Press Conference International Press Center, Brussels (Belgium)

Press Conference, 1985-0701 Shri Mataji: How do we start, am I suppose to say something about Kundalini? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji we would like to know Shri Mataji Hmm Yogi: By your voice something about Shri Mataji: You have told them already? I can I think they can ask me questions if you have already told them they know of the subject Journalists discussing something among themselves Shri Mataji: Beg your pardon Journalist: says something Shri Mataji: Me? Journalist: They would like to hear from you Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: I see, I don’t know how what he has told you, but I have come here to tell you about something that may be good for all our problems in the west. The western mind has grown just like a tree has grown outside, without going into the roots, so the outgrown tree has to know about the roots, and thus we are waiting for a shock. Recently I have been to America and I feel that the danger to America is not from outside but from inside. They have been indulging into things without knowing what relationship it has to the whole, so the need of today is to know why we have these maladies. Where are we going? I have been searching within human beings the problem in a different way, inside them, I did my medicine and just to talk to `doctors and through meditative methods penetrating, I tried to find out why human beings are diverted Read More …