Why am I concerned is the point Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

Public Programme Day 4. Sydney (Australia), 18 March 1983. To all the seekers of truth I bow I must say Dr. Warren has done a good job. Perhaps you don’t understand that the situation is quite different in the western countries. I don’t have to have any introduction in India, nor anybody has to give any apologies all the time, you see trying to convince getting this that into the whole argument to prove that I’m the truth and that I’m genuine, that there’s no hanky panky about Me. It’s very embarrassing for Me to say and the background is like this: when I came to Australia this time from all over the world, all the Sahaja Yogis who are in the West, we have many in every country and they are known that this time Mother must say who She is, is important because the questions like this then how can You do it how can it be easy are You the one who is doing all kinds of questions coming and I just don’t help, please don’t do it, it’s not easy for a Western mind to accept it you see, they all come on you and you see and so I told you the same and it was accepted by many people because they felt the cool breeze they did feel the cool breeze coming out of their heads but some did not and because they did not feel it, they challenged and they were angry about Read More …

How can it be possible to have Realization so fast? Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program day 3. Sydney (Australia), 17 March 1983. To all the seekers of truth, I bow. Warren has said something today which I’ve been trying to avoid all these years because I thought it was not advisable at this time to talk so directly to human beings about it. Because as soon as somebody says such a thing a snake called ego comes up or else people try to harm the cause. They don’t want to hear about it. This has happened with all the great incarnations. And you have seen how Christ was crucified by people because He said that “I am the light, I am the path,” which He was. This was the truth, no doubt. But I realized that everything that is truth is not to be said. As He Himself has said that “Don’t throw your pearls.” Because those who do not understand the value of the pearls will destroy out of ignorance or out of aggression. I have to accept today that in Australia, today is a first moon day that what Warren has said is the truth, when people asked Me how can it be possible to have Realization so fast. In India it is not necessary to tell them. They just know. Because Adi Shankarcharya has written so many books about Me. And He said it is only She who will come and give en-mass Realization. Whatever you may try else, it’s of no use. And that is why, it is very Read More …

The truth is your Spirit Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program day 2. Sydney (Australia), 16 March 1983. …which expresses itself in the gross out of these subtle centers. The left hand side of our subtle body is the blue column is our psyche. It’s our emotions. It’s our past. It’s the part of us which is is our conditioning and creates what we might call our superego, our response mechanism, our reflex mechanism. It’s our memory. The right hand side is our projection. It relates to our planning. It relates to our thinking, thinking, thinking. And of course it relates to our ego. It’s the mechanism by which we reach rational conclusions. It’s through the right hand side that we analyze and calculate and reach certain, often illogical but rational conclusions. So we have to be careful that these imbalances do not express themselves within us to any great extent, while the tendency is that while we will move either too far to the left side or too far to the right side and so move beyond our own personal subconscious or our own personal supraconscious into an area which is totally deluding and quite often dangerous which is called the collective subconscious the collective supraconscious which is occupied by spirits of the dead which can and do possess us. It ranges from dangerous zones which give us such problems as alcoholism, cancer, all sorts of power complexes the ultimate example of Hitler. So we have to be extraordinarily careful of these dabbling and [DILATANTE?] attitudes towards our Read More …

We have to understand that truth is not a mental action Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program day 1. Sydney (Australia), 15 March 1983. But before we come to right conclusion about our seeking, we have to understand that truth is not a mental action.If your mind says that “this is this”, it need not be that. It is our everyday experience in life, that mentally, when we try to establish something, we find after sometime, that we have not been absolutely correct about it.Whatever is known to us is already there. But whatever is unknown, even about that, if you have preconceived ideas, that “this is the unknown, this is God, this is Spirit”, then it could be that you are very much away from the truth. But scientifically, if you have to approach any subject, you have to keep your mind absolutely clean and open, that it has been said by many great Saints, many great gurus, that we are to be born again and that we are the Spirit. Are we to believe in them or not? Perhaps, we should reach at least this conclusion that they did not take any money from anyone and they could not have been fake people, they did not do it for money sake. So, if we have to be born again, to reach the right conclusion we should know what should happen to us. For example if you certify that I am a reborn again, then it is misleading. Supposing that I certify myself that I am the Prime minister of Australia, do I become? Read More …

Christ prepared you for the Spirit Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

Public programme, Sydney (Australia), 3 April 1981. The other day, I told you about the center of Christ and the center of Shri Krishna and their relationship with each other. Now the last and the most important one within us is the center of Sahasrara is the limbic area. When you enter into it, you become thoughtlessly aware. This is the area to be entered through the Kundalini, through the center of Christ, through the Gate of Christ and that’s why it is written that you have to enter through Him. But not by somebody else saying, “I’m the Christ” or he saying, “I profess Christ and Christ” It’s not that way. Christ is within us and when the Kundalini rises, if it stops at this center, you have to take his name. Not the people who are not Realized, but Realized people have to chant his name, then only the Kundalini pierces through that center of Christ. That’s the door, that’s the gate He’s talked about, and then you enter into the Kingdom of God. “Thou shalt inherit the Kingdom of God.” Inherit. That’s your Father’s Kingdom and that you have to inherit. But now the most important is the last center of Sahasrara where you have all the seven centers placed one after another. These centers are really the seats of all the Deities we have talked about. The seats are in the brain. Their aura is around the heart but they are actually sleeping in the “sthanas” Read More …

Vishuddhi and Agnya Chakras Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program. Sydney (Australia), 31 March 1981. Actually, yesterday it was announced that we’ll start around seven thirty. And we did not know what to do because he made a mistake and he went on making that mistake on the radio. Today is very interesting topic before us, is to discuss the Vishuddhi chakra, which is placed here behind the base of the neck, and which has got sixteen petals. It manifests outside the cervical plexus in the gross for physical action. As you know, for the emotional side, you have got larynx glands and thyroid is the gland which is placed here.This center, in the evolution, is of greatest importance for human beings, because this center developed its maximum growth when human beings raised their heads from animal stage to become human beings. As animals, the heads were at an angle towards the ground, first it was just touching, parallel, then it was raised higher and higher. Till it came to monkey stage where it was raised slightly higher. And at the human stage only, they raised their heads in a straight line. Straight line was all right. In the straight line it was the balance between the superego and the ego. First, there is superego in the animals when they are looked after by human beings. Animals developed certain conditionings from human beings. Like a dog has to be looked after by human beings. Then the dog is told to do this or that and the conditioning starts. Read More …

Anahatha, Shri Lalita, Shri Chakra Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

1981-03-30 Anahatha Chakra – Shri Lalita – Shri Chakra (Public Program ) You want to ask a question which you like to ask. Seeker: [Unclear conversation]Sahaja Yogi: Hare Krishna.Shri Mataji: Are you Hare Krishna? I ‘ll talk about Krishna, then we’ll talk about Krishna.Seeker: [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: Swati, you don’t want?Sahaja Yogi: [Unclear]Shri Mataji: What’s he saying?Sahaja Yogi: He wants to ask me a question, Mother, because I was doing the program.Shri Mataji: You should not be aggressive like that, all right?Seeker: [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: You can do it later on. What is there to be so aggressive? Did you come here to quarrel?Seeker: [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: No, no why have you come here to tell your things. You have come here to quarrel.Seeker: [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: [Inaudible] Be quiet, all right? Have some patience. You see, when you go to other gurus you don’t ask any questions, nothing, you go headlong. You shave up your heads, do what they tell you. There’s no enquiry for them, not a question, nothing. Whatever they say, you obey them, pay them money. Just obey them blindly. Whenever you come to Mother, please don’t try to get this – that’s wrong. Seeker: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: That’s true, I know. – Why do you want to quarrel? You have come to quarrel. Seeker: [Inaudible] I do Ananya.Shri Mataji: What is he?Lady: He’s probably a Sahaja Yogi.Shri Mataji: Hum?Seeker: Sahaja Yogi. Sahaja means [inaudible]. He teaches the people [Unclear] Shri Mataji: I have never heard of follows-up. [Unsure] What Read More …

Nabhi Chakra Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

Nabhi Chakra, Third Public Program. Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia), 27 March 1981. If you don’t hear Me this time please tell Me. I am sorry for being late for this lecture, but Dr. Warren had time to explain to you about this experience. Sometimes it is easier to understand this from a person who has achieved it, than to understand from a person who is talking from some tenth storey. That’s what My father told me, that if somebody’s born on the tenth storey, and the rest of them are on the first floor, if you start telling them from there they will first of all not listen, nor will they understand what you see. It’s not proper, that we should try to tell them something from a level, to a level, which is still there static, in their mind. So one has to, raise their, consciousness, two three storeys so they start seeing that there’s something beyond. But, in doing so, so many mistakes, have been there, before, and some people have done it deliberately, some are misguided and some are doing it deliberately. Net result is just the same. Even if you give poison to someone by mistake, or in a misguided way, the result is the same. In the same way, whether you are misguided, or whether you do it deliberately, whatever is wrong has an effect on the kundalini. Now the Aquarian Age, is the word I picked up from Dr. Warren, which is so true Read More …

Mooladhara and Swadhishthan Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

1981-03-25 Mooladhara and Swadhishthana, Sydney, Australia I bow to all the seekers of Truth. The other day, I told you a little bit about the first centre, called as Mooladhara Chakra, and Kundalini, which is the residual consciousness in the triangular bone called as sacrum. As I told you that this is the pure desire power which has not yet been awakened and is not yet manifested within you, which resides here waiting for a moment to arise and to give you your second birth, your baptism. It makes you at peace. It gives you your Self-realization. This pure desire is to be one with your Spirit. Unless and until it is fulfilled, those who are seeking will never be satisfied whatever they may do.  Now, this first centre is very important because this was the first centre that was created when the Primordial Being started doing the job. This is the centre of innocence that is holiness. First thing that was created was holiness on this Earth. This centre is very important in all the human beings because animals have innocence, they have not lost it, while we have a right, or we can say, we have a freedom to abandon it. We can do it, we can somehow or other destroy it by our so-called ideas of freedom. This centre has a power to give us wisdom. Wisdom is such a word that cannot be explained. Wisdom is the balance between your understanding of what is good and Read More …

Sahaja Yoga: a spontaneous happening within us, of union with God. Maccabean Hall, Sydney (Australia)

Public Program. Maccabean Hall Sydney 22 March 1981 To all the seekers of truth. It’s such a pleasure to come to this great country where there are so many seekers. So many seekers are born in these modern times. There were never born so many, any time before. For example at the time of Christ, He had to gather crowds of people but they had no seeking, they just listened to Him because they felt it was something new.  Today, the time has come where many seekers have taken their birth all over the world and they are seeking. This is a fact one has to accept, there’s no hypocrisy about it. Some people don’t understand that the seeking is there and that whatever they’re doing, right or wrong, actually they are seeking within themselves. Today, in the beginning, I will give you a broad line of Sahaja Yoga, the one that means a spontaneous happening within us, of union with God. It’s easy to talk about it, anybody can talk about it. First, when I went to America, people said you must get a patent on your lectures Mother.  I just smiled at them. I said, what’s the matter? They said they might use your words and use the same things for their own purpose and maybe that they’ll do a lot of harm to you, I said it’s nice, let them talk about it because that’s what has to happen, people have to know about it, what is Read More …