastle (Australia)

Newcastle Public Program. Newcastle (Australia), 28 February 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset you have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it and we cannot conceptualize it. Also unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot feel the truth, so something has to be done, something has to work out in our human awareness in the evolutionary process. We have become human beings from amoeba. How did we become? And if we are human beings have we reached the Absolute State? We have not. If we had reached the absolute state then there would have been no problems because everybody would have seen the same thing, would have understood the same thing and felt the same thing but because we are living in a relative world we have all these problems. As it is, most of the problems are created by human beings. If you see ecological problems, if you see economic problems, political problems, physical problems, mental problems, family problems, all of them are related to human beings. So we have gone wrong somewhere, there’s something that’s a missing point which we have not realized. The advancements we have made in our civilization, say in science, has reached such a stage that we had to create atom bomb, hydrogen bomb. So all these mental efforts we have put in also boomerang on us and create our destruction . In every way we get frustrated, Read More …

Dance and Talk Newcastle (Australia)

Dance and Talk Shri Mataji: Such talents, such mastery of Mrs Kanan on what we call the “bhawas” means the emotions, the way she expressed her emotions …She is really a master if she was in India people would have really knew that such a great artist is being sent to NewZealand.It should not have been done 🙂And a little girl I must say for a rage, she is so dynamic, so rhythmic and so perfect. All these dances I know very well because I have been seen dancing from the very childhood of mine I should say…The perfection they have achieved is really remarkable …I don’t know how far you have understood the different moods have shown if in one after the other …How she has gone from one mood to another mood. It’s very difficult If you see the expressions on the face hands everything…It’s a very difficult dance and also the dance that you saw of “Jattiswaram” Also is a very vigorous dance. All these are extremely beautifully manifested and I haven’t seen such a group of mother and daughter doing such good work so far …May God Bless them. I am so very happy to be here to see all this. Moreover, I would say that all the Sahaja yogis should try to learn from them …That such a little girl how she has dedicated herself to her mother’s rt and how she has learnt from her… And how both of them are so dedicated …Let Read More …

To understand the divine you have to become a self realised person Newcastle City Hall, Newcastle (Australia)

Public Program & Music (by Nirmal Sangeet Sarita and the late Baba Mama). Newcastle (Australia) 18 April 1991. 48:00[??: meaning not clear/not audible]I  bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. We cannot organise it, we cannot conceptualise it. Also unfortunately, we cannot know the absolute truth at this human awareness. We have to become a subtler being to know the truth. Now whatever I am telling you today here has to be understood with an open mind of a scientist. If it is a hypothesis I am putting before you, you have to see for yourself if it works then as honest people you must admit because this is for everybody’s emancipation and the emancipation of the whole world. We have seen there are problems in every place, in every country, in every nation. Problems of different nature are there. But if you go to the roots of it you will find out that its human beings who have created these problems. And these problems exists because we are in ignorance, we are sitting in darkness and we do not know how we are related to each other. We talk of collectivity, we talk of peace, we talk of love; but still, we are separated from each other. And it’s like a drop away from the ocean talking about the ocean. In every scripture, whether it is Christian, Hindu, Muslim, is Tao or Zen, any one Read More …