When you become thoughtlessly aware, you become present in the present Urania, Vienna (Austria)

Public Program Day 3. Urania, Vienna (Austria), 6 September 1983. I bow to all the seekers of Spirit. We have already heard about the Kundalini, the chakras, the balancing process in our body. Now, when the Kundalini rises and when She crosses this center called as Agnya Chakra, then you become thoughtlessly aware, called as Nirvichara Samadhi. A thought rises and falls off, another thought comes and falls off; it disappears into the past. It may come from future or from past, but in between these two thoughts there is a gap and this gap is the present. So when you become thoughtlessly aware, you become present in the present, because there are no thoughts coming from the past or from the future. See, as I see you just now as you are, I don’t have to think about, I know you are there. And if this state exists for everything – that you don’t have to think about it – the knowledge is absolutely identified with your mind. So this process of thinking cannot be stopped by any other method but Kundalini awakening. But sometimes, if you get possessed by something, then maybe you just don’t know what you are doing, you are just confused. That’s a state where you are not yourself, you are not aware. But this I’m telling you about thoughtless awareness. At this stage also you start manifesting certain powers of that stage. Like as if you become governor, then you get the powers of Read More …

There are so many problems, that it is better to talk about the solution Urania, Vienna (Austria)

Public Program Day 2. Urania, Vienna (Austria), 5 September 1983. To all the seekers of reality, I bow. Yesterday I talked to you about the development of consciousness within us and the transformation we have to accept as a result of this primal force within us. We are living in a world which is full of confusion. We see no solution to our problems. Today only when I went to the radio, he asked Me a question: “What is the solution for the poverty of this world?” Then for the political crisis. There are so many problems, that it is better to talk about the solution. By changing your political systems, economic systems, social systems, you have achieved nothing. From going from one extreme to another extreme you have achieved nothing. Some people are poor in money, some are in Spirit. The countries which we, like India, we can say, is a very poor country but people are happier, much more generous and much more hospitable. And very much more secured. While the people in the West, where they are supposed to be developed, the problems are much more acute because you are sensitive to them. And they are of a very different nature. So what is the basic reason for the problems to come up? As I told you, the masculine growth of our consciousness has taken us to analysis of everything: to the differentiation of different countries and different races and different communities and different castes. But in Read More …

Development of consciousness within us Urania, Vienna (Austria)

Public Program Day 1. Urania, Vienna (Austria), 4 September 1983. I bow to all the seekers of truth. One has to know that truth can be only known through your consciousness. We can feel this thing as cold and hot through our central nervous system. We see the colour of this wall also through our nervous system. Whatever we have achieved in our consciousness is in our central nervous system. So factually we must understand, or rationally, that we cannot know the truth through our mental projections. Like if you sit down here and start imagining that Vienna will be like this and like that, it may not be, it maybe. That means, when there are two possibilities, it is not the truth. Truth is when there are no other possibilities, but one that is what you feel it on your central nervous system. Every honest person must know that if he is trying to evade the truth, he is evading himself, because truth is reality. It is not imagination or just a mental projection. Now, let us see how we have our consciousness as a human being. Our consciousness as a human being has reached us to a point where we can see many things that are gross. But whatever are said in the metaphysics or in the scriptures, that there is an all-pervading Power, we cannot feel it. Even as you know, Jung has very clearly described the universal unconscious within us. That one is unconscious, because it Read More …