Whatever is unknown comes to you through the grace of the Divine Vienna (Austria)

Public Program Day 2. Vienna (Austria), 6 September 1984. I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday, that Truth cannot be known through mental process. You can only know whatever is visible. Whatever is unknown comes to you through the grace of the Divine. Even Einstein has said: “When I was so tired finding out the theory of relativity, I was lying in my garden and playing with soap bubbles and from somewhere unknown the theory of relativity dawned upon me.” So this unknown comes to us from the unconscious. But still we are not very much comprehensive of the completeness of this unknown. Anything unknown is not Divine. The Divine is the one, as I told you, has to be felt on your central nervous system as Truth. Now the way we look at the unknown is really very confusing. Instead of telling you how we look at the unknown I will tell you how it is. Now in this diagramm you can see there are three lines shown clearly within ourselves. These are all sublte centers within us, they comprise our autonomous nervous system. We call it autonomous nervous system without asking, who is this “auto”. Auto is the Spirit within us. But these three channels represent on the left-hand-side our left sympathetic nervous system, on the right-hand-side the right sympathetic and in the center the parasympathetic. Now the sympathetic nervous system, which is left and right, are used by us whenever we Read More …

Christian Tradition and Christ Vienna (Austria)

Public Program Day 1. Vienna (Austria), 5 September 1984. Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. It is so enamouring to see so many seekers in Vienna who have come to receive their Realization. Sahaja Yoga is not a new thing. In the tradition of spirituality it is mentioned about 14.000 years back by Markandeya. That ultimately it is the force within you of the Holy Ghost, which is called as Kundalini residing in the triangular bone has to give the Realization. But for that happening human being had to be prepared. People had to be balanced. And that is how many prophets came on this earth after that in the same tradition to prepare people to have that balance. Right from Abraham, Moses we see them, follow them up, up to Raja Janaka who was the father-in-law of Rama. And later on we had so many others like Mohammed Sahib, Nanak Sahib on this earth to tell us about having a balance in live. They taught us moderation and not to go to extremes. You can see within ourselves we have two sides – one is the left, another is the right side. But the human nature is that that whatever one may try they make extreme of everything – they can do it. Like when they talked about God they went to the extreme of thinking they where God themselves or they thought that now God can be organized by human beings. Because of this Read More …

Radio Interview Vienna (Austria)

Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Radio Interview, Oe3 Dabei 05 September, 1984, Vienna, Austria INTERVIEWER: But I don’t understand too much about that subject, that You as a lady are the teacher, not only the teacher, the founder of a yoga–theory. Is this in common in India, that also women do it? I read that You say that all comes from Mother Nature and therefore are there many women that were teachers in the case You are, or are You in this sense of course a unique person? SHRI MATAJI: (Shri Mataji laughing) It’s a rather embarrassing question, isn’t it? I think a Mother can do better job than anybody else, in this respect, but you have to have a lot of patience with people, isn’t it? Say if it was Christ, He is very nice, He got crucified and finished the job. You see, He was so disgusted and Shri Krishna would take His Sudarshan and kill people. But if you have to really emancipate people, if you have to really see that they get what they have, you have to have real patience of a Mother. INTERVIEWER: So can You give me some not private details on Your family’s life. I read as well in Your bio, that now Your daughters are married, and then You started to do what You are doing nowadays. So did You influence them as they were kids? Or when did You start to create Your theory, Your yoga? SHRI MATAJI: No, Read More …

Ready for the War? by Gregoire from Nirmala Yoga 1983 Vol. 3 No. 18 Vienna (Austria)

‘Ready for the war ?’ asked Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi a choir of Sahaja Yogis who were singing some battle hymn on tho tenth February ‘83 in Delhi. Well, are we ready ? What weapons do we master, what are the rules of the battlefield, what about tactics and strategy? THE WEAPONS: Weapons are of two kinds: defensive (shield armour, helmet) and offensive (sword, spear, bow and arrows). At the timo of Shri Rama the fight was rather uncomplicated : I aim my arrow. I shoot. I kill… and it’s a great pleasure to see the rakshasa falling. At the time of Shri Krishna the importance of the weapons’ quality was immense: Arjuna would not have defeated Kama had not Shri Indra tricked Kama into giving him the breast plate from Shri Surya that mode Kama invulnerable At the time of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi what are the weapons of the men of God? Upgraded weaponry of the twentieth Century’s war of the yogis is too complex a subject to bo odoquatly introduced here. Furthermore the Sahajland Intelligence Service would not allow the release of sensitve. classified informations on yogic defence systems that the bhootish nasties are still unsuccessfully trying to penetrate. However I have been permitted to expose here a few basic principles. Defensive weapons: The essence of the yogic defence system is expressed in one word : purification! Time and again we are using the techniques of Sahaja Yoga to cleanse the various koshas (envelopes) of our psychosomatic Read More …

Conversation About Indian Projects Vienna (Austria)

Conversation. Vienna (Austria), 7 September 1983. Sahaja Yogi: [asking about taking drugs & punishment – mostly inaudible] Shri Mataji: So I think, when they come outside, they do it. He was outside in London, in Brighton he met Me, this boy. And then he was better, but again he took to it, I don’t know why. You see, for that you must keep the company of Sahaja Yogis to get rid of your bad habits to – see, if you keep their company then in collectivity it washes off and you’ll feel better. But if do not keep the company of the collective then what happens – your individual habits just crawl up again and take charge. I give the analogy of a butter and butter milk, you see, but when you are churning, what happens? Part of the butter sometimes sticks here and there, little little stops, though it is a butter, but still it sticks here. Doesn’t go with the whole, so it is left in the buttermilk and it’s thrown away. So, like that, you see one should not stray out of the collectivity, it’s a very big force in collectivity, also where there is collectivity I remain. One should not go out from collectivity. Whatever work you are doing, take three, four Sahaja yogis also with you to be together, because negativity is very cunning and it will attack a person who is a little bits. And also other things like, you see, the social customs, Read More …

When you become thoughtlessly aware, you become present in the present Urania, Vienna (Austria)

Public Program Day 3. Urania, Vienna (Austria), 6 September 1983. I bow to all the seekers of Spirit. We have already heard about the Kundalini, the chakras, the balancing process in our body. Now, when the Kundalini rises and when She crosses this center called as Agnya Chakra, then you become thoughtlessly aware, called as Nirvichara Samadhi. A thought rises and falls off, another thought comes and falls off; it disappears into the past. It may come from future or from past, but in between these two thoughts there is a gap and this gap is the present. So when you become thoughtlessly aware, you become present in the present, because there are no thoughts coming from the past or from the future. See, as I see you just now as you are, I don’t have to think about, I know you are there. And if this state exists for everything – that you don’t have to think about it – the knowledge is absolutely identified with your mind. So this process of thinking cannot be stopped by any other method but Kundalini awakening. But sometimes, if you get possessed by something, then maybe you just don’t know what you are doing, you are just confused. That’s a state where you are not yourself, you are not aware. But this I’m telling you about thoughtless awareness. At this stage also you start manifesting certain powers of that stage. Like as if you become governor, then you get the powers of Read More …

There are so many problems, that it is better to talk about the solution Urania, Vienna (Austria)

Public Program Day 2. Urania, Vienna (Austria), 5 September 1983. To all the seekers of reality, I bow. Yesterday I talked to you about the development of consciousness within us and the transformation we have to accept as a result of this primal force within us. We are living in a world which is full of confusion. We see no solution to our problems. Today only when I went to the radio, he asked Me a question: “What is the solution for the poverty of this world?” Then for the political crisis. There are so many problems, that it is better to talk about the solution. By changing your political systems, economic systems, social systems, you have achieved nothing. From going from one extreme to another extreme you have achieved nothing. Some people are poor in money, some are in Spirit. The countries which we, like India, we can say, is a very poor country but people are happier, much more generous and much more hospitable. And very much more secured. While the people in the West, where they are supposed to be developed, the problems are much more acute because you are sensitive to them. And they are of a very different nature. So what is the basic reason for the problems to come up? As I told you, the masculine growth of our consciousness has taken us to analysis of everything: to the differentiation of different countries and different races and different communities and different castes. But in Read More …

Shri Krishna Puja: Vishuddhi Chakra Vienna (Austria)

Talk before puja, “Vishuddhi Chakra”. Vienna (Austria), 4 September 1983. Before going to America I wanted to speak more about the Vishuddhi Chakra and about Shri Krishna’s aspect within us. In the first Puja in Geneva I spoke quite a lot about it. There is no end to it, of course because it is the center of Virat. But one has to realize that the message of Shri Krishna was ‘to surrender’. Now, the surrendering that we think in the gross way is like an enemy surrenders to another enemy. So when the word ‘surrender’ is spoken, we build up our barriers by thinking that now we have to surrender – leave something to the other party. But when Shri Krishna talked about surrender He was saying that, “Surrender your enemies to Me so that I will get rid of them.” Now, the worst enemy that we have is our ego. And with ego starts all kinds of other problems, because it is the biggest barrier for our growth. And the ego starts, as you know, from the Vishuddhi Chakra and can be sucked into Vishuddhi Chakra away. Now let us see how this Vishuddhi Chakra made is. All the vowels that we use come from Vishuddhi Chakra. And like in Devanagari language it is [a aa i ii u uu e ei o au ru ruu lu luu om aha ?] – sixteen. So as you know that you cannot compile a word without a vowel, is so important. Read More …

Development of consciousness within us Urania, Vienna (Austria)

Public Program Day 1. Urania, Vienna (Austria), 4 September 1983. I bow to all the seekers of truth. One has to know that truth can be only known through your consciousness. We can feel this thing as cold and hot through our central nervous system. We see the colour of this wall also through our nervous system. Whatever we have achieved in our consciousness is in our central nervous system. So factually we must understand, or rationally, that we cannot know the truth through our mental projections. Like if you sit down here and start imagining that Vienna will be like this and like that, it may not be, it maybe. That means, when there are two possibilities, it is not the truth. Truth is when there are no other possibilities, but one that is what you feel it on your central nervous system. Every honest person must know that if he is trying to evade the truth, he is evading himself, because truth is reality. It is not imagination or just a mental projection. Now, let us see how we have our consciousness as a human being. Our consciousness as a human being has reached us to a point where we can see many things that are gross. But whatever are said in the metaphysics or in the scriptures, that there is an all-pervading Power, we cannot feel it. Even as you know, Jung has very clearly described the universal unconscious within us. That one is unconscious, because it Read More …

Conversation Kegelgasse Ashram, Vienna (Austria)

Conversation with Sahaja Yogis. Kegelgasse, (Edith’s house), Vienna (Austria), 3 September 1983. Shri Mataji: A great Sahaja Yogi has come. He’s a great Sahaja Yogi. Gregoire: Would you like a cup of tea, Mother? Shri Mataji: No, water. Actually, you said you’ll introduce them to Me. Gregoire: Should I do it now, Mother? Shri Mataji: Yes, please. Gregoire: So, this is Edith. Shri Mataji: I know, I know. Gregoire: We are in her house. Then we have among the Sahaja Yogis, who have been quite active. When I say your name please get up, so that is the easiest thing. We have Herbert, we have Guenter, we have Zorana, Inge, Engelbart. Shri Mataji: I don’t know this one. (Laughter) Gregoire: Jacqueline, Thomas; he is the brother of Guenter. Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. Gregoire: Camillo. Shri Mataji: He is also from Spain or something. Gregoire: No, he is from Austria. Shri Mataji: Austria? (Laughter) More Spanish sound. Gregoire: Then you have Hamid that You have met. Shri Mataji: Yes, of course, he is around us. Gregoire: And Wolfgang, Dorothea, Elisabeth, another Elisabeth, Sissi. What is the first name of your friend? Werner. I forget him, Werner. I certainly forgot. Oh, Monica, I forgot Monica. Shri Mataji: And the lady there sitting, the elder lady? Gregoire: The elder lady is the mother of Zorana. She is the mother of Zorana, she comes from Ljubljana. She just came for the children. Shri Mataji: Zorana. Oh, I see. Gregoire: She is a pediatrist. Read More …

Beginnings by Gregoire Gregoire's Flat, Vienna (Austria)

Beginnings Vienna 5-6-83 / Gregoire   I got my realization around the 15th August 1975, in Hurst Green, Sussex, in the very house of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. The period following this turning point in my life can be said to have been most intense, no doubts, but pretty precarious also. I had to leave the shores of fair Albion to go back into boring daily life where, somehow, negativity was waiting for me… and I did not know then, how to deal with the multiplicity of its subtle and less subtle form. If I managed to swim through these troubled waters and survived as a yogi, it is of course, thanks to the ever watchful Grace of the one who had given me my realization. But, more precisely, I can hint here at two devices which proved to be useful in enabling me to stick to Reality. One could be called: ”charting back one’s path towards Self-realization”. The second: ”fixing the pole of the tent”. Charting the path towards Self-realization We are all seekers. As such we are looked after. The Divine – or, in more secular terms, the Unconscious – has been working on us as a magnet mass does on iron dust; our movement towards Self-realization expresses the impact of its gravitational pull. The Unconscious wants us to reach Self-realization (Nirvichara Samadhi). It paves our way towards it. Thus, it carefully engineers moments and circumstances, it calls, it stages happenings and sends signals to the Atma, often Read More …

Vishuddhi, Agnya, Sahasrara Vienna (Austria)

Fourth Public Programme. Vienna (Austria), 30 September 1982. I bow to all the seekers of truth. In my last lectures I’ve been telling you about these centers which are placed in the lower part of the body. Today I would like to cover the rest of the three centers which lie here, here and here. These are very important centers for human beings. When man as a human being raised his head up, this center established a new dimension. This center is called as Vishuddhi chakra. And this has got sixteen petals which manifests in the sympathetic or the para-sympathetic nervous system sixteen plexuses, which looks after our eyes, nose, throat, and our tongue, our eyes, part of the eyes, and the whole expression of the face. When man is ego-oriented, he puts back his head like that. And when he’s super-ego-oriented, he puts down his head like that. This center is extremely important for human beings and for Sahaja Yoga, because the hands play a big part in Sahaja Yoga. To get a universal language we have to use our hands – that is the best, for say, for people who are blind, who are deaf and dumb, best thing for them is to use the hands. So these hands, though we express ourselves by moving fingers and gestures, are still not enlightened. When this center gets enlightened then these hands become enlightened, too. This center has two sides, one on the right and one on the left. The Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis Gregoire's Flat, Vienna (Austria)

Talk to Sahaja Yogis Sahaja Yogi: Yes, Mother. Shri Mataji: Just tell them how much you questioned Me. Tell Me, tell them how much you questioned Me. How much you question. At that stage when we started [unclear] I mean, he was [all the time questioning Me]. And this you didn’t tell, remember. I mean [unclear]… Sahaja Yogi: I do remember. I do remember, Mother. But maybe I was going far of that [you know OR enough]. Shri Mataji: And he represented all of them. I could see through him all the questions that they are going to ask or they can, you know. But once I’ve answered that, [lot of them will apply], [then] I’ve seen [it], questions are seldom, seldom repeated. Sahaja Yogi: Because once, [on one side OR when I was trying] to answer a category of [human beings OR maybe] but, Mother, I was, it was like you were like in front of a “turbulence”. How do you say in English? It was like firing at you, tatatatatatatatatata, like this. Shri Mataji: Brigitte, it’s all right now. [The questions are OR First question is] over. Sahaja Yogi: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shri Mataji: It’s all right. But yesterday like the lady came to ask Me a question. See what a good thing. She said, “Mother, why are we on this earth?” It’s a very different type of a question. What are we to do on this earth? Why are we here? [So] many different ways, of a Read More …

Without the ascent of the Kundalini, you are not in touch with reality Vienna (Austria)

3rd Public Program. Urania, Vienna (Austria), 28 September 1982. I bow to the seekers of truth. I do not know what he told you in German language. Yesterday as we were discussing about the centers that are within us. We will continue to do that today again. Within us is placed this residual energy in the triangular bone – called as Kundalini. This is the energy of desire which is not yet manifested. It is pure desire and it is the ultimate desire. It is the desire to be one with the Divine. We can say the Union with the Divine. That is the yoga. This is placed in the triangular bone which is called as Sacrum, means sacred. The Spirit, the reflection of God Almighty, is placed in your heart. But the seat of your Spirit is on top of your head here. Like as you may have the king moving all over the places, but the seat is a fixed place. Unless and until this union takes place, the manifestation of this residual power does not take place. This manifestation has to take place. This is the last breakthrough of our evolution. This is what has been described as the second birth – as the baptism. It is also in Sanskrit language is called as the second birth, like an egg becoming the bird. So bird also in Sanskrit language is called as Dvijaha – means twice born. This happening has to take place – has been described Read More …

Interview Vienna (Austria)

1982-0928 Interview Vienna Austria Interviewer: Aww that’s interesting, that’s most interesting.  I listen to All India radio quite a lot at home at short wave. [Shri Mataji laughs] wonderful. Fine, but I think we can record.  The interviewer addressing to the cameraman/Technician: You are ok? Are we running? Good. The time is ten past seven which is the evening rounds up on Blue Danube radio with Alan King My guest tonight is Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi Indian spiritual leader and teacher of Sahaja Yoga. She lives in London and she married to the Secretary General of the International Maritime Organisation of the only UN Agency based in England and she is here in Vienna for just a couple of more days.  Mataji many welcomes to Blue Danube radio, thank you for joining us here. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Interviewer: Now there are many types of yoga, your particular form, what is its purpose, what is particular and special about it? Shri Mataji: Sahaja- Saha means with and ja means born with you. So, it is a Yoga means the union with the Divine is born with you. This right to be united to the Divine is born with you. And is spontaneous. Means it happens through a living force of the living God. It is a living happening, the living happening of any evolutionary process. So, it is the breakthrough of the last which Yung has described as we have to be collectively conscious. So, when this thing Read More …

Conversation (Evening) Gregoire's Flat, Vienna (Austria)

1982-0927 Evening at Gregoire`s flat Vienna, Austria Many people mother were very interested and asking and Mother, many people were asking and very interested and they wanted to know more about you and they are going to come tomorrow. Vibrations were so cool. Shri Mataji: very cool vibrations. They had come today after ___0:29__ I must say it was very great the translation, because I speak quite complicated. Gregoire: first of all the picture too much, too much too much. Now I translate. Yogini: which page. Gregoire: these days the Kundalini power will also be in Vienna awakened. And then the title, the breath of God blows over the top of the head and in the palms of the hand. Now the text, and then on your picture it is written `feminine Guru Mataji`. Then at the last a Guru who does not take any money. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi called Mataji by Her disciples also simply Mother, is in Vienna. She is in London, married to a high diplomat. She does not need any material support, and from 1970 onwards, she teaches the world wide Sahaja Yoga then we quote spontaneous link between the everyday being, living and risen with our deeper divine being, soul of being and this comes from the information which is distributed during the seminars and the conferences which She gives. According to Shri Mataji is actualized as in the human being the sleeping potential spiritual energy of Kundalini the energy of the holy spirit Read More …

The right and left sympathetic nervous system Vienna (Austria)

2nd Public Program, Vienna (Austria), 27 September 1982. Today again we are back together and I bow to you all who are the seekers of truth. Yesterday it was the introduction of Sahaja Yoga in which I explained to you what is the truth. A gentleman yesterday raised three, four questions regarding kundalini. As I told you that the knowledge of this kundalini is the knowledge of the roots on which we sustain ourselves. The whole instrument is called as tree of life in the bible. Actually Christ didn’t have sufficient time to explain many things because he was crucified so prematurely. We only know 4 years of his life where he spoke to people, where his disciples, whatever they could gather, have written in their own opinions. So now whatever I tell you about kundalini, I say is the knowledge of the roots we know about the shoot. In the West specially we know about the shoot and nothing about the roots. This knowledge has been a secret knowledge for thousands of years till it came in the sixth century the Adi Shankaracharya, who was a very great realized soul, who came on this earth, he started talking about it. About 14’000 years back since then we can see there were poets who wrote about kundalini like Markandeya. But it is in the poetry form and was only available to very few people who were capable of coming to the situation of self-realization. About 8’000 years back, Raja Janaka, Read More …

Advice to Women, Shri Vishnu Vienna (Austria)

Advice To Women, Shri Vishnu 1982-09-27 Shri Mataji: A real Lakshmi. Sahaja Yogini: Hum. Shri Mataji: Innocence, just see the innocence of this, it has such innocence. Sahaja Yogini: This is in Portugal Mother, just before the- Shri Mataji: Ah, this is a sanyasi, really, I tell you. Now the camera is taking the freshness, it is remarkable. I must say the camera is great. Sahaja Yogi: I guess the English have a good camera [Inaudible] [Laughter] Shri Mataji: Or the cameraman. Sahaja Yogi: The film was good. Shri Mataji: Or you can say the film was good, alright. It’s alright up to that point. Sahaja Yogi: [Inaudible] it’s the actor who was great. [Shri Mataji is laughing.] Shri Mataji: Now this is in the West. Sahaja Yogi: Majorca. Shri Mataji: Now, the people, the women are intelligent- and the women of the West being intelligent and educated, have developed a kind of a very complex situation about themselves. Sahaja Yogi: They also can earn money Mother. Shri Mataji: Yes, and also they’re handling their own money. These things have made them, you see, a kind of a man without the manliness. And that’s why their whole behaviour becomes extremely odd, sometimes I just don’t understand. But now I’ve started understanding; it’s the way they are women, they want to dominate men. But they don’t understand by dominating, you cannot create good relationship. Now, to dominate men, one way could be just to go on, just behaving like a man, Read More …

Spirit Resides Inside You Vienna (Austria)

First Public Program. Vienna (Austria), 26 September 1982. I bow to all the seekers of truth. [Can you hear her there – all the way? No. Stand here. Or you may use this. Better. I will just speak … All right.] I’m very grateful to the Sahaja yogis of Vienna, who have invited Me to this place, and this is My first visit to Vienna. This is the last state that I had to touch in Europe and so I must say, lot of work has been already done in Sahaja Yoga in other countries. Somehow it happened that I had to come to Vienna after such a long time. I’m really very happy to see there are so many seekers in Vienna. And they are the seekers of truth. But first of all, we have to understand what is truth. Whatever truth we have so far as human beings, has been known to us through our awareness, through our central nervous system. For example, if you see the flowers, the flowers are white; we can see they are there – this is the truth for us. I touch this steel and I know it is cold, so I know it is steel and I know it is cold – is a fact with My fingers. It is not any imagination or a mental projection to think that this is the flute of Shri Krishna. Because I can see, I can hear and I can feel that I know this Read More …

Shri Durga Puja: Mind is just like a donkey Vienna (Austria)

Shri Durga Puja. Vienna (Austria), 26 September 1982. All of you should take bandhan. It’s better before puja. Today is the first day we are having this puja in this country of Austria. This country is an historical country with different upheavals it has gone through to learn so many lessons in life. But human beings are such that they do not relate the calamities with their mistakes. That’s how they go on repeating the same mistakes again and again. The visit to Vienna was overdue and I came on a day when we had to celebrate the birthday of Machindranath (Ed. M. is a Sahaja Yogi baby). It’s very auspicious for all of you that he should be today complete his one year of life. I bless him with all the flowers, the choicest flowers, of beauty and bliss on him, and his family, all his relations and his family. There are so many things which have been done for the first time. I should say, for the first time I’ve come to Vienna, to Austria, and [the] the first time I’ve come to the birthday of a child, on his first birthday. And on an Ashtami, that is today, is the eighth day of the moon, of the moon which is increasing, Shukla Pakshi ; that first time all the weapons of the Goddess are to be worshipped. This was a great idea because these weapons who work all the time, not only to kill the evil but Read More …