Mahashivaratri Puja Glenrock Scout Camp, Newcastle (Australia)

Mahashivaratri Puja. Glenrock Lagoon, Newcastle (Australia), 29 February 1992. It’s very nice to see all of you here, so many of you from Australia, to worship Shiva, Sadashiva.I think this is a very important occasion. Is important, because Sadashiva, the God Almighty, who is One, is expressed on your heart as Spirit, the Shiva. We have to understand that so many people came on this earth at different times, in different countries, and they talked to different people about righteousness, that is dharma, about how to elevate yourself, and all of them have said that you have to be reborn, that is, you have to become the Spirit. They have all said the same thing because they knew, without the attention is filled with the light of the Spirit, you will not be able to understand spirituality.You have the Spirit within you, which is all the time in a witness state. Why all the religions have failed? Because they did not get their Self-Realization. They did not become the Spirit. So there’s a tremendous difference between you and all others who profess something. It looks as if they are hypocrites. They intellectualize it as you know, they explain it very well, but you can see very clearly that they haven’t absorbed spirituality. That absorption was impossible without Self-Realization. This everybody felt. Buddha went to this limit and Mahavira both, to say that, forget about God, forget about God Almighty, you just get your Self, your Self-Realization. So they are called Read More …

Have we reached the Absolute State? Newcastle (Australia)

Newcastle Public Program. Newcastle (Australia), 28 February 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset you have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it and we cannot conceptualize it. Also unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot feel the truth, so something has to be done, something has to work out in our human awareness in the evolutionary process. We have become human beings from amoeba. How did we become? And if we are human beings have we reached the Absolute State? We have not. If we had reached the absolute state then there would have been no problems because everybody would have seen the same thing, would have understood the same thing and felt the same thing but because we are living in a relative world we have all these problems. As it is, most of the problems are created by human beings. If you see ecological problems, if you see economic problems, political problems, physical problems, mental problems, family problems, all of them are related to human beings. So we have gone wrong somewhere, there’s something that’s a missing point which we have not realized. The advancements we have made in our civilization, say in science, has reached such a stage that we had to create atom bomb, hydrogen bomb. So all these mental efforts we have put in also boomerang on us and create our destruction . In every way we get frustrated, Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis: You should never say that: “Mother said so.” Sydney (Australia)

Talk on Arrival at Burwood. Sydney (Australia), 27 February 1992. . . . but all of you are not here. It doesn’t matter. There’s a certain thing I’m discovering, that you people always say: “Mother said so, Mother said so”, and making a fundamental thing out of Sahaja Yoga. It’s not proper. You should never say that: “Mother said so.” It’s not needed at all, why to say? You all have freedom, you have absolute freedom. Because you are all Spirits, you can see for yourself and you know what is right, what is wrong; and if you commit mistakes, can be corrected also. But first thing is you should grow deeper into your Spirit, so you become absolutely free from conditionings and from egos that you have. And then, there’s nothing to, sort of, limit yourself by saying that: “Mother said so, Mother said so.” And whatever I might have said, you see, also to be understood. Like, the other day, somebody told Me that he used to meditate for half-an-hour, but then somebody said that: “Mother has said you should meditate for five minutes, ten minutes, so I stopped meditating for a longer period.” So I said: “That’s the minimum I said, the minimum, you should meditate for five minutes. That doesn’t mean that you cannot meditate for half-an-hour.” So you see that this is how people go on correcting each other: “Mother said so, in Her some nineteen-hundred-and-seventy-five or something.” That should not be. This is again, Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis Before Departure about Children Brisbane Airport, Brisbane (Australia)

Talk to Yogis, Brisbane Airport (transit to NZ). Brisbane (Australia), 22 February 1992. You shouldn’t go in the sun, in the daytime, I must say. It’s a worse sun than in India I tell you. It’s all right in the morning, about nine-ten o’clock, and in the evening, after six. It’s a very bad sun, and then you get all these problems of the skin, you see these days, they are developing, what do you call, cancer of the skin, very common. So one should never go to extremes, go up to this and then stop it. The whole of Brisbane was empty, they all had gone to the, beach I think. Even now, it’s very hot. Little later it might be. Best is the morning sun. Now there’s a very big trend according to the newspapers, that people are taking to alternate religions now, they are fed up with the Christianity. They are going to Buddhism and other things. So one has to talk to them, that Buddhism, what Buddhists have got? Nothing. They are so much [INAUDIBLE]. Islam also is taking roots. So we have to move, and we have to talk to them, otherwise…You see once you get this Islam nonsense, you can’t get out of it. Is the worst of all. You have to talk to people about it all somehow. I don’t know, how do you stop. They are fundamentalists. Absolutely. And they say that if anybody wants to get out of Islam, then they Read More …

The Spirit comes into your attention, when you are completely enlightened Brisbane (Australia)

Public Program Day 2. Brisbane (Australia), 21 February 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday that truth is what it is. We cannot transform it, we cannot change it and we cannot know it at human awareness. I never read scriptures as I don’t think I have to read them because I know them. But I was reading the Koran and also the Bible from this Christian science thing, all other scriptures also. I mean, what they are saying is absolutely true: that you have to be righteous, you have to be above violence, you have to be detached. All these things are absolutely the same, no doubt. There is no change. In all these scriptures they say the same thing. This was said about 8000 years back by Shri Rama then by Shri Krishna, then it was said by Socrates, Lao Tze, Abraham – all of them have said the same thing. Then Mohammed Sahib said the same thing, Nanaka said the same thing. Now what’s wrong? Still we find all these people are not what they are supposed to be and it’s admitted. And they give explanation for that. Like I’m reading the intellectuals from Islam. They said that Islam is very different from Muslims but they must get educated. If they get educated in Islam they’ll be alright. I’ve seen many Islamic people who are very well educated – there is nothing of the kind. They are just like anybody Read More …

Shri Mahalakshmi Puja: Always Introspect Wamuran Ashram, Brisbane (Australia)

“The Mahalakshmi Principle,” Shri Mahalakshmi Puja, Brisbane (Australia), February 20th, 1992 Something wrong. Who has made those with the things…You should put more of cotton in that, you see, slips back. Can you get it done by the…For pujas you must use Indian girls, [is] better. They know all these things better you see. They said that, “Nobody asked us.” So they just sit on the fence (laughing). They would think that, “We should not come forward, because they’ll think these people are talking too much, these Indians,” So, I mean, when they have to come they should come. You can see, yesterday’s film, that we have a tradition, you see, we know all these things, isn’t it? This has been there in that country, so they should tell you, and you should not mind that. They also have the same fear as you have that they will say, “You have an ego”. I don’t know how to go about with anything It’s quite warm. It’s alright. I’ll teach you how to make this, alright? May God bless you. Today I was thinking that we’ll do the puja to Mahalakshmi, will be better. So that we’ll understand what Vishwa Nirmala Dharma is. As you know, the Mahalakshmi Principle lies within all of you, in the centre. And once you are fed up with the falsehood, and also with the hypocrisy of people, you start seeking the truth within. That’s how a new category of people are born, who are called Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis Wamuran Ashram, Brisbane (Australia)

1992-02-20 Talk to Sahaja Yogis Brisbane- 1992 Sometimes please My people, without understanding, what is the reality they motivate and then they start misusing that but then it becomes a curse on them. So one should keep one’s  worship Bhakti (devotion) absolutely accurate, that’s the best way. All right. Mother is laughing for something. It is very sad to see a lady being torchered like this. But in those days it was so but not now. All she went, she has gone in the history of a greatSati and all these powers are on the right side like Savitri Gayatri all of them are, some of them are on the left side. They became powers within us. So their sacrifices have created powers within us.

Talk to Sahaja Yogis after Public Program Wamuran Ashram, Brisbane (Australia)

Talk to Sahaja Yogis after Public Program. Brisbane (Australia), 19 February 1992. Only thing I have to tell that these people who will be coming to you now, they are very beautiful nice people. I think we have to, handle them very gently. That’s very important, and not to tell them: ‘You have got a bhoot in you and this and that.’ Then they get frightened, they can’t [INAUDIBLE] There should be very gentle handling of the whole situation. It’s all right once they are Realized souls, then they understand the dangers there. But before that one should not. Slowly slowly you should just develop them, and if somebody is difficult don’t argue. Is best is not quarrel. It will all become mental I think, mental process. So these things should not happen here again. Some sort of a group, starting up suddenly against the leader and, behaving in a funny manner and, this should not be done. It’s a very wrong thing to do. If you have anything against the leader you can write to Me directly. There’s no harm in writing to Me. Directly you must write to Me. Instead of, forming a group against the leader, forming some sort of a, thing which is not required. There’s no necessity. If there’s some truth in it I can correct the leader, I can tell him. But we have to understand that we cannot do this thing, because if you get out of, the Kingdom of God, you fall Read More …

Kundalini works out your Self-realisation Brisbane City Hall, Brisbane (Australia)

Public Program Day 1. Brisbane (Australia), 19 February 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it. Also we cannot know it at human awareness. We have to become a subtler being, as Christ has said you must be born again. Something has to happen to us to know the truth. It’s obvious that we do not know the absolute truth. If we had known the absolute there would have been no quarrels, no fighting, no problems. But we don’t know and that’s why have committed so many mistakes. When we look at the science what we find: we have crossed over all the limits and have created horrible giants to kill us like hydrogen bomb, oxygen bomb. Even when you look at religion then what we find in the religion: that whatever is preached, whatever is the fake work, whatever is said is excellent, is wonderful. The incarnations, the prophets are all right but why while following it we fail? We cannot do it. What is the reason? We may belong to any religion but we are capable of committing any sin. So what’s wrong with this? Why it is that whatever we’ve reached, whatever we have learned mentally doesn’t work out? It’s an obvious thing to know that we do not know the absolute truth and that that truth, whatever it is, is not innate within Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis on Arrival Brisbane (Australia)

Talk to Yogis on Arrival from Sydney. Brisbane (Australia), 18 February 1992. Our education system in the West, I don’t know about others but, here, in Australia, I was surprised the way teachers are controlled. Not the children, and after some time, I think all children will become like brats, and take to… Yogi: Very short time. Shri Mataji: …very short time, and they take to drugs I mean. You are not supposed to tell anything to your children, you are not supposed to, control them. Can’t understand. There’s a new theory that has come, stupid, that: ‘Let them express themselves’. What will they express? They are not matured. They don’t see the nature. You see when a fruit comes out, it has to be allowed to grow. That’s why you become so haphazard and, you become scatterbrains actually I don’t know. Attention is so much, all around. What have they achieved I don’t know. In the recent years have you heard of anyone, who has, done some miracles (SOUNDS LIKE with children) in the science or anywhere? Nothing. Children are so wise. I must tell you [INAUDIBLE] not only your child, everybody’s. The parents are natural [INAUDIBLE] but you should see the teachers, they are all becoming mad. Now they are building the top storey [INAUDIBLE] to conduct classes. It will take about three-four months, but because of the children it is taking so much time. They all rush up, upstairs, take the hammer, do this, hit that, run Read More …

Kundalini Gauri Puja Lake Road Ashram, Melbourne (Australia)

Shri Kundalini Gauri Puja. Melbourne (Australia), 16 February 1992. Come inside, you can, all of you can come inside, there is space. Every body, do space for these people, just move. This side.Don’t sit in the sun. [Shri Mataji is speaking in Hindi.] I’m sorry today I have to speak about something unpleasant to begin with, before the Puja. Later on we’ll have the Puja of the Kundalini, the Gauri. All right? The unpleasant things are – I’m sorry to say that about Melbourne- that it has been a very funny experience, in this place, Melbourne, and I really feel very sorry that I’ve brought this Elio to this country. He’s an uneducated, absolutely starving person in Portugal. And he had nothing to eat even. And I told you that I sent lots of ceramic, a truck load to them. They sold it and ate all the money. So that doesn’t matter. And then I paid for him to come here, he got here, married to a nice girl. But I think he was a bhoot from the very beginning, or I don’t know what to say. There is no sense of gratitude, no sense of self-esteem, he didn’t know what he was, and he became really, really a big bhoot, in the sense that he started playing in the hands of Satan.I didn’t know what was happening. He came down to Pratisthan and people said: “Mother, who is this rakshasa who has come?” And he came with Trish. You Read More …

What is the Spirit? Prahran Town Hall, Prahran (Australia)

Public Program Day 2. Melbourne (Australia) 15 February 1992. Please be seated. He’s finished it? What happened? He’s finished now? [UNCLEAR] Have you finished or … Yogi: I have finished. Mother, I meant that I just mentioned realization.. [UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: All right, thank you. I bow to all the seekers of truth. Yesterday, I explained to you, that this power lies within you, is your own power and once it is manifested, you will know how great you are. Just now, you are just thinking that you are an ordinary human-being but once you are connected to the mains, then you realize what you are. Like this instrument is without it is connected to the mains, it has no meaning – and then you understand your meaning. From human level to a higher level you have to move to know what is Divinity is. This is a happening, this is a becoming. Like a seed becomes a tree through a living process, you have to become the Spirit. Yesterday I told you, that I will be able to tell you today about the nature of the Spirit; What is the Spirit? Of course, English language as you know, has it’s limitations. Spirit means Atman – the Spirit which is the reflection of God. Also spirit means alcohol, also it means the spirit which is a dead thing. So, we have to now know, only about the Atman, the One which is the Self within ourselves. When you are enlightened Read More …

One must understand you can’t pay for a higher awareness Prahran Town Hall, Prahran (Australia)

Public Program Day 1. Melbourne (Australia) 14 February 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know, that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it and unfortunately, at the level of human awareness, we cannot know it. The reason is, as they have explained to you already, that these two things called conditionings and the ego, are covering our brain. Apart from that, we are not connected to the All-Pervading power, which is the love of God. In these modern times to talk of God, is something out of trade and also there are many people who have talked about God, established religions, established all kinds of huge, big organizations and people have discovered that there’s no truth in it. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know, that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it and unfortunately, at the level of human awareness, we cannot know it. The reason is, as they have explained to you already, these two things called conditionings and the ego are covering our brain. Apart from that we are not connected to the All-Pervading power, which is the love God. In these modern times, to talk of God is something out of trade. and also there are many people who have talked about God established religions, established all kinds of huge, big organizations and people have Read More …

Talk after Indian Dance Canberra (Australia)

Talk after Indian Dance, Canberra Ashram, 13 February 1992. It was such an unexpected, joyous event for us, that Srimati Padma Menon has agreed to give this beautiful performance, and to again remind us what we saw in Madras. Actually her guru was there and we went to her, foundation, where there were fifty ladies who danced before Me. It was a great, pleasure to see you here, that in a foreign country, you are spreading the Art of our country. I am sure you must have understood most of her actions but, what you have to see is the, her mastery over rhythm, firstly. And secondly on the, Abhinaya, means the Maya. Such a master she is. And it’s a very vigorous vibrant dance. I’m seeing one better than the other as I would say. I saw lots of them in Madras and now here to see her, it was a great pleasure to Me. And to all of us, because we know a lot about Ramayana, we know lot about Mahabharata. But to weave it into such beautiful patterns, is something, of a great art, and a great talent. It’s not possible for everybody to dance like this. Neither, even if you practice you cannot dance like this. It’s something innate. Something inner force that works it out so well. For such a long she danced. I mean, one would feel completely exhausted. But with such vigor, with such power, she’s shown different expressions. One minute she is Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis Red Hill Lookout Cafe & Bar, Canberra (Australia)

Talk to Yogis at Red Hill Lookout. Canberra (Australia), 13 February 1992. So we are with the nature here. So beautiful. The way it is planned you can see how the person who’s planned it had the feel of the land, feel of the nature. How he is made up, by not destroying it . Whatever is there he used it, otherwise they would have put one bulldozer and finished it off. But the way it is planned shows he had feeling for the land and he could understand. The way we look at nature also, is our own. The way we are inside, that’s how we look at nature. Nature is our friend absolutely; it’s working for us all the time. And we don’t do much for it. Look at these trees. They give shade, they give fruits. Whatever is possible for them, they do it. And when they are old, use them for wood. All supportive to our life. But we must have feeling; otherwise, what’s happening today is this ecological problem. And this is because we do not have any feeling for the Mother Earth. No feeling for the nature. We are really plundering them and then the whole thing reacts. It’s a kind of an aggression that you want to have so many things at the same time. Like I have seen once, first when we went to England, we never served any drinks in our house in India, but in England nobody would come to Read More …

Picnic Black Mountain Peninsula, Canberra (Australia)

Picnic with Yogis at Black Mountain Peninsula. Canberra (Australia), 13 February 1992. Shri Mataji: Sometime I have to sit down and write. Yogi: Shri Mataji children who are born realized, still they pick on these bad behaviors, do they get it from their parents or their society? Shri Mataji: This is Kali Yuga. Anything is possible. I met some born realized people who are now in Sahaja Yoga, they were taking drugs. They were drinking. This is Kali Yuga. They forget what they are. And very egoistical. Because they know they are something better. In Vashi children are all born realized. In My Presence they are absolutely quiet. In My Presence. I don’t know what happens, just they are very different. But, the teachers are having a bad time. I think they’ll be all right by the time they are twelve years old. They are very attached, no doubt, very attached. The kind of thing that has happening now in the world, it’s only when there is Kali Yuga. I mean any sort of nonsense. In relationships, in, addictions, all kinds of immorality. Shameless, absolutely. And to break the moods of the mind down. You regard it as a big venture. Yogi: Will it all change one day, Shri Mataji? Shri Mataji: Of course I mean, if we have lots of Sahaja Yogis, it will happen. But you must also, all of you, mature. So that others when they see you they, are impressed. I told you now in the Read More …

How to see things very clearly? Canberra Theatre, Canberra (Australia)

Public Program. Canberra (Australia), 12 February 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to understand [ASIDE – NOT ALL RIGHT. DO YOU THINK THEY CAN HEAR ME? ITS NOT SO GOOD.] I’ll give You another one Shri Mataji. Who’s responsible for [INAUDIBLE -THIS?]? Just try [UNCLEAR] I think you have to [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] [INAUDIBLE] in My hand One may ask a question – there have been so many saints, prophets, Incarnations on this earth and whatever they preached, whatever religion they started people would not keep to the teachings of these great people. All the teachings were absolutely to the point according to the time they were facing, according to the contemporary problems they were facing. But none of these have been able to keep the framework what they wanted to establish and all of them have deviated, without exception. Some are money oriented, some are power oriented, some are politics oriented, none of them are Spirit oriented – this very surprising. There came lots of philosophies, theories and deviations that people formed. Many religions out of one religion, many philosophies out of one. So people lost faith in religions also lost faith in God, lost faith in Divinity – they took to Science and what Science has given us, you know very well. It has given up physical slavery to Science – complete slavery. We can’t live without electricity, we can’t live without plastic – above all we have to live Read More …

Conversation with Sahaja Yogis About Politics Canberra Ashram, Canberra (Australia)

Conversation with yogis about current events and international politics, Canberra ashram (Australia), 12 February 1992. Yogi: But there is a room here with a bathroom attached! Shri Mataji: Would be better to be with you all! But in Melbourne I would like to stay in a hotel – would be better – just to show a little resentment at the way they are behaving. How many came for follow-on last [time], after my programme? Yogi: Fifty people. Shri Mataji: Fifty people? And then how many stayed? Yogi: Only three or four. Shri Mataji (Laughing): That’s just like it. I don’t know, there’s something missing. I don’t know what is missing. Like in Russia I don’t know how people settle down that fast. They have never heard of God. I think we have too much conditioning of all these things – God and, religion, this that – which has deviated. So we are between the two. Some people who believe in God, in a blind way, and are following something wrong, religions which are deviated; and there are some people, who are against it completely, they are atheist, intellectuals. So, we are lost in between. And that’s why it takes time here. And there is not much of introspection also. Bu,t I must say, Russians are very introspective and very humble people, very humble. Even the media is very humble. The media people who came to see me there, even like Pravda, which is a hardliner I should say, was very good. Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis: What have I done for God? Sydney airport (Kingsford Smith), Sydney (Australia)

Talk in transit to Canberra, Sydney Airport. 11 February 1992. We had this Ganesha Puja, and I really spoke very nicely on equilibrium. And the rain, expressed its equilibrium, but when they were singing, it was very quiet. And when it stopped for a short time suddenly it came with a complete gusto and sang some songs and went away again. Just for the aarti to start with. It’s very beautiful it was. So dramatic. Very interesting.So all preparations are done for the puja? Maybe some people might come up from abroad, I don’t know. Maybe. Have you written to some leaders or not, about this puja that we are going to have? Yogi: I think yes some invitations were sent out. Shri Mataji: Might have gone out. Yogi: There are one or two people coming. Shri Mataji: They might come. Yogi: Only individuals. I invited a few people at Ganapatipule and they said; ‘Oh, it’s such a long way.’ And I said: ‘But you always expect us to come to yours. Shri Mataji: Yes. They have to move. Columbus could go to America, why not you people go to Australia. Can’t understand. Yogi: And a much more comfortable trip. Shri Mataji: Much more comfortable. They found a much more comfortable place to live in. He was really lost. But in a way thank God, you see. Otherwise there would have been no Indian left in India, if he had come here by chance. So many flowers, beautiful. In Singapore Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: Gravity and Balance Gidgegannup (Australia)

Shri Ganesha Puja, Perth (Australia), 9 February 1992. It is so joy-giving to be back in Australia. When I wanted to come here in this month, Stephen told Me that Perth would be scorchingly hot, and “I don’t think you should go to Perth first, you can go later.” So I said, “That part you leave it to Me. The rest is all right.” Now you have seen how it rained and rained and rained, because you wanted rain. That was needed very much. And also you wanted a cooler atmosphere. Both things have worked out. But then the worry was that because of the rain, the seekers won’t come. Also that was solved because it was a testing ground. I told them, “If they are real seekers, they’ll come.” Otherwise what’s the use of having a big quantity with no seeking? And see yesterday, what beautiful people came. They came all the way in the rain because they were seekers, and very deep seekers. They never even asked a question. Can you imagine, in this Australia, I am always bombarded with questions. And they had told Me not to allow them to ask questions. But I could feel their seeking so much, that I said, “Better ask Me questions.” And not a single question was asked. So in one shot, how many things are done? You got the rain that you needed very much for your trees, for your crops, for your fruits, for everything. It was most unexpected. Read More …

Spiritual Awareness Fremantle Town Hall, Fremantle (Australia)

Public Program. Fremantle Town Hall, near Perth (Australia), 8 February 1992. Talk starts at 00:13:50 I bow to all the seekers of truth… At the very outset we have to understand that truth is love and this love exists, has been existing and will be existing, it is eternal. We cannot transform it, we cannot regularize it unfortunately at human awareness we cannot know it. This is the all-pervading power of God’s love which is doing all the divine work. When we see this beautiful flowers we don’t ask questions how this miracle has taken place, how a little seed has given such beautiful flowers with such colors and fragrance, we just accept it. What about our eyes, look at these eyes they are so complicated, what a camera that records everything, keeps in the memory. So many things in this world which are done as a living process cannot be explained by science. So we have to go beyond the human awareness into a higher awareness as you say the spiritual awareness where you can understand how these things are worked out. So from amoeba to this stage we have come as human beings we don’t even think how we did it, how did we manage to become human beings from a monkey stage it [UNCLEAR] difficult to understand but it has happened. But still we have not reached that stage which we can call as absolute, we live in a relative world, we do not know the absolute truth. For example Read More …

Evening Program, Shri Ganesha Puja Weekend Perth (Australia)

Music Program, 7th of February, 1992 TC 05:30 Indistinct chatter Shri Mataji: Puja Pujani (Hindi) song are very good You all can sing or not? All the children can sing yes of course TC 09:20 This is (inaudible) TC 12:45 Syntiziser (Hindi) Anyone hwo knows piano Cant you do it Yogi (inaudible) What kind Yogi: Microfone (inaudible) But still with the relationship to the music is less I agree there But still If you have a syntisizer You can have any kind of tune or anything coming out of it I will by for you, if you want. The other day we had a busy program in Calcutta Where they made the same (later style) It made a big difference with the syntisizer, I should say. Big difference Also it is electrical so they are worried much more Yogi (Inaudible) (Hindi) TC 14:02 Shri Mataji: Syntisizer (Hindi) makes a bigger sound and helps a lot. And you can make it into any tune, I mean. The other day it was really, that the syntisizer did a lot of things And these also they had guitars also attached to electricity So it was making such a beautiful accomanienment Of course loudspeakers does work it out that way (Hindi loundspeakers) Still people are quite sesrious. They should be bubbling with joy. I think you understand the meaning. If you understand the meaning then you would. (Hindi Tolak) (Hindi Yogi Mahamaya Mahakali) Before hand you must select what songs you are going to Read More …

Informal Talk Perth (Australia)

7 February 1992 Righteousness Must Have Love And Sweetness Informal Talk to Sahaja Yogis Outdoors, in the garden of Ashram, Perth, Australia  Talk Language: English | Transcript: Draft| Hindi | Transcript: Draft [sounds of children playing, yogis talking] Shri Mataji [in Hindi]: That lady also turned out bad, others are saying, she is not right. Sahaja Yogi: [inaudible] Shri Mataji [in Hindi]: Come closer, cannot hear. Shri Mataji [in English]: Some…actually, most of them really, Australian girls [unclear/are] really very nice wives, I must say.  But some of them are queer I should say, very queer, I don’t know, poor Prasad has been blessed by so many of such kinds… [laughter] Shri Mataji [in Hindi]: Now you tell Me, what’s the matter? Sahaja Yogi: I don’t like her behaviour. It’s not right. Shri Mataji: Even you are a little brahmachari, is it not true? Sahaja Yogi: I am asking… Shri Mataji: Yes you are a little. [in English] You see they are not Indians, they are used to romantic stories, like Romeo, Juliet, this that. You see them on the roads also they are kissing each other, or doing something. I mean if our husbands do like that, you just take a divorce, its shamelessness according to Me, So that point is there, you will have to little bit, look to that end also. [in Hindi] And if girls are more in age, then they become more like that – [English] frustrated. I wish Dr. Bogdhan was here.  Sahaja Yogi: Read More …

Arrival Perth (Australia)

7 February 1992 You Can Peel Flowers Like Fruit, Right? Arrival at Perth Airport Perth, Australia Talk Language: English | Transcript: Draft  [This recording is mostly inaudible with a lot of background noise, hence quite a few gaps in transcription] [After one minute, Shri Mataji arrives; Sahaja Yogis call out ‘Jai!’] Shri Mataji: [inaudible] There was a big lightning around [unclear] I was saying it is announcing the havan.  You can peel flowers like fruit, right? [to a Yogi] Hello. [long section inaudible] Sahaja Yogi: They’ve got a rather long stalk. [inaudible] Shri Mataji: How are you, all right? [long section inaudible] It’s like Sahaja Yoga told you. [Shri Mataji laughs] Sahaja Yogi: It’s definitely [inaudible] It never gets [unclear/dirty]. Sahaja Yogini:  Will you have one? Shri Mataji:  Go and find that girl [unclear/in Hindi] Sahaja Yogi: I keep getting all these flowers wrong [laughs] Shri Mataji: Jasmine, ne? And this one, what do you call – this one? Sahaja Yogi and Yogini together: Frangipani Shri Mataji:  These are the champas, this is champa – all of them are. [background noise]  All the Malaysians were there. Sahaja Yogi: Yes, yes they rang up to ask when You would be there. Shri Mataji [in Hindi] Alle watthe? [‘Did he come?’] Hello, you could have met over there, they told Me that you had gone away. How are you?  Sahaja Yogi: Fine thank you Mother.   Shri Mataji:  When did you come? Sahaja Yogi: When did I come…? Oh, one year ago, Mother.  Read More …

Selected questions and Answers from Public Programs in Sydney, University of NSW and Wollongongn Tour Sydney (Australia)

Selected questions and Answers from Public Programs in Sydney, University Yogi: He says there must have been a state, in our lives where we were connected with this Power, how did we lose it? Shri Mataji: We lost it long time back. That’s it. You were connected that’s true but, this Adam and Eve, that’s the point when we lost God. We had to take to this course of evolution. They wouldn’t accept, so we had to go through this long process. Yogi: She says she’d like to know a little bit more about the left side of the body the feminine side, she has pain in that area. Shri Mataji: You want to know everything today only is it? You will know everything all right. But there’s, for God, there is nothing like feminine and masculine. That’s our quarrel. The Power of God is the Feminine. Without the Feminine, God is just a Witness. So it’s like the moon and the moonlight. Do we differentiate between the two? It’s only human error that we differentiate like that. Between God and His Power there’s no differentiation. So this problem of feminine and masculine is our mental problem. Comes from both sides. But after Sahaja Yoga you know what it is. It’s nothing, it’s just a myth. India we don’t have this problem, at all, much. Of course there are some men who are very oppressive and all that, but the girls are taught how to handle these men also. Because Read More …

Farewell Talk Sydney (Australia)

Farewell Talk. Sydney (Australia), 19 April 1991. Now because there’ll be so many Sahaja yogis here and it will work out, not only for Sydney, but other places, like New Castle was a surprise. You’ve seen New Castle how it worked out. You have to go to other, smaller places which are around. So, we have to know that Sydney people who are now coming to Sahaja Yoga and we have to strengthen ourselves by meditating also and also by spreading Sahaja Yoga across.But more if you start paying attention more to the defects here and the defects there, then you’ll never grow. What you have to see is defects within yourself, and it will definitely grow very well. The best way is to grow yourself and become something that we can say is a solid Sahaja yogi. That’s much more important, I would say, for all of you. You can always write to Me. And I always take heed of that, and I work out many things even before you have written to Me. So, there’s no need to be frightened of someone, or to be afraid of someone. You can always tell that person what you think. And nobody will now throw away anyone from Sahaja Yoga without asking Me. It’s a law. Nobody is going to be thrown out. But, of course, always I’ll have your photographs with Me. And I know you very well. There’s nothing to be told. But when I am busy with other Read More …

Dwijah – Twice Born University of Sydney, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program. University in Sydney (Australia), 19 April 1991. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we’ll have to know one thing that truth is what it is. We cannot organize it, we cannot conceptualize it moreover unfortunately, we cannot know it at human awareness. I’m very thankful to you Sir for inviting Me to speak to young academic people here about, as you wrote to Me that you would like to know about every type of religion. At the very outset I have to say that all religions were created by Incarnations, prophets – were like flowers on one tree of life. When people plucked it, took away the dead flowers with them, then they started calling this is mine, this is mine, this is mine. And that’s why you do not see how they are integrated and how they are absolutely from the one tree of Spirituality. But one thing is common to all of them, is said that you have to know yourself, “Know thyself.” Also it is called as in the Buddhist tradition or say the Christian tradition that you are to be born again – even Hindu tradition. ‘You are to be born again.’ Specially in India, the word used for a person who is a realized soul, who knows this All-Pervading power, is called as Dwijah, means twice born and also a bird is called as dwijah, means it, it is first in the form of an egg and Read More …

Dance and Talk Newcastle (Australia)

Dance and Talk Shri Mataji: Such talents, such mastery of Mrs Kanan on what we call the “bhawas” means the emotions, the way she expressed her emotions …She is really a master if she was in India people would have really knew that such a great artist is being sent to NewZealand.It should not have been done 🙂And a little girl I must say for a rage, she is so dynamic, so rhythmic and so perfect. All these dances I know very well because I have been seen dancing from the very childhood of mine I should say…The perfection they have achieved is really remarkable …I don’t know how far you have understood the different moods have shown if in one after the other …How she has gone from one mood to another mood. It’s very difficult If you see the expressions on the face hands everything…It’s a very difficult dance and also the dance that you saw of “Jattiswaram” Also is a very vigorous dance. All these are extremely beautifully manifested and I haven’t seen such a group of mother and daughter doing such good work so far …May God Bless them. I am so very happy to be here to see all this. Moreover, I would say that all the Sahaja yogis should try to learn from them …That such a little girl how she has dedicated herself to her mother’s rt and how she has learnt from her… And how both of them are so dedicated …Let Read More …

To understand the divine you have to become a self realised person Newcastle City Hall, Newcastle (Australia)

Public Program & Music (by Nirmal Sangeet Sarita and the late Baba Mama). Newcastle (Australia) 18 April 1991. 48:00[??: meaning not clear/not audible]I  bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. We cannot organise it, we cannot conceptualise it. Also unfortunately, we cannot know the absolute truth at this human awareness. We have to become a subtler being to know the truth. Now whatever I am telling you today here has to be understood with an open mind of a scientist. If it is a hypothesis I am putting before you, you have to see for yourself if it works then as honest people you must admit because this is for everybody’s emancipation and the emancipation of the whole world. We have seen there are problems in every place, in every country, in every nation. Problems of different nature are there. But if you go to the roots of it you will find out that its human beings who have created these problems. And these problems exists because we are in ignorance, we are sitting in darkness and we do not know how we are related to each other. We talk of collectivity, we talk of peace, we talk of love; but still, we are separated from each other. And it’s like a drop away from the ocean talking about the ocean. In every scripture, whether it is Christian, Hindu, Muslim, is Tao or Zen, any one Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Preschool Talk Sydney (Australia)

Preschool Talk. Sydney (Australia), 17 April 1991. 03:55Left anyone? All of them? Nice flowers, eh? Mummy got for you? 04:33Ah, these are also? They’re from primary. Oh, that’s My hand! Thank you. 06:00The whole place is a school, is it? Whole place is a school? School ashram. How many there are? 08:00[Teacher: Shri Mataji, the children have made these paintings for You.] Ah! They have great feeling. . She didn’t have any drawing before? 08:34Not that one! These are future artists, I think, aren’t they? This one, Radhika? Free-hand? Showing all vibrations. This one is, who has done this one? Looks like Christ. It’s tremendous. It’s Kundalini-shaped art. 09:35Really? Have to look at their inside. They’re seeing the Sahasrara, I think. All the seven colours, it’s Sahasrara. With section, I think. This must be the left side, and this must be the right. 10:00Oh, that’s beautiful. Who is that? It’s beautiful. [Yogi: That’s like the brain, isn’t it?] 10:22Brain, and also a little Kundalini, because green, yellow Swadishthana, see and then the blue. They are really the smartest. Very sweet. The body is missing! That’s what they are. Beautiful. All are the Kundalini. 11:00So how many children are studying here, about? Fourteen? Thirteen. All right, you all sit down. I would like to talk to you. All right? Let them also sit. Let them come in. They can sit. All right. So what are we learning in the school? [Child: We dance.] I’m sure you can write, you can write Read More …

The purpose of the Kundalini State Theatre, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program Day 2, Sydney (Australia), 17 April 1991. Begins at 40:55 I bow to all the seekers of Truth. You have been already told about these centres within us. Their qualities and these three channels which constitute them. But one may ask why all this instrument plays within us? With what purpose? And why evolution has to go further? The reason is you have to now become the Spirit. Go beyond your physical, emotional, mental being and become the Spirit. Because Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty and Spirit is the universal being within you. When you become the Spirit, you become a universal being. You become a universal being, doesn’t mean that you take a certificate that you are a universal being. Not at all. But this state of being a universal being is manifested in you. It is manifested as a innate knowledge within you. As you have innate knowledge of colours now. You know this is this colour, this is this colour. You see it. In the same way, you become aware of you being a universal being. Means a microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Again I say becomes. It’s not just a feeling that you have become. Like a drop becomes the ocean. But again it’s not just a mental understanding, but it is a happening. And this happening takes place and you become a personality which leaves your boundaries, limitations and you start seeing yourself as a very loving, affectionate, compassionate personality. When a Read More …

The truth is extremely simple State Theatre, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program Day 1, Sydney (Australia), 16 April 1991. I must apologize for being late but we were held up in a funny way, watching a big ship passing through and the gate would not open. I hope you don’t mind. I bow to all, all of you who are seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot organize truth. You cannot conceptualize it. Unfortunately, you cannot know truth at human awareness. Whatever I am going to tell you today you need not accept it blindly but you must have an open mind like a scientist, and if I am putting forward before you a hypothesis, if it works then you have to accept it as honest people. The truth is extremely simple that you are not only this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the Spirit, you are the Divinity. And the second one is that there is an All-pervading Power of divine love which is doing all living work. For example, we take these beautiful flowers for granted, how a simple seed has created these beautiful flowers. We never even think about it. Even we don’t think how we have been evolved from amoeba stage to human level. There are so many things we do not think about and there are so many things which cannot be explained to us even by science. I think only 25 percent things can be explained whichever Read More …

Compass ABC TV Interview Canberra (Australia)

TV Interview, Canberra, Australia, April, the 15th, 1991 Shri Mataji: Yes, it’s not necessary [about the mike]. [Marathi] You can hear Me otherwise, can’t you? Sahaja Yogis: Yes, yes, Mother. Shri Mataji: I wanted to thank you all for coming to the airport. I know you would not stop coming whatever I may tell you. And everywhere is just the same but when I left the people in Canberra, I was sad because after a year, I’ll meet them but then to see you all here again, I felt all right. It always happens like that specially for children; They grow so much in one year and still they remember Me very well. You have to be careful about them and look after them well. They’re all very sweet and beautiful. I’m going to see this preschool year how it is working for small children. I know the atmosphere in Australia is not very congenial for children’s growth. Firstly, is this drug business, it’s too much. So, you’ve to be very careful with your children. You must talk to them, you must look after them, you must know what they are doing, where are they going. Keep company with them, make friends with them. You should find out what are their friends are like – not to curb down their freedom or their sense of self-respect should not be challenged. But you can tell them that you are Sahaja Yogis and you are great. Also, you should warn them about Read More …

Shri Ganesha Puja: The Innate Maryadas Canberra Ashram, Canberra (Australia)

Shri Ganesha Puja. Canberra (Australia). 14 April 1991. This will be the fifth puja in Australia, and I thought that this is the land of Ganesha, [so] we should have the Ganesha Puja. It is very important also, very helpful. We all should have Ganesha Puja, it’s very important. And so today there will be Shri Ganesha Puja. Have you got the hundred and eight names of Shri Ganesha? So we have now requested John Fisher to be your leader in Canberra. And he has agreed. I don’t know what more to tell you about Shri Ganesh, because really it is so important that we have to know the importance of Mooladhara Chakra. If you read the newspaper, just on the first page you find people going amok as far as their moral sense is concerned, absolutely. I mean, to us it is something so shocking, and perhaps I think people are possessed on their Mooladhara Chakra. The way they behave, one feels that there’s something gone wrong with them completely and they have no control over themselves; and just like mad people they are behaving. And all these problems that are coming, of these perversions, are due to this kind of a possession on the Mooladhara Chakra. One has to be very, very careful and respectful about it. I have already told so many things [about] how to keep it clean, how to respect it, and how to behave yourself. As you know, Shri Ganesha was created at the Read More …

Interview at Sydney airport Sydney (Australia)

Interview, Sydney Airport (Australia), April 14th, 1991 [No sound for 18 seconds]Shri Mataji: … Austria, England.Someone: And India.Shri Mataji: Of course![Unclear conversation about the girl.] Interviewer: I’ll keep asking questions. I don’t know anything about Sahaja Yoga at all. Is it like a religion or is it like an exercise?Shri Mataji: It is an evolutionary process. It’s the last breakthrough.Interviewer: It’s the last?Shri Mataji: The last breakthrough of our awareness.Interviewer: No further to go?Shri Mataji: No. Then you grow them. After that, you just grow into spirituality.Interviewer: You just grow it.Shri Mataji: Into growth.Interviewer: You grow it.Shri Mataji: Yes. First, you have to be connected to the All-pervading divine Power, which we have never felt so far. We have heard about it. But this power does all living work, all living work, which we take it for granted. Interviewer: If is this is this power, that you are talking about, that does all the living work, do you have a name for it?Shri Mataji: I beg your pardon.Interviewer: This power that you’re talking about that does all living worksShri Mataji: Yes.Interviewer: Do you have a name for it?Shri Mataji: Name is called as the power of Holy Ghost or this is All-pervading Power of divine love.Interviewer: So, does Sahaja Yoga take into account the process [unclear]-Shri Mataji: Yes, Sahaja Yoga is. Sahaja; ‘sahaj’ means ‘with’; ‘ja’ is born, born with you. It’s this right to be in ‘yoga’ means the union with this divine Power.‘Sahaja Yoga.’Interviewer: Right. Sahaja Yoga, what Read More …

Achieve the real state of being born again National Press Club of Australia, Canberra (Australia)

Public Program. Canberra (Australia), 13 April 1991. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot organize it, we cannot conceptualize it; we also unfortunately cannot know it at this human awareness. That’s why in all scriptures it is said that you are to be born again. But it is not just a certificate one can take that “I’m born again.” It is something that is a real state within us, that gives you the right to say you are born again. At the very outset again I would like to say one more thing, that whatever I’m telling you here has to be understood as scientist. It’s a scientific outlook. Don’t accept everything that I am saying, blindfolded. But scientific attitude is such that if I am putting before you a hypothesis and if you find that it is working out, it is being proved, then as honest people you must accept, because it is for your emancipation and for the emancipation of the whole world. We have to realize that we are not at the point where we know the absolute truth and the absolute knowledge. “Absolute” means “when there is not the other.” If we had known the absolute we would never have had all these problems, these fightings and wars, different ideologies propounded all over the world, but we all would have felt the same thing, understood the same thing, and we Read More …

Informal talk Lake Road Ashram, Melbourne (Australia)

INFORMAL TALK – 1991 04 13 – MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA Otherwise, they will not having so much authority because of this economic problem now [UNCLEAR]. As it is Ganesha’s country, I think it should start first here. This awakening among the media (?). Media (?) is the most difficult thing [UNCLEAR]. (Addressing a Yogi) You should get all the cuttings for me? In India, they don’t mind this – I mean at least at the time of the Congress [UNCLEAR]. They didn’t mind these gurus making money because they thought that it is for [UNCLEAR]. But how much [UNCLEAR]? I think you people sit inside, let them come in. Also you should sit with one leg at the way they here sit. Remy, he has now decided that we’ll have only one school that is Vashi. That’s a beautiful place and children will be there for about eight or nine months, in that school, because you see if they moved from one place to another, their attention is also spoiled. And they will go for holidays to Dharamsala, for three months. If the parents want so they can also pay for themselves and stay there, with their children. Otherwise, you see, also a Yogi said that he cannot accommodate for more than forty people and that’s you cannot put a limit to it. So we’ll be expecting about 300 students who can be easily accommodated as it is, and later on it could be about 600. It’s a large place, it’s Read More …

What is a living energy? Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

Public Program Day 2. Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, Australia, 12 April 1991. I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday, that truth is what it is. We cannot understand it, you have to feel it. We cannot conceptualize it, and you cannot feel it also at this human awareness. We have to become a subtler being, as described in all the Scriptures, that you are to be born again and that you have to become the Spirit, to feel the existence of Truth. First thing, we have to understand, that all this is a process of a living energy. Divine is a living energy, and divinity within you also is a living energy. We do not understand sometimes what is a living energy. When we sow a seed in the ground, they sprout by themselves. When a mother conceives the child, according to the normal nature of human beings, their body has to expel everything that is foreign. But when the child is conceived, it is not only kept in the body but is nourished, looked after, developed, and at the right time it is expelled. There are so many other things which cannot be explained through medical science. But one must know that to understand what I am saying, you must have an open mind, like a scientist has. And if you find what I am saying, which is like a hypothesis, is true and gives you the experience of the truth, then as Read More …

We cannot buy the truth Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne (Australia)

Public Program Day 1, Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, Australia, 11 April 1991. Please be seated. I think I’ll stand up and speak, would be better now. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualize it, we cannot change it, we cannot buy it, and also unfortunately at this human level we cannot know it. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure spirit. The second truth is that there is a all-pervading Power of divine love, which is very subtle and which works out all the living work. You see all these beautiful flowers here, and we take them for granted. We never even think from where have they come, how have they come, from a one little seed how ” and so many varieties, so many types ” how they have been created and how they grow, and how a flower becomes a fruit. Look at ourselves; look at our eyes. It’s one of the greatest cameras you could think of. Look at every machinery that is within us, how it is working beautifully there. But we do not think about it; we take it for granted. All this living work is done by this all-pervading Power of divine love. Now when I say that, you need not accept it blindfolded. But I would request you to have Read More …

Press Interview Melbourne (Australia)

1991-0411 PRESS INTERVIEW, MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA Interviewer: Is this your first visit here? Shri Mataji: Oh no. Interviewer: No?  How many times have you been here before? Shri Mataji: Beg your pardon? Interviewer: How many times have you been here? Shri Mataji: I haven’t counted.  Must be how many times?  From 1974. Interviewer: Right. Shri Mataji: Practically every year.  Sometimes I missed one or twice. Interviewer: And what is the main emphasis in your teaching? Shri Mataji: To convey that within us lies a power which we call as Kundalini in the triangular bone and when awakened, it passes through six subtle centres through our spinal chord, our brain, ultimately into limbic area and pierces through the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in our childhood.  This is the actualization of baptism, actualization.  And this power within us is the reflection of the Holy Ghost.  Thus you get your second birth, that’s how you are twice born. Interviewer: Oh I see. Shri Mataji: Yes, born again. Interviewer: And everyone has this? Shri Mataji: Beg your pardon? Interviewer: Everyone has this? Shri Mataji: Everyone everyone has. Interviewer: And how do people find it? Shri Mataji: I knew about it since my birth I think. Interviewer: And what about the people you teach? Shri Mataji: Beg your pardon? Interviewer: The people you teach, how can they find this power? Shri Mataji: (Unclear)  They feel themselves, the cool breeze on top of their heads.  And they feel they are connected with this power because they Read More …

Virata Puja: Appreciation Should Be Practiced and Informal talk Lake Road Ashram, Melbourne (Australia)

Virata Puja. Melbourne (Australia), 10 April 1991 Because of distances and also we had no ashram in Melbourne all these days, I found that the collectivity is not yet properly woven here and so I think best thing is, today, we must worship the Viraat. Viraat is the Primordial Father you can say, or the One who is in our brain, acts for our collectivity. As the Kundalini rises ultimately She ends up by piercing through the fontanel bone area. Before entering into that She enters into the Sahasrara. Sahasrara is the area which is surrounded by one thousand nerves and in the medical terms it is called as ‘limbic area’. Now one thousand nerves are all connected to the sixteen important nerves of the Vishuddhi. That’s why they say that Shri Krishna had sixteen thousand wives, that is, He had all His powers as His wives and I have all my powers as my children. So, when we are growing in our ascent, in our dhyana, we have to go to our Sahasrara. If the Sahasrara was not opened out we could not have done this en masse realisation. How it is connected! The collectivity is so connected with the present-day Sahaja Yoga. Before that it was just up to the Agnya Chakra but when it reaches the Sahasrara it enlightens all the nerves, and all the nerves look like flames which are very silent, beautifully coloured, in all VIBGYOR colours.  The appearance of these is so soothing, so Read More …

Bhavasagara Puja: Meditation will protect you Brisbane (Australia)

Shri Bhavasagara Puja, Brisbane (Australia), 6 April 1991. This is the first time we are having a puja in Brisbane, and I’m happy so many have come here from various places. You know that by puja, you excite the chakras within Me and you get lots of vibrations, and you achieve, suddenly, a height in your awareness. You do achieve that, but after some time they say that: “Mother, again we come down.” Also, they were saying that: “When we go to India we are all right, and when we come back, again we come down.”  Luckily, now we have an Ashram, which is a very good thing. To have an ashram itself is a, I must say, is a very, very positive thing because that is how Ganesha is established here. So Ashram is here for a collective living, but [a] collective living of spirituality. It’s not just living here, but it is of spirituality. And we have to know certain things about the discipline that we have to keep, [which] is very important. It’s not just a house where are,  some people have gathered together to live together, but it has to have a discipline. Then only you’ll be helped – because if you do not come to the Ashram with this idea that you are going there to ascend yourself, it will make no difference whether you stay in the house or you go in the Ashram. So there are two types of meditation, two types, where Read More …