Swadishthan, Thinking, Illness Part 2 Hilton Hotel Sydney, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program Day 2, “Swadishthan, Thinking, Illness”. Hilton hotel, Sydney (Australia), 17 March 1990. I bow to all the seekers of truth. I’m happy you all are enjoying this music and this dancing, and about these artists I have to say that after coming to Sahaja Yoga, at a very young age they achieved such mastery. Because, when the Kundalini rises, as I told you, She enriches your centres. The centre about which I was going to talk to you today is the centre of creativity (Swadishthan) which looks after your power of action, physical and mental. This power of action moves on the right side of the spinal cord and coming to the optic chiasma, it crosses over, passes to the left side and creates an institution called ego. The institution of ego is a myth. What we do is to get something dead, like some trees dead so make some platform or some furniture. We take some stones and make a hall, and we think we have done a great job. Actually, what we have done is to reconstructed the dead, but while doing it we get the feeling that we have done it, something. That is how our ego develops. This channel on the right-hand side caters to your future.  So those people who plan too much, think too much, exhaust the energy of this centre because this centre has the first responsibility to convert the fat cells in the stomach for the use of the brain, Read More …

Swadishthan, Thinking, Illness Part 1 Hilton Hotel Sydney, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program Day 1, “Swadishthan, Thinking, Illness”. Hilton hotel, Sydney (Australia), 16 March 1990. I bow to all the seekers of truth. You have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualise it with our human awareness. We cannot order it, we cannot manipulate it, we cannot organise it. It is what it is, has been and will be. And what is the truth? Truth is that we are surrounded or we are penetrated or we are nourished, looked after and loved by a very subtle energy which is the energy of divine love.  The second truth is that we are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but we are the Spirit. You don’t have to accept what I’m saying blindly, because blind faith leads to fanaticism. But as scientists you must keep your minds open and see for yourself what I’m saying: if it is so, honestly you must accept it.  We know so much through science about our civilisation, our advancement. This is the advancement of a tree which has grown outside very much; but if we do not know our roots, we’ll be destroyed. So, it is important to know about our roots. And this is what it is that I would say are our roots. As you can see, there are seven centres within us, and these subtle centres are placed in the spinal cord and in the brain. These cater to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs.  On the physical side Read More …