Mother’s Day Puja: Talk on Children University of Birmingham, Birmingham (England)

Seminar, Mother’s Day Puja, Talk on Children. Birmingham, England. 1985. 21 April 1985. Please be seated. Gavin has not come? Gavin is not there? The ladies with the children also must sit down for the puja. They haven’t yet arrived? Someone must go and tell them. Yogi: Somebody with a car please get up to the main point and tell people that they should arrive. Preferably a gentleman with the car. Shri Mataji: What are they doing? Yogini: We have to clear the rooms by twelve. Yogi: Mother, we have just been told that we have to clear our rooms by twelve o’ clock, so this has caused little confusion. Shri Mataji: Why? Yogi: Because the authorities would like their rooms back by twelve o’clock. Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. So then… Yogi: Should they try to quickly clear their rooms as well? Shri Mataji: Yes. But I will finish the puja quite early, about eleven thirty. They could have gone then. Because if you start late, it will be late again. In any case I have to finish the puja early, because I am going earlier. Yogi: Can the many people who have cars actually help the people come back down to the hall… ? Shri Mataji: Or they might be on their way. Are they all coming together? Just see if they are coming together. Come along fast, come along. Even the people with children should come here. Ask them to come down. Yogini: Shall I telephone Mr Read More …

Seminar, Mahamaya Shakti, Evening, Improvement of Mooladhara University of Birmingham, Birmingham (England)

Mahamaya Shakti seminar, evening, Birmingham, (UK), 20 April 1985 Shri Mataji: Please be seated.Is it all right this one?Are you recording all right?Sahaja Yogi: Yes MotherShri Mataji: So, this is how Mahamaya plays. They had planned everything. They had all the arrangements made and the sari was missing. All right. So, they came and told Me that, “The sari’s missing. So, now what to do?” You can’t have puja without the sari, according to them. [Laughter] So, I said, “All right, let’s wait. If it arrives in time we’ll have it; otherwise we can have it later”. But I was least disturbed, least upset. Because I do not have a mental conception of it. But if you have a mental conception, “Oh, we have programmed everything, arranged everything. We have done this and now it’s fizzling out.” Doesn’t matter. Nothing is fizzling out. [Laughter]But that is what we cannot do. Because you asked Me today, “What is Mahamaya?”, this is what it is. [laugh]You must learn to accept whatever comes your way. That’s one of the things. And here where we feel frustrated, angry, upset and spoil our joy, one of the things, because we make a mental projection. Mentally we calculate something. This has to be. And it’s really in a way a subtle ego feeling. Because I thought, “That’s what is destined, all right. We’ll have it tomorrow. What does it matter?” In any case I told Mr. Srivastava that I’ll be back only about two o’clock.He said, Read More …

Seminar, Mahamaya Shakti, Morning University of Birmingham, Birmingham (England)

Mahamaya Shakti. Seminar in Birmingham (UK), 20 April 1985. I knew English were the most intelligent people, but I must say they have also very sharp and pure intelligence to get to the right point.It is said that at Sahasrara the Goddess incarnates as Mahamaya. Because the job She has to do is of a very different nature. At the heart chakra, Anahata, She has to just defend, just defend the seekers from the clutches of the evil forces which are also not so subtle. They are very gross like forms, human forms. And it’s easy to fight and have a war with them, kill them.But at the point of Sahasrara, the work is very complicated. First of all, the Sahasrara of the human beings is itself a very complicated thing.First of all, it’s not that the time is very precarious, but also every country has its own complication to add to Sahasrara. Apart from that, you know, in Sahasrara we have got the seats of all the centres, not only the seven centres we are dealing with. And so many nadis are worked out through Sahasrara. So, the chakras, where the Deities have to work, have to deal with much less complications than the Deity at the Sahasrara where there are so many centres and so many nadis, and it has to act on the Sahasraras of the seekers. Say, for the Deity at the heart or at the Vishuddhi, the people are not so complicated, they have not Read More …

The mystery of seeking the Spirit Doctor Johnson House, Birmingham (England)

Public Program. Birmingham (UK), 19 April 1985. I bow to all the seekers of truth. I’ve been many a times in Birmingham before and today I find there are so many people whom I know very well, and gradually we are all increasing in size, understanding our Spirit. Now, the seeking of the Spirit is not a new thing. It’s a very ancient pursuit of human beings. They have been seeking the Spirit and many a times many prophets, many great incarnations came on this Earth to help the people in their pursuit. The seeking of the Spirit is a inner urge, a very compelling urge within ourselves. But we don’t know what we have to seek; we don’t know what it means to be twice born. I come from India and suddenly I feel I belong to Britain. I’ve become British and I feel the shock that we are all facing. Where are we going? The other day I saw some program about cocaine smuggling in England and I was shocked. All self-destructive things sometimes can be misunderstood as Spirit seeking. One can misunderstand. But they lead us nowhere – is a fact. Then why do we do it? We do it – I know that we do it only because we are seeking the Spirit. It’s very misleading, though. We seek the Spirit in wrong things. This urge we think will be fulfilled by wrong things, by doing wrong to ourselves, by harming ourselves, by torturing ourselves. We Read More …

God Can Be Proved Scientifically Doctor Johnson House, Birmingham (England)

Public Program. Birmingham (England), 3 August 1984. I bow to all the seekers of truth. When Bala says that I can give you realization in a split of a second I have to tell you that it is you who get it. You are built in that way like a seed; when you put it in the Mother Earth it sprouts. Whom will you give the credit – the seed or the Mother Earth? Without the Mother Earth the seed cannot sprout and it does not mean that if you put a stone in the Mother Earth it will sprout. So the credit is not to anyone but it is a process which is built within us through ages of our seeking. We have been seekers in previous lives and before that we have been seeking. Even when we were amoeba we were seeking. That’s how we have become a human being. And now we have reached a stage where we are human beings and we are seekers of truth. This is the epitome of the highest that any human being can reach where he is seeking. As a human being when we are born we are quite aware that we are higher than animals, that we have capacities much more than animals have. We are quite aware of our being as a human being but this awareness that we have is still not complete because we are still in confusion. We do not know why we are on this Read More …

Confusion: the Subtle Slavery Doctor Johnson House, Birmingham (England)

Public Program, “Confusion: the Subtle Slavery”. Birmingham (UK), 9 July 1982. One has to realize that modern times are the times of confusion. You don’t know what you want. You don’t know what you want to ask. You don’t know whatever you are doing is right or wrong. Confusion is necessary. Without confusion, we are not desperate. Without desperation we do not seek. But confusion is only visible when a person reaches a certain area of awareness, or we can say, a degree of awareness. Say, at a stage when Moses came on this earth, when the desperation was different, that they wanted to get out of slavery, it was a different style of understanding they had, how to organize a society on a particular pattern so you achieve the maximum amount of efficiency, out of that society. And it was an emergency… it was a very touch and go position for the Jews at that time. It has happened in many countries, in many generations, that they reached a state where they felt extremely desperate. The slavery of man was very apparent at that time. But before that, people didn’t feel bad about the slavery. They had accepted it. They had taken it for granted. And then a time came when they felt, “this is slavery, and we are not going to have any more of it.” And a leader came, that leader worked it out for them. Today in these modern times, we have a very subtle type Read More …

Shri Krishna Puja: There is a war going on Tamworth, Birmingham (England)

Shri Krishna’s Birthday Puja, Bala’s home, Tamworth, Birmingham (UK), 15 August 1981 … They dictate the information about their attack, how they’re attacking about. Now, we have to know that there is a war on between the satanic forces and the Divine forces. Now you are the people who have chosen to be Divine. But, even if you have chosen that and God has accepted you, and has given you your own powers, still you must know that you are still vulnerable, very much, to the attack of the negativity upon you. Now always, one has to remember that Divine will win in any case: there is no doubt about it. Supposing you fail the Divine, you will be the losers, not the Divine. If you all fail the Divine then you will be destroyed as negatives so, in the ultimate destruction, Divine will finish off all that is satanic, there is no doubt about it. But how many people are going to be destroyed, is the point. So you all have to be very much alert that you are to be saved and you are not going to be one of those who are destroyed. The more we save, the better will be our enjoyment. The more people we save, there will be a greater power flowing and the effect of that impact will be such that we might ourselves able to be rid all that is satanic and a very little will be left which will be destroyed. Read More …

The Scientific Viewpoint Birmingham (England)

Public Program. Birmingham (UK), 14 August 1981. Bala is a scientist and like him there are people who are charmed by science. The whole modern world seems to be very much influenced by science. But a scientific attitude has to be a very, very open minded attitude as he has told you. We have to reach certain conclusions first of all within ourselves. Secondly you have to understand that if there is a hypothesis put before you it has to be first seen, experimented with, and then is to be accepted as a law. Now from ancient times, whether in India, England, America, Jerusalem, anyplace we have been hearing about the all-pervading power, about getting a second birth or self-realisation, Atma sakshatkar, baptism as they call it. All these things that we have heard are to be proved or they should be discarded as untruth. We cannot go with truth and untruth together. So either we have to find out whether it is the truth or not what these people taught us, or whether it was completely a falsehood and there is nothing like that, that existed. It’s a simple way some people have just discarded saying there is no God, there is no divine power. It’s all useless things; we are not going to waste, turning their back to it. That’s very simple to do. The others have followed it blindly. Both are wrong. To follow it blindly is as wrong as not to follow it. The best thing Read More …

What are we inside? Carrs Lane Church Centre, Birmingham (England)

What are we inside? Public Programme, Carrs Lane Church Centre, Carrs Lane, Birmingham B4 7SX (England), 9 August 1980. I’m really sorry for being late but your Grand Hotel here only delayed me. We had ordered for a tea for forty-five minutes and they couldn’t prepare tea for us! Now what’s happening to us here? We have to understand that people are not normal in these modern times. There’s something going wrong with them somewhere. And maybe something serious is happening within us, which is giving such a collective effect outside. Now the trouble is, we do not know what we are inside. Unless and until we know what we are, unless and until there is light within us, we cannot understand what the problem with us is. We just accept whatever we know with whatever our limited awareness is. Because the human awareness has not reached that state of fruitfulness where one can say that, “I know definitely this is my use. I know definitely, why I am here. I know definitely, what is my purpose – why I became a human being from the amoeba stage; why all these troubles were taken by the nature to make me a human being.” We have not been able to answer these questions at all. But the human mind is such that it compromises with everything. You see, it is like a little oyster which gets a stone inside its little house, the shell. So he says, “Alright, now I’m not Read More …

The Force within Birmingham (England)

Public Program, “Sahaja Yoga – The Force Within”. Birmingham (UK), 12 April 1980. [Introduction by Mr. Bala Kanayson] Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m glad you could all come down this evening, we are all very glad, all of us in Birmingham and the other Sahaja Yogis who have come tonight, that Shri Mataji has graced us with Her presence and as you have probably noticed we have also had very good weather today and the sun has shone and kept it quite warm.Now Shri Mataji has perfected a technique known as “Sahaja Yoga” whereby one attains one’s Self-realisation. “Sahaja” means born with, so it is a technique whereby one achieves Realisation. Now for me to try and describe Shri Mataji’s power and personality in words is impossible, so I’m not going to try, further more we only have a few hours this evening and I would like Shri Mataji to talk to you, so I won’t take up too much of your time.Now the technique deals with the Kundalini which is an energy within you and Shri Mataji trough Her power, through Her Nature, is able to awaken it within each and every one of us. Now for this to happen tonight, because it will happen in you, all you have to do is to keep an open mind. Now you don’t have to absolutely believe anything but also you don’t have to reject it before it even happens. So I would ask you all first of all to place your Read More …

This is not the work of mediocres Doctor Johnson House, Birmingham (England)

“This is not the work of mediocres”, Public programme, Dr. Johnson house, Birmingham (UK), 16 June 1979. I am really sorry we got here, reached here, on a train that was late. Things have to be done according to the timings of the Divine, you cannot plan out your own things. And that’s how sometimes one has to be later and sometimes one has to be earlier. But one thing is definite: the time has come for the final happening of your being. This being has been passing through various phases of life. You know that, that you have been a small little amoeba and then a fish, a reptile, and that’s how the evolution went on till you are today, here, sitting as a human being. All this has happened to you without your knowledge, without your deliberations. And you have taken for granted that you are a human being and all the rights as a human being are your own. In the same way you have a right to be something more than what you are, because even today you do not know what is your purpose, why all this effort was put in to create you? What is the meaning of this life? Is it pointless? Just you were created for nothing at all, for thousands of years? In such a manner that so many things were discarded, so many shapes were discarded, so many forms were discarded, and then gradually, one by one, they started disappearing Read More …

Talk to Sahaja Yogis Bala's house, Birmingham (England)

Talk to Sahaja Yogis. Bala’s, Birmingham (UK), 16 June 1979. Shri Mataji: Are you better now? So all the centres which are in you or in anyone, are reflections of the centres of the Primordial being. Alright? Supposing that Primordial Being takes a Human form, ?? That the completion of that was done when Krishna came ?? Sampurna?. But still for human beings it was necessary to be resurrected so his son was Christ, his own son, that was why he was called as Christ, from Krishna, Christ. And he came on this earth to show you how to fulfil the description about Divine Power that was given to us by Krishna, that it cannot be killed by any weapon, it cannot be blown by any strong winds, it cannot be cut, it is immortal. That’s why the embodiment of that immortal principle of Brahma was Christ, came on this earth. That’s why ? and Krishna placed him higher than him, if you read the Devi Mahatmayam that you find ? the incarnation of Mahavishnu he called him Mahavishnu, his own son was called as Mahavishnu and that was Christ, ? I have been with all of them, and with Krishna ? And now I have come as a Mother as only a Mother can do this job, it’s a very difficult job it requires a lot of patience Krishna can’t do it, he is not ? Though he plays tricks with you. So I had to come and Krishna Read More …

Conceive something beyond Doctor Johnson House, Birmingham (England)

Public program in Dr.Johnson’s House, Birmingham (England). 31 May 1979. [Introduction by a yogi]: [unclear]spiritual personality and who has reincarnated on Earth and She has given many of us here realization of our true natures and I hope you’ll all sit here with an open mind tonight and try and receive what She has to give you. And all I can ask is you just hold out your hands towards Her, relax and listen to what Mataji has to say. [Shri Mataji speaks]: I am thankful to Balaa and Philip, all My children, who have been able to arrange this hall and have you all here for this program. Modern times are really very different from whatever time the incarnations came on this Earth. There’s such a tremendous differences when Christ came on this Earth and today when somebody has to face the seekers. There were no seekers at the time of Christ, not a single seeker. When He came on this Earth, He had to actually persuade people, He had to put some sort of a explanation for them that they should seek, that there is something beyond which they should ask for. But today it’s a very different thing, today we have seekers, and not one but millions of them; especially in the West, people are seeking. The seeking comes to us through our capacity to conceive something beyond. We do not know why we are seeking, what we are seeking, but there’s a craving within us which Read More …