Is there anything beyond the human awareness? University of Gent, Ghent (Belgium)

Public Program in the Auditorium at the Faculty of Science (Faculteit Wetenschappen), Campus Ledeganck, University of Ghent, Karel Lodewijk Ledeganckstraat 35, 9000 Gent, Belgium. Introduction by a Sahaja Yogi:It is my privilige to introduce Shri Mataji, a wonderful personality, who I hope you will all meet in a very deeper way in the program. Shri Mataji is the founder of Sahaja Yoga, in which the union with God becomes an actualization. Shri Mataji actually gives this deep experience and you should get it tonight. This is an actualization, it should happen, you should enter a silence. Depending on the clarity of your nervous system, you should enter a very deep and holy silence. At the very least you should be light(?) and relaxed at the end of it.Shri Mataji herself is the wife of a diplomat, the Secretary General of the United Nations International Maritime Organization. As such she travels the world and shakes the hands of presidents and prime-ministers. Does anyone here not understand English? I am sorry, because we were limited by Flemish.Anyone who does not speak English? Who does not understand English? Hands up? Who does not understand English.It is all right. You’ll get the experience, this is just a little [talk? unclear], you wait for the experience.(translate?) Shri Mataji herself is a very cultured, very educated lady, with medical training, hence my particular interest as well but behind this external role that she plays, as well as a housewife, she has the capacity to actualize Self Read More …