To understand the divine you have to become a self realised person Newcastle City Hall, Newcastle (Australia)

Public Program & Music (by Nirmal Sangeet Sarita and the late Baba Mama). Newcastle (Australia) 18 April 1991. 48:00[??: meaning not clear/not audible]I  bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. We cannot organise it, we cannot conceptualise it. Also unfortunately, we cannot know the absolute truth at this human awareness. We have to become a subtler being to know the truth. Now whatever I am telling you today here has to be understood with an open mind of a scientist. If it is a hypothesis I am putting before you, you have to see for yourself if it works then as honest people you must admit because this is for everybody’s emancipation and the emancipation of the whole world. We have seen there are problems in every place, in every country, in every nation. Problems of different nature are there. But if you go to the roots of it you will find out that its human beings who have created these problems. And these problems exists because we are in ignorance, we are sitting in darkness and we do not know how we are related to each other. We talk of collectivity, we talk of peace, we talk of love; but still, we are separated from each other. And it’s like a drop away from the ocean talking about the ocean. In every scripture, whether it is Christian, Hindu, Muslim, is Tao or Zen, any one Read More …